"Hei Jue, that guy still has a hand." Uchiha Taki complained.

Although he had just been shocked by the operation of Hei Jue's batch, after reacting, he immediately used Mu Duan to sense Hei Jue's location.

As a result, it was found that only Bai Jue could be perceived by himself, and Hei Jue had long disappeared.

Uchiha Taki thought for a moment, Kuro's "stealth" this time may not have been developed for him, but it happened to be useful to him.

After all, Hei Jue's plan was to make Madara a ten-tailed human pillar force in the late stage, and then backstab him after casting the Infinite Moon Reading.

So he will definitely prepare a way to deal with Madara, and it just so happens that Uchiha Taki is now similar to the later Dirt Madara .

The same can be Mu Duan, and can also drive a hundred meters of Susa, so that Hei Jue can escape so easily.

However, the miracle that your calamity cannot be arranged underground, this is a trouble, and it can be regarded as a reminder to Uchiha Taki.

While Uchiha Taki was meditating, Obito's shouting woke him up.

On the other side of Obito, because he couldn't get a response for a long time, he got into the dark, intending to look for Bai Jue and Hei Jue.

Uchiha Taki complained in his heart that they didn't even do a good job of fixation and anesthesia to start the operation, and without delay, they directly poked the anesthesia needle into Obito's body by throwing Senben.

"Who is it?" After a few seconds, before Obito heard a reply, he immediately used Izanagi to rewrite his current state.

Although the two eyes that used Izanami could not be restored, the effect of anesthesia had completely disappeared from him.

"You're the one who stole my eyes before." Obito did not move after the anesthesia was lifted, but stayed in place and asked cautiously.

He didn't have a powerful perception ninjutsu, and he didn't have anything like seeing and smelling, and acting rashly would only put himself in danger.

And Uchiha Taki also feels a little tangled.

It's not that he can't kill Obito, now Obito's eyeless situation, even when he just crossed over, he can easily kill Obito's blindness.

But what Uchiha Taki wants is the information on Obito, not his life, Obito without Kamui, to be honest, it doesn't matter if he is alive or not.

However, Uchiha Taki does not have the ability to reincarnate the eye, nor does he have the secret art of the Yamanaka family, and if he wants to get information, he can only use illusion.

But what he masters now basically depends on the look at the eyes, and Obito now happens to be blind.

In other words, Uchiha Taki had to transplant Obito with eyes first, and then torture the intelligence.

If that's the case, forget it, the most important thing is that Uchiha Taki is reluctant to take the more than ten eyes on the soil, which is basically more than ten lives.

He himself has crossed over for so long, and his two eyes are really a bit gluttonous.

"Heijie, were they killed by you? Haven't you already taken away my and Kakashi's eyes, and what else do you want, Ninta's eyes?" Obito didn't hear the answer and continued to ask questions.

"Why don't you talk?" Obito, who hadn't waited for an answer, asked.

Just when Obito thought that he had made a mistake, Uchiha Taki quietly came behind him with his divine power, saying that he had knocked him out without paying attention.

"Whew, this guy really talks a lot."

The reason why Uchiha Taki has not spoken is to keep Obito's attention on finding someone.

Then he can take the opportunity to sneak up and stun Obito, as he does now.

Although Izanagi is powerful, it is not a passive skill, but an active skill, and it needs to be actively used by people in order to exert its effect.

And Sangouyu's chakra eyes can't be like kaleidoscopes, or eyes of the level of eternal kaleidoscopes, and after casting Izanagi, they can last for several days to function.

Now Obito just lacks the ability to perceive externally, and it is not clear when it is suitable to launch Izanagi, so he can only wait until he is injured as before, which gives Uchiha Taki an opportunity.

Taking advantage of Obito's brief coma, Uchiha Taki quickly injected him with a large amount of anesthetic, and then took out those chakra eyes in his body and stored them.

After doing this in one breath, Uchiha Taki relaxed a little, this guy with soil is really too defeated, and he uses it indiscriminately with more eyes.

After doing all this, Uchiha Taki did not immediately transplant Obito's eyes, but after adding some anesthesia to him, he began to crack the spell mark on his heart.

It's just that this matter has not gone so smoothly, and the Madara or Black Absolute Spell Mark has been improved.

For Uchiha Taki, who has only learned the original version passed down from the Uchiha family, this is not something that will be cracked for a while.

In desperation, he could only choose to give up and casually take out two ordinary eyes prepared in advance for soil transplantation.


On the side of Konoha Village, Bofeng Shuimen returned to the village in advance, and Jiu Shinna and Inuga Butterfly rushed back with the prisoners of Yunnin Village to ensure that they did not make any trouble.

After Ai confirmed that the shadow doppelganger of the Feng Shui Gate had captured most of the Yun Shinobi, he had no other ideas and could only honestly admit defeat.

The reason why Bofeng Shuimen did not make a move on Ai at that time was because there was indeed part of what Tutai said.

Even if he captured Ai and his group alive, there was no way to immediately make the two tails and eight tails combat power, and when the time came, in the face of the full siege of other countries, Konoha really couldn't withstand it.

In addition, although he is not as exaggerated as the first generation, after all, he is also a person who has been taught by himself, and his yearning for peace is the same as that of previous generations of Hokage.

Therefore, under the influence of multiple factors, Bofeng Shuimen finally decided to let them go.

However, as soon as he returned to Konoha, he was shocked by Ninta's incident and the dark department's speculation about it.

Uchiha adds another kaleidoscope? Obito uses a three-hook jade writing wheel eye to grab a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye? Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye with earth in the big snake pill there?

What is this and what?

"So, now Mrs. Ning only has one right eye left, right?" Bo Feng Shuimen asked to the dark part who came to report.

"Yes, that's right, but how he opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and what is the situation over there with Obito, neither he nor the Uchiha clan answered us." Dark replied, while also mentioning Uchiha's attitude.

"Hmm... After all, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is the treasure of their family, and it is understandable that they are not willing to say it casually, and then I will ask Fugaku or stop the water. Bofeng Shuimen thought of a reason.

Then he continued to ask: "Then what is the situation of Mrs. Ning now, is there a way to fight?" Do you know what level of strength he is? "

We only know that he underwent Uchiha Taki's surgery some time ago and transplanted a three-hook jade eye, and the strength is not clear." Dark replied honestly.

"In this way...," Bofeng Shuimen said after a moment of silence: "Then you go to the Uchiha clan to inform Ning Tai, let him prepare, and I will test his strength!" "


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