Chapter 89: Uchiha Mikoto, who accidentally captured the heart of Uchiha, is the blood successor of the top Uchiha.

As for what was mentioned in the Third Generation’s letter, he hoped that Danzo would cooperate with him in recalling Sengen to Konoha after the war situation stabilized?

Naturally, Danzo would not agree now.

Everything will wait until he wins back his face.

He even felt that the third generation was eager to recall Qianxuan at this time, not only to target Qianxuan, but also because he was afraid that he would make too many achievements and gain too much fame.

Likewise, isn’t it possible that he is afraid that Danzo will gain too much fame and merit, thus endangering his position as Hokage?

Danzo felt that in the third generation’s heart, he was probably not much different from Chigen.

They are all objects that need to be guarded against and suppressed.

It’s just that I still have the role of Darkness of Konoha, which can help the third generation deal with all the shady things.

“Hiruzen! I can see your little thoughts very clearly. Don’t try to succeed. Don’t try to stop me from accumulating fame and merit and becoming Hokage. Hum!”

Danzo sneered in his heart.

When will Qianxuan not be able to deal with it?

There is no rush at all. This moment


Jiu heard Danzo’s words and quickly responded.

As for whether he believed in Danzo’s words for Konoha, that was another matter.

Qianxuan, on his side, returned to his tent after receiving the Jonin vest and voucher.

“Congratulations! Qianxuan! You are the first among the three of us to become a Jonin! whee!”

Kushina congratulated Qianxuan.


Minato also nodded and congratulated:”Congratulations!” I won’t admit defeat! I will definitely become a jounin as soon as possible, wait for me!”

“hehe! good! Waiting for you!

Qian Xuan smiled, and first waved his hand to open the barrier of the camp, and then said seriously:”However, I estimate that I won’t stay on the front line for too long!””

“Even Kushina is like this!”

“When the war situation here stabilizes, I’m afraid the Third Generation will recall me to Konoha to prevent me from making too many achievements and gaining too much fame.”

“Kushina is similar, because she is a reserve member of the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, and the third generation will not let you go out to perform tasks.”

“By then, our class will probably be disbanded, and you will be the only one left, Minato!”

“After that, you have to be careful!”

These are not all Qianxuan’s speculations, but the information he obtained from using ordinary birds, spiders, mice and other contracted animals to monitor the Hokage Tower and Danzo’s camp.

At any time, information is extremely important So what, maybe he doesn’t pay attention to it?

It’s what he should do to utilize his means to the extreme.

“Is that so? I’ll pay attention!”

Minato frowned after hearing this:”However, after the third generation and the others passed, this is no longer for Konoha, but is harming Konoha’s interests!”

“Sure enough, he is indeed not a qualified Hokage. He talks about one thing but does something else with his hands.”

“He is no longer worthy of being Hokage!”

Qianxuan nodded happily when he heard this.

It’s true that he has been guiding and educating Minato since he was a child!

He finally turned him into the shape he wanted.

In the future, Minato will definitely be his best friend. helper

“That’s right!”

Kushina also nodded in agreement at this time:”Humph! On weekdays, what he says sounds nice, but when it comes to actual actions, he is full of selfishness. I really don’t know how the second generation chose the successor?”

“Also, if it hadn’t been for him, the Kingdom of Whirlpool might not have been destroyed in the first place!”

“Nothing to say, just fuck him! Let him abdicate!”

Obviously, Kushina still holds a grudge against the Third Generation and the others because of what happened to the Uzumaki Country!

With this incident, it’s strange that she has a good impression of the Third Generation and the others!

“However, I’m afraid the Third Generation and the others don’t know that Grandma Mito can live for a long time, and I can’t become a Jinchuriki, right? whee!”

Kushina suddenly joked playfully.

She really wants to see the expressions of the three generations when they know the truth.

I believe it will be particularly interesting.

“Definitely don’t know!

Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively:”Mito Grandma did a good job keeping the secret, and it was not exposed!””

“Otherwise, it would have been impossible for the third generation to treat the Thousand Hands clan so calmly.”

“When the Senju Clan re-establishes itself and grows stronger, it won’t matter whether this information is exposed or not!”

At that time, he already had enough strength and power to face the Third Generation and them.

In fact, if Qianxuan was given another year and a half, he would even have the strength and absolute confidence to quietly assassinate the Third Generation and Danzo. and others.

But apart from bringing chaos to Konoha, causing covetousness from other ninja villages, and causing the battlefield to break out, it did not do much good for Qianxuan by assassinating the three generations at this time and replacing him as the Hokage. At this time

, his reputation, achievements, supporters and even age are not enough.

This is not a wedding dress for others.


Kushina and Minato listened and nodded repeatedly.

