Chapter 98: Prepare to repeat his old tricks, Danzo’s hatred.

Qianxuan and the others set out half an hour later.

Sensing that Yu Ren’s position could no longer be sensed, Qianxuan immediately ordered the army to stop advancing.

“What’s wrong? What went wrong? Or have you discovered the enemy again?”

Tsunade and the others rushed over in confusion.

“Not really!

After hearing this, Qian Xuan shook his head and said,”That’s it!” I feel like we are all rushing to Sakumo-sensei’s side together. Even if we can make it there, maybe the battle there is over!”

“Therefore, I want to take Tsunade, you and a few dozen strong men to use the flying thunder god technique to directly locate Uncle Ironwood, and teleport there like last time.;”

“Then, let’s launch a surprise attack on the Sand Ninja together.;”

“It will definitely catch Suna Ninja off guard!”

“The most important thing is that information came from Uncle Ironwood that the battlefield they selected this time is still within the Kingdom of Rain.;”

“The sky is covered with dark clouds, just perfect for me to use Thunder Cloud Storm;”

“The sand ninja probably didn’t expect that our side could end the battle so quickly.;”

“When the time comes, we, who appear as a surprise force, will definitely be able to hit the sand ninjas hard and force them to retreat or even surrender. What do you think?”

The information was naturally not sent by Temu, but was detected by Qianxuan through the ordinary beasts left behind at Sakumo.

It is absolutely true.

Of course, Tsunade glanced meaningfully when he said this just now Looking at him, she obviously guessed the truth, but she just didn’t know it.


Jiraiya and others’ eyes suddenly lit up after hearing this:”If that’s the case, that’s the best!”

“But are you sure you can hold on?”

“There have been two high-intensity battles before!”

“In addition, bringing people to teleport over long distances is also very burdensome, right?”


At this time, Orochimaru also echoed:”Although we would like to achieve a great victory by surprise, there is no need to force it.”

They are still thinking about trading the perfect human immortal mode training method from Qianxuan in the future!

Qianxuan can’t have any problems now.

Even Tsunade and Kushina showed worried looks.

“calm down!

After hearing this, Qianxuan waved his hands and said,”I’ve been resting for half an hour. My chakra and physical strength have been fully restored!””

“I can survive another fight! No big deal!”

He is cultivating spiritual power, not real chakra, so he recovers naturally and quickly.

Even if he doesn’t take Qi training pills to regain his energy, he can recover most of his spiritual power in half an hour by absorbing natural energy through running exercises.

Not to mention, The Qi training pills taken during the previous battle with Onoki have not been completely consumed at this time, and it is normal to return to the full state.

“Since you said so, we naturally have no objection! However, how many people can you teleport there with at one time?”

“This time the distance is more than twice as far as last time!”

Jiraiya and the others nodded after hearing this. They stopped trying to persuade and asked instead.

“10 of them! There is no need for more! Unless they can all be brought over, it won’t play a decisive role. When I use Thunder Escape, ten people can temporarily block the incoming Xiren for me.

Qian Xuan thought for a moment, replied, and added:”As for the remaining people, just rush to the front line camp!” There is no need to go to the battlefield!”

“Anyway, they can’t catch up!”

On the battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain, the number of people no longer means much to Qian Xuan.

Unless the opponent is prepared and there are many masters.

From the beginning, he will not be given a chance to use the Immortal Magic Thunder Escape, and he will come to interfere and surround him.

“become! Then ten!”

Jiraiya and the others naturally had no objection.

However, at this time, Tsunade couldn’t help but ask:”In that case, wouldn’t Hanzo’s side be useless?”

“There’s no way he could have rushed to the Sand Ninja battlefield, right?”


Jiraiya and others were also stunned when they heard this, and they immediately reacted:”Yes!”

“Qianxuan, what do you think? Could it be considered a leak?”

As he said this, everyone looked at Qian Xuan.

“not completely!

Qian Xuan smiled and shook his head:”I did forget it at first!” But I remembered it halfway through.”

Tsunade suddenly wondered:”Then why do you……”

“Why not change it?”


Qian Xuan listened and said with a sly smile:”Because, I suddenly feel that it is better not to change than to change!””

“Think about it! If the change is made and Hanzo is not allowed to help us deal with the Sand Ninja, but is directly allowed to return to the Rain Ninja Village to wait for negotiations, are you sure he will really be willing to admit defeat honestly?”

“Will he secretly use a ninja eagle or something like that to pass information to the sand ninja so that the sand ninja can be on guard against us?”

“If we fail to defeat the sand ninja because of this, we will inevitably fall into a long-term war with the sand ninja and have no time to complete peace talks and compensation with Hanzo.;”

“By then, Hanzo can sit back and watch the tiger fight!”

“Maybe, if we can still drag it out, the situation will change?”

“Anyway, as long as he passes the information without being discovered by us, refuses to admit it, and falls into the quagmire of Sand Ninja, there is nothing we can do against him for the time being, right?”

