Three days later.

Agricultural products sales office.

An open area next to farmland.

Now the time for the boxing match has arrived.

During this period.

Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Madara, and Uchiha Izuna.

The four of them worked very hard to learn boxing.

They both want to knock their opponent into the ring!

As for Zabuza and Haku.

They are responsible for setting up the boxing ring.

Next to the square boxing ring, there were three tables.

Chiba sat in the middle of the table.

Zabuza sat on his left and Haku on his right.

At the diagonal positions of the boxing ring, there are four players standing in this boxing match.

"Ou Doudou, this time we must let Uchiha know who is the boxing champion!"Senju Hashirama stared at the two Uchiha brothers with evil intentions and said.

Senju Hashirama nodded.

"Don’t worry, this battle must give our Senju clan face, and we must kill the Uchiha clan’s spirit!"

On the other side.

Uchiha Madara felt the unkind eyes of Senju Hashirama. He twitched the corner of his mouth and said to his younger brother:"Izuna, we must defeat the Senju clan with a strong attitude in this battle. Let the Senju brothers know , our Uchiha clan is the strongest!"

"Um! For the glory of Uchiha, this battle must not be defeated!"Uchiha Izuna nodded very excitedly.

Now he can't wait to beat up Senju Tobirama!

The humiliation of his defeat to the opponent in the past can finally be taken back with his own hands!

The more Uchiha Izuna thinks about it, the more excited he becomes.!

For a moment, the Senju brothers and the Uchiha brothers stared at each other. The two sides wanted to fight, and they would not stop until there was a winner.


Seeing that the time was almost up, he said:"This boxing championship competition has officially begun."

Immediately, he looked at the four contestants in front of him

"Who among the four of you will start the game first?"

As soon as these words came out, the four contestants started discussing

"Tobirama, were you the one to fight? Or should I go up and fight? Senju

Hashirama asked, tilting his head.

After hearing this, Senju Hashirama pondered for a while, then jumped directly onto the ring.

"Let me fight first. This battle must make Izuna realize my strength again!"

"Well, that's okay too."Senju Hashirama did not object.

Senju Tobirama looked at Uchiha Izuna below the ring and said slowly:"Come up."

"good."Uchiha Izuna felt the other party's provocation and nodded without hesitation.

"Izuna, be careful and don't get caught up in Tobirama's machinations."Uchiha Madara reminded me

"Don't worry, I'll pay attention."Uchiha Izuna nodded with his back to his eldest brother.

Below the ring,

Chiba looked at the players who had already entered the competition ring and said,"Okay, non-participants, please step aside first.

Senju Hashirama:"Okay.""

Uchiha Madara:"Yeah."

Chiba picked up the small hammer on the table, looked at the contestants on the ring and continued:"The rules of boxing do not allow the use of ninjutsu, and do not be clever. In martial arts, peace is the most important, martial ethics must be respected, and no fighting is allowed. , click to end."

Senju Tobirama on the stage nodded and replied:"I understand."

"no problem."Uchiha Izuna also said in agreement.

Chiba nodded, then held a small hammer and struck the small copper bell.


As the bell falls.

The game officially begins!

In the arena.

Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Izuna have already put on their gloves

"Tobirama, this time I must regain the shame of the past!"Uchiha Izuna said seriously with a serious look on his face.

"Recovering the shame of the past?"Senju Tobirama shook his head and replied lazily:"In the past, I was able to defeat you with the second-level flying thunder god technique. Now, even if I can't use ninjutsu in the competition, I can still defeat you!"

"Then come and give it a try!"Uchiha Izuna replied in disbelief. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Don't believe it? Then let your fists do the talking."Senju Tobirama simply replied, and then he directly made a fighting posture.

Seeing this, Uchiha Izuna also took a fighting posture.

The next moment,

Uchiha Izuna took the lead in launching an offensive.

I saw him quickly He swung his right fist and hit Senju Tobirama on the head. Seeing the rapid attack, Senju Tobirama showed no fear at all, and immediately dodges on one side of his body.

He was not surprised that the punch was empty.

Then, he punched directly with his left hand.

Seeing this, Senju Tobirama knew that he could not avoid it, so he also raised his fist and punched him hard.



The two of them each received a punch from the other, and each of them took a few steps back.

"The strength is good."

Qianshou Feijian felt the pain in his abdomen and said in surprise

"`Is it just good?......"Uchiha Izuna touched his abdomen and said with a grin:"Our mutual testing is basically over, can we have a good fist fight now?"

"good!"Senju Hashirama nodded with a serious face.

Immediately, the two started a fierce boxing match.

Senju Hashirama, who was watching from the sidelines, saw excitement in his eyes when he saw the fierce boxing match in the ring.

Even, he Can't help but yell

"Ou Doudou, we can’t lose when we go! We must win and give Uchiha some color!"

Not far away.

When Uchiha Madara heard this, his face darkened and he stared.

"Dazhu, you are the only one who talks a lot, right?"

After that, he looked at Uchiha Izuna, who was punching Senju Tobi, and said in an excited voice:"Ou Doudou, you must win. The glory of the Uchiha clan depends on us two brothers.!"

On the ring, Uchiha Izuna was boxing with Senju Tobirama, and they were fighting fiercely.

When Uchiha Izuna heard her elder brother's encouragement, especially when she heard"Uchiha Glory""When he said these five words, the blood in his body felt as if it had been boiled.

His voice was full of excitement.

"Well, for the glory of Uchiha, Tobirama must be defeated!!!"

"Kill me?" Qianshou Feijian curled his lips and said,"Then give it a try."

While speaking, he directly hit Uchiha Izuna in the abdomen with an uppercut.


Uchiha Izuna's body flew backwards.

Fortunately, it was blocked by the ring fence, otherwise he would have definitely flown out of the ring.

"That's it?"

Senju Tobirama shrugged.

Uchiha Izuna held on to the railings of the arena with both hands, breathing heavily.

He didn't expect that the opponent was so strong!

"hateful! We must defeat Tobirama!"

With a low roar, he raised his fist and rushed over.

For a while, the two sides continued to engage in a fierce battle!......

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