Within the Thousand Hands Clan, in a core courtyard,

“I’m home? how? Did you see those two children mentioned in the interlude? How does it feel?”

Uzumaki Mito saw Tsunade walking into the yard and immediately asked with a smile.

“Um! Saw it!

Tsunade nodded:”It looks pretty good so far. I won’t know the details until I test it myself!””

“But for now, it seems that it is worth cultivating!”


Uzumaki Mito listened and nodded with satisfaction:”That’s good!”

“To be honest, I don’t really agree with Senju’s plan to integrate into the common people of Konoha!”

“But this is Tobirama’s plan after all, and Monkey and the others are trying their best to implement it, and there are too many Tiehanhan in the clan being fooled by Monkey. I can’t stop this, and I can’t stop it by force;”

“Otherwise, when I am gone, Qianju will probably fall into an even more embarrassing situation.”

Actually, the most important thing is that the Senju clan currently does not have anyone with enough ability and strength to stand up and preside over the overall situation of the Senju clan.

Otherwise, they would not be so passive.

Tsunade is good, but she has no control over the affairs of the clan. She didn’t really care. In addition, she was a disciple of the third generation and was greatly influenced by the third generation. Some of them were misled and deceived by the third generation. There were many things that

Uzumaki Mito wanted to cultivate at the beginning.

But over the years, she has figured out that Naoki is even more naive than his grandfather, Senju Hashirama, and is too naive to do things like scheming.

Uzumaki Mito’s expectations.

Therefore, in order for Naoki to live a stable life in the future, Uzumaki Mito has no way to stop Senju’s plan to integrate into the common people. Otherwise

, when she passes away, it will be the time when Naoki will suffer.

After hearing about Sengen and Minato from Bakunama a few days ago, Uzumaki Mito was very excited.

She also wanted to see if Sengen and Minato were as good and smart as Bakunama said.

If so, then increase efforts to cultivate them.

If they can grow into beings that can support the Senju clan, then it will be the time for Senju to change again.


Even if she can’t reach that level, she can at least train two helpers for Senju and Shengshu.

They can help take care of Shengshu when she’s gone, right


“oops! Grandma, what are you talking about? After hearing this

, Tsunade immediately hugged Uzumaki Mito’s arm and said coquettishly:”How could you not be here?” You will definitely live a long life! We can’t live without you at home!”


After hearing this, Uzumaki Mito smiled kindly and reached out to touch Tsunade’s head, but his heart was heavy.

Tsunade was too naive!

I really don’t know what this family would be like without her.

Just Because of this, she was even more unable to die with peace of mind, and she kept trying her best to persevere…..

For Qianxuan and Minato, the two successfully passed the examination without any surprise, and because they had successfully extracted chakra, they were basically scheduled to be members of the core class.

After the two left the ninja school, they happily rushed to the secret training base.

Not long after, the two arrived here.

Then, they started their own training respectively.


It was also at this time that Jiraiya quietly followed the two of them to this secret training base. From a distance, he hid in a big tree and observed the two of them, well, mainly the situation on Minato’s side.


At this time, Tsunade appeared beside Jiraiya and asked:”How?”

“ah? How about what?”

Jiraiya was slightly stunned and confused.

Tsunade curled her lips and said,”Of course, how are the two of them? Have you made your decision yet?”


Jiraiya listened, waved his hands and said,”How could it be so fast?” Don’t you want to take a closer look? I am not a casual person!”

“whispering sound!

Tsunade listened and said with disdain:”You are not a human being if you act casually!””

“never mind! Too lazy to tell you! What can you tell from looking like this? Just go up and leave!”

With that said, Tsunade dodged and rushed over.

“Hello…Tsunade…Why! never mind!”

It was too late for Jiraiya to stop him. He sighed helplessly and could only duck to follow.

Soon the two of them were saying,”Shua!”” appeared in the open space of the secret base.


When Qianxuan and Minato saw this, they also looked over.

“You are….”

Chigen and Minato couldn’t help but asked in confusion.

Tsunade raised her eyebrows, looked at Qianxuan and Minato for a few times, and said funnyly:”Stop pretending, kid! I can see it, you definitely recognize us!””

“Ah ha ha!”

Qianxuan and Minato both smiled after hearing this.

Qianxuan shrugged helplessly and said:”Tsunade-sama, you are really direct! Indeed, as a member of Konoha, who can not know Tsunade-sama and Jiraiya-sama!”

“So, why did you two come to us specifically?

At this time, Jiraiya said directly:”Kid, don’t get me wrong, I’m just here to see Minato!””

“What is that, Minato boy! You follow me!”

With that said, Jiraiya greeted Minato and ducked away.

Minato looked at Qianxuan, nodded to Qianxuan, and followed him, leaving Qianxuan and Tsunade alone.

“So, Tsunade-sama is here to find me?”

Qianxuan looked at Tsunade and asked.

He didn’t expect that Tsunade would come to the door at this time.

“It should be the credit of the grandpa between the scenes! It seems that his status within the Senju Clan is not low!”

“That’s a good thing!”

For Qianxuan, the sooner he gets on the line with Tsunade and the others, the better.

In this way, many plans can be launched in advance.

But he estimates that the original plan of keeping a low profile for several years will most likely be impossible.

At least, it is not possible to be completely low-key. possible

“That’s right!”

Tsunade nodded, then looked at Qian Xuan and said,”Your mind is more mature and stable than I expected!”

“So, Uncle Interlude hasn’t mentioned me to you yet?”

From Qianxuan’s words just now, Tsunade felt roughly���coming.

Qian Xuan has a good personality and exceeded his expectations.

“This really doesn’t exist!”

Qian Xuan shook his head.


Tsunade nodded, clenched his fists, hooked Qianxuan and said:”Stop talking nonsense! Next I want to test your strength and talent! Use all your strength and means to attack!”

“I will look at your performance and give you a corresponding training plan afterwards!”

“If your performance doesn’t satisfy me, then forget about it! Come!”

Tsunade has a straightforward character. She doesn’t bother to say anything and directly invites a fight.

“Well…All right!”

Qian Xuan was stunned for a moment when he saw it, and then his expression straightened. He reached out and flicked the ninja bag behind his back, and three shurikens appeared in his hand.


The three shurikens were instantly thrown towards Tsunade with a special technique…….

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