At this time, Chiba had already returned to the hotel with two people, Senjukuma and Senjukuma.

Bai and Shizune also worked together to prepare dinner for the evening.

Everyone happily ate dinner together.

Of course, Chiba was teamed up by Tsunade and her two grandfathers, and took away seven or eight bottles of two pots.

Tsunade loves to drink.

When you’re in a good mood, drink alcohol.

When you’re in a bad mood, drink too.

When something happens, drink alcohol.

When it’s okay, drink too.

Qianye only felt that after returning to Konoha, this Tsunade was afraid that he could come to himself every day to drink wine, right?


Chiba looked at Tsunade, who was drinking, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

My own wine is not so delicious!

First make you addicted, and then can’t we do whatever we want?

Chiba is still very confident in his wine!

As everyone knows, Yamanaka Haichi and Hinata Hiashi can even send their daughters to their taverns in order to drink their own two-pot heads.

So, everything is under control!

After a full meal.

Senjukuma asked, “Boss, when are we going back to Konoha?” ”

Qianye smacked his tongue and laughed, “What? Finally have a month off and you still want to go back early? ”

“Ahem, I’m not thinking about our tavern business.” Thousand Hand Pillar coughed lightly and said.

“Oh, can’t you see that you are so obsessed with my tavern?” Qianye pretended to look at the Thousand Hand Pillar in surprise.

“Ahem… Besides, I’m a member of the tavern! “There is an awe-inspiring attitude of righteousness among the thousand hand pillars.

“Hey, don’t you just want to go back and see Uchiha.” The thousand hands sitting on the side really couldn’t stand it.

Directly and ruthlessly exposed the truest thoughts in his eldest brother’s heart.

The Thousand Hand Pillar suddenly collapsed, and said with a bitter face: “Oudoudou, did you tear down the platform for the eldest brother like this?” ”

“I’m just telling the facts.” Qianshou glanced at his eldest brother, and then said seriously.

“Poof~” On the side, Tsunade looked at his second grandfather’s shrimp and pig heart, and smiled directly.

“My Oudou Bean!” The Thousand Hand Pillar couldn’t help but sigh.

“If that’s the case, then let’s leave tomorrow.” Qianye shook his head and smiled.

“Anyway, there’s no point in us staying here, go back early, save trouble early.”

“Wait a minute.” Tsunade said suddenly, “Why don’t you wait a few days to go back.” ”

“Anyway, it’s not very urgent.”

After speaking, he looked at Shizune with a smile, “Shizune, did I get the money you went to get back?” ”

Joke! I finally got so much money, I must have spent it all before I left!

“Take it back… But…” Shizune swallowed his spit, and then Yu Guang secretly glanced at Qianye.

“But what?” Tsunade asked.

“But… It’s all with Chiba-sama…” Shizune lowered his head and whispered.

“Huh??” Tsunade was also stunned, and looked at Chiba, his big eyes full of doubts.

“Look what I do, you live here with me, eat and drink me, play with me, don’t spend money?” Chiba shrugged his shoulders.

“Let’s not talk about anything else, just talking about this bottle of wine, do you know how much my bottle of Erguotou sold for a bottle?”

Chiba picked up the second pot head in front of Tsunade, and then waved his hand at the Senju pillar and the Senju pillar.

“How much?” Tsunade blinked and asked.

“At least that’s the number!” Qianye spread out his right hand and directly gestured to a five.

“Five thousand taels?” Tsunade exclaimed.

“It’s low.” Qianye shook his head.

“50,000 taels ?!!” Tsunade stood up directly, his eyes filled with disbelief.

“Lower!” Qianye drank in a low voice.

“500,000 taels ?!!” Tsunade directly exploded, “What! ”

“Why is it so expensive!! My God, no one cares about this anymore! ”

“Sorry, we do things, that’s it.” Qianye laughed indifferently.

“So, your money is already mine, want to play? Sorry, you don’t have any money. ”

Tsunade was directly speechless, but the money was indeed not on him.


In the end, Tsunade had to sit down in a huff and muttered, “Okay, okay, I’ll leave for Konoha tomorrow…”

“Good.” Qianye narrowed his eyes and looked at the bulging Tsunade, and couldn’t help but smack his tongue secretly.

This Tsunade is indeed one of the best beauties in the ninja world, which Chiba cannot deny.

It’s just that the temper is a little bit louder.

It seems that I really have to take care of myself!

“Everyone rest, start tomorrow.” Qianye stood up and said.

“Hmm.” Everyone nodded.

After that, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

At this time, one person entered a dilemma.

And this person is Bai standing in the doorway of the bedroom.

In the bedroom on the left, Shizune and Tsunade have already entered.

And in the bedroom on the right, Chiba went in.

So, two doors.

There was Shiro standing at the door, and she didn’t know what to choose at this time…

If she chooses Tsunade’s side, she will be afraid that Boss Chiba will not be happy.

But if she chooses Boss Chiba’s side, she is not mentally prepared.

At this time, the inside of her little head was a paste.

Just when Shiro hesitated.

Chiba opened the bedroom door and pulled up Shiro directly.

“I’ve been standing for a long time, why are you stunned?”

Qianye smiled slightly, and then in Bai’s somewhat frightened gaze.

He continued: “Peace of mind. ”

“Your boss is not as bad as you think.”

“You’ve had a busy day today, take a good rest.”

“Well, thank you Boss Chiba.” Bai blushed and said sticky.



The next day, early in the morning.

Everyone is ready to go.

Of course, nothing happened last night, after all, there were some things.

It’s a matter of course.

Don’t rush it.

If it is one’s own, it will always be one’s own.

Can’t run.

Moreover, Qianye is still very confident in himself.

On the road, between the thousand hand pillars carried large bags and small bags.

Panting like a cow, he walked behind everyone in Qianye.

“Hey, hey, hey.”

“Are you really so kind to let me carry so much luggage?”

The thousand hands are about to cry, good fellow, the five of you don’t carry anything.

Five people, carrying the air and on the road.

Leave the rest to me?!

Qianye shook his head and smiled, “Pillars, can you bear to let the girls take their luggage?” ”

“What’s more, it’s your granddaughter!”

“This must be unbearable!” Senju Zhuma said.

“Then can you bear to let your brother take the luggage?” Chiba asked again.

The Thousand Hands Pillar looked at the Thousand Hands Pillar walking in front, and suddenly shook his head, “I can’t bear it… Can’t bear it…”

“Then do you think let me, the boss, take the luggage, okay?” Chiba asked again.

“Not good, not good…” the Thousand Hands Pillar shook his head again.

“Then if you exclude these people, is it just you?” Qianye said with a smile.

“Ang…” the Thousand Hand Pillar nodded stunnedly.

“So these luggage, are you the only one who can take it?” Qianye said extremely seriously.

“Yes, everyone is excluded, and the only thing left is me.” Thousand Hand Pillar thought about it and said.

“Hey! That’s right! Come on! Qianye said to the thousand hands.

“Okay! Boss! Thousand Hand Pillar nodded quickly, full of energy!

The group continued on the road…


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