The movements of the rest of Konoha did not affect Uchiha Taki, who was still his medical ninja in Konoha's village.

Who let this guy still be a one-eyed wounded outside, plus now the three parties are not coming up and really swords, he naturally was not selected.

He had also received the news from Ye Cang, and since the Xiao Organization was ready to start looking for the Great Snake Pill, then his side only had to wait.

As the two teams of Kushina and Fugaku left, Konoha also became much more deserted, as if it was the same as in the first three wars, the only difference was that there were now many more children's cries.

However, although Uchiha Taki was not sent to the front, he was not idle.

Taking advantage of the emptiness in Konoha now, he left a shadow avatar as usual, and ran out to find the location of the laboratory and acquire some necessary experimental tools.

In the Land of Water, they are not idle, since the Land of Water has declared war with Konoha, there is no need for them to stay in the Country of Water, but they are ready to transfer to the Land of Earth.

Kuro Jue he found out clearly, Konoha this time dispatched Uchiha Water Shui Uzumaki Shinnai, and the Wave Feng Shui Gate was still sitting in Konoha Village.

Although the large army of the Uchiha clan was about to come to the Land of Water, if no one dragged the Wave Feng Shui Gate, he always felt uneasy.

When Madara was alive, it was also arranged for others to drag the wave feng shui gate, and then he was put under the soil, and he was a black absolute, naturally he did not dare to raise it.

And the best candidate in his heart is still Uchiha Ninta, only the more emotionally charged the person, the more likely it is to open the kaleidoscope chakra eye.

However, Kuro has not completely given up on the rest of the Uchiha clan, after all, war is the best kaleidoscopic catalyst.

Therefore, he still leaves a considerable part of the white in the borders of the Land of Water and the Land of Fire, as well as places like the Land of Waves.

It's just that before going to the Land of Earth, Obito seemed less willing.

"Anyway, I don't have any eyes, it's completely useless for you, you just go by yourself, there's no need to take me."

Obito had long wanted to break away from the Black Jedi to find the Great Snake Pill and the Resurrection Technique, and now was a good opportunity for him to test the Black Jeopardy's attitude.

"Impossible, don't think I don't know what you're thinking!" Without thinking, Kuro rejected Obito's request.

Obito's heart trembled, how did Hei Jue know what I was thinking? Then he immediately reacted that something was wrong, I didn't even tell him the shadow of the resurrection technique, how did he know?

"The most important thing for you now is not to avenge Lin, but to restore your own strength, otherwise what will you take revenge for?" Hei Jue persuaded bitterly.

Forget about other countries, here in the country of water, he is afraid that if he is not here to watch Obito, Obito can run out and assassinate Mizukage.

Obito: "..."

Although he felt a little speechless, he was relieved to know that his secret was not known by the black.

As for the fog? He definitely wants to avenge Lin, but in the face of the huge temptation of resurrecting Lin, the option of revenge can undoubtedly be leaned back.

"I'll hold back, don't do anything to those fog ninjas." Obito is still fighting for opportunities for himself, but he has no expectations in his heart.

"Wait until we cultivate the eyes and then get our hands on them." Hei Jue said in an unquestioning tone.


Uchiha Taki came to the black shop where he had bought the equipment for transplanting intercolumn cells, and he met Uncle Kakuto near here.

Uchiha Taki didn't know where the equipment needed for the experiment was sold, so he planned to come here and ask insiders.

It's best to sell here, and if you don't have to sell, you have to see if you can get some information from them.

Uchiha Taki pretended to be with soil and went to the basement of the ramen restaurant.

He didn't speak, and directly handed the list to the person at the counter, but now the person at the counter is not the same person as before, but a beautiful woman.

The people around have long been accustomed to this kind of scene, after all, everyone who comes here wants to hide their identity.

In the past, it was rare for Uchiha Taki to be here, of course, there was also the reason why he shipped a lot at that time.

The person at the counter read the list and said embarrassed: "We only have a small part of what you want, but if you are willing to wait and pay a deposit, we can buy them all for you."

Uchiha Taki complained in his heart: The hammer is real, and it is definitely the high-level of the Fire Country that has intervened.

Then he said quietly: "Then take out what you have now, and count the deposit in these prices."

"That's for you." The people at the counter are very attentive, and if this is more than the order is completed, it is definitely a big achievement.


Konoha's personnel dispatch this time exceeded the expectations of the Yunwu family, they thought that even if they stayed, it should be Jiu Shinna staying in Konoha, but they did not expect that she actually came to the front line in person.

After all, the human pillar is strong, but there is a fatal weakness, the tailed beast will run away!

In addition to Kirabi's perfect human pillar power, almost no ninja village dares to let people pick the pillar power, once it is stormy, it is a random killing of enemies and friends.

Especially Jiu Xinnai just walked out some time ago, although there is a reason for Obito control, it still shows that she is not a perfect human pillar force.

Therefore, when the Yunwu family specified the plan, they did not consider the situation that Jiu Xinnai picked the big beam and led the team to the front line alone.

After Wuyin learned the news, he immediately sent someone to contact Yunyin, after all, Jiu Xinnai chose to go to Yunyin, then it would be difficult to turn to Wuyin later.

Even if they are under pressure, the people behind Konoha who come to support will only be Wave Feng Shuimen, which is not considered that they are not powerful.

Originally, Yunyin's side didn't care, since Jiu Xinnai came to our side, then wouldn't it be good for you to drag the wave feng shui gate over there, and we will give the money as well.

However, Yun Yin's answer made the messenger of Wu Yin directly scold.

The reason why they dared to accept Yunyin's request was that Qing's white eyes could counter illusions, and then Citrus Yakura cooperated with the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost to drag Jiu Xinnai.

But if Citrus Yakura is against Shangbo Feng Shuimen, it is similar to Jiu Shinnai against Shangbai, or even worse.

Because in many ways flying thunder god may not be as powerful as Shenwei, such as saving life and convenience.

However, this definitely does not include offensive ability, especially against the upper tail beast.

The three tails here just threw the tailed beast jade out, and the next second the tailed beast jade fell in their own camp, who can withstand this?

One-on-one person pillar force vs wave feng shui gate, then it is the same as the father beating the son, even if the other party is a perfect person pillar Liqi Rabi, it is not bad, unless the opposite side uses beauty. (specifically referring to Jiu Xinnai)

Yunyin's answer naturally angered Wuyin, and Wuyin's side directly said that if you let us deal with Bofeng Shuimen, we will directly withdraw the troops, and the resources given before will be regarded as the money they spent on sending troops.

This time made Yunyin difficult, they didn't have any good way to force Jiu Xinnai to the fog, if the pressure was too great, it would directly become a husband and wife doubles, and it was they Yunyin who was beaten.

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