Even if Qian Xuan ignores the matter and directly attacks the Rain Ninja Village, Hanzo can just give in and choose to immediately negotiate for peace and pay compensation.

With the three generations, Danzo and the others will definitely agree.

Jiraiya was suddenly surprised:” It’s really very possible.”

They will not be naive enough to believe that Hanzo will really admit defeat and will not make any small moves!

At this time, Qianxuan continued:”And now, we lie to Hanzo and ask him to help us backstab the Sand Ninja. Dealing with the Sand Ninja is completely different. Got it!”

“Hanzo will definitely not pass on the battle information here to the sand ninja for the time being!”

“This is not because of his high moral integrity, but simply because he is unclear about the situation!”

“He needs to at least rush to the Sand Ninja battlefield before he can make the choice that best suits his interests based on the specific situation.;”

“It may not really be to help us backstab the Sand Ninjas.;”

“On the surface, he helped us stab people in the back, but secretly he colluded with the sand ninja again in Yin Muye. It would be possible to kill me at best.”

If Sand Ninja and Hanzo join forces, there will be more shadow-level masters. It is not impossible to join forces to siege Qianxuan; even if the siege fails, it is always possible to force Qianxuan to use Thunder Cloud Storm with peace of mind.

“In this way, no matter what Hanzo chooses, if he no longer resists the sand ninja on the battlefield, it is basically impossible for him to pass on our battle information to the sand ninja before confirming the situation there.;”

“If the sand ninja over there has been defeated by us, if he passes on the information, he will have to bear the wrath of Konoha and me alone!”

“He can’t afford to gamble!”

“And with this time difference, we can definitely get the upper hand, use the Flying Thunder God to teleport directly, and deal with the sand ninja first.”

“As long as this step is successful, it won’t matter whether Hanzo helps or not, right?”

Anyway, it’s all about victory, whatever is convenient and advantageous is enough.

The wonderful thing about this is that Hanzo and even the sand ninja don’t know that Qianxuan can take people to teleport such a long distance in a very short period of time. , directly crossing hundreds of kilometers to confront the enemy.

The last time they did this, although they left some information, Hanzo and the Sand Ninja could not determine the specific time, so they could not analyze the limit of Qianxuan’s teleportation. Where.

The role of intelligence is undoubtedly evident at this moment.


Jiraiya and the others’ eyes suddenly brightened after hearing this:”Indeed, this is the safest way for you to handle it!””

“So let’s do it! We act as quickly as possible to avoid accidents!”

“Although you analyze it, it is basically impossible for Hanzo to pass information to the Sand Ninja in advance before he rushes to the Sand Ninja battlefield.;”

“But who can say for sure?”

“Just in case Banzang’s brain is showing off, this is what he did! If we continue to delay, the plan may fail!”

On the battlefield, the most correct thing to do is to eliminate any chance of luck. Taking it for granted is unavoidable.

In this world, there are always smart people and also crazy people.

Accidents can happen at any moment.


Qianxuan nodded in agreement, feeling that Jiraiya was quite reliable at this time, and immediately said:”Then let’s go! In terms of personnel, there are just a few on our side, plus Uchiha Chizan, Uchiha Arashi, and Hinata Aoki.

Hyuga Shin.”

Soon, Qianxuan and the others explained to the remaining ninja leaders, and also said hello to Danzo, and then directly led the people”Brush!”disappeared here.

Danzo looked at the position where Qianxuan and the others disappeared, and his intestines were filled with regret at this time.

He felt that he should not have been so impulsive before and chose the hard steel Hanzo.

Otherwise, he would have gone over there to support him at this time. He is definitely the one.

In that way, he can take the credit openly and even, because of his status in the village and as the commander-in-chief of the frontline camp, he can also take most of the credit. He lost an arm and an eye.

Oh! According to Tsunade, he also lost his whole body and couldn’t follow. Naturally, most of the credit would not be attributed to him at that time. As a conductor, I get a small part of the credit.

“Damn it! It’s all that damn Hanzo’s fault, why are you attacking me so hard? Can’t you attack Tsunade and the others?”

“Also, that kid Qianxuan is also extremely hateful. He is so powerful and can compete with Hanzo, but he still chooses to hide.;”

“Otherwise, how could I have ended up in this situation?”

For a while, Danzo hated Hanzo and Qianxuan.

At the same time, he was not willing to become a useless person like this.

“I need to find a way to restore my arms and eyes;”

“Um! So does the waist!”

“Only Orochimaru can help me with this!”

“That woman Tsunade can definitely do it, but she deliberately refused to treat me. She did it on purpose. Is this her revenge on me for targeting Senju?”

“It seems that the wood escape experimental plan and the sharingan plan will be launched as soon as possible!”

“Otherwise, my strength will be greatly affected, which will ultimately affect my plan to become the Hokage.”

This is something Danzo cannot allow.

