"Yugito, retreat first, you are not their opponent." Tsuchidai stood on Yugito's back and calmly commanded her.

Among these upper ninja who surrounded Yugi, there were many illusion masters, and among them there were many strong people who were drawn from the Uchiha clan.

Nara Shikaku naturally wouldn't put all his hopes on the support of the Wave Feng Shuimen, so after he knew that Yukito came to the front, he immediately arranged for a means to restrict her.

Yukito is not Kirabi, she is not a perfect human pillar force, not to mention that she is not old now, and has not reached her peak.

When facing these illusion masters, it is very likely that he will accidentally let the two tails run away.

Once the two tails storm away, then Yun Shinobu's plan can be declared a failure.

As soon as Yugito's side made a move, he was noticed by a Uchiha clan who had already opened the Sharingan: "Everyone, pay attention, Nio wants to escape!"

As soon as his words fell, Yugito's tail flicked down heavily, smashing dozens of cracks in the ground.

What escape, will not speak, this is called strategic retreat! Yugito thought so in his heart.

While smashing his tail, the huge body of the second tail also completed a flexible turn, intending to run in the direction of Kirabi.

However, although these guys in Konoha are not famous in the future, and many of them are background boards under Uchiha's sword, the strength they show now is completely in line with the level of upper Shinobi, and even elite upper Shinobi.

Each of them used their signature ninjutsu and blasted towards Nio.

Although Nio's body is made up of Chakra, these ninjutsu did not cause much damage to Yugito, but they still beat her to death.

"Melt Shield Wall!"

In the face of the menacing Konoha Kamitobu, Tsuchidai did not sit dryly, and a few rounds melted out, greatly delaying Konoha's offensive.

"Hurry up, it's too late." One of them used a code signal to the others to hurry up.

However, they still failed to complete the plan to let the two tails run away.

If it were just Mujin, she might still be able to succeed, but if she and Tsuchidai work together, it is definitely not a goal that can be solved in a short time.

And after they were dragged by the two of Yugito for a while, one was scarlet, eight tails towered behind his back, and his mouth was still saying "Yo, yo." The guy appeared in front of everyone.

The perfect man, Pillar Ricky Rabi, has arrived with his knife!

Half-tailed beastization, coupled with Kirabi's funny-looking seven-knife stream that could hang Sasuke in a kaleidoscopic state and fight, in just a moment, there were not one of Konoha's surviving ninjas.

"Than, leave the others alone, come up and find Lord Lei Ying together!" Tsuchidai stood on the back of the two tails and shouted at Kirabi.

For those who have already been defeated, just leave the mending knife to the large army behind, and their first task is to hunt down Jiu Xinnai.

Hearing Tsuchidai's shout, Kirabi, who had killed a little, came back to his senses and came to Nio's back with his crappy rap.


On the other side, the news of Bofeng Shuimen leaving Konoha Village soon reached the ears of other villages, and Ye Cang did not leak his own information.

This was thanks to Yun Ren's action this time, and the light of the three tailed beast jades collided twice in a row, which was easily seen by spies from far away.

At first, after Ye Cang spread the news, the other ninja villages did not believe it, it was just the news that was circulating in the trail.

However, with the fierce battle on the front line of Shangyun Ren, the credibility of this news immediately skyrocketed, and in their opinion, in the face of Yun Ren's all-out attack, Bofeng Shuimen would definitely go out to meet it.

Although the order was wrong, it did not prevent them from making plans for it.

On the side of Mist Yin, there was no major change, but the intensity of the war was increased to ensure that Shisui or Fugaku would not come to support.

After all, once Yun Shinobu lost, then they would definitely not get any benefit from Konoha alone.

On the other hand, Iwain's side is more interesting, and Onoki asks people to inform Konoha that as long as they can give them enough resources, they will help fight Yunyin.

The other side ordered the troops that had been assembled before to be dispatched to plunder the resources of the Fire Nation.

Hei Jue's side was also quite excited about this news, and he was almost about to attack Iwa Shinobu's light and heavy rock technique, forcing Yan Shinobu to move.

Unexpectedly, Yun Ren, who was originally regarded as a waste that he was dragging his feet, turned out to be so powerful this time.

And at the same time there is another piece of good news.

Iwa Shinobu is a blitzkrieg this time, and he does not intend to really start a full-scale war with Konoha.

In order to fight a quick victory, all of them passed through the Land of Grass and would not step out of the territory of the Land of Rain.

Hanzo that guy, although he can't beat Iwa Shinobu, but delay one or two, he can still do it, and blitzkrieg, what he wants is a fast, so Onoki waved his big hand and ordered not to touch the country of rain directly.

In this way, there is no need for Hei to worry about the Xiao Organization, and if Yan can't bear to go to the Land of Rain, they will naturally not be exposed.

"Take the soil, ready to go!" Kuro rushed to find Obito and prepared to take him to Konoha.

However, Obito's side was still confused, and neither Hei Jue nor Bai Jue told him anything about the outside world, and he himself had no channels to know, so naturally he didn't know what the situation was.

"Make it clear! Where to go? When

Obito said this, Hei Jue found that he was too excited to explain the situation to Obito.

"Go Konoha! You don't know, just now came the news that the Wave Feng Shui Gate has left Konoha and rushed to the front line on Yunnin's side!

"Oh, the news is true?" Obito was also quite moved after hearing this, if it was true, then wouldn't he have the opportunity to investigate the matter of the resurrection technique?

Even if there was no resurrection technique, Obito knew that Hei Jue went back this time to let Ning Tai open the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and then snatch the Sharingan for him to use.

With the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, he can now become a little more autonomous, and maybe he can return to his previous appearance.

"There is a high possibility that it is true, even if it is fake, it doesn't matter, then we can let Bai Jue explore the way first." Kuro looked very sure.

If someone else was besieged by Yunnin, then Hei Jue might still suspect that this was fake news, but it was Jiu Xinnai!

You don't have to go out of your way to confirm that this news really can't be true.

With a turn of his eyes, he quickly said: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go quickly."

"Don't worry, let's get ready before we go." After talking with Obito, Hei Jue's excitement calmed down a little.

After thinking about it carefully, he found that his side still had to make some preparations in advance.

For example, Ning Tai really awakened, what means they had to rely on to get his eyes, this must be prepared in advance, and there were other miscellaneous things, which could not be missed.

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