Dessert shop.

Everyone is busy.

Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara.

The two sang songs and danced to celebrate the opening of the store.

Uchiha Izuna, Shiro.

They make desserts and cold drinks for customers.

Zabuza, Namikaze Minato, Senju Tobirama.

The three of them acted as waiters.

As for things in the farmland, let’s put them aside for now.

As the owner of our store, Chiba.

He held a pen and paper at the front desk to record the desserts and cold drinks ordered by the customers, as well as collect the bills from the customers.

Outside the dessert shop.

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara - still dancing.

It's just that the voice of Senju Hashirama's singing was far less loud than it was at the beginning.

Even a little hoarse.

You'll know it at a glance.

This is using your voice too much.

On the side, Uchiha Madara's singing voice was very smooth and did not appear hoarse.

But his dancing movements were relatively slow, and he seemed to have no energy to dance.

At this time, Senju Hashirama, who was wearing a puppet suit, was shaking from side to side and his mouth was dry.

"No......No, I'm so thirsty, my throat is going dry and smoking!

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara gloated and laughed,"Weren't you very excited when you sang before?" Your throat can't handle it so quickly?"

He remembered it very clearly.

When the dessert shop opened, Senju Hashirama sang with all his strength. His voice was so loud that he wanted to burst his throat.

Now he really got his wish.

When Senju Hashirama heard the other party's ridicule, the corner of his mouth He twitched hard, curled his lips and said,"You still have the nerve to criticize me? When you dance, you are crazier than when I sing!"

"I feel that if the puppet suit hadn't restricted your body's movement space, you would have danced even crazier!

Uchiha Madara glared and defended:"I am the Dance King of Konoha. It seems reasonable to dance crazily, right?""

"Alas, a high-sounding excuse."Senju Hashirama rolled his eyes.

Is it unreasonable for him to sing a little louder?

And Uchiha Madara dances crazier than him. Is this reasonable?!

If his throat hadn't been too dry, he would have continued to retort.

Just as the two despised each other, Kakashi came over with his team,

Haruno Sakura's eyes lit up as she looked at the two dolls at the door of the store.

"so cute!"

Uchiha Madara twitched his mouth when he heard this.

He was actually asked to be described as cute?

Doesn't this not match his cool image?

"Little doll, do you still think it's cute now?"

While speaking, Madara Uchiha took off the hood of the puppet. Haruno

Sakura was shocked when she saw this.

She originally thought it was just a puppet, but she didn't expect it to be a big living person.

Moreover, this big living person was still Madara Uchiha, who is famous in the ninja world

"No......Not cute anymore."

After Haruno Sakura was frightened, she quickly shook her head and waved her hands.

Seeing this scene, Senju Hashirama took off his hood and said in a hoarse voice:"Madara, don't scare the little baby."

"I just want to prove that I am not just following the cute style." Uchiha Madara spread his hands and replied

"......"Senju Hashirama was a little speechless

"Sir, what's wrong with your voice?"At this time, Kakashi listened to the conversation between the two big guys in front of him, and finally couldn't help but ask

"Don't ask me anything about my throat. Senju Hashirama waved his hand and asked,"You're here for dessert, right?""

Kakashi nodded.

The main purpose was to see if the dessert shop was opened in Chiba.

Now his suspicion has been proven.

"First-sama, shall we go have dessert?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Go ahead."Senju Hashirama nodded.

When the other party nodded, Kakashi said to the team members behind him:"Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, come in with me."

After that, he took the lead and walked towards the dessert shop.

"I can finally eat, and my stomach has been growling with hunger for a long time!"Uzumaki Naruto grinned and followed closely.

Uchiha Sasuke said hello to Uchiha Madara and followed Kakashi.

As for Haruno Sakura, after being startled by Uchiha Madara, she did not Dare to stay and follow Kakashi into the dessert shop.

Senju Hashirama looked at Kakashi's team and suddenly slapped his forehead and thought of something.

"Oops, how could I forget that thing?"

"whats the matter?"Uchiha Madara saw the other party's annoyed look and asked curiously.

Hearing this, Senju Hashirama said:"I should have told Naruto about Minato's resurrection just now. How about I catch up and talk about it now?"

After that, he planned to take off his puppet suit and prepare to catch up with Kakashi's team. Upon seeing this,

Uchiha Madara waved his hand and said:"Forget it, you'd better stop chasing. Anyway, Naruto has already entered the dessert shop. Yes, he will know sooner or later. It doesn't make much sense whether you say it or not."

0 Asking for Flowers

Senju Hashirama thought for a while, then nodded and said:"That's right, forget it, we can't control these."

After the two chatted briefly, they continued to solicit business for the dessert shop.

In front of the cashier,

Chiba counted the money he had earned since the dessert shop opened, shook his right hand, and sighed helplessly.

"Alas, my hands are sore from collecting and counting banknotes. It seems that I need to find a dedicated cashier employee."

I have to say.

I earned a lot of silver coins.

All the silver coins were stacked together and could not be held in one hand.

At this time, Chiba sorted out the banknotes that he had counted and put them into the box under the cashier. In the safe.

As soon as he put the coins, he saw Team Kakashi entering the dessert shop.

The members of Team Kakashi who entered the dessert shop were all stunned by the high-end decoration inside.

"As expected of a Chiba boss, the interior decoration of the dessert shop looks so high-end!"

Kakashi looked at the exquisite decorations around him and couldn't help but admired.

The three members of the team beside him nodded in approval.

After admiring, the team of Team 7 walked towards Chiba.

"Boss Chiba, the decoration here is so unique. I think it will be difficult to find a more high-end dessert shop than this one in the entire ninja world."Kakashi came to Chiba and praised again

"Damn, these decorations are okay, not too high-end, just a little bit better."Chiba waved his hand and smiled modestly.

When Kakashi heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Such a luxurious dessert shop can only be regarded as okay in the eyes of Chiba's boss?

Is it even a little bit worse? What if? Isn't it even more exaggerated to think that the interior decoration is luxurious?

Thinking of this, Kakashi couldn't help but take a breath.

After a brief shock, he quickly regained his composure and asked:"I am the first. When I come here, how should I order?"

Chiba pointed to the dessert list and cold drink list on both sides of the cashier.

"Just follow the points above."

Kakashi nodded after hearing this and looked at the team members.

"Which of you comes first?"

"Me me me! I'll go first!"Uzumaki Naruto raised his hand first and said excitedly.

Chiba looked at the excited Uzumaki Naruto, a light flashed in his eyes, and said with a smile

"You have some".....wide..

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