Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 621: Kill Kakuto!

Genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! Jiaodu can store up to five hearts at the same time, and the secret of his long life is that he can prolong his life by replacing his heart.

In other words, once all five of his hearts are destroyed, it's time for him to get his lunch!

So after the four mask hearts were destroyed by the shadow of the tomb, Kakuzu went completely crazy.

He had to break through this 'city wall' and go outside to grab the heart to ensure his own life, even if it was a commoner, as long as it was a 'live' heart, it was fine!


Jiaodu slammed into the 'city wall', and a large number of black tentacles pierced into the 'city wall' fiercely like arrows, squeezing inward like earthworms.

Feng Huo frowned, and hurriedly said to Sheyue: "Get your people to leave immediately, and don't approach Jiaodu!"

"Understood!" Sheyue didn't dare to be careless, and immediately ordered Taki Shinobi who was guarding next to Feng Huoying clone to evacuate.

At the same time, a corner of the 'city wall' was pierced by countless black tentacles, and a large number of tentacles seemed to grow out of the 'city wall', dancing in the wind, and getting longer and longer.

"Next, leave it to me!"

Kakashi suddenly took a step forward, "Well, after all, the horns are all coming at me, so I can't just do nothing."

Feng Huo was stunned, then took back the shadow of the wheel tomb, and said with a smile: "Don't capsize in the gutter, and let him take your heart."

"If this is the case, it can only prove that I am nothing more than that." Kakashi's tone slowly became serious, and then he slightly raised the forehead covering his right eye, revealing a pair of round eyes !

Immediately afterwards, his hands gradually flashed with thunder, emitting the ear-piercing thunder of chirping birds.

Feng Huo's eyes narrowed: "Thunder with both hands?"

"Ah, the simplest Raikiri derived ninjutsu." Kakashi said relaxedly, "You haven't thought of it yet, have you?"


Will you chat!

Fenghuo's mood suddenly changed.


At the same time, the tough 'city wall' was finally pierced by Kakudo's black tentacles.

"Hahahaha, Uchiha seals the fire, you want to trap me! Ignorance!"

The moment Kakudo came out, he immediately looked around, looking for the target of the 'heart', but unfortunately, there was no living person in the center of the village at this time, except for Fenghuo, Kakashi, the leader of Takinobu, Shezuki, and his two henchmen, Anbu. .

"Damn it!"

Jiaodu is hiding in the black tentacles, his figure is like a fish in the water, ups and downs, guarding against the attack of the shadow of the wheel tomb.

Kakashi closed his left eye, and stared at Kakutsu surrounded by a large number of black tentacles with the dynamic vision of Sharingan, with a little tiptoe, he had already started quickly.

The thunderclap with both hands rubbed in the air to create a bright thunder light, and the ear-piercing thunder exploded like a roar!

Kakashi's figure seemed to be transformed into lightning, rushing into the black tentacles at a terrifying speed.


Jiao was not surprised but happy, and was worried that he could not find the target of the order, but he did not expect that he would deliver it to the door by himself.

"Secret Technique - Heart Capture!"

Kakashi roared, and the black tentacles all over his body immediately plunged into Kakashi's heart.

The two hook jades in Kakashi's Sharingan were spinning rapidly, observing the black tentacles attacking from all directions, his left and right hands turned into lightning and danced wildly, cutting off all these black tentacles!

He circled around Kakutsu, cutting off countless black tentacles, but more black tentacles spread wildly, surrounding Kakashi's figure tightly, Kakashi's Sharingan couldn't see Kakashi's position at all !

"Earth Dun-Earth Spear!"

At this moment, more than a dozen huge and sharp soil spears shot out suddenly from the black tentacles, but Kakashi's Sharingan has dynamic vision, and he can see clearly even at high speed. With one swing, the earth spear in the air was cut in half!

"Got you!"

And the direction from which these earthen spears came, also exposed the position of Jiaodu's body!

Kakashi resolutely rushed in.

The Raikiri in his left and right hands exploded in an instant, and those black tentacles were torn apart by the lightning before they got close. Kakashi roared, and his left and right hands slashed forward heavily.

"Kakashi Nishi!"

Jiaodu's mournful howl accompanied by ear-piercing thunder echoed each other, endlessly.

The next moment, the thunder stopped, and Jiaodu's miserable howl also disappeared.

Fenghuo senses forward with Chakra Perception, which means that the Chakra fluctuations of Jiaodu have completely disappeared.

In other words, Kakashi successfully destroyed Kakuzu's fifth heart!

After Jiaodu died, the black tentacles twisted and moved on the ground like fish off the shore, as if they wanted to go underground.

Looking at the land resentment scattered all over the place, Feng Huo felt a little lost for no reason.

Kakashi stood in the center of these tentacles, the lightning in his hands slowly dissipated, and then he pulled down his forehead to cover his right eye, which showed signs of fatigue.

The consumption of two-handed Raikiri is very high, with Kakashi's current Chakra amount, it is still a bit reluctant.

"Earth resentment!"

Sheyue, who was standing beside making soy sauce, suddenly showed an overjoyed look, and rushed forward without saying a word.

Standing in front of the struggling black tentacles on the ground, Sheyue formed a seal with both hands, and soon, those black tentacles condensed into a ball under his seal ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ like a black ball of thread.

Earth Resentment is originally the secret technique of Longin Village. Although Kakudo stole it for decades, the leader of Longin Village has been passing down some basic information about Earth Resentment and the secret method to control it from generation to generation!

Sheyue excitedly picked up the black thread ball, a bright light suddenly flashed in her eyes!

His body is on the verge of dying, but if he can subdue Earth Resentment...

Then he is the second person with the same life span as the world!

This temptation made him irresistible!

"Master Sheyue, don't you want to become Jiaodu?" Feng Huo put away his shadow clone and slowly came behind Sheyue.

Kakashi also came over, looked at the black ball of thread in Sheyue's hand, and said, "Master Sheyue, since the establishment of Takinobu Village, the land resentment has been sealed and no one is allowed to practice. You should know the reason." .”

She Yue was startled, then nodded slowly: "I know."

Obtaining Earth Resentment does not directly obtain eternal life, but to obtain endless life span by killing others and capturing their hearts!

This cruel way of continuing life is the fundamental reason why Taki Ninja Village chose to seal Earth Resentment.

In other words, if Sheyue has practiced Earth Resentment, she must win other people's hearts to prolong her life!

"I...I can use the heart of a traitor, the heart of a bandit!" Sheyue suddenly shouted, "There are bad guys everywhere in the ninja world, I can use their hearts to come, come..."

"So, what about after that?" Kakashi asked sharply again, "What about Taki Shinobi Village? Haven't you already passed the position of leader to Shiki? If you are still alive, how will Shiki be in charge of Taki Ninja Village? Even the future leader, how should I face you?"

"This..." Sheyue blushed and yelled, "I...I can leave the village!"

Feng Huo's eyes suddenly lit up.

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