Chapter 86: Suna Ninja’s flattery plan, three generations change their faces

“I think you need to find more women for actual combat, experience the feeling of sage mode, remember this feeling, and use it skillfully, so that you can enter this state anywhere.”

Then, Qianxuan explained to Jiraiya in detail what the sage mode is.

“ha? Hearing this

, Jiraiya’s eyes widened:”Is this really okay?””

You may not think of him as an old pervert, but he is actually still a virgin and has never engaged in actual combat.

At most, he has been addicted to it, flirting with words, or simply peeping.

This is a theoretician.

Therefore, Qianxuan’s suggestion, Hearing this, he was filled with excitement. At the same time, for some reason, there was a faint expectation in his heart.

“How about giving it a try?”

Jiraiya thought in his heart.


At this time, Orochimaru on the side couldn’t hold it in anymore and laughed out loud.

He didn’t expect that Qianxuan’s method for Jiraiya was actually like this.

But after careful analysis, he felt that Qianxuan said

It ‘s not unreasonable.���He can’t give up his lust, so let him adapt to this and find the sage state with an ordinary heart.

“Snake, you are so ridiculous!”

Jiraiya glared at Orochimaru with some irritation, and then continued to look at Qianxuan, casting a look of verification.

Qianxuan gave him a thumbs up and said:”Trust me! It will definitely work. If not, the worst thing is that I will teach you the first method at a discount in the end!”

“That kind of guarantee will allow you to achieve the perfect Makiyama Sage Mode.”

Meditation is so confident

“good! Jiraiya thought about it for a moment, feeling a little tangled, but in the end he gritted his teeth and nodded firmly in agreement:”Then I’ll give it a try!” Hope it works!

Qian Xuan saw it and said speechlessly:”Can you please stop acting like you’re forcing yourself?” I don’t believe you’re not laughing in your heart right now;”

“This method is definitely your favorite, right? Just don’t let this show go.”

Who doesn’t know who?

“that is! that is! Jiraiya, please stop acting! Orochimaru also chimed in.

He was not willing to miss anything that would make Jiraiya look bad.


Can you really talk about this kind of thing?

Besides, he hasn’t really experienced it yet, so what’s wrong with being a little shy?

Who said that old perverts can’t be shy?

“Too lazy to care about you! Now that I have the solution, I’ll leave first!”


Before leaving, Jiraiya thought of something again and said to Qianxuan:”I have to go back and sort out the celestial arts training method in Miaomu Mountain and write it down before giving it to you. I don’t have it ready-made!”


Qian Xuan nodded.

Then, several people returned to the camp.


This side of the sand ninja camp.

After withdrawing from the front line, the morale of the sand ninjas in the entire camp was relatively low.

In fact, it can be said that this time I was beaten by one person, and so many companions died. It’s strange that I can feel better.

The Third Kazekage also looked ugly and convened a meeting with the Jonin to discuss countermeasures.


When everyone had arrived, the Third Kazekage looked around and said:”Today’s defeat was all because of a brat from Konoha. This is a great shame for us sand ninjas.;”

“Otherwise, we will definitely be able to annihilate these hundreds of Konoha ninjas today.;”

“But now that the matter is over, there is nothing to feel sorry for!”

“The most urgent task is to figure out how to deal with it!”

“If we don’t get rid of that brat, it will probably be extremely difficult for us to win on the battlefield in the Kingdom of Rain.;”

“If you have any ideas, tell us!”

The plan was going very smoothly. Seeing victory in sight, who would have thought of killing this thing?

It made the Third Kazekage sick.

The key point was that he felt that he could not easily defeat the brat.

Chiyo looked at everyone and saw No one immediately said:”Let me tell you my opinion!”

“That kid’s Thunder Escape move has very high requirements on the climate!”

“The reason why it is so powerful is mainly due to the special climate of the Kingdom of Rain!”

“Without those clouds and rain, no matter how powerful his move was, it would be limited and would never reach the level it is today.;”

“Therefore, when facing this brat in the future, we’d better avoid his sharp edge and try our best not to assemble large-scale troops to fight with him in the Kingdom of Rain.;”

“Otherwise, today’s tragedy may still happen.”

Speaking of this, Chiyo paused and continued:”In addition, I don’t know if you noticed that when the kid used that ninjutsu, he seemed to use a special amplification secret technique, and there were special patterns on his face.;”

“It feels very much like the secret technique used by the first Hokage Senju Hashirama recorded in the village information.;”

“They call it magic!”

“That kid probably has mastered this secret technique;”

“According to records, this is a powerful secret technique that can increase the power of ninjutsu several times or even ten times.;”

“However, it is extremely difficult to master. In the past, only Senju Hashirama could master it.;”

“Now, there is one more one, hey! There are so many geniuses in Konoha!”

