While they were still discussing, there was one person who left Konoha faster than them, and that was Uchiha Taki.

Although Uchiha Taki helped Hakura capture people and disguise them before, he didn't have the idea of breaking Konoha, especially when Konoha F4 died and fled.

He is more mainly to help Ye Cang complete the task, and then go to solve the Uchiha clan himself, whether it is to kill or take away, anyway, he will not be left to Yunyin.

But the people of the Hyuga family would not move, because he wanted to take this opportunity to break the system of caged birds.

Since he himself was not a top researcher and did not know how to break the caged bird, he came up with this not a good solution.

As long as the white eye blood continues to flow into the ninja world, then whether it is the Konoha high-level or Hinata Hiashi herself, there will be enough reasons to abolish the caged bird system.

Even if people of Ningci's generation may not be able to catch up, their descendants are estimated to be about the same.

As for talking about the enemy, Uchiha Taki believes that as long as he is still alive, let alone white eyes, even if the reincarnation eye comes, it is useless, and Konoha's status will not change at that time.

If he dies, then he is dead and cares about those, he can die with this strength, and Konoha can still live?

When Uchiha Taki left Konoha to rush to Yunyin, another major event occurred in the ninja world, and at the same time, there was some movement on Kurojie's side.

First of all, Konoha, after their all-night detailed discussion, they finally came up with a way to attract a little attention from the other four ninja villages without war, that is, the Naka Ninja Exam!

Of course, they can't wait for the Zhongnin exam to start, so the intelligence sent back by the spies is meaningless.

Konoha only needs to send the news to the other Shinobi Village, and inform the other four families, hoping that their shadows will also come together, and in contrast, Hakaze Shuimen will also guarantee to accompany them.

Whether they come or not, at least send a message to let them know that the most threatening wave feng shui gate is in Konoha, so that Yunyin's defensiveness can be reduced a little.

So this is also the same as said before, it can only attract a little attention, but for their high-risk tasks, it is naturally able to attract a little bit.

In addition, holding the Chu Ninja Exam is also not a loss, not only is it an opportunity to show Konoha's strength, but it can also attract many tourists and increase Konoha's income.

Not long after Uchiha Taki left, Wave Feng Shuimon, Kakashi, and Hinata Hinata were also ready to go.

As long as the intelligence is not wrong, maybe they can still bring people back before the Zhongnin exam, and even if there is really one of the five shadows coming over, Bofeng Shuimen can really receive it in person.

"Sorry for the day difference, I need you to suffer." Before leaving, Bofeng Shuimen said apologetically.

"Whatever, it's hard work Naruto-sama." Hinata also politely replied.

Subsequently, Wave Feng Shui Men walked behind Hinata Hinata, and a hand knife knocked him unconscious.

It's not that any of these people are disguised by the enemy, but there is no way to do it.

The cause of this incident also began with the search for the enemy with a day difference in the Bofeng Shuimen a few days ago.

At that time, the wave feng shui gate moved with the day difference a few times, and the day difference couldn't help but vomit, and this time the distance from Konoha to Yunyin was tens of thousands of times the distance searched in Konoha.

If Richi was awake the whole way on this road, then don't rush, it's all over watching him vomit alone, even if he can catch up to Yunyin, Richao won't have the physical strength to help them find someone anymore.

And because White Eye is naturally extremely resistant to illusions, if Kakashi is allowed to control the day difference with illusions the whole time, it will be Kakashi's turn to not chakra.

Therefore, he can only stun the day difference first, and then take him to Yunyin and wake him up.

Bofeng Shuimen turned to Kakashi and said, "Kakashi, if you can't hold on, remember to tell me."

Kakashi: "I understand, if I feel tired, I will definitely inform the Watergate sensei." "

This situation is unnecessary, resulting in physical exhaustion when you arrive at Yunyin, which will still lead to mission failure in the end, and Kakashi can still carry this kind of thing.

Bofeng Shuimen nodded: "Let's go." "

In addition to the Wave Feng Shui Gate and them, Hei Jue and Obito have not been idle recently, and Hei Jue was still reluctant to give up Obito in the end, so he decided to help Obito strengthen it.

Then Hei Jue relied on his powerful intelligence ability to find a way to strengthen Obito, the art of Ghost Bud Luo.

If this was known by Uchiha Taki, he would definitely call it right, and if he put Obito without the Sharingan, he would be able to harvest the art of Oni Bud in advance, which is not pure blood earned.

You must know that the value of Obito has been squeezed by Uchiha Taki, and what harvest can be made next is a bonus.

When Uchiha Taki rushed to the outskirts of Yunyin Village, the news that Konoha proposed that the five major ninja villages jointly hold the Naka Ninja Exam also reached the ears of the major ninja villages.

"What do you think, is this a conspiracy against us Yunyin?" Ai has been in a very good mood recently, so his attitude towards the think tank has also become softer.

"Whether it's a conspiracy or not, we must take this Zhongnin exam, but there is no need for you to go over, Lord Lei Ying." The people at the think tank were quick to judge.

"Why do you have to go?" Ai asked curiously.

"Because some time ago we just issued a statement hoping that Konoha cherishes peace."

Ai nodded, and quickly understood the meaning of the think tank, if he just said that he hoped for peace earlier, and immediately turned his face, it was undoubtedly to hit himself in the face.

If it's just a matter between ninjas, then it doesn't matter if you turn your face, and it doesn't matter if you hit your face.

But the Zhongnin exam is different, this is to face the whole ninja world, these are all important customers of the ninja village, and losing face is basically equivalent to losing benefits.

"Then do as you want, I have a request, even if it is a Zhongnin exam, it can't fall into our Yunyin's reputation!"


Compared with the extremely rare upper ninja in each village, the middle ninja is the mainstay of a village's revenue, this kind of joint examination, that is a loud advertisement, even if Ai does not say, those think tanks will try their best to make Yunyin make themselves famous.

Like the other Mist Yin, Iwain, after receiving Konoha's news, basically made similar arrangements, the difference is that Iwain is Onoki's own decision, and Mist Yin is Genshi .

Only Sunahide, until he received the news that other small ninja villages participated, agreed to Konoha's invitation to jointly hold the Chu Shinobi Exam.

No way, the recent Sand Hidden is really a serious lack of talent, if there is no small ninja village as the bottom, Sha Yin's face can lose more than if he did not participate.

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