Chapter 99: The cowardly and decisive Third Kazekage escapes again

“Damn it! Chase me! Speed up the march!”

The Third Kazekage learned of this situation and flew in from behind. He was immediately furious.

He immediately ordered to speed up the advance.

And, after advancing 5 kilometers, he encountered Konoha’s large army head-on.

At this time, Konoha Ye’s army had been waiting here for a long time, and all kinds of large ordnance were ready. When they saw the sand ninja army appeared, they immediately launched an attack with countless oversized shurikens, hidden weapons, crossbows and the like.

At the same time, countless ninjutsu also attacked.

“not good! defense!”

The moment the Third Kazekage and the others saw these large war instruments, their expressions changed drastically.

They didn’t expect Konoha to actually carry all these heavy things. They quickly ordered a defense.

At the same time, the Third Kazekage directly controlled the sand iron in the An iron curtain was formed in mid-air to block some ninjutsu attacks, and he also used magnetic release to control the incoming shurikens, kunai, and poisonous needles made of metal.

The Third Kazekage alone. It blocked 70% of the attacks.

However, the Iron Curtain also had a lot of damage, and the remaining ones were not suitable for iron. He had no choice but to use the Iron Curtain to block some of the attacks. The fast sand ninjas also used their own methods to defend themselves. Only dozens of weak and slow genin or chuunin were hit, and hundreds more were injured. of

“Damn it! kill!!”

After a wave of defense, the Third Kazekage ordered a counterattack with a gloomy face.

At the same time, he controlled the sand iron to fly towards the Konoha ninja, condensed into iron spears and shot towards the Konoha ninja.

“Ding ding ding,!”

The next moment, a stream of light flashed out, quickly slashing away most of the incoming iron spears, stopping the Third Kazekage from confronting him directly.

The other Konoha ninjas quickly followed the Sand Ninjas. fighting together

“Hatake Sakumo!”

Seeing the person who appeared, the Third Kazekage’s expression condensed, and then he looked at the Konoha camp. Then, while controlling the sand iron to kill Hatake Sakumo, he couldn’t help laughing wildly:”Haha! Sure enough, the information was accurate. Qianxuan, Tsunade, and Danzo were not here this time?”

“Then this victory belongs to me, the sand ninja!”

“This time, Sakumo, please stay with me! kill!!”

The next moment, the two were fighting fiercely.

The Third Kazekage flexibly controlled the sand iron to change into various forms to attack Sakumo and defend against Sakumo’s slashes.

The two of them were going back and forth, and for a while everyone was confused. There was nothing they could do.

Down below, because they lacked a lot of high-level combat power, Konoha did not have an advantage in terms of numbers.

Even though they had gained a certain advantage through the raid at the beginning, the advantage quickly faded as the war began. was wiped out.

Moreover, Konoha’s side began to fall into a disadvantage, and the casualties began to increase.

With their powerful strength,

Konoha’s side had to send troops to kill everyone. Several elite jounin were sent to besiege and stop Chiyo before they could stop their attack. The three of them were the ones who were besieging Chiyo.

The combined strength of the three was able to stop Chiyo.

They are three jounin of the Uchiha clan.

They all have activated the three magatama, and are 30% stronger than the average elite jounin. At this point in the battle

, it has entered a stalemate.

Being held back.

The only battlefield that can really determine the outcome is the ordinary jounin and middle genin.

In this regard, the sand ninja has a certain advantage due to its advantages in ninjutsu and poison, causing Konoha’s casualties to continue to this time


Qianxuan, Tsunade and others suddenly appeared next to Tiemu.

Seeing the sudden appearance of everyone, both Tiemu and the nearby sand ninja were stunned.

Then, Tiemu and other Konoha ninjas were ecstatic:”Yes. Chigen and Tsunade, you guys? Are you back in time? Has it been resolved over there?”

But seeing Qianxuan and the others, the face of the Sand Ninja changed drastically. A Sand Ninja Jonin immediately shouted loudly:”No! Konoha Thunder God Chigen is back! careful!!!”


But the next moment, this sand ninja and even the sand ninja nearby were attacked and killed by Tsunade and others.

For a moment, all the sand ninjas near Qianxuan were wiped out.

He clapped his hands without hesitation and entered the sage mode. , then raised a hand to the sky, and a bolt of lightning shot into the sky and disappeared into the clouds


Although this voice was not that loud in the noisy and chaotic battlefield, it was still heard and paid attention to by some sand ninjas.

When they saw Qian Xuan and others, their expressions changed drastically, and they began to pass on information.

Soon. , Chiyo, Ebizo, the Third Kazekage and others also knew about it.

At the same time, they also saw the familiar thunder pillar soaring into the sky, and felt that the dark clouds in the sky above the battlefield began to change, and the rolling thunder began to loom on the surface of the dark clouds.

