"You should have already understood what the situation was on the way here, what are your own thoughts?" Uchiha asked Ning Tai for a moment.

In Fugaku's absence, many things in the Uchiha clan were decided by him.

So when Bofeng Shuimen ordered Ning Tai to test his strength with him, Uchiha also learned the news for the first time, and before Ning Tai passed, he found him to inquire about the situation.

"What thoughts?" Ning Tai didn't understand what he meant.

"Do you think Bofeng Shuimen will take the opportunity to kill you?" Uchiha asked maliciously for a moment, and then immediately changed his words: "No, if he dealt with you, he would not use such a low-level means, this time it should be to warn us of the Uchiha clan." "

Sick." Ning Tai looked at the randomly guessing Uchiha and scolded in an instant, and then directly left him alone and went to find the dark part that came to pick him up.

But this time is really not a wild guess, at least warn the Uchiha family that Uchiha guessed correctly.

Although Bofeng Shuimen said good things for the Uchiha clan, he couldn't really let the Uchiha clan challenge the authority of the dark department.

Under the influence of the three kaleidoscopic powerhouses of Ning Tai, with soil, and stopping water, the current Yu Zhibo is indeed a little arrogant.

Even Wave Feng Shuimen received a report sent back from the front line of the Land of Water, which recorded that the Uchiha clan looked down on the Hinata clan, causing the two sides to not cooperate and make the mission fail.

Although they were quickly disposed of by Fugaku and Hinata, it also gave a wake-up call to the Wave Feng Shuimon that it was now necessary to give a small warning to the Uchiha clan.

Ning Tai soon came to the outside of the Uchiha clan and saw the dark part that had been waiting here for a long time.

After seeing him, Dark didn't speak, just nodded, and then began to lead the way, and soon the two came to a place where there was no people.

Whether it is Ning Tai or Shuishui, the abilities of the two of them have not been announced until now, so Bofeng Shuimen naturally will not make any self-detonation and show their details in front of a group of people.

"You wait here a little bit, let's go inform Naruto-sama." The dark part spoke, and Ning Tai said the first words.

Ning Tai nodded, and then began to adjust his state to face the test of Wave Feng Shuimen.

It is impossible to say that he does not have some thoughts in his heart, unless it is Shisui, who knows that there is a suspected kaleidoscope hidden in the shadows, or Uchiha Taki who has read the script, and none of the other people who have opened the kaleidoscope are not crazy.

Although the daimyo of the Wave Feng Shuimon has spread throughout the ninja world, even the proud Uchiha admits that he is the strongest in Konoha now.

But Ning Tai really wanted to try, whether Bofeng Shuimen had the ability to resist his own roots.

It didn't take long for him to wait, and with the sunlight reflected by the Sword of Love, the Wave Feng Shui Gate also came here.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, because I need to process some documents, so I can only let you wait for me first." Bo Feng Shuimen said politely.

"Naruto-sama naturally has a lot more to deal with than us ordinary people, of course, I should wait." Ning Tai put away his arrogant attitude towards the others and said respectfully to Bofeng Shuimen.

Although Ning Tai became arrogant after opening his eyes and looked down on others, he still managed to handle things.

Even the original Obito didn't get any benefits from under the Bofeng Shui Gate, and he, the person who was robbed of an eye by Obito, naturally was not qualified to be arrogant.

"How are you doing now? Is it convenient to fight? "Before starting, Bofeng Shuimen wants to determine Ning Tai's state first.

"It's not bad, Taki's surgery is doing well, and I'm almost adapted to the current situation." Ning Tai replied honestly.

"Well, that's fine, although I want to slowly discuss with you what happened recently, there are too many things that I need to deal with, so I decided to use a battle to make sure. How's it going, ready? Bofeng Shuimen asked with the Sword of Patience in both hands.

Ning Tai took a deep breath and came to a place four or five meters away from the Bofeng Shui Gate: "I'm ready, Lord Hokage!" Seeing

Ning Tai so cooperative, Bofeng Shuimen was also very satisfied, but he did not release water because of this, but let Ning Tai see what is the top-level combat power of the Ninja Realm.

The first thing that appeared in front of Ning Tai's eyes was the exquisite and convenient throwing technique that was completely inferior to Uchiha's throwing technique.

Almost every pair of Ning Tai threw out a Ku Wu in the Wave Feng Shui Gate, and when Ning Tai dodged to observe the surrounding situation, there would be three or four more Ku Wu on the ground around him.

When Ning Tai tried to use a kaleidoscope to capture the location of the Wave Feng Shui Gate, but found that he could see the Wave Feng Shui Gate, there was always a sword of forbearance in the sight of the two of them.

And when there was no Sword of Patience, the Wave Feng Shui Gate never appeared in Ning Tai's line of sight.

In this way, Ning Tai's heart also became agitated, he was not unable to accept being defeated by Bofeng Shuimen.

After all, even if he loses to Bofeng Shuimen, ninety-nine percent of the people in the ninja world will not think that he is weak, but that Bofeng Shuimen is too strong.

But his self-esteem did not allow him to be defeated by Bofeng Shuimen without any resistance.

Seeing that Ning Tai's state was a little wrong, Bo Feng Shuimen comforted: "Don't be nervous, I'm just here to test your strength this time."

It's just that Bo Feng Shuimen said this, which undoubtedly stimulated Ning Tai's self-esteem again.

"Ning is too careful, I'm going to officially start attacking."

As soon as the words of the wave feng shui men reached Ning Tai's ears, Ning Tai felt that his center of gravity began to shift, and then fell heavily on the ground.

"What just happened?" Ning Tai asked impatiently before she could get up.

He obviously didn't have any feeling of being attacked by physical skills, but when he came back to his senses, he found that he had fallen to the ground.

"It's just a small use and development of the Flying Thunder God Art, you should still be able to fight." Bofeng Shuimen uses an affirmative sentence here.

He had just made no other attacks except to make Ning Tai unbalanced, so Ning Tai was not injured except for being shocked in his heart.

Seeing the thoughtful Ning Tai, Bo Feng Shuimen pointed out: "Although the kaleidoscope's ability is very powerful, they will not give you the opportunity to use the kaleidoscope when facing the masters at the top of the ninja world.

If you can't improve your kaleidoscope pupil hit rate in a head-to-head battle, then you can't become a real powerhouse.

Ning Tai got up and said, "Thank you Naruto-sama for your guidance, I probably know how to do it."

"Very good, then let's continue, you don't need to keep your hands, show your full strength."

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