"Tsuchidai, prepare for war!" Ai roared loudly in the sky, reminding the dirt platform still in the ball to prepare for the fight.

After Ai's two changes of direction, the two people who could have landed steadily in the Konoha camp only landed in front of the Konoha troops at this time, and the two sides were still separated by nearly 100 meters.

This distance is not worth mentioning to Ai, but for Tsuchidai, it is enough for Konoha to react.

At this time, Nara Shikaku on the other side, after hearing that the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow was coming, had already given an order for Jiu Shinna to retreat and the others to cover.

Being able to dispatch the combat power of all the high-level of Yunyin, their purpose is already obvious.

Neither the small surrounding countries nor Konoha's territory would allow them to abandon their villages and risk attacking Konoha.

In this force, the only one who can make these people move at the same time is the Nine Tails!

Although Kushina was unhappy, he also obeyed Nara's orders and began to retreat.

She didn't ask me what are you going to do without me, as a guy raised by the Senju clan, ninja qualities must be possessed.

And she is different from her son, she has experienced wars and kidnappings since she was a child, so she understands that Nara Shikahisa, who is the commander, ordered it, and she only needs to carry it out.

If it is replaced by her protagonist's halo in the future, and a group of sons pulled by the cultural class in the ninja school come over, it may be a mouth full of bonds, companions, ninja, and then rush up to fight with Ai.

Jiu Xinnai lifted the tailed beast and began to run wildly in the direction of the Fire Nation.

Although it can be faster to maintain the form of the Nine Tails, the huge size of the Nine Tails is to tell others their specific location.

And the speed of the beastification of the wooden man tail is not slower than that of the nine tails, and Ai is much faster than Jiu Xinnai, and the risk of the tail beastification running away is too great.

"Haichi, relay my orders to everyone!" Nara Shikaku said to Ino's father: "All members of Konoha, block the Yunnin forces at all costs, and before the death light, you can't let any Yunnin break through the defense line!"

"Okay, I'll relay it!" Yamanaka also understood how serious the situation was, and he also sent out the message for help at the same time.

"Don't get in my way!" As soon as Ai landed, he immediately charged in the direction of Konoha's troops.

When he saw the Nine Tails disappear, he knew what plans Konoha had on this side, Yunyin paid such a big price and took such a big risk, but it was not something that could be earned back by capturing a pig deer butterfly.

As the person with the strongest mobility in Yunnin, he naturally had to take responsibility to keep Jiu Xinnai.

If this let Jiu Xinnai run, his reputation in Yunren would probably drop significantly, just like Luo Sha now.

Ai's whole body throbbed, emitting a sound of electricity, and this layer of thunder armor and the surrounding ninjutsu and ninja tools collided violently, but none of the techniques or kunai could pierce the electricity and hurt Ai's body.

Although Ai's defense is not as good as his father's, it is not a group of passers-by whose names have not appeared in the original work in Konoha.

He didn't even use the Hell Spike that matched the Thunder Chakra mode, and just by the collision of his body, he killed and injured the Konoha ninja who blocked in front of him.

Soon Ai rushed out from Konoha's encirclement, even if Nara Shika had the intention to block it for a long time, but his shadow was too slow compared to Ai.

The earth platform that landed with Ai did not charge with Ai, but did not hesitate to cast a melting spell on the pig deer butterfly to facilitate Ai.

After all, he is not like Ai, he has such high mobility, and instead of fighting with Konoha's people while chasing Kushina, it is better to wait and let Yugito come and pick him up.

Sitting on the back of the tailed beast to hurry, not only is the speed a lot faster, but the safety is also much better than rushing by yourself.

However, he glanced around, and a few drops of cold sweat broke out on his head: "Hey, you don't need so many people to deal with me." I

saw that all around him were already full of Konoha ninjas, among which there were many upper Shinobi, including Maruxing Kosuke, who had the strength of upper Shinobi.

These people's ideas are simple, I can't deal with Ai, and I can't deal with you a single dirt platform?

Just when Tsuchidai thought he was about to cool down, suddenly, Maruxing Kosuke's face changed, and he roared loudly: "Get out of the way!"

Seeing this, Tutai immediately reacted and put a protective film on himself with a melting shield.

The next moment, a shot of tailed beast jade landed next to the earthen platform, and the shock wave set off the dirt, launching a continuous impact on the protective film of the earthen platform.

Fortunately, after the continuous reinforcement of the earthen platform, it finally blocked the tailed beast jade this time.

And this time, the power of the tailed beast jade became so small, allowing Tutai to resist this impact alone at a static distance.

It was because this tailed beast Yugito launched while sprinting.

In most cases, the launch of the tailed beast jade is stopped and the pile is output, because this can ensure that the power of the tailed beast jade is maximized, just like the two sides just shot each other.

But this time, Yugito's purpose was not to kill or injure the enemy, but to protect the earthen platform, so when he launched this tailed beast jade while moving, the power was naturally much less.

Not long after launching the tailed beast jade this time, the cat-like Yugito had already arrived next to the earthen platform.

At this time, the earth platform had just lifted the protective film of the molten escape, and when he saw Yugito coming, he immediately jumped up.

But this time the two of them are not as good as Ai's treatment, Ai is really helpless, the speed is too fast, he wants to leave few can be stopped.

Therefore, he could only send a few Shangnin, who had achieved great achievements in physical skills, to chase after him.

However, although Yugito's speed is also fast, the target is too large, and the attack can easily take effect, so in her place, more Kami-Shinobi than Ai's side gathered.

"Slow down a little, don't worry, Ai over there in the Nine Tails has already chased over, let's just wait and come." Tsuchidai soothed at the still young Yugito.

Now Yun Ren can be divided into four echelons according to each person's position.

The first echelon is Ai, who has broken away from Konoha's army and is pursuing Jiu Shinai alone.

The second echelon is Tsuchidai and Yugito, who are surrounded by Konoha.

In the third echelon was Kirabi, who was also very close to Konoha's troops now, and it would not be long before he arrived.

This fourth echelon is Yun Ren's large army, but it is a little behind compared to the above four people.

Originally, even if they were not as fast as the speed, they would not lag too far, especially those upper ninjas.

It's just that Jiu Xinnai's hair-tailed beast jade greatly hindered their speed.

Although Jiu Xinnai's tailed beast jade did not hit Ai and Tutai, it still flew in the direction of Yunnin's troops.

In order to stop this tailed beast jade, Yuki and Kirabi also used tailed beast jade to attack.

This caused Yun to endure an attack similar to the impact on Konoha's side before.

The shockwave of the three-shot tailed beast jade greatly slowed down the attack speed of the Yunnin troops.

Many people were even blown away by the shock wave and broke their legs.

Only Yugito, who turned into a tailed beast, and Kirabi, who was a half-tailed beast, could continue to charge against the shock wave.

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