“not good! Escape!!!”

The Third Kazekage, Chiyo, Ebizo and others had a tacit understanding this time and ordered the retreat without hesitation.

The next moment, the ninjas on the sand ninja side, led by the jounin and chuunin, began to quickly Retreat.

There is no sloppiness at all.

Even if there are those who are slow to respond and confused, it is only those genin and some chunin who came to reinforce later.

They were extremely obedient and could run faster than a rabbit.

On the other hand, the situation in Konoha was completely opposite.

Seeing the familiar lightning beam, they all lost their previous frustration and depression and became extremely excited.

“Chase! Don’t let them get away!”

“Lord Qianxuan is here! The victory is already decided!”

“Ha ha! Sand Ninja! What are you running for? Keep on being arrogant! Why aren’t you arrogant now?”

“You thief, please give my brother his life! You must stay here for me today! Jie Jie Jie!!”

“Wrap them around! Buy time for Lord Qianxuan!”


For a time, Konoha ninjas used their own methods to desperately stop those sand ninjas who wanted to escape from the battle.

Because they know that the main thing is to hold these people back for a while, and then their death will be over.

Even those Chuunin and Jonin were no exception.

It is true that Sengen’s thunder cloud storm cannot directly kill chuunin and jounin.

But it can paralyze them, paralyzing Chuunin for more than ten seconds, and paralyzing Jounin for one or two seconds!

Although this time is not very long, for ninja duels, it is enough to make them die several times.

Of course, only a small part of the sand ninjas could be entangled. Most of the sand ninjas successfully formed a group and began to retreat quickly.

“Damn you kid! How could it be possible to come back here so soon? What the hell is that bastard Hanzo doing?”

The Third Kazekage wanted to attack Sengen several times and interrupt his spell casting, but he was blocked by Sakumo, preventing him from getting even close to Sengen.

In the end, he could only curse Hanzo angrily, and then While resisting Sakumo’s attack, he began to cover the sand ninja army and speed up its retreat.

If he didn’t leave, he didn’t know how many sand ninjas would be electrocuted by then.

It would be very troublesome for him if he was caught by this thunder escape.

Although this Thunder Escape can’t hurt him, don’t forget that Thunder Escape can restrain his Magnetic Escape to a certain extent.

Thunder attacks on his sand iron will cause a demagnetization reaction, so his attack and defense will inevitably be affected. A loophole appeared, the battle rhythm was disrupted, and a flaw appeared.

At this time, he also had a top master Hatake Sakumo who was eyeing him. He would not miss any opportunity or flaw, and he would be left here.

This is not worth the gain

“Immortal magic thunder escapes the thunder cloud storm!”


At this time, Qian Xuan had completed casting the spell.

The next moment, hundreds of thunderbolts suddenly emerged and fell towards the sand ninja below who had not had time to escape from the attack area.

“Magnetic Escape Sand Iron Barrier!”

The Third Kazekage saw that there were still quite a few sand ninjas on the main force who could not escape the attack range, so he immediately used a sand-iron barrier to block the lightning attack.


His actions were undoubtedly successful. He saved hundreds of sand ninjas with the help of the barrier.

However, the sand and iron barrier was also demagnetized a lot and began to break.

“accelerate! withdraw!!”

After blocking this wave, the Third Kazekage felt that the thundercloud was still brewing, and immediately knew that it was not over yet, and immediately roared.

While blocking Sakumo’s attack, he continued to evacuate with the main force.

Because a lot of sand iron had been degaussed before , his attack and defense were weakened a lot.

This made him even more unwilling to fight and retreat. At the same time, there were many sand ninjas who could not keep up with the main force.

All the genin in the middle were killed by lightning in an instant.

Even some unlucky chuunin were not spared and were directly killed by a wave of electricity.

Most of the remaining chuunin and jounin were trembling nearby. Under the interference of the leaf ninja, he was unable to dodge the real lightning attack, and his body was instantly paralyzed.

If hit by this lightning attack, the jounin would be paralyzed for at least two or three seconds, and the chunin would be even more unbearable. , they must be paralyzed for at least seven or eight seconds.

This time is undoubtedly fatal to them during the battle. It is enough for them to die several times.

Therefore, these paralyzed Nakajonin are all killed next to them. The Konoha ninjas who had been prepared for a long time also killed and took away the lives of those who were not attacked by this wave of thunder. Thunder Cloud’s attack range.

Most of them failed, but a few elite jounin did manage to escape. However

, they were seriously injured and their speed was greatly affected.

They all fell in the subsequent two rounds of lightning attacks.

Those who survived the first round were not necessarily killed by the lightning attacks , but they were all paralyzed by the subsequent lightning attacks.

His life was harvested by the Konoha ninja next to him.

Seeing this, Qianxuan stopped the technique, and then greeted the three Minatos:”Minato, Kushina, Mikoto!

