Chapter 88: Qianxuan worth 200 million, Uchiha Madara’s attention.

Speaking of this, Chiyo paused and said with a sarcastic face:”But judging from the current situation where the reputation and clan members have basically disappeared from Konoha and the ninja world.;”

“Sarutobi Hiruzen didn’t think much of Mito Uzumaki at all. Over the years, he secretly did not know how to harm the members of the Senju clan.;”

“As a result, until now, we have basically no longer heard of the reputation of the Senju, and we can no longer see the members of the Senju clan!”

“Even in Konoha, I heard that the Third Generation had even tampered with the Ninja School’s teaching materials.;”

“Not many people in the younger generation know the name of the Thousand Hands Clan! Not to mention contributing or anything!”

“Sarutobi Hiruzen is praised as the strongest Hokage in history in the textbook;”

“Tsk! How shameless! Did he write this book himself?”

“Where did he put the first Hokage Senju Hashirama and his second Hokage Senju Tobirama?”

“Obviously, Sarutobi Hiruzen has been carrying out the plan to de-Senju in Konoha!”

“That’s why I said it would be even better if that brat Xiao Qianxuan is a descendant of the Thousand Hands clan!”

“Precisely because of his identity, I believe that the third generation will be even more wary of him.;”

“Wait! As long as we start to kill him and use our tactics to alienate Konoha,;”

“Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others will definitely have a huge gap with Chigen;”

“In the end, it is not even ruled out that they will hide or even secretly kill this genius kid. What do you think?”

She felt that the third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, was simply a despicable, despicable, cunning, shameless villain who repaid kindness with revenge.

It can only be said that Senju Tobirama had misjudged the wrong person at the beginning.

But such a Hokage, who was so cruel to them It is a great thing for the Ninja Village!

Hokage Hideaki is not good for them!

She hopes that Sarutobi Hiruzen will destroy Konoha. It would be a great merit.


After listening to Chiyo’s analysis, the Third Kazekage and Ebizo couldn’t help but gasped.

The Third Kazekage exclaimed:”Elder Chiyo, if you don’t analyze it, I really haven’t seen the truth clearly!”

“Sarutobi Hiruzen, what a good man!”

“Since you think this plan is feasible, then continue to do what you said!”

“You’d better cooperate with Ebizo to implement it.;”

“We need to worry more about the battlefield. It would be best to develop more poisons.;”

“Now that Tsunade successfully escaped from Hanzo and joined the main force of Konoha, I’m afraid your previous poison has been cracked by her by now.”

It’s not very cost-effective for Suna Ninja to fight Konoha head-on. It’s better to use poison according to the lethality.”

“no problem!”

Chiyo nodded and agreed.

Soon, Sha Ninja spread the information about Qianxuan throughout the Ninja world.

Moreover, a reward of 50 million taels was offered for Qianxuan in the black market.

Because Sha Ninja Shinobu, Kumogakure, Kirigakure, and Iwagakure soon received detailed information about Qianxuan. At the same time, they also sent envoys to the three major ninja villages to discuss the reasonable assassination of Qianxuan..

The Third Raikage looked at the information in his hand and said to the side,”Have you read this information too? I heard that Sunagakure also sent an envoy to our Kumogakure, wanting to discuss with us the dispatch of experts to surround Konoha and kill this brat named Qianxuan?”

“Yes! Lord Raikage!

Xi nodded affirmatively:”They are currently at the hotel. Do you need to see them now?””

“Not urgent!”

The Third Raikage waved his hand, raised the information in his hand and asked again:”Tell me what you think?”


Xi immediately agreed and said after careful consideration:”From the intelligence point of view, if the information about this kid named Qian Xuan is true, then he is indeed a monster.;”

“At the age of eight, he mastered Senju Tobirama’s Flying Thunder God Technique, Senju Hashirama’s Sage Mode, and also mastered the terrifying Thunder Release Ninjutsu.;”

“He killed more than a thousand sand ninjas with a single thunder escape, and used the flying thunder god technique to kill nearly 500 elite sand ninjas, including many jounin and even elite jounin.;”

“This fighting power is comparable to you, Raikage-sama!”

“Moreover, the efficiency is much higher than yours!”

“He left like this at the age of 8. If he is allowed to continue to grow, he will indeed be a huge threat!”

“Especially since he was born into the Senju clan, he might grow to the height of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama in the future.;”

“If this is really the case, then we and even the major powers in the entire ninja world will be in big trouble!”

“We cannot expect this person to be an innocent and peace-loving person like the first Hokage.;”

“Therefore, my subordinate’s suggestion is to first confirm the authenticity of the information.;”

“Test it out!”

“If it is true, then there is nothing to say. You can promise the sand ninja to unite a small number of elites from the four major ninja villages to kill this person.”

He is a hero and I am an enemy.

A super genius like this who is hostile to the Ninja Village is better off dead.

Only a dead enemy is a good enemy.”


The Third Raikage nodded:”Then do as you say!” I’m also missing from the Sand Ninja Messenger! Just tell him my decision directly!”

