Ten minutes later.

“That’s not right!”

“How come this is all spread out on me…”

The Thousand Hand Pillar finally reacted, and suddenly grinned.

Several girls in front of them immediately laughed.

This reflex arc is also too long, right?

Qianye is also helpless, sometimes, this thousand hand pillar is really easy to fool.

“Big brother, here you go.”

At this time, Thousand Hands quickly ran to the small booth in front.

Then he bought a few bottles of ice water, and when he came back, he handed a bottle to his eldest brother.

The thousand hand pillars were suddenly full of emotion.

“Sure enough, you still love me!” The thousand hand pillars drank the ice water ton after ton.

For a while, I only felt that the strength in my body seemed to be inexhaustible.

Ahead, Qianye couldn’t help but smile.

“Chiba-sama, Tsunade-sama, Pillar-sama, and Karuma-sama-sama have always been like this?”

At this time, Shizune asked curiously.

“Almost.” Qianye nodded, “It’s better to be in the middle of nowhere.” ”

“But the words between the thousand hand pillars… More or less, a little abnormal. ”

“Qianye, don’t say that about my grandfather.” When Tsunade heard this, he couldn’t help but pout.

“Okay, Tsunade-san, I see, Tsunade-san.” Qianye rolled his eyes.

“You! Call me what? When Tsunade heard this, he immediately said breathlessly.

“Tsunade mother-in-law.” Qianye said extremely seriously.

“If it is according to age, even if it is not a mother-in-law, it is the level of an aunt.”

“Thousand! Leaf! Tsunade roared! Puffing out its cheeks, at first glance it looks a bit like pufferfish…

“What for?” Chiba looked at Tsunade with a smile, and it was not a loss to see the puffer fish version of Tsunade.

“Gan!” Tsunade snorted angrily.

“Hmm???” Qianye squinted his eyes and looked Tsunade up and down, “It’s better that girls don’t learn swear words, of course, if what you just expressed is not dirty words, then I can think about it.” ”

“…,” Tsunade snorted softly, ignoring Chiba.

After a few seconds, a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

The voices were much lighter, “Qianye, did you just call my mother-in-law?” ”

“Aang.” Qianye scratched his head, there will be a demon if something goes wrong!

This big blonde girl wants to do something!

Qianye has already seen it, but she doesn’t know what she wants to do.

“Hee-hee, between the Thousand Hand Pillars and the Thousand Hands Pillar are my eldest grandfather and second grandfather.”

“And I’m your mother-in-law, so why do you call me grandpa and second grandpa?”

Tsunade winked at Chiba, his tone full of mischievous tones.

“Lying groove, I made a mistake…” Qianye was stunned for a moment, and his expression suddenly became gloomy.

“PoofO(∩_∩)O hahaha~” Tsunade couldn’t help but laugh.

The flower branches that laughed for a while trembled, giving Qianye a burst of heartache.

The scenery is quite good, but are we the kind of people who will suffer?

Qianye smiled leisurely, “It’s a pity, your eldest grandfather and second grandfather and I are called buddies on weekdays.” ”

“So, Tsunade, am I not your grandfather?”

After Tsunade heard Chiba’s words, his laughter suddenly stopped.

It was like being choked by fate, and for a while, Tsunade didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

In the end, he had to stomp his foot and said indignantly: “Hmph, you said yes…”

“Good granddaughter, call Grandpa to listen.” Qianye smiled.

“Sine!! hentai!! No Road Race!!! ”

Ahead was frolicking, from time to time there was a pleasant laugh, and then from time to time there was a thunderous sound.

In the rear, the two people between the Thousand Hands Pillar and the Thousand Hands Pillar looked at each other.

“Are the young people playing so open now?” Thousand Hand Pillar couldn’t help but sigh.

“yes! We are old and cannot catch up with the times. Senju also shook his head and sighed.

“However, I always feel as if we forgot something…” muttered Senjukuma scratching his head.

“Indeed, I feel this way too…” Senjuma nodded as well.

The two men pondered for a moment.

Qianshou suddenly asked, “Big brother, how many people were there when we came out?” ”

“The two of us, Boss Chiba and Shiro, two, and a white-haired one who led the way, and Uchiha Madara.”

“Six people in total.” Thousand Hand Pillar thought about it and said.

“So how many people are there when we go back now?” Senju was stunned for a moment.

“The two of us, Boss Chiba and Bai, two, plus our granddaughter and her disciples, a total of six people.” Thousand Hand Pillar broke his fingers, calculated it, and said immediately.

“That’s fine.” Senjuma nodded, “It’s not a big deal. ”

“Hmm.” Senju Zhujian also nodded, although the two continued to follow behind Chiba and the others.

At the same time, in the middle of the short book street.

Jiraiya has just completed a nice material tour.

Then he started looking for Tsunade without stopping.

Just let him… Find it…

Time flickered, and it was already evening.

And after a day of hurrying, everyone finally returned to Konoha Village.

Chiba walked to Konoha’s gate.

The steel iron and the god moon Izumo in the guard’s room suddenly discovered Chiba.

They and Chiba are also acquaintances.

After all, they used to go to Chiba’s tavern to buy beer and drink before.

A cold beer on a hot summer day is very refreshing!

“Boss Chiba.”

Gangzi Tie waved his hand.

“Hmm.” Qianye also smiled slightly, walked over, and then greeted the two.

“Are you on duty today?” Qianye smiled casually.

“Yes.” Steel Tie moved his shoulders.

“Come, to you.” Qianye waved his hand casually, and suddenly two boxes of cold beer appeared in front of Gang Zitie.

“Boss Chiba, this… How much? Gang Zitie was stunned, and Shenyue Izumo from the guard’s room also hurriedly walked out.

“Harm, it’s all my own brothers, and I talked about money and gave it to you.” Qianye waved his hand casually.

“But remember! You can only drink it after work. ”

“Don’t worry, Boss Chiba!” Gang Zitie and Shenyue Izumo saw a box of cold beer in front of them, and immediately looked at Qianye with great emotion.

For a time, Qianye’s figure became infinitely tall in the eyes of Gangzi Tie and Shenyue Izumo.

This scene also made Tsunade on the side see it.

Tsunade muttered in a low voice, “It seems that Chiba’s heart is also quite good!” It’s just that the mouth is a little bad…”

“Chiba-sama really thinks about people! So loving! Shizune beside Tsunade was looking at Chiba’s back with starry eyes.

Seeing this scene between the Thousand Hand Pillar and the Thousand Hands Pillar, for a while, the two people’s admiration and admiration for Qianye once again rose to a level.

The two brothers looked at each other, and they both saw what was in each other’s hearts at this time.

Our boss turned out to be a knife-mouthed tofu heart!

However, at this time, Qianye had already pulled Shiro and began to walk leisurely towards his tavern.

As for the beer given to Gangzi Iron and Kamizuki Izumo, it is naturally for another reason!




Thanks: really exciting monthly pass support!

Thanks: Dream ゚ Hurt away from the great monthly pass support!

Thanks: hyhyny for great monthly pass support!

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