For the sake of strength and to become Hokage, he will not hesitate to turn into a nightmare even if he is full of sins.

Otherwise, what is the meaning of his life?


The previous battlefield.

Soon after Qianxuan and the others left.

On a big tree, a bud like a pitcher plant suddenly grew.

Revealing the black and white inside.

They looked at the messy battlefield destroyed by thunder, and Hei Jue couldn’t help but clicked his tongue and said:”Tsk, tsk! This level of lightning escape is simply terrifying!”

“Even Madarai might not be able to do it so easily, right?”

“Moreover, there is such a strong aura of magical chakra in it!”

“Sure enough, this kid has indeed mastered the same sage mode as Senju Hashirama!”

It’s a pity that without Hashirama and Uchiha Madara’s blood inheritance talents, Chigen’s upper limit is just like this.

It doesn’t mean that if you are young and have high achievements, your future achievements will be higher or even break the boundaries.

Ninjas have their limits.

Bloodline talent has its limits.

At this time, Bai Jue also said:”Not only the immortal skills, but this kid’s two thunder escape ninjutsus seem to have never appeared before. They should have been created by him.;”

“In addition, his swordsmanship is also very strong, and his physique, chakra volume, and recovery ability are very strong.;”

“Are you sure he doesn’t have a fairy body similar to Senju Hashirama?”

Without this, how could the amount of chakra and resilience be expressed in this way?

“No! After hearing this

, Hei Jue shook his head and said,”This kid must have the body of an immortal!” Otherwise, you won’t be able to learn magic easily.;”

“I’ve observed it from a distance, but it’s completely different from Senju Hashirama’s, more like the immortal body of the Uzumaki clan!”

“Here, the immortal human body and the immortal human body are also different!”

“No matter how strong this little ghost’s human talent is, he can’t compare to Thousand Hands.”

The key point is that Senju Hashirama is so strong not entirely because of his immortal body! It also has a lot to do with Asura Chakra and Wood Release.

In the past, there were many Senju and Uzumaki clans who had immortal bodies. Go.

Anyone who has awakened Senju and Uzumaki can be considered to have the corresponding immortal body, but the purity, strength, and upper limit are different.

“never mind! There is no point in saying this! Let’s go! It’s time to go back and report the news to Madara! I believe he will be very interested! Jie Jie Jie!”

With that said, Black and White Jue submerged into the trunk of the tree again and disappeared.

What they didn’t notice was that before, ordinary birds had been standing on the higher branches, watching and listening to their every move. In the ears.

Then, after they left, the birds directly passed the information to Qianxuan through the contract.

Then, dozens of birds nearby flapped their wings and flew towards the mask camp.


More than half a day ago.

Sand Ninja’s side.

After receiving the message from the spies, Konoha sent out troops and divided them into two groups.

Among them, Sengen, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Danzo and others were overjoyed after they all went to attack the Rain Country.

“Ha ha! This is simply a God-given opportunity! There is nothing to say, the army will set off immediately, and first take the opportunity to strangle the remaining Konoha ninja army in the Konoha camp!”

“Otherwise, when Danzo and others return with their elites, especially that kid Qianxuan, it will not be that simple for us to defeat Konoha!”

After the Third Kazekage received the news, he couldn’t help laughing and made a decision.


After Chiyo and others heard this, they also felt that this was the truth.

Let Hanzo face that terrifying brat Qianxuan!

It would be great if Hanzo could kill that brat.

In this way, Konoha and Rain Ninja will They have completely become mortal enemies.

Seeing them consume each other, the sand ninja will be able to benefit.

Even if they can’t, they can delay the kid and his group for a few days, allowing them to kill the thousands of ninja troops in Konoha’s front camp. It is also very good to weaken Konoha’s vitality, so that the sand ninja can defeat Konoha and take a piece of flesh from Konoha to establish a foundation.

“very good! Since everyone has no objections, let’s get ready to go as soon as possible!”

The Third Kazekage waved his hand.

A few hours later, the sand ninjas completed their assembly. Under the leadership of the third generation himself, they quickly rushed towards the Konoha camp.


“Water escape……”

“Combined Ninjutsu Super Waterfall Jutsu!”


When the sand ninja marched to two-thirds of the way, they passed by a mountain forest.

Suddenly, a dozen Konoha elite ninja teams came out of the forest in front and attacked the Sand Ninja vanguard.

Fei’s surprise attack caught these sand ninja vanguard teams off guard.

Dozens of sand ninjas were killed in one encounter

“Enemy attack! Fight back!!”

“Leave them alone!”

After a wave of attacks, the Sand Ninja began to fight back.

But this time Konoha was completely different from before. After a wave of attacks, they turned around and ran away.

They did not stay to continue the fight at all.

Because they were all elites and their strength was at least the same. Are they elite chunin, or the kind who are good at speed? Konoha’s surprise ninjas quickly got rid of the pursuit.


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