“In addition, given that the sand ninja has placed a high reward on this kid named Qianxuan;”

“I estimate that most of this information should be credible.;”

“This person should really be a genius. Even if he is not such a monster, he still deserves to die.;”

“Go, we are also offering 50 million taels on the black market to offer a reward for this brat!”

It would be great if you can directly test the bounty and assassinate him.


Xi immediately took the order.


Iwa Ninja’s side

“Tsk tsk! Is this news true or false? What do our Qianxuan intelligence officers say?”

“Did the sand ninja really kill more than a thousand people with a thunder escape by that kid?”

“And he used the Flying Thunder God technique to kill 500 people?”

“Is this kid really that powerful?”

The third Tsuchikage Ohnoki couldn’t help but smacked his tongue and asked after seeing this information.

Unlike Kumogakure, at this time, the Iwa ninja also deployed manpower at the border and even within the country of Rain, and may join the war at any time.

Whether it is to take down Hanzo and Rain. The country should clean up the Sand Ninja and Konoha together, which is what Ohnoki is willing to do.

However, the time has not yet come.

He is now sitting back and watching Konoha, Sand Ninja and the Kingdom of Rain fight each other. Harvest the fisherman’s profit

“Go back to your father!

Huang Tu on the side nodded and said:”Based on the information detected by our intelligence personnel, it can be roughly determined that this information is basically true!””

“That brat did master the magic technique similar to that of the first Hokage, as well as the flying thunder god technique of Senju Tobirama, the second generation Hokage.;”

“This person is extremely dangerous, and the intelligence department recommends killing him as soon as possible!”

“In addition, news came from the black market that the Sand Ninja offered a reward of 50 million for this brat’s head.”

This is already a big deal.

You know, Asuma will only be worth 30 million at his peak in the future.

At that time, he was not only an elite Jonin of Konoha, but also one of the twelve guardian ninjas of the Fire Country Daimyo. , the son of the Third Generation… Waiting for BUFF to be there, that’s all.

It can be seen that the reward for Qianxuan is very high.

The Third Tsuchikage listened and nodded:”In that case, we will also offer a reward of 5,000 on the black market. Wan, I want this kid’s body;”

“In addition, let the messenger of the sand ninja come to see me!”

“I want to work out with them how to jointly kill this brat!”

“He must not be allowed to truly grow up, otherwise, he will be another Senju Hashirama.”

Speaking of Senju Hashirama, Onoki couldn’t help but think of the ninja Shura Uchiha Madara with whom he was named.

He shuddered directly and said angrily:”Such a heaven-defying figure must never appear again!”

Otherwise, the entire ninja world will suffer.


Huang Tu immediately took the order and left.


Kirigakure also received news and saw the messenger of the sand ninja.

However, they had internal problems at this time and did not have time to worry about too many things in the ninja world.

He did not agree to participate in the encirclement and suppression of Qianxuan.

But he also issued a reward of 50 million taels to Qianxuan on the black market.


The Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Grass, in an underground cave somewhere on the border of Konoha

“spot! spot! I’ve got some important news that will definitely interest you!”

Uzumaki White Zetsu emerged from the ground and said happily to the old Madara Uchiha in front of him.

“oh? tell me the story!”

Uchiha Madara raised his eyebrows slightly, showing a slight interest.

During the long wait, he gradually liked to learn some important and interesting information about the ninja world to pass the time.

After hearing this, Uzumaki Bai Zetsu was not in a hurry to tell the information, but He said coyly:”Then if you are happy to hear this, can you tell me what it feels like to poop?”

Uchiha Madara:”……”

(? One? Ten)

“Say it quickly! Otherwise, I will kill you!”

Uchiha Madara said in a deep voice.

This bastard, can you stop asking this stupid question?

But he didn’t kill this White Zetsu after all.

It’s not that he is more kind or that he values this White Zetsu.

Simply because, he I can see a trace of Hashirama in this Bai Ze.

Back then, Hashirama had such a stupid side! I think back then, Hashirama actually agreed to compete with him.

, a complete dark history.

Well! The dark history he and Hashirama had together was far more than that.

He quickly stopped these embarrassing thoughts.

“It’s all your fault, Hashirama! I will definitely prove to you that I am right, hum!

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly and thought to himself.

Then, he glared at Uzumaki Bai Zetsu and scolded:”If you want to say it, say it quickly!” Otherwise I’ll beat you to death!”

“All right!

Uzumaki Baijue looked disappointed, and immediately reported Qianxuan’s information to Madara Uchiha in detail, and finally said:”I saw these with my own eyes!””

“That kid is really powerful! The ninja world seems to be spreading this information widely, and it seems to be coming from the Suna Ninja.”

“This brat was even offered a bounty by the four major ninja villages. The sum of the four ninja villages totaled 200 million! So valuable!”


Uchiha Madara raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing this, and he was really interested:”I didn’t expect that such a kid could appear among the descendants of Hashirama’s clan?”