Come here quickly!

” After hearing this, the three people ran over without hesitation and put their hands on Qianxuan’s shoulders.

When Qianxuan saw their tacit understanding, he suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and thought.


The next moment, the four people disappeared and reappeared, already thousands of meters away next to Tsunade.

Seeing their sudden appearance, Tsunade paused slightly, and then asked with a smile:”Everyone is already there. solved?”


Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively, glanced at the sand ninja who were still running away over there, and said to Tsunade and Kushina.:

“Sister Tsunade, I’m going to use the Thunder Kirin to make another wave, please help me protect me!”


After Tsunade heard this, she immediately stopped and nodded in agreement.

Then, the three of them with Kushina dispersed not far away from Qianxuan and began to be on guard.

Qianxuan once again raised a hand and pointed it at the sky.

A lightning beam suddenly rose into the sky again and sank into the high-altitude clouds.

Because the charge in the clouds here had not been consumed by Qianxuan before, the Shenhe in them was abundant within a radius of one kilometer. The dark clouds inside began to roll with thunder and lightning, becoming oppressive.

This familiar change was immediately noticed by the sand ninjas!

Then, they saw a thunder pillar in the distance, and their eyes were suddenly split.

“Damn it! Is this kid finished? You actually came after me?”

“quick! Speed up the evacuation! Don’t give this brat any chance!”

“Why doesn’t he die?”

“How could there be such a terrifying and entangled guy?”


The sand ninja immediately started to speed up and flee away while cursing.

The Konoha ninjas were just the opposite. They all accelerated their pursuit in excitement, hoping that they would be able to trap a few more sand ninjas.

As long as they are busy running away, they will die.

“Ha ha! Lord Qianxuan is so awesome! Facing him, the Sand Ninja just ran away without thinking about anything else!”

“yes! It was like this last time too! hey-hey! So cool!”

“Jie Jie Jie! Sand Ninja in front of you, don’t run away! Stay, let’s have a good fight!”


In that situation, the Konoha ninja looked more like a villain.

This time, the sand ninja was more decisive and faster, and quickly escaped from the thundercloud range.

Suddenly, many sand ninjas breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like they were surviving a disaster.

But he still didn’t dare to relax completely and continued to evacuate, but the speed dropped a lot.


At this time, Qianxuan’s Ninjutsu is also ready.

“Immortal magic thunder escapes Qilin!!”


The next moment, in the astonished expressions of the Third Kazekage and others, a huge thunder unicorn head with a diameter of more than ten meters poked out from the thunder clouds and looked in the direction of the Sand Ninja troops.

Then, it opened its mouth.


A terrifying lightning beam with a diameter of more than five meters was ejected directly from its mouth. Like thunder and lightning, it instantly spanned more than a thousand meters and hit the densest area of Sand Ninjas.

It left a line on the ground with a width of more than five meters and a length of A terrifying charred ravine more than 100 meters long



The Third Kazekage and the others felt a dazzling light flash before their eyes, and only heard a scream.

When the light dissipated, their eyesight recovered.

Only then did they see the ravine more than a hundred meters away.

But before, they were standing in the straight line of this gully. Hundreds of sand ninjas have all disappeared.

There is no doubt that they have all been vaporized.

“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!”

“This Lei Dun is actually different? Why is this happening?”

The Third Kazekage went crazy!

For a moment, he even wanted to rush over and kill Qianxuan desperately.

But in the end he forced himself to calm down.

Because he knew that it was stupid to do so, and it was just right. The enemy’s intentions.

Moreover, that kid has mastered the Flying Thunder God technique and is protected by Tsunade and others.

It is basically impossible for him to rush over and kill him.

“withdraw! Keep withdrawing!!!”

The Third Kazekage took a deep look at the thundering Qilin and Qianxuan who were gradually dissipating in the sky, and shouted loudly.

With resentment, he guarded the remaining Sand Ninja and continued to evacuate at a faster speed.

This time, the Sand Ninja was no longer as powerful as before. With a sense of luck, they ran away desperately for the sake of their own lives, and they did not dare to stop for a moment.


On the Konoha ninja side, when they saw the terrifying thunder escape attack before, they all gasped in shock.

“What a terrifying thunder escape attack! This is definitely a super S-level lightning attack, right?”

“definitely! If he was hit, even a shadow-level expert would die, right?”

“yes! All the sand ninjas in that straight line were instantly vaporized, not even a single body was left behind!”

“Another super thunder escape! Master Qianxuan is awesome!”

“All I can say is that Master Qianxuan is so awesome!”

“Fortunately, Master Qianxuan is not an enemy. Otherwise, how desperate would it be to face such an enemy?”

“hey-hey! No! At this time, Sand Ninja was probably very desperate!”

“What are you waiting for? Keep chasing and make them more desperate! Do you think they still dare to trick me?”



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