Suddenly, Kushina thought of something, looked at Qianxuan and asked with some expectation:”Qianxuan! When can we go meet my surviving people? I really want to meet them!”

“I wonder if they have been doing well in the past few years?”

“How many acquaintances among them are still alive?”

Qianxuan heard this, reached out, touched Kushina’s head, and comforted her softly:”Don’t worry! I have been observing with the contracted beasts, and they are doing pretty well so far!”

“From time to time I will provide them with some supplies to improve their lives!”

“As for meeting them? Just give it a while!”

“After the Senju clan is reestablished and stabilized, we will go and meet them!”

“When the time comes, you can bring Grandma Mito over quietly!”

At that time, he is ready to completely subdue the people of the Uzumaki clan.

And, at the right time, he will bring them to Konoha to settle down, integrate into Konoha, and become another blood family in Konoha.

Of course, that will have to wait at least until he It will only start when you take the position of Hokage when or after you attack the Third Generation and others.

“good! Then it’s settled!”

Kushina listened and nodded happily.

Qianxuan’s words are enough.

“Kushina! are u there?”

At this time, a nice voice came from outside the camp.

Well! For convenience, Qianxuan set up a barrier in the camp to prevent the outside but not the inside.

The sounds from outside can be transmitted in, but the sounds and even the situation inside cannot be heard from the outside. detected

“here I am! here I am!”

Kushina heard this voice and immediately responded happily, then gave Qianxuan an apologetic look and prepared to leave.

“Let’s do it together! Just in time to go on patrol duty!”

Qianxuan followed with a smile.

Minato followed closely.

As soon as they came out, Qianxuan and the others saw a beautiful girl standing with Kushina holding hands and talking excitedly.

The girl saw Qianxuan coming out. , her eyes suddenly lit up.

Seeing Qian Xuan’s gaze, their eyes collided, and her cheeks suddenly turned slightly red.

She quickly withdrew her eyes, not daring to look at Qian Xuan again. He glanced at Kushina and found that she didn’t notice his change, and he felt relieved.

Then, while chatting with Kushina, he glanced at Qianxuan from time to time and thought:”Qianxuan is so handsome.! Moreover, he doesn’t look like an eight-year-old at all, more like someone of my age!”

“I really envy Kushina to be with Sengen-kun all the time.”

At this time, Qian Xuan clearly understood the thoughts in the girl’s mind through mind reading, and thought happily in her heart.:

“Tsk tsk! Unexpectedly, after accidentally saving her, she actually fell in love with me!”

“Sure enough, my charm is unstoppable!”

“You think so, Uchiha Mikoto?”

That’s right! This girl is Uchiha Mikoto.

In the original work, she is the mother of Itachi and Harutousuke who will exterminate the clan in the future.

Of course, the current Uchiha Mikoto is just a 12-year-old girl, Kushina’s best friend.

As for Chigen and so on Was he able to save her?

It was the battle with the Sand Ninja a few days ago.

At that time, Uchiha Mikoto was also forced to participate in the battle, and she almost died at the hands of the Sand Ninja. He used his super powerful thunder escape to kill Uchiha Mikoto’s opponent.

After the war, he personally treated the seriously injured Uchiha Mikoto and detoxified her.

From that time on, Uchiha Mikoto became incurable. Yao fell in love with this boy who was nearly four years younger than her.

As for her acquaintance with Kushina, it wasn’t just recently, but they met unexpectedly when they were in the ninja school, and they became best friends at that time. It’s not the same age or class.

Fate is so wonderful sometimes.

“I wonder if collecting Uchiha Mikoto can directly obtain the Sharingan?”

Qian Xuan couldn’t help but think in his heart.

At this moment, the system’s prompt tone suddenly sounded.:

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the treasure collection”Uchiha Mikoto”. Reward: Top Uchiha Blood Successor, Beauty Pill × 10】


【[Yanzhudan]: Taking it can keep your youth forever and restore your appearance and body functions to the best age state.


“what’s the situation? Why did it suddenly meet the requirements?”

Qianxuan was confused at this time.

He couldn’t help but glance at Uchiha Mikoto. Mikoto’s eyes happened to meet his again, and then quickly looked back.

But Qianxuan saw from her eyes at this time There was a touch of deep love and determination.

He immediately read Mikoto’s voice at this moment:

He heard Mikoto make up her mind in her heart:”Kushina! sorry! I really can’t control myself! I have thought about it a lot these days, but the more I think about it, the more Qian Xuanjun appears in my mind;”

“I can’t forget him!”

“So, please don’t blame me, I also want to be Qianxuanjun’s person!”

Even if Kushina was angry with her because of this, she admitted it.

Since she was tempted and couldn’t forget it, she would face it calmly.

