Nara Shikaku, Yamazaka Kaiichi, and Akimichi Choza.

After the three heard Uchiha Madara's words, their bodies shook violently.

Just now, they felt great pressure from each other's words!

Especially when they heard the word"Hashirama" mentioned in Uchiha Madara's mouth, they were even more certain of one thing.

The two people selling VIP exclusive cards in front of me are Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama!

After all, except for the first Hokage, there is no one else in Konoha Village who can be called"Hashirama".

When the three of them thought of this, Nara Shikaku looked at Senju Hashirama and asked tentatively:"Excuse me, what is your name?"......"

When Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama heard this, they immediately understood why the other party asked this.

Just when Senju Hashirama was about to speak, Madara Uchiha suddenly interrupted him.

At this time, Uchiha Madara looked at Nara Shikaku and said:"Yes, he is the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama.-"

His voice wasn't very loud.

But the meaning behind the words gave people a huge shock

"Hiss!! Hiss!!"

A series of gasping sounds sounded.

At this time, Nara Shikaku looked at Uchiha Madara and was about to speak, but the other party spoke first to explain.

"I know what you want to say. Uchiha Madara crossed his arms over his chest and said slowly:"Yes, my name is Uchiha Madara!""

The brief words"Uchiha Madara" once again caused panic in everyone's hearts.

At this moment, the six people in front of them were like clay sculptures, stunned in place.

They were so shocked that they almost forgot to breathe.!

Among the six, the one who was most shocked was Yamanaka Ino! She had been to the dessert shop so many times, and now she realized that the two waiters in front of her were actually the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama, who was known as the God of Ninja!

The Uchiha ancestor, Uchiha Madara, who is on par with Senju Hashirama!

The more I think about her, the more incredible it becomes!

"The first Hokage?"

"Uchiha Madara?"

"real or fake?"

"I feel like my brain is not enough."

At the same time.

Senju Hashirama looked at everyone with shocked faces, then looked at Uchiha Madara beside him, spread his hands and said:"Madara, didn't I tell you a long time ago that we should keep a low profile? , why expose it?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara shrugged and explained nonchalantly:

"Damn, our names are so resounding. Even if we don’t admit it now, it won’t be long before everyone in Konoha will recognize our identities."

"Even everyone in the ninja world will get the news of our resurrection."

"......"The corner of Senju Hashirama's mouth twitched, and he really couldn't refute.

After all, there is nothing wrong with these words.

After watching, Senju Hashirama looked at the shocked Yamanaka Ino and said with a smile:"Of course Abara and I are real."

Yamanaka Ino was still very curious after hearing the other party's personal admission.

"this......How can this be?"

"How could he still be alive?"

As soon as these words came out,

Yamanaka Haiichi hurriedly tugged on his daughter's sleeves and said with a straight face:"Ino, don't be disrespectful to the first generation!"

Senju Hashirama saw the nervous Yamanaka Haiichi, waved his hand, and said casually:"Hey, don't be so nervous. Now I am not the First Hokage, so you can just treat me as an ordinary Konoha villager. That's it."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

He's a ninja god. You call these ordinary villagers?!

At this time, Nara Shikaku was the first to react and couldn't help but ask:"The first generation Sir, my name is Nara Shikaku, and I serve as the general staff in Konoha. I wonder if you can tell me how you were resurrected?"

When everyone heard this, they all focused their attention on Rente Hashirama.

Senju Hashirama felt the gazes of everyone and sighed inwardly.

This Nara Shikaku's way of speaking is very beautiful.

He first revealed his identity, and it appeared that he was in Konoha He asked some sensitive questions about his position in the village, so that he would not feel anything inappropriate.

Thinking of this, Senju Hashirama glanced at Chiba at the front desk subconsciously, then waved his hand and said,"Hey, you can just ask these questions. No need to worry too much."

However - his inadvertent move was noticed by the three veteran Ino Shika Die and Nara Shikamaru who had been silent.

The four of them were secretly surprised!

Especially the three veteran Ino Shika Die.

They had already guessed that the resurrection of the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara must be related to the owner of this store.

Unexpectedly, their guess was actually verified. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Thinking of this, They were shocked again.

They couldn't figure out what method this dessert shop owner used to resurrect a great figure from the Warring States Period!

Although the three of them were confused, they were not fools and would not ask directly. Instead, he kept this question in his stomach.

At this time, Uchiha Madara saw that everyone had almost understood it, and asked:"I just told you so much exciting news, why don't you express your gratitude?"

As he spoke, he directly spread out three VIP cards of different types.

Seeing this, Senju Hashirama also hurriedly followed suit.

Yamanaka Haiichi, Nara Shikaku, and Akimichi Choza.

The expressions on the three people's faces changed slightly when they saw this. One pump

"that......The purple and gold card is too expensive, and now we have no money."Nara Shikaku showed a look of embarrassment on his face.

0 Asking for flowers

"Yes, we can't carry a box of silver when we go out to eat, right?"Yamaka Haiichi quickly agreed.

As for Akimichi Dingzao, he nodded accordingly.

Senju Hashirama heard the words and nodded.

"This does make sense.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Uchiha Madara and asked:"They have no money, what should we do?""

"this......"Uchiha Madara rubbed his chin, not knowing what to do.

At this time, Nara Shikaku's eyes lit up and he said:"I have a way, I wonder if you can agree to it?"

"explain."Uchiha's spotted head signaled.

"How about we go home to withdraw the money now, and then come back to pay 600,000 to buy the Purple Card?"Nara Shikaku expressed his thoughts.

"this......"Senju Hashirama looked at Uchiha Madara and asked,"What do you think?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara thought for a while and said,"That's okay, but these three little babies have to be detained here."

Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Choji all had their mouths twitching.

Soon, Nara Shikaku stood up and took the lead and said:"No problem, we will wait here."

Immediately, he looked at his father and said:"Dad, Uncle Yamanaka and Uncle Choza, we will be fine here."

"Well, don't worry about us." Yamanaka Ino waved her hand.

She really has nothing to worry about.

She has been here so many times that she is already familiar with the people in the dessert shop.

As for Akimichi Choji, he shook his head and said:"As long as there is food, I don't care.."

Nara Shikaku, Akimichi Choza, and Yamanaka Kaiichi, the three of them nodded when they saw this.

Without saying any nonsense, they quickly left the dessert shop and went home to get money.

Uchiha Madara looked at the three people leaving, He grinned and said:"Not bad, we sold three purple cards for the dessert shop at one time."

"Ah Ban, why do I feel like I am being forcefully bought and sold?"Senju Hashirama scratched his head

"Damn, we didn’t force them to buy the Purple Card. They took the initiative to buy it after they heard about our identity. We shouldn’t consider it a forced purchase or sale, right?"Uchiha Madara waved his hand and said seriously.

"is that so?"Senju Hashirama always feels something is wrong.

"Damn, stop thinking about it, let’s report the situation here to the boss first." Uchiha Madara waved and said.

After all - regarding the hostage and the matter of letting Nara Shikaku and his party go to the house to withdraw money to buy Purple Cards, it is best to inform the boss.

Senju Hashirama looked at Uchiha Madara walked towards the boss and hurriedly followed him.

"Aban, wait for me".....mouth..

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