
Agricultural products sales office.

Chiba came over carrying a document agreement.

Just after the meeting this morning, he went to purchase a large piece of land.

The employees who had been waiting in the store for a long time immediately greeted the boss when he came back.

Senju Hashirama looked at the document bag in the boss's hand, grinned and said:"Boss, is the matter done?"

"Um."Qianye smiled and nodded.

Immediately, he opened his right hand, and an A4-sized envelope appeared out of thin air.

Everyone was not too surprised to see the boss changing things out of thin air. They had long been accustomed to it.

"Inside this envelope are the architectural drawings of the breeding farm. You should go and take a look at it first. If you encounter something you don’t understand, come and ask me."

Chiba handed the envelope to Senju Hashirama.

After taking it, Senju Hashirama patted his chest and promised."Zero One Seven""Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Seeing the other party's confident look, Chiba nodded.

After that, he talked about the purchase of land.

After everyone understood what land the boss purchased, they headed towards the fields.

As for Chiba, he went directly towards Walking towards the office, Senju Hashirama waited for the group to reach their destination in a wasteland not far from the agricultural product sales office.

"Let’s see what kind of breeding farm the boss wants to build." Uchiha Madara, who came with him, said

"good."Senju Hashirama nodded.

He opened the envelope.

What came into view was a colorful completed drawing.

The completed drawing was a long white house.

Senju Hashirama handed the completed drawing to Uchiha Madara , and then took out a drawing from the envelope.

This time the drawing was still in color.

The content of the drawing was the internal view of the farm.

The content of the inner view was the distribution area of the livestock. Hashirama looked at the interior view, clicked his tongue and said,"It's really good. The architectural drawings given by the boss are clear and easy to understand, and they also have what the finished product will look like, so I don't have to worry about building it wrong."

After admiring, he handed the second drawing to Uchiha Madara.

Then, he took out the third drawing from the envelope.

But this time the drawing was not in color, but in black and white.

This There are no finished drawings, but lines and various markings everywhere!


Hashirama looked at the drawing in his hand carefully. After a while, Senju Hashirama did the same.

Jian said:"It's okay, the drawings are not as complicated as last time."

"Um."Uchiha Madara nodded.

Senju Hashirama handed the drawing to Uchiha Madara, and then looked at the wasteland in front of him.

The next moment!

He put his hands together, and the power of wood escape instantly burst out.

The earth trembled.

"Tsk! Tsk!"

Dozens of wooden piles rose up from the ground!

The wooden piles rising into the sky were like flexible little snakes, entangled with each other.

Dozens of wooden piles were constantly pieced together and connected to each other.

The wooden piles were spliced and extended in all directions. Until it extended to a distance of hundreds of meters.

After a few minutes, the overall length of the house was completed. As for the width of the house, it also reached a distance of one hundred meters. I have to say. The scale of building the breeding farm this time is quite large! After finishing this, Senju Hashirama took a breath, tilted his head, and said with a smile to everyone present:"Let's go and take a look." Not long after, Senju Hashirama and his party entered the newly built farm house.

"Ah Ban, look at the house I built. Is there any difference between the finished style on the drawings?"

Senju Hashirama said with a grin.

"OK, let me take a look."Uchiha Madara nodded, then spread out the drawings and looked at them.

Senju Hashirama on the side was also nervous. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He wanted to know the answer.

Uchiha Madara looked at his hands. After taking a look at the finished drawing, Uchiha Madara looked at the layout of the house. There were fences at regular intervals. Nod with satisfaction

"Very good, there are no mistakes this time, the interior layout is exactly the same as in the drawings."

Senju Hashirama, who was waiting nervously for an answer, breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"Hey hey hey, I told you before"

"I will never make the same stupid mistake as last time."

When he said this, he smiled proudly at Uchiha Madara0..

"How is it? Do you believe me now?"

"Yep, what's there to be so embarrassed about?"Uchiha Madara saw the other party's proud look, curled his lips, and struck a blow:"It's not that the drawings the boss gave you are more detailed, simpler and clearer."

Listening to the words of the enemy, Senju Hashirama smiled indifferently.

Now that the breeding factory has been completed, everyone visited the agricultural product sales office for a while and then walked towards the agricultural product sales office.

At the same time, the agricultural product sales office.


At this time, Qianye was sitting on the boss's chair, and his eyes were focused on the system mall.

Just now, he spent two million gold coins to purchase a large-scale equipment for breeding.

Ten thousand gold coins are naturally obtained by doing system tasks, and his employees plant and harvest vegetables every day, which will bring him gold coins over time!

The balance of gold coins in the system will definitely be a lot - now he has purchased large equipment. Afterwards, the funds in his hand dropped sharply!

There are now only more than 300,000 gold coins left in the system.

He is so poor!

After purchasing the large equipment, Chiba directly exited the system panel.

"After purchasing the breeding equipment, it’s time to see how the house is being built?"

"The drawings are clearly marked, so there should be no more mistakes with the big pillars, right?"1.7

After muttering to himself, Chiba stood up and walked out of the office.

Just when he pulled the door handle, he bumped into his employees.

At this time, Senju Hashirama was excited I rushed over and the smile on my face never disappeared.

"Boss, boss, the breeding farm has been built, go and visit it quickly!"

When Senju Hashirama saw his boss coming out of the office, he rushed forward excitedly and said excitedly.

Seeing the other party's excited look, Chiba understood in his heart.

It seems that the breeding farm was built perfectly by Senju Hashirama..

Thinking of this, he nodded.

"Go and have a look."

After that, he took the lead and walked in the direction of the breeding farm.

Behind him were a group of employees.

Among them, Senju Hashirama was the most excited one!......

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