At this time, Uzumaki Naruto looked at the cold drink list and looked very excited.

After looking around at the list of cold drinks, he pointed to one of the cold drinks in the picture and said,"I want a cup of black pearl milk tea.""

"Large cup, medium cup, small cup, which one to choose?"Qianye asked.

"Medium cup."Uzumaki Naruto thought for a while and said.

After hearing the specifications of the cold drink chosen by the other party, Chiba recorded it.

After Uzumaki Naruto ordered the cold drink, he did not stop there.

He looked directly at the dessert list.

Different Yes, he licked his lips and said with a smile:"A serving of shredded coconut custard."

After Chiba recorded the list, he asked:"Are there any more?"

"So much for that."Uzumaki Naruto shook his head.

On the side, Kakashi saw Uzumaki Naruto finish ordering, and said"six three seven" to Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura:"You guys can order some too."

"For peach cake, a small portion is fine."Haruno Sakura looked at the dessert bar, then pointed at the fans' cake pictures and said

"Um."Chiba nodded and recorded it.

At this time, Uchiha Sasuke put his hands in his pockets and looked cool.

"I don't have much interest in sweets, so I won't order them."

When everyone heard this, they immediately thought of something.

Chiba also looked at Uchiha Sasuke.

He knew in his heart why Uchiha Sasuke didn't like sweets.

Because the man who slaughtered the Uchiha clan liked to eat sweets, so, Uchiha Sasuke hates sweets even more!

After thinking about this, Chiba smiled and said:"We also have foods that are not sweets."

As he spoke, he pointed to the cold drink names at the bottom of the cold drink list.

【Coffee ice cream (can add sugar or not), Kuding tea, lemon ice cream, lemon drink......】

Uchiha Sasuke looked over.

I saw more than a dozen names of cold drinks.

Finally, his eyes were set on the first cold drink

"Then I'll have a coffee ice cream, the kind without sugar."

At the end of the sentence, he emphasized that there was no added sugar in the special drink.

Chiba nodded.

Now only Kakashi in the team of Team 7 has not ordered it.

Kakashi didn't even look at the cold drink list and said casually. :"I’ll just have a medium cup of black pearl milk tea."

After Chiba recorded Team Kakashi's dessert list, he said,"You guys go find a place and do it."

Kakashi nodded and took the team members to find a seat to sit down.

At the same time,

Chiba came to the window where desserts were made and handed over the list.

After Uchiha Izuna and Shiro took the list, Without saying a word, he started making desserts and cold drinks.

By chance, Minato Namikaze was waiting for the desserts to be prepared and ready to be served to the guests.

Chiba waved to Minato Namikaze and said,"Minato, come here."

"OK Namikaze Minato nodded, quickly came to Chiba, and asked with a smile:"Boss, is there anything you want me to do?""

"Naruto returned from the Land of Waves."Chiba spoke directly. As soon as these words came out, the smile on Namikaze Minato's face froze instantly, and his whole brain went blank.

Soon, an unprecedented excitement surged into his heart.

"old......boss, i......My son is back?"

Qianye's voice trembled when he saw the other person speaking, and his speech was not clear. He could understand the other person's excitement in his heart.

"Well, Naruto is back."

Having received confirmation from his boss again, Namikaze Minato's heart beat faster and his face turned red.

At this moment, he no longer knew what words to use to express his excited heart.

Namikaze Minato kept taking deep breaths, trying to calm down his tidal mood. Coming down, he hurriedly asked:"Old man......Boss, where is Naruto?"

"Well, there it is."Chiba raised his head and signaled.

Namikaze Minato looked along.

When he saw Uzumaki Naruto lying on the table not far away, with an excited look on his face, his body trembled violently.

Although he had only seen Uzumaki Naruto looks like a newborn, but I am 100% sure. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The blond boy lying on the table is his son! , Namikaze Minato wanted to rush over and hug his son, but when he thought of his guilt for his son, he didn't know how to face Naruto Uzumaki. He was so excited and excited. At a loss! He didn't know what to do! Suddenly, he raised his head and looked at Qianye, trembling and asked quickly:"Boss, I

......what do I do?

Seeing the nervous and excited look of the other party, Chiba said with a smile:"This is not easy. The desserts and cold drinks made by Izuna and Shiro are for Naruto's table. Why don't you just send them there directly?""

"Is it that simple?" Namikaze Minato asked

"yes."Qianye nodded and said angrily:"When you were first resurrected, you were clamoring to see your son. Now that Naruto is in front of you, don't you dare to go see him?"

"I......"Namikaze Minato was speechless. yes!!!

I should want to meet my son most!

Why are you still timid now?

Is it because of guilt towards Naruto?!

Seeing Minato Namikaze's dazed look, Chiba reached out and patted him on the shoulder, feeling a little speechless.

"Damn it, you and Naruto haven't even met yet, and you're already thinking wildly. There's nothing to think about at all."

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato was startled.

That's right!

He hasn't even met his son yet.

What are you thinking about so much now?

Is it just because of the guilt in your heart that you haven't seen Naruto?

This 0.2 is obviously Impossible.

Things that should be faced must be faced after all.

Avoiding cannot solve the problem.

"Whoops!"Namikaze Minato took a deep breath, showed a serious face, and said seriously:"Boss, I understand."

"As long as you know."Chiba nodded.

At this moment, the desserts and cold drinks in the kitchen have been made.

"Ready to serve."

Uchiha Izuna said something.

Chiba glanced at the desserts on the tray, then looked at Namikaze Minato and said with a smile:"Go, it's time for you and Naruto to meet each other."

"Um!"Namikaze Minato nodded heavily.

After answering, he held the tray and walked towards Naruto Uzumaki's dining table with excitement and apprehension.......

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