In comparison, the Sand Ninjas are much poorer.

The more this happens, the more Chiyo and the others want to invade the Fire Country and seize a fertile land!

After hearing this, everyone nodded in unison

“That’s not all!”

At this time, Ebizo also said with a solemn face:”That brat also mastered the flying thunder god technique of the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama’s space-time ninjutsu.;”

“In fact, his level of proficiency is no less than Qian Shu Feijian;”

“This time, just the ninjas who died under his Flying Thunder God Technique will not go down 200;”

“Many of them are still chuunin, but are elites at jounin level.;”

“The lethality is even worse than that of Thunder Release Ninjutsu.”

That thunder escape is mainly used to clean up genin. It has limited damage to jonin. If chunin is careful to guard against it, it is not inevitable.

Only genin can’t escape.

But the flying thunder god’s technique is different. Even for jounin, unless it is a jounin, it is not inevitable. A jounin who is proficient in speed, or an elite jounin who has extremely strong overall strength and excellent combat experience can still compete with one or two others. Even if they encounter a jounin, there is a chance that they will be killed by just 50 sand ninjas.

A genin may not be worth a jounin!

“More importantly, having mastered the Flying Thunder God, it will be extremely difficult for us to deal with him now.;”

“If he is not careful, he may escape from the trap and besieged.;”

“Therefore, I don’t think much of using traps to kill him!”

Ebizo analyzed with a stern face.

“This… what should we do? You can’t just let it go, right?”

“that is! That kid looks like he is only ten years old, and he is far from reaching his peak. God knows how far he will grow if he is allowed to grow up in the future.”

When everyone heard this, they also felt troublesome and had a headache.

Indeed, this kid is just like a hedgehog, making it difficult for people to attack!

But it won’t work unless it is solved.

The Third Kazekage also had a headache.

Chiyo said at this time:”Do it twice. Get ready!!”

“Next, when we are in the Kingdom of Rain, don’t send a large army to confront it, otherwise, it will just be sending food.;”

“Small-scale troops also avoid its sharp edges first;”

“If we want to fight him, we should wait until we are in a favorable climate and terrain in the future.;”

“In addition, we can pass the intelligence information about this brat to Kumogakure, Iwagakure and other ninja villages, and publicize his strength in the ninja world.;”

“Make it a target of public criticism;”

“I believe that other ninja villages cannot sit back and watch such a threat continue to grow.;”

“If they are willing, we can even secretly unite with the masters of several major ninja villages to ambush this person together.;”

“In addition, we can further investigate the identity and background of this kid.;”

“Danzo in Konoha is very ambitious and has always coveted the position of Hokage. He may not be willing to see the rise of such a genius in Konoha who is too evil and cannot be controlled by him.;”

“We can definitely make a fuss out of it, sow discord between that brat and Danzo or even Konoha, and let Konoha internally deal with him.”

“In short, for now, I will praise this kid as high as I can, and kill him directly.”

The hard steel Qianxuan in the front is totally useless. It’s better to use tactics and calculations.”

“That’s a good idea!”


“hey-hey! I think it’s easy to provoke a relationship between him and Danzo, because I noticed in the previous battle that Danzo’s face didn’t change after he saw that kid kill so many of our companions using the Thunder Escape and Flying Thunder God techniques. Showing joy, but showing murderous intent towards that kid;”


After hearing this, the Third Kazekage asked with great concern.

“Absolutely true!”

The Sand Ninja Jonin nodded affirmatively:”If you don’t believe me, you can ask Brother Shanyang! He should have seen it too!”

After everyone heard this, they all looked at Shan Yang on the other side.

Shan Yang nodded affirmatively:”I did see it! Obviously, people within Konoha are not unified, and that kid has offended Danzo’s interests!”

“Therefore, I think Elder Chiyo’s suggestion of driving a wedge between that brat and Danzo is feasible in Konoha.;”

“However, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya and others were all brought by that brat for support.;”

“In addition, the kid seems to have a close relationship with Tsunade, and his relationship with Hatake Sakumo seems not to be simple either. This needs to be investigated carefully!”

“His identity and background may not be that simple!”

“We may also be able to make some fuss out of it.”

Having said so much, it is obvious that this person also does not support facing Qianxuan Hard Steel.

The gain outweighs the loss.

“Shangyang Jonin observed very carefully! This information is important!”

“Elder Ebizo, activate our spies in Konoha immediately. I want to know all the information about this brat within 3 days.;”

“After that, it’s time to implement Elder Chiyo’s plan. When the time comes, this plan will also be handed over to you Ebizo! Please also ask Elder Qiandai to cooperate.”

