Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 622: magic lantern

leave the village?

where to go

Snow Country?

Emmmmm...this is really good.

Feng Huo patted Kakashi's shoulder with a smile, and said: "Kakashi, we are outsiders after all, and Di Yuanyu is a property of Taki Ninja Village, so let's not meddle in other people's business."

"But..." Kakashi was about to retort when he was interrupted by Fenghuo.

"The worst case is that there will be another Jiaodu, the weakness of Di Yuanyu, the whole ninja world already knows, Mr. Sheyue is a smart person, how could he wantonly kill people to become an enemy of the whole ninja world?" Feng Huo looked at Xiang Sheyue smiled and said, "Right, Master Sheyue?"

"Of course!" Sheyue shouted excitedly, "I'm not Jiaodu, and I will definitely not attack ordinary civilians at will!"

"Look at it, look at how noble and considerate Mr. Sheyue is, Kakashi, don't make endless comparisons here." Feng Huo said.

"..." Kakashi stared at Fenghuo with a dead fish eye, "Hey, why do you feel like I'm doing something heinous right now?"

"That's what it is. This is a village affair. As outsiders, it's not easy for us to intervene." Fenghuo said righteously.

"Okay, I won't interfere in the matter of Earth's Resentment, but if you let me know that someone uses it for evil..." Kakashi's threat is self-evident.

She Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

If Uchiha Fenghuo and Kakashi join forces to **** Earth Resentment, with the strength of Taki Ninja Village, they won't be able to keep it at all!

"Okay, the horns are dead, and the ceremony is over. Let's go back to our homes and find our mothers." Feng Huo waved his hand and turned to leave, "Master Sheyue, I'll leave this to you."

"Thank you so much this time!" Sheyue thanked again.

Feng Huo suddenly turned his head to look at Didara, and said with a smile, "Didara, don't forget to pack and take away those 'arts' you left behind."

Didara had a constipated expression on his face: "Got it, it's really long-winded!"

Kakashi sighed helplessly: "It seems that it's time for me to go back too."

Although there were some accidents during the ceremony, it finally came to a successful conclusion. After Sheyue collected Di Yuanyu, she personally sent Kakashi out of the village.

That night, Sheyue couldn't wait to start practicing Di Yuanyu.

His body has reached its limit, if he can't repair it, he will only end up dead.

Therefore, this time he is fighting with his back to the wall.

Dawn of the Rain Organization.

After Red Sand Scorpion and Jue came back with Hidan, they canceled their team relationship with Orochimaru.

"Although you are very verbose, it's better than Orochimaru. We will be teammates from now on!" Xie Ru said to the new member Fei Duan.

Hiduan was holding a three-segment scythe, and said noncommittally: "As long as I can keep killing and offering sacrifices to evil gods, it doesn't matter who I team up with, whether it's you, Orochimaru, or others, one or two are not my favorite. Type, hello, by the way, should we go out and do the mission, my evil **** is waiting for my sacrifice!"

The corner of Xie's mouth twitched slightly, he gritted his teeth and said, "Fei Duan, can you shut up."

"Ah? Are you talking to me?" Fei Duan waved a three-stage scythe, "You didn't have this attitude when you recruited me before! You..."


An indifferent voice came out from the darkness, and Tiandao Payne slowly came to the two of them and said, "You are Fei Duan with the immortal body, welcome to join Akatsuki!"

With that said, Tiandao Payne threw a ring engraved with 'three' over.

Fei Duan took the ring, put it on his hand directly, and said, "Well, there is finally someone who speaks well, let me tell you, I..."

"Since the new member has arrived, let's introduce it to others first."

Heavenly Dao Payne slowly formed a seal, and said, "This is the technique of magic lantern body, which is used to organize the gathering of members. With your talent, you should be able to learn it soon."

Fei Duan stared at Tiandao Payne's seal, and then used it immediately.

"Phantom Lantern Body Art!"

In an instant, Fei Duan's thinking was like light and electricity, as if he had leaped through endless time, and finally found a beam of 'light', and this light in the book was the Heavenly Dao Payne in front of him!

"Then, the rally begins!"

Tiandao Payne used the magic lantern body technique, and Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame, who were far away in the land of fire, immediately felt their hearts, and then each used the magic lantern body technique, and their thoughts immediately materialized in Tiandao Payne Beside her, although the face is not clear, no matter the clothes, attire or temperament, there is no doubt that they are the two of them.

Later, the figures of Orochimaru and Xiaonan also appeared here.

"Is it a new member?" Ganshi Guixia said with a grin, "Jiaodu, or Feiduan?"

"It's Hidan!" Xie snorted, "Oshemaru, I'll be teaming up with Hidan from today!"

"Exactly, I also think you're a bit annoying." Dashewan teased softly.

"Hmph!" Scorpion snorted coldly.

"Then, Orochimaru, you will team up with Jue, Itachi and Kisame will remain the same, Scorpion and Hidan will be on the same team, and Konan and I will be on the same team." Tiandao Payne said, and then his brows frowned suddenly.

"It seems... there is one person missing." Orochimaru looked at Tiandao Payne thoughtfully, "Pain, you should have subdued the horns~www.wuxiamtl.com~Why didn't he show up?"

"Two possibilities, one, he rebelled, and two, he died." Xiao Nan's cold voice came out slowly.

Tiandao Payne said: "Having seen my strength, the horns dare not betray."

"That is to say, he is dead, hehehe." Orochimaru couldn't help sneering when he heard the words, "Pain, as the leader, members of the organization died outside, you won't just sit idly by?"

Tiandao Payne slowly squinted his eyes, and the tyrannical aura swept all directions instantly with him as a storm. The three of Scorpion, Jue, and Hidan couldn't help but suffocate. It is like a candle in the wind, which flickers on and off.

"Oshemaru, Jue, the task of finding Kakuto is entrusted to you, whether he is alive or dead, I will give you an explanation!" Tiandao Payne said slowly.

"This is the best." Orochimaru excitedly stuck out his tongue and licked his lower lip.

"Itachi, Kisame, what about your mission?" Tiandao Payne asked.

"We have found some clues in the Land of Fire, but it will take some time before we find Didara." Uchiha Itachi whispered.

The spiritual body of Kisame Uchiha is next to Itachi Uchiha, and he smiled excitedly when he heard the words: "I heard that he left with Fenghuo Uchiha, maybe this time we can fight this famous ninja again , Hehe, just thinking about it makes people excited!"

A few years ago, when Loquat Shizang defected to Wuyin Village, Fenghuo went to snipe him alone, and even killed him with the watermelon mountain puffer ghost.

After so many years, the dried persimmon ghost shark can't wait to meet again for a while to seal the fire.

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