Two days passed in a blink of an eye. During these two days, Qianxuan and Minato, in addition to their daily training, spent a few hours every day to go to the middle of the forest to the east of the village to hunt ferocious beasts and poisonous insects, and to practice their actual combat abilities..

In addition to the improvement in actual combat ability, Qianxuan successfully hunted a beast with chakra every day in the past two days, and gained 5 points and 3 points of physical improvement respectively.

Qianxuan also successfully mastered the method of performing the weakened version of ninjutsu, which greatly reduced the consumption of ninjutsu and greatly increased the number of times he could practice ninjutsu every day.

Furthermore, he has become more and more proficient in the several ninjutsu he currently masters, and has even developed corresponding improved ninjutsu, making amazing progress.

Minato was already so shocked that he was numb.

“Sure enough, the more things of the same category you collect, the worse the rewards you get!”

“I guess if you collect a few more beasts with chakra, the rewards will be reduced to the extreme, right?”

“It seems that we need to expand the hunting categories in the future to see if we can get new collectibles!”

Qian Xuan thought to himself on the way to the ninja school with Minato to take the entrance examination.

Otherwise, his speed of improvement will be affected.

“Qianxuan! Arrived at school! What are you stunned for?”

At this time, Minato’s voice came from the front, interrupting Qianxuan’s thinking.


Qianxuan immediately came back to his senses, waved his hand to Minato, and then quickly stepped forward, received and filled out the registration form, and walked into the ninja school.

After that, they began to participate in the assessments according to the school’s procedures.

The content of the assessment Not much actually.

The basic ones are the physical strength test, the basic physical skills test and the ninja tool throwing test.

If you have already extracted chakra, you can also take extra tests.

At this time, there is a rooftop somewhere in the ninja school. ,

Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya all stood here overlooking the assessment situation below.

“Those two brats should be the Sengen and Namikaze Minato that the elders mentioned, right?”

“Sure enough, they both had a lot of chakra, and both of them reached genin standards!”

“In fact, the chakra level of that brat named Chigen is in the upper-middle range among genin!”

“It only took 3 days to extract chakra. He is indeed a genius, and he is worthy of the clan’s increased efforts in cultivating him!”

“However, I will have to test it myself later!”

Tsunade’s perception is very keen, and with the pre-description between scenes, she immediately locked on Qianxuan and Minato, thinking in her heart.

She is very clear about the differences within the Senju clan, but she herself can’t tell which side to stand on..

But when a genius appears in the clan, it is always right to provide more support and training, even if Senju and Minato have already integrated into the village.


Tsunade’s abnormality attracted the attention of Orochimaru and Jiraiya.

Orochimaru followed Tsunade’s gaze and locked on Qiangen and Minato. Sensing the amount of chakra in their bodies, Orochimaru suddenly showed a hint of surprise. He said:”They are indeed two geniuses! So, Tsunade, these two brats are the reason why you specially called us here today?

Jiraiya also nodded:”They are indeed two geniuses. They are only 5 years old. They already have genin-level chakra when they first entered school. They are no worse than me before.””

“whispering sound!”

Jiraiya’s words attracted the disdainful looks of both Tsunade and Orochimaru.

“Are you embarrassed too? Who doesn’t know that you were a tailgater back then?”

Orochimaru said with a venomous tongue.

“Orochimaru…Special…Do you want to fight?”

Jiraiya suddenly growled angrily at Orochimaru.

If the occasion hadn’t been inappropriate and he was worried about the impact, he would have directly cursed.

This is slander. Orochimaru slandered him.


Orochimaru glanced at Jiraiya boredly, not bothering to reply.

Of course, he was actually very happy.

Another day of antagonizing Jiraiya

“Jiraiya, forget it!”

At this time, Tsunade interrupted Jiraiya’s nonsense with disdain and asked:”Let’s get down to business, what do you think of these two little devils? Are you interested in becoming a disciple?”


Orochimaru and Jiraiya were very surprised when they heard this.

Orochimaru licked his tongue, looked at Qiangen and Minato meaningfully, then looked at Tsunade and asked:”Is there anything special about these two brats? ? Can it catch your attention and make you recommend it?”

Jiraiya:” Same question!

Tsunade did not hide anything and replied directly:”These two little devils are both descendants of the Senju clan members who integrated into the village. Moreover, both of them are orphans. What they have achieved today is basically due to their own efforts!””

“I heard that they started training hard more than a year ago”

“The tribe asked me to investigate whether to increase their training and support.”

The specific method of training will have to be decided after she personally tests it.

But judging from the current situation, she thinks it’s pretty good, so she mentioned it to Orochimaru and Jiraiya.

Let them have an impression of Minato and the others.

It would be better if Orochimaru and Jiraiya were interested in accepting disciples

“So this is ah!”

Orochimaru and Jiraiya suddenly understood after hearing this:”No wonder you have such chakra at such a young age. It turns out that you are a descendant of the Senju. This is not surprising!”

“However,” at this time, Orochimaru added:”I have no plans to accept any more disciples for the time being! At present, one disciple of Rope Tree is enough!”

He has a lot of things to be busy with.

The village’s tasks, his own research.

If it weren’t for Tsunade’s sake, he wouldn’t even accept Naoki as his disciple. After

Tsunade heard this, she nodded without any surprise. He nodded, then looked at Jiraiya:”What about you?”


Jiraiya listened, looked at Qianxuan and Minato, and finally locked his eyes on Minato.

Just in time, then���Minato seemed to sense Jiraiya’s gaze and couldn’t help but look over.

After seeing the three Jiraiyas, Minato was stunned for a moment. He obviously recognized the three Jiraiyas. He immediately responded with a bright and gentle smile, nodded slightly and looked away.

This smile made Jiraiya slightly startled, as if he was infected, he touched his chin and thought:”I think that blond boy is very good! He feels like the warm sun!”

“Maybe, I can try to get in touch with him. If it satisfies me, it seems good to accept him as a disciple!”

Fate is so wonderful sometimes

“oh? Tsunade was a little surprised when she heard this, but she was more happy:”In that case, it’s settled!” Minato will be your apprentice from now on!”

“Hey Hey hey!

After hearing this, Jiraiya was a little confused and defended:”I just said that I wanted to make contact, but I didn’t really say that I wanted to accept a disciple!””

“I don’t care! Tsunade waved her hand directly:”Anyway, that’s how it’s settled!” I go first!”

With that said, Tsunade left directly. Jiraiya was left speechless. He turned to look at Orochimaru and sighed:”Hey! Am I getting into trouble?”

“spread! Who knows? gone!”

Orochimaru shrugged, showing a look of gloating, and walked away.


“What is this thing called?”…

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