When Uchiha Taki returned to Konoha, it was already midnight, and during this time, a big news broke out in the ninja world.

The other four Shinobi Villages, together with their daimyo, issued a statement to the entire Shinobi and Konoha.

They hoped that Konoha would cherish this hard-won peace and not try to provoke war again.

When I heard that this news reached Konoha, even the good temper of Bo Feng Shuimen almost didn't hold back, and I was laughed at by this gang.

"It's worthy of being able to lead the existence of a ninja village, I'm afraid this face is not even comparable to Father Puchi." Uchiha Taki also complained wordlessly after he found out.

It is a bit ironic that Konoha, who did not take the initiative to start a war once, was actually said by their gang to cherish peace.

On Yunyin's side, after the news spread, they were also slightly relieved by the high vigilance.

After a long negotiation, Yunyin finally shared the white eye blood inheritance, and promised to pay the other Shinobi villages 3 pairs of chakra eyes in the future, in exchange for the support of the other three families.

At this time, Konoha in the middle of the night had fallen into darkness, and apart from the street lamps on the main road, there was hardly much place that was still lit.

Even if it is not wartime and there is no strict state of control, a military village like Konoha is naturally accustomed to turning off the lights and going to sleep at the end of the day.

In Konoha, apart from the street and the hospital, the most noticeable thing about Konoha is the Hokage Building, which has just been re-lit.

In Hokage's office, Bofeng Shuimen pulled a stool and said politely: "Shikaku, you are here, wait a little, there are others, but... Your hat? Nara

Shikaku was stunned, he was still sleeping, he was forcibly woken up by the dark part to let him come over, so he still had a nightcap on his head.

"Sorry, sorry, I came in a bit of a hurry and forgot to take it off." Nara Shikaku rubbed his sleepy eyes and took off his hat.

Soon, Nara Shikaku had just sat down, and another person arrived, it was Kakashi, who had never had a chance to appear before.

Nara Shikaku was stunned when he saw Kakashi, although Kakashi was also a shinobi, but under normal circumstances, this kind of emergency wave feng shui gate rarely asked Kakashi to discuss, only the meeting facing all the upper ninja will see Kakashi's figure.

"Teacher Watergate, let me help you." Kakashi saw the Wave Feng Shui Gate setting up a stool and took the initiative to go over and say.

"No need, now the number of stools is enough." Wave Feng Shui Gate handed Kakashi a stool.

In the middle of the night, Bofeng Shuimen was embarrassed to let others continue to work overtime with him, so he did all these chores by himself.

While they were talking, the door to Hokage's office was opened again, and Shisui and Fugaku also walked in, followed by Hinata Hinata and the last to arrive.

"Now the people are coming?" Nara Shikahisa asked as he looked at the stool that was full.

"Yes." Bo Feng Shuimen nodded, and then said with a serious expression the purpose of his call for them to come.

The joint statement of the other four ninja villages did put great pressure on Konoha, but on the contrary, they also exposed a little information about the two people who were abducted.

After all, the other Shinobi villages couldn't just rely on Yunyin's own statement, and Konoha's performance was completely believed, in case these two joined forces to act.

Without seeing the White Eye and the Sharingan with their own eyes, it was impossible for them to believe it, and it was impossible for them to agree to Yunyin's conditions.

Therefore, it became a must for the people of these three ninja villages to see the white eye and the chakra eye with their own eyes.

This allowed Konoha's spies to find an opportunity, and according to these clues, Shuto found some suspected locations.

"This is too much, do you have to find them one by one." Fugaku looked at the eight possible locations provided by the spy and said in embarrassment.

You must know that this is Yunyin, but not other cats and dogs, even if it is a wave feng shui gate, it is difficult to say that it comes and goes freely inside.

"Kakashi, stop the water, how are you practicing the Flying Thunder God Technique?" Nara Shikaku suddenly asked Kakashi, who had been silent, and Shisui.

Shisui said: "I still haven't mastered it, the Flying Thunder God Art is too difficult to grasp space, Kakashi, what about you?"

Kakashi hesitated, "I've got a preliminary mastery, but I'm not proficient yet.

"What?!" ×3

Stopping the water, Fugaku and Hiashi were extremely shocked by this news, this is the Flying Thunder God, and only two people have mastered ninjutsu for so many years.

"Is it because of the Sharingan with soil?" Fugaku immediately thought of a possibility.

Kakashi said uncertainly, "It could be because of this."

"Watergate, do you want to go deep into Yunyin with Kakashi and the two?" Nara Shikaku stared at the Wave Feng Shui Gate and asked, he had guessed this when Kakashi came just now.

Bofeng Shuimen nodded: "I do have this idea, but I still want a reference for calling you guys to come over, whether Kakashi and I act directly in two people, or Konoha acts collectively to attract Yunyin's attention on the front line."

"Actually, you have an idea of your own, just hope we can support you."

Nara Shika lost his previous laziness for a long time, and said seriously: "But in this way, you and Kakashi will be very dangerous!"

Bofeng Shuimon smiled shyly: "That's why I asked you to be a reference, if Kakashi doesn't want to go, I won't force it."

"What the hell does that mean?" Kakashi didn't understand the puzzle of the two, and Wave Feng Shui Men opened his mouth to explain it to them.

Front-line pressure can make Yunyin's rear empty and increase the safety of rear operatives, but it will make the intelligence sent back by spies invalid, and it is even possible that they can't even find people at that time.

If you act now, although the intelligence is the most timely, it is very likely to fall into the suspicious formation of the clouds, and the danger level will be greatly increased, and it is very likely that you will run into the AB brothers.

Although it seems that the two are similar now, it seems that they have their own advantages and disadvantages, but this is only in the case of facing the Yunyin family, and the reality is to face the four families of clouds, rock, wind, and water.

At that time, don't say that the pressure on Yunyin, Konoha himself can withstand it, thank God.

So now action has become the only option, and Kakashi has learned to fly Thunder God, which can be regarded as increasing the confidence of Wave Feng Shuimen.

If it's just him, it's really a bit difficult.

"But if it's just the two of you, I'm afraid it's a little insufficient, at least one ninja who can be responsible for reconnaissance." Hinata said.

Bofeng Shuimen admitted: "That's right, so I hope to be able to let Hinata come to help, and the three of us act together." "

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