The second level, the Forest of Death assessment, has been over for half a month.

In farmland.

A very important event happened here.

Since the farmland has been upgraded by Chiba, the crops mature very quickly.

The yield of crops is far greater than the daily consumption of Konoha villagers.

As a result, there were too many vegetables, and many vegetables began to fester.

What a waste!!

It is definitely a huge loss for the agricultural product sales office!

Now Chiba and his employees are all concentrated in the farmland.

Everyone present looked solemn.

"Boss, the output of our crops is quite strong, which is originally a good thing, but the needs of the villagers in Konoha Village have been met, and now we still have a lot of vegetables that cannot be sold. What should we do?"

Qianju Hashirama had an anxious look on his face.

He watched the vegetables rotting helplessly, feeling heartbroken and regretful.

Seeing the anxious look of his employees, Chiba said with a serious face:"I called you here just to solve this problem. Yes"

"Boss, I have an idea. I wonder what the boss thinks?"At this moment, Bai raised his little hand and said

"any solution?"Qianye nodded.

"How about using my Ice Release to freeze the unsold vegetables?"Bai replied

"Hey, this method is good!"Senju Hashirama nodded repeatedly.

However, Chiba shook his head and explained:

"Using ice to freeze vegetables is really a good way"

"But some vegetables cannot be frozen"

"Moreover, even if vegetables can be frozen, frozen vegetables are not as fresh as those picked on the same day."

"This will greatly affect the taste when customers buy vegetables and eat them at home."

"You know, the reason why the vegetables sold in our agricultural product sales have a good reputation is because the quality of our vegetables is very good, and we always pick them on the same day we buy them."

Everyone present heard this and nodded.

In fact, it is indeed the case.

It can be said that - in the entire Konoha Village, the quality of vegetables sold at agricultural product sales, including the number of customers who come to buy vegetables, is completely superior to other vendors selling vegetables.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the family is the only one in Konoha.

The vegetables are so delicious.

Over time , the reputation of the agricultural products sales center has gradually grown.

Lost in thought.

Everyone was thinking about how to stop the losses at the agricultural product sales office.

Ten minutes later, Qianju Tobiran suddenly had an idea and said quickly:"Boss, what if we We can let vegetables exist with another value, so we don’t think it’s a waste, right?" Chiba heard the employee's words, rubbed his chin and said:"Let crops exist with another value.

This cannot be said to be a waste, let alone an economic loss.


Suddenly, his eyes lit up and a smile appeared on his face

"Got an idea."

When everyone heard this, they all looked towards the boss.

Senju Hashirama didn't even think about it and immediately asked:"Boss, what are your ideas?!"

"Don't get excited, just listen to me slowly. Seeing the employees' excitement, Chiba waved his hand and explained with a smile:"Tobirama is right, we can make vegetables realize their value in another form.""

"We can expand with new projects!"

"Let the new project take care of the excess vegetables."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present frowned.

They were all curious.

What exactly was the new project that the boss was talking about?

Seeing the confused looks of the employees, Chiba smiled mysteriously and said,"You guys said, let's Besides developing crops, what else can be done?"

Everyone was lost in thought. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Uchiha Izuna on the side said excitedly:

"I understand!"

"I understand what the boss means!"

"In addition to crops, we can also engage in animal husbandry!"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard Uchiha Izuna's answer, and they all agreed with this statement.

Uchiha Madara stroked his brother's hair and said proudly:"As expected of my Oudou, his brain is so flexible."

While speaking, he raised his eyebrows provocatively at Senju Hashirama.

When Senju Hashirama saw the other party's arrogant look, he twitched the corner of his mouth and curled his lips.

"Tsk, didn’t Quan Nai think of it before us? What do you have to be proud of?"

Uchiha Madara grinned and did not fight back.

At this time, Chiba heard Uchiha Izuna's words and nodded with a smile.

"Yes, since we have too many vegetables, we have reached saturation."

0request flowers

"In order to prevent vegetables from being wasted and to stop the economic losses of our agricultural products sales office, this animal husbandry project must be carried out."

"Let's raise some fat pigs and let these livestock eat the vegetables. This is also an economic transformation. Everyone nodded in agreement when they heard what the boss said was clear and logical.

Senju Hashirama said:"Boss, when will we start executing the new project?""

"Now!"Qianye didn't even think about it, and uttered these two words with a serious face!

Everyone could see that the boss took this matter very seriously!

Qianye rubbed his chin and thought for a while.

After a while, he sorted out the thoughts in his mind After thinking about it, he looked straight at Qianju Hashirama and said:"Dazhu, I will leave it to you to build the breeding greenhouse. Hearing this

, Senju Hashirama patted his chest and vowed:"Don't worry, boss, just leave the construction of the building to me!""

Uchiha Madara sneered when he saw the other party's serious assurance.

"Pfft, are you the only one who dares to guarantee this?"

"What's up? Don't you trust my construction skills?" Senju Hashirama twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely and curled his lips and said��

"Of course I don't believe it. Uchiha Madara spread his hands and said,"Have you forgotten that your boss asked you to build a dessert shop?""

Hearing this, Senju Hashirama bared his teeth and looked embarrassed.

Last time, because he couldn't understand the architectural drawings, he built it in a muddle-headed way.

The result was a four-dimensional image.

Fortunately, the boss did not blame him, and he also used the four-dimensional image.

Thinking of this, Senju Hashirama smiled sarcastically.

"Damn, wasn’t it because I was too impatient and didn’t understand the drawings?......"

"This time I will definitely understand the drawings and I will never build a different house."

Immediately, he looked at Qianye with a serious face.

"Boss, please believe in my ability!"

"Well, I believe you."Chiba nodded.

Only then did he really believe in Senju Hashirama's construction ability.

After all, he wanted to plan the architectural drawings of the breeding farm, which were very simple and not as complicated as a dessert shop.

Senju Hashirama I was so moved when I saw my boss trusting my ability to do things. If there weren't so many people present, I would almost have runny noses and tears.

"Boss, I will definitely complete the task well!!".....factory..

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