Of course, she hadn’t figured out how to confess this to Kushina yet.

“Not urgent! Not urgent! Haven’t I gotten to know Qianxuanjun well and confessed my feelings to Qianxuanjun? There is still time, take your time!”

Uchiha Mikoto thought again.

She hoped that during this time, she could come up with a way to get the best of both worlds, to be with Chigen without affecting her friendship with Kushina.

“Tsk tsk! Fugaku, you are green! However, I want such a beautiful and lovely Mikoto!”

“You’d better choose another person!”

Qianxuan thought happily.

Who would have thought that a rescue could bring such unexpected gains?

In fact, in the past, after Qianxuan successfully collected Kushina and received generous rewards, it was not that he had never beaten Uchiha Mikoto. It was an idea.

Because he was sure that the reward would be very generous.

However, there was no good opportunity for contact before. This was considered unintentional.

“Top Uchiha blood successor? Now, you can have the Sharingan without having to collect the corpses of the Uchiha clan!”

“However, we still need to find ways to collect more corpses.;”

“In this way, we can get more Uchiha successors, which can be given to Kushina and the others later to help them improve.”

“In addition, this beauty pill is also a good thing! Not only can you stay young forever, but it can also restore the appearance and body functions of the user to their optimal age. This is no ordinary beauty pill!”

Qian Xuan thought with great joy.

If it weren’t for now, he would have wanted to receive the fusion reward directly.

“I wonder if I will open the Sharingan directly after obtaining this top-level Uchiha successor?”

“If so, with my mental strength, to what extent can I open it?”

Qianxuan thought expectantly.

After that, Qianxuan took Kushina and Minato to start a patrol mission.

Mikoto thought that all her teammates and teachers had been wiped out, so she asked not to be with them.

Qianxuan Of course he didn’t refuse. Even if he didn’t know Mikoto’s intentions, he would agree to it just because she was Kushina’s best friend. We have officially met Mikoto.

“Mikoto! Your teammates are all dead now! What are the plans for you in the future?”

“Will you be assigned additional teammates and captains?”

During this period, after learning about Mikoto’s situation, Kushina couldn’t help but ask

“Not sure yet!”

Mikoto shook her head:”For the time being, the village seems to have forgotten to arrange for me!”

“The leading ninja on the family side just asked me to stay in the camp as much as possible to do logistical tasks and try not to go out! Too dangerous!”

The main thing is that her status in the Uchiha clan is not simple!

Her grandfather is the third elder of the Uchiha clan.

She is the only granddaughter of her grandfather.

Her parents are still alive, but there are no others. child

“That’s it!”

Kushina listened and nodded clearly, then looked at Qianxuan and asked:”Qianxuan, it is impossible for our team to join the team in a short time because of the teacher. Why don’t you tell the teacher and let him go temporarily? Mikoto joins in and does the mission together?”

In this way, Mikoto can be safer.

She is really worried about the safety of her best friend.

It is too dangerous to be on the front line of the battlefield without even teammates.

After Qianxuan heard this, he felt funny in his heart, and thought to himself:”Kushina! Kushina! If you knew that your best friend was completely in love with me, I wonder if you would be so active in recruiting her to join the team!”

How is this about recruiting your best friend to join the team?

It’s really clearly recruiting your love rival to join the team!”

“soft? May I? Isn’t this bad? Otherwise I won’t bother you anymore!”

Although Uchiha Mikoto was very emotional and touched, because of this, she felt that this was not good.

This would make her feel even more sorry for Kushina.


Kushina took her hand directly, shook her head, then looked at Qianxuan, and begged coquettishly:”Qianxuan……”


Kushina is like this, what else can Qianxuan do?

She can only agree!”

“I agreed! As long as you don’t regret it, Kushina! I’ll explain it to the teacher when I get back from the patrol!”

Qianxuan nodded in response.

However, Kushina obviously did not understand the meaning of Qianxuan’s words. She waved her hands happily and said to Mikoto:”Look, Mikoto! I said Qianxuan would agree!”


Mikoto lowered her head slightly in shame and nodded:”Thank you, Kushina! thank you too! Qian Xuanjun!”

I don’t know why, but she always felt that Qianxuan’s eyes seemed to be able to see through everything and understand people’s hearts.

She had a vague feeling that Qianxuan might have seen through her mind.

This made her even more panicked.

“whee! you’re welcome! We are good friends, aren’t we?”

Kushina waved her hands carelessly and said

“No need to be polite! Just stay calm!

Qianxuan also nodded, without provoking Mikoto, lest he reveal his secret, and then warned:”Also, it’s patrol time now, you all should pay attention, don’t be too careless!” Even with my care!”

“It’s impossible for me to be with you on every mission in the future! You should accumulate relevant experience yourself”


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