“He was able to reach this level at the age of eight. Even Hashirama and I were not like him at that time, right?”

“A genius indeed!”

“If nothing else happens, it has grown to the level of super shadow.;”

“But I can never compare with Hashirama, let alone me with the reincarnation eye enabled! hehe!”

Although Sengen is a descendant of Senju, he has no awakening wood release. In Uchiha Madara’s eyes, that’s it!

The upper limit is basically there. It is impossible to surpass Hashirama, let alone him.

“However, if this kid can really grow up, it may have a certain impact on my future plans.;”

“Black and white Zetsu, send some kid who is always a follower of White Zetsu. I want to know all his information and movements.”

Uchiha Madara immediately told Bai Zetsu

“yes! Madara-sama!”

Black Zetsu also appeared at this time and took the order.

In fact, even if Uchiha Madara didn’t say anything, he was still going to do this.

It just so happened that he was also very interested in Qianxuan, the genius of the Senju clan who suddenly appeared. Interested.

But that’s all. It doesn’t attract much attention from him.

The reason is the same as Uchiha Madara.

It’s destined to have little impact on his plan to save his mother.

“correct! How did the boy named Nagato go during his inspection? Is it suitable to be the host of my reincarnation eye?”

Uchiha Madara asked again.

At this time, his reincarnation eye has not yet been replaced by Uzumaki Nagato.

“I was just about to tell you this!”

Hei Jue nodded and said:”The kid’s family has suffered and died in the hands of Konoha ninjas. He was also stimulated by this and successfully activated the Samsara Eye.;”

“At present, I have secretly helped him out of danger, mixed with another orphan from the Kingdom of Rain, and there are more than ten White Zetsu guards, so there is basically no big problem with his safety.”

The reincarnation eye was replaced by Nagato a few months ago.

“very good!

Uchiha Madara listened and nodded with satisfaction:”It’s finally activated, and it’s not considered waste!” Then you should pay more attention to him and ensure his safety.;”

“Especially now that the Kingdom of Rain is at war, it is not safe there!”

Nothing can happen to the reincarnation eye.

Nagato’s life must follow the plan he designed, and he cannot deviate too much.

“yes! Then I’ll leave now!”

Hei Jue immediately took the order and left.


This side of the Konoha camp.

At this time, Qian Xuan was summoned by Danzo.

Then, Danzo announced the promotion and appointment of Qianxuan to the third generation.

“Congratulations, you have officially become a jounin! I hope you will not let down the village’s expectations and training for you, and make a good contribution to the village! Danzo said to Qianxuan expressionlessly.

“yes! Although

Qianxuan felt disgusted, he still agreed. Then, he took the letter of appointment and the Jonin vest and left Danzo’s camp.

Danzo watched Qianxuan’s leaving figure and sneered in his heart:”Haha! Let you be proud for a while first and then help me defeat the Rain Ninja and Sand Ninja.;”

“When you relax your vigilance, it will be your death!”

He knows very well that currently in the black market, the four major ninja villages have issued high bounties on Qianxuan.

At this time, Qianxuan’s bounty has reached 200 million taels.

Not to mention other people, he is greedy just looking at it..

What a lot of money.

“I heard that the sand ninja also sent envoys to the other three major ninja villages, hoping to form a joint elite assassination team to assassinate the brat Qianxuan?”

Danzo looked at the root jounin aside and asked.

“Yes! Lord Danzo! Jiu nodded affirmatively and said,”However, according to the latest information sent back by the spies,;”

“Kirigakure has made a clear decision, and there is no peace within them at this time.;”

“Yunyin is still investigating the authenticity of the information and has not agreed.;”

“On the contrary, Iwagakure has confirmed the authenticity of the information. Onoki has agreed and is still debating it.”

“Danzo-sama, do we need to take action to facilitate them? Danzo heard this, glanced at him coldly, and said in a cold voice:”Don’t say anything you shouldn’t!””

“For now, keeping this brat is still useful, he is still needed to deal with Hanzo and Sand Ninja!”

“The previous defeat had a great impact on my reputation and had a great impact on Konoha.;”

“We need to defeat the Rain Ninja and Hanzo, and defeat the Sand Ninja to prove ourselves;”

“This kid Qianxuan is indispensable for this, so we can wait until the occupation here is settled, do you understand?”

Even he has to admit that he and even Tsunade and others can’t deal with Hanzo…

That guy’s title of demigod is not something he deserves.

Especially in a place like the Land of Rain, where the climate and terrain are favorable to him. , coupled with the sanji fish and toxins, Hanzo’s strength can explode to 200%, which is very terrifying. If you want to defeat him, you must win, and Qian Xuan’s combat power is indispensable.

That Thunder Release move alone would be the most powerful in the Rain Country, not to mention that Qian Xuan also mastered the Flying Thunder God technique.

“This is also a trouble. If you really want to deal with him, you have to find a way to restrict his Flying Thunder God Technique!”

Danzo thought in his heart.

It’s really not easy. He has to think carefully.


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