Late at night.

Agricultural products sales office.

Inside the dormitory building.

In the bedroom.

Chiba lay on the bed, focusing on the system control panel in front of him

【Host]: Chiba

【Ninjutsu: empty

【Physique]: Immortal human body

【Physical skills]: empty

【Eye Technique]: empty

【Blood Succession Limit]: Wood Escape

【Current land]: 60 acres

【System gold coins]: 838.200 pieces

【System warehouse]: sunglasses, suits, cowboy hats......

【Explosive Characters]:

Uchiha Madara (Combat Strength: The Fourth Ninja War, the state of the reincarnation of the dirty land.)

Senju Hashirama (Combat Strength: The Battle of the Valley of the End, peak state.)

Senju Tobirama (Fighting Power: Successor to the second generation Hokage, peak state)

Uchiha Izuna (combat power: Warring States period, peak combat power).)

【Contracted Characters]: Zabuza, Shiro

【The chat group has been opened]

Looking at the column of [System Gold Coins], Chiba's lips raised a smile.

These more than 800,000 gold coins were earned through hard work.

He didn't spend any of the gold coins he received from previous system tasks.

In addition, employees dig the ground to plant 02 vegetables and receive gold coin rewards from harvesting the vegetables.

This left an amount of 800,000 gold coins.

As for why so many gold coins are collected, Qianye has a big purpose.

Immediately, he looked at another column on the system panel

【Contracted Characters】

This function column was automatically generated by the system when Chiba made a contract with Zabuza and Haku.

The purpose of this function is to allow Chiba to manage the contracted personnel easily.

"Open Zabuza's personal properties panel"

【Name]: Zabuza

【Sex: Male

【Occupation]: A rebel


When Qianye saw this, he thought

"Invite Zabuza into the system chat group"

"Ding, the pull was successful."

Immediately, Chiba's eyes were clear and clear on the information panel.

"Pull Bai into the system chat group"

"Ding, the pull was successful"

【Chat group】

【Zabuza:"This......How is this going?"】

【Bai:"What's going on?"】

【Thousand-Armed Buddha (between pillars):"Σ(⊙▽⊙! , oh ho, Zabuza, Shiro, you have all been dragged into the group chat by the boss, welcome."】

【Zabuza:"Σ(⊙▽⊙! First Generation......First generation sir, you are here too!"】

【white:"Σ(⊙▽⊙! The first generation of adults!"】

【Chiba:"Zabuza, Shiro, this is an introduction to the chat group function. You will understand after reading it."】

Immediately, Chiba directly posted a 500-word introduction to the group's functions in the group message.

After doing all this, Qianye thought. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"View system tasks"

【System task: The host has organized a boxing match. Contestants: Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Madara, and Uchiha Izuna; task reward: 400.000 gold coins. 】

Looking at the system tasks, Chiba’s face showed a smile.

When he just held a boxing match, he triggered a system task.

Now it's just a matter of waiting for the boxing match in three days.

Thinking of this, Chiba directly closed the system panel.


At the same time.

Zabuza and Shiro looked at the group function introduction sent by the boss in the chat group, and both of them understood what was going on.

【Chat group】

【Zabuza:"So that's what happened. With this chat group, everyone can talk to each other through the group chat."】

【Bai:"Yeah, this chat group is amazing!"】

【Thousand-Armed Buddha (Hashirama):"There are many functions of the chat group waiting for us to explore. What we are playing with now is just scratching the surface.""】

【Zabuza:"Hashirama-sama is right!"】

【Konoha Dance King (Madara):"Big Pillar, you don't sleep all night, do you want to be a night owl?"】

【Zabuza:"Σ(⊙▽⊙! , Master Madara suddenly appeared in the chat group! Bow to Madara-sama! orz!"】

【white:"Σ(⊙▽⊙! , bow your head! orz!"】

【The Dance King of Konoha (Madara):"Low-key and low-key."】

【Thousand-Armed Buddha (Hashirama):"Aban, you still say that I am a night owl and don't sleep. You are also watching the screen in secret."】

【Konoha Dance King (Madara):"O(ヘo), don't slander good people, why am I peeking at the screen in secret? Is this called inspection?"】

【Thousand-Armed Buddha (between pillars):"(▽~)Tsk~~, you are talking about being noble and noble, but you are not secretly peeking into the screen."】

【The Dance King of Konoha (Madara):"(*.)!"】

【Uchiha Izuna:"Nisan, we don't have to compete with Hashirama. When we win the boxing match, we can then attack the Senju brothers.""】

【Konoha Dance King (Madara):"That makes sense."】

【Thousand-Armed Buddha (Hashirama):"Don't have any illusions. I have found the best boxing instructor. I am destined to win this boxing match.""】

【Konoha Dance King (Madara):"The strongest boxing lesson? Then tell me about it?""】

【Thousand-Armed Buddha (Hashirama):"You'll know when the game comes"】

【The Dance King of Konoha (Madara):", cut, make a fuss"】

【Thousand-Armed Buddha (Hashirama):"Hey, are you trying to be mysterious? We'll see you on the field.""】

【Thousand-Armed Buddha (Hashirama):"Ou Doudou, stop peeking at the screen, big brother will take you to torture the Uchiha brothers830"】

【Forbidden Technique Master (Tobirama):"Brother, why do I feel that the strongest boxing instructor you have found is not reliable?"】

【Thousand-Armed Buddha (between pillars):"o(╥﹏╥)o, Ou Doudou, how can you not trust your elder brother's intuition so much! The master said in the introduction that he used Hua Jin'er, saying that traditional Kung Fu is about Hua Jin'er, and four taels of gold can be spent. There once was a strong man who weighed more than 200 kilograms, and he couldn't even hold him. A finger!"】

【Forbidden Technique Master (Tobirama):"Brother, did that master really say that?"】

【Thousand-Armed Buddha (Hashirama):"Not bad!"】

【The Dance King of Konoha (Madara):"Σ(⊙▽⊙! , so strong?"】

【Uchiha Izuna:"Nisan, the master I heard from Hashirama is so powerful, what should we do?"】

【Konoha Dance King (Madara):"Don't be afraid, we can't be frightened by a few words from the big pillar!"】

【Uchiha Izuna:"Yes, the game hasn't started yet, don't be intimidated."】

【Thousand-Armed Buddha (between pillars):"(*^▽^*)Ah Ban, Quan Nai, are you scared? Surrender quickly!"】

【The Dance King of Konoha (Madara):(▽~)Come on, see you on the playing field!】

【Thousand-Armed Buddha (Hashirama):"If you don't listen to advice, let's see how I defeat you!"】......

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