"Ah Ban, just tell us how we should divide these three people?"

Senju Hashirama leaned against the wall, rubbing his chin.

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara stared at Yamanaka Haiichi, Nara Shikaku, and Akimichi Choza, thought for a while and said:"This is not easy, you go After taking down one of the three of them, I will work hard and take care of the remaining two."

"......"When Senju Hashirama heard this, he immediately shook his head and waved his hands,"No, no, no, it's better for me to work hard and take care of the remaining two people. You can just take care of one person.""

"Dazhu, you have already sold three VIP cards, do you still want to fight with me?!"Uchiha Madara said with a dark face.

"I just don't want to overwork you."Senju Hashirama explained aggrievedly.

"You fart!"Uchiha Madara twitched the corner of his mouth slightly when he saw the other party's caring words, and curled his lips and said.

Can he still see Senju Hashirama's little thoughts?

On the surface, he said that he didn't want to get involved, but in fact, he didn't want to compete for people's sales. VIP exclusive card?

Just a few minutes ago, the two of them started to discuss how to sell the VIP exclusive card. As for the three veterans, Ino Yamanaka, Nara Shikamaru, and Akimichi Choza. After all, these three people from

510 are just kids, so how can they have so much money?

The main sales target is adults.

Senju Hashirama curled his lips when he heard the other party replying to him. Said:"It seems that there is no need to talk. Let's each rely on our own abilities."

"Who is afraid of whom." Uchiha Madara replied.

After the two glared at each other, they walked straight to the dining table of Yamanaka Haiichi and others.

At the same time, in front of the dining table not far away,

Nara Shikaku saw Uchiha Madara coming. He and Senju Hashirama reminded him in a low voice:"It's coming, it's coming, everyone, stay calm!"

"Don't worry, I'm calm."Yamazhong Haiyi replied

"you......you sure?"Nara Shikaku looked at his friend's trembling hands and couldn't help but ask.

"......"Yamanaka Hai twitched the corner of his mouth and forced to control his trembling hands,"Yeah!"

Just after the two of them finished speaking, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara came over.

The two looked at everyone with smiles.

Nara Shikaku, who was sitting at the edge of the dining table, saw this and quickly smiled apologetically.

"Excuse me, what's the matter? (acdd)"

"It's not a big deal."Senju Hashirama grinned, and then he took out three cards and said:"Our store's latest VIP exclusive card. As long as the customer purchases this card, he will be an exclusive VIP customer in our dessert shop from now on."

"Not only that, if you come to our store again in the future, the price will be discounted"

"These three VIP cards represent three different offers."

When Nara Shikaku and others heard this, they immediately understood what was going on.

It turned out that they were here to promote products.

Then he asked:"The discounts of these three VIP cards are......"

Senju Hashirama pointed to the three types of cards in his hand and explained

"Golden VIP card, 10% off"

"Black VIP card, 20% off"

"Purple gold VIP card, 30% off"

"How about it? Do you have any ideas to start?"

Listening to the explanation, Nara Shikaku looked at the VIP card, and then looked at Yamanaka Haiichi and Akimichi Dingza next to him.

The three looked at each other, seemingly communicating with their eyes.

Soon, Nara Shikaku asked. :"What are the prices of these three VIP cards?

Seeing that the other party was thinking of buying it, Senju Hashirama's eyes lit up and he said with a smile:"This golden card is only one hundred thousand silver taels.""

Nara Shikaku's eyes widened when he heard the price.

"Varied......What? One hundred thousand silver taels!!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is it expensive?"Senju Hashirama scratched his head and asked

"Isn't it expensive?"Nara Shikaku asked back.

"Compared to the remaining two VIP cards, this is very cheap." Senju Hashirama said with a grin.

"How much are the remaining two cards?"Nara Deer couldn't bear his curiosity and asked.

"Black card, three hundred thousand silver taels."Senju Hashirama picked up the card and explained

"hiss!!! Nara Shikaku took a breath of air.

Senju Hashirama picked up the purple-gold VIP card in his hand again and said with a smile:"This card belongs to the supreme level and only costs 600,000 silver taels.""

"Damn it! six......Six hundred thousand silver taels!"Nara Shikaku, who has always disliked swearing, couldn't help but curse after hearing the price.

He was not the only one who was shocked.

Akimichi Choza, Yamanaka Haiichi, and others were also the same!

"So expensive! Yamanaka Haiichi took a breath and said.

At this time, Uchiha Madara on the side said:"Actually, you can't just look at the price. This is really not very expensive.""

"In addition, let me tell you that customers who purchase the Purple Card can not only get a 30% discount on everything, but also have other privileges"

"What privilege? Yamanaka Haiichi couldn't help but ask.

Uchiha Madara pointed to the second floor.

"Gold and black cards can only enjoy desserts on the first floor, while purple cards can enjoy them on the second floor, and there are exclusive private rooms on the second floor!"

"Customers holding a Purple Gold Card are equivalent to possessing a symbol of high status."

Everyone gasped after hearing the explanation. It sounds really good.

But is the price too expensive?!

Senju Hashirama looked at the people in front of him, handed over the purple gold card, and said with a smile:"How is it? Isn’t it exciting? If you are tempted, hurry up and buy the Purple Gold Card, right?"

Uchiha Madara next to him saw that his rivals were starting to sell, so he no longer hesitated and took out his Purple Gold Card and handed it over.、

"Come and buy the Purple Gold Card in my hand."

Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Kaiichi, and Akimichi Choza.

The three of them looked at the purple gold card that was handed over, and their faces kept changing.

Once they took the card, wouldn't it mean that they were going to buy it?

If the price was cheap, they would not hesitate. They took it without hesitation.

But the price of 600,000 yuan was like grabbing money. The three of them looked at each other and then Nara Shikaku spoke.

"I still think of buying a golden VIP card worth 100,000 yuan each......"

As soon as these words came out, Uchiha Madara frowned slightly.

He stared at the three people in front of him

"I talked hard with Hashirama for a long time, but you said you want to buy a gold VIP card?"

"Are you kidding us?".

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