"I don't care how you solve it, you must come up with a way for me!"

Ai's thunderous voice roared in his office, and in the face of the difficult problem thrown by Wuyin, Ai directly threw this question backhanded to Yunyin's think tank.

For the requirements of Mist Yin and Konoha's unexpected arrangement, Yunyin Think Tank gave two plans.

The first is to pull more people down, such as Yanyin, who is separated from them by a sea.

The reason why Ai did not play the good style of the previous generations of Lei Ying to lead the charge was because he had to guard against Onoki next door.

If not, his father's death is still clearly engraved in his mind.

Originally, the four families besieged Konoha and fought well, and it can even be said that they are about to win.

As a result, you Yanyin directly jumped inside and killed the three generations of Thunder Shadow.

The civil war between the two forces that were originally the most stressed, forced back Konoha, who had only one breath left.

Coupled with the explosive seed of Mat Dai, one change for four dozen disabled the seven people of the ninja knife, which relieved the pressure given by the foggyin side.

The remaining Shinobu was naturally beaten and surrendered by Konoha as if he had beaten his son.

These two waves of events can be said to be the most important turning point in the situation in the three wars.

Mater Dai is also a matter of it, although it is an explosive species, but after all, the people are Konoha's own people.

Iwa's operation made the other ninja villages make a note on Iwa Shinobu in their small books, and now basically every official has to guard against them.

So this plan of the think tank is also very simple, that is, let Bofeng Shuimen and Onoki Dou go.

Onoki, who can fly freely, can indeed drag the wave wind water gate.

But the difficulty of this problem is how to ensure that the two can fight.

Onoki is not stupid, now the pressure given by the two clouds and mist is not too great, even if he sends troops, he will not do it himself.

To put it bluntly, there was a fool Shinobu who took the initiative to be the first bird to be beaten by Konoha because the three generations of wind shadows were gone.

Then the remaining three families took the opportunity to wage war against Konoha, hoping to profit from it.

But now Shinobu is obviously scared, completely uninterested in the new war, and is focused on shrinking in his own village.

So now no one in the remaining three families is willing to come out as this bird.

So Yunyin's think tank came up with another method, which is the treatment method in the original work, a war of attrition!

The high-level officials on both sides did not move much, and then spent three years, and after discovering that Konoha could not be used, they used the peace talks to kidnap Hinata.

However, there is also a problem here, it was only Yunyin and Konoha who were consumed in the first place.

Now Yunyin has already made a sum of money and let Wuyin move, so they have already suffered a little loss in the war of attrition.

If Wuyin also consumes, it is acceptable, but if Wuyin retreats, Yunyin does not say blood loss, then it will definitely not be earned.

So when both had shortcomings, the think tank combined the two plans, and then sorted them out and handed them to Ai.

After Ai got the plan, he also quickly replied to Mist, as long as they dragged the Uchiha clan and the Hinata clan, there was no need to do anything else.

Of course, the materials that Yunyin promised to give Wuyin were also relatively much less.

Of course, Wuyin has no opinion on this, while earning less, they also take a lot less risk, so it should be a special commission.

The two Ninja Realm clans are certainly powerful, but without Uchiha Spot, it is not too difficult for the Mist Hidden Village, if it were not for the original Matt Dai explosive seed, they could directly defeat these two.

Time was fleeting, and a week passed at once, during which fire, thunder, and water did not break out into a particularly powerful war.

Uchiha Taki is still spending his days in Konoha, of course, this is only in the eyes of others.

During this time, he had collected all the equipment he needed before, and as for the things needed for cloning, he could only wait for the news from Ye Cang's side to come back.

However, Ye Cang, or the Xiao Organization, has not paid attention to adding people recently.

There are two reasons for this.

First, Hei Bai Jue was not with them at this time, and without Bai Jue to provide information, just because they wanted to find the big snake pill, it was not as difficult as a fool's dream, but it was not something that could be found in a while.

The second reason is also related to black and white, and there is also Yunyin's share.

Although Yunyin's gang of guys did a very poor job of provoking, they found that they did not hesitate to deal with Hei who had the same purpose as themselves, and while scolding, they sent Bai Jue to cover for them.

If Yunyin was exposed, even if Hei Jue racked his brains, he would not be able to provoke Iwa Shinobu and Konoha at all.

With this perfect transformation technique of Bai Jue, of course, Iwa Shinobu did not notice the problem, and directly thought that it was Konoha's people who came to attack them.

But Onoki is not a fool, and when they reported it, they naturally found that the problem was wrong.

Konoha now felt that it was difficult to deal with the two countries, and his brain pumped before he came to attack Iwain.

And he couldn't take the opportunity to attack, whether it was Yun Shinobu or Bai Jue, there was no body left, which is why he thought that the person who attacked was not Konoha.

Without witnessing Bai Jue's perfect transformation technique, coupled with his own judgment, he naturally would not believe the report of the people below.

"It's a pity." Onoki sighed.

"Pity what?" The loess immediately picked up.

"It's a pity that the ape who died was the ape flying sun, not the wave feng shui gate, otherwise we can take this opportunity to attack."

"Didn't you say it couldn't be Konoha's people?"

"It's not Konoha's people, doesn't mean we can't use this excuse to put pressure on them, but it's a pity that the little young man in the position of Bofeng Shuimen, in order to sit in the position, he will definitely not agree to our request."

"So who exactly attacked us?"

"Who else? Yunyin! Onoki said to the loess with some anger: "Who else can they have the ability to attack us at present?" Is that bunch of waste in Shayin? "

Sand Yin huddled in his own house and couldn't come out, Konoha was dragged by the clouds and mist, and Mist Yin was far away from Yanyin.

If Wuyin wanted to do this kind of thing, he would either borrow from Yunyin, or he would definitely have to pass through the defense lines of the other two countries, and the difficulty was too great.

Not every village has a ninja world's first assassin who can cross the entire ninja world to slash the human water shadow.

"The main thing is that there is no clue at all about this matter, and I really can't believe that Yunyin's gang can do it." Loess showed a cheeky smile and defended himself.

"That's right, this is a problem, so send someone to check what is going on over there in Yunyin." Onoki nodded, he also agreed with the statement of loess.

"What about Konoha?" Loess asked.

"Hmm... Let me think about it. Onoki didn't answer immediately, and after a moment, he finally spoke: "Send someone to put pressure on Konoha." "

Didn't you say..." Loess was a little puzzled, didn't he say that Bofeng Shuimen wouldn't agree?

"Whether he agrees or not, we always have to try, there is no problem in expressing a stance, and we can also lower Yunyin's vigilance, so let's do it." Onoki explained a little.

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