The third generation Kazekage made a final decision.


Ebizo and Chiyo both took orders.

This is also what it should be, because Ebi is in charge of the intelligence department when he is hiding among the Sand Ninjas.

Just right for this.

The Third Kazekage nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand and said:”Okay! Let’s settle the matter like this for now!”

“Next, I’ll fix it for a while.;”

“In addition, send someone to contact Hanzo and ask him why he didn’t delay or even kill Tsunade and others.;”

“If he hadn’t failed, Tsunade and the others wouldn’t have been able to come to the rescue.;”

“In fact, it is very likely that the little devil will not be able to come to our side, and we will not be defeated this time!”

“Hanzo must give us an explanation for all this.……”

“I’ll leave this matter to you, Shanyang Jonin.”

This reason is actually a bit far-fetched.

Qianxuan, who masters the art of Flying Thunder God, should be able to rush to their side of the battlefield even if Tsunade and others are not rescued.

However, if there are no Tsunade and the others, Qianxuan cannot There may be such a good opportunity to calmly use the Thunder Release Ninjutsu and easily kill their subordinates with the Flying Thunder God Technique.

In short, it is just to make Hanzo feel wronged and see if he can get it from Hanzo. While knocking down some compensation, it also prevents Hanzo from despising the Sand Ninja because they were defeated by an imp, causing problems in the continued cooperation.


Shan Yang immediately took the order.


1 day later.

This side of Konoha.

The third generation has received the latest information from the front line.

He shouted”Bata! Bahta!” while looking at the information in his hand, and fell into deep thought.


“Unexpectedly, Qian Xuan has grown to this point?”

“Not only has he mastered the art of Flying Thunder God to this extent, but he has also mastered the art of immortality.;”

“He also created such a powerful thunder escape. This is really……”

The third generation all had a headache for a while.

This was completely beyond his expectation.

He felt that Qian Xuan was like a wild horse that was running loose and had begun to lose control.

It is true that because Qianxuan was Tsunade’s disciple, he had always been very respectful and close to him; therefore, the third generation did not restrict and suppress his growth before, but gave him a lot of convenience.

But from now on, everything will change

“You have never mentioned practicing immortality to me, and you have never shown the ability to create this level of lightning escape. It seems that I underestimated you in the past. You have been pretending and guarding against me, right?”

After breaking through the appearance of Qianxuan, the third generation felt that he had seen through the essence of Qianxuan.

Combined with the past changes of the Senju clan and the relationship between Qianxuan, Makunama and Temu, the third generation felt that he understood everything.

Suddenly , eyes narrowed slightly:”Okay! Great! I hunt geese all day long, but I was pecked by geese. Qianxuan, you are fine!”

The third generation felt cold in his heart, and began to think about how to deal with Qianxuan and suppress Qianxuan. He must not be allowed to continue to grow.

Killing him directly would not be possible, and it would be difficult to do.

But suppressing his reputation and refrigeration can still be done. As long as

Qian Xuan is not allowed to gain enough fame and power, no matter how strong Qian Xuan is, he will not be able to threaten his own rights.

As for whether Qian Xuan will be resentful and chaotic because of being suppressed. Come?

Haha! Sandai is not afraid of this because Qianxuan has many connections in the village and has many people he cares about.

With these constraints, Sandai is sure that Qianxuan does not dare to act recklessly.

“However, now is not the time to touch you. Let’s let you continue to stay on the front line for a while to stabilize the battle situation!”

The third generation decided in his heart.

There is no way, the previous defeat caused Konoha to suffer heavy losses.

Although, because of Sengen, Konoha moved back to Ichijo from the Suna Ninja side, Hanzo’s arrogance has not yet been suppressed. Go down!

You have to seal the victory and then recall Qian Xuan to prevent him from completely determining the victory.

In this way, Qian Xuan will not gain too much fame and military achievements in Qian Xuan. Maximize the effect and reduce his income as much as possible

“This matter must be left to Danzo to control! I believe he will not let me down!”

Thinking like this, the Sandai immediately wrote a private letter to Danzo and sent it to Danzo with a Ninja Eagle.

In addition, after thinking again and again, he wrote another letter and decided to promote Qianxuan. He was promoted to Jonin.

The reason why So generous.

Firstly, it was because Sengen had done so much this time. He killed more than a thousand Sand Ninjas in one battle, including many jounin and even elite jounin.

This achievement was clear to Sengen and could not be overshadowed by hundreds of Konoha ninjas.

How can you convince the public if you don’t give enough promotion?

“Of course, after special promotion, the rewards of Ninjutsu can be erased in some way! At most, just give some monetary rewards!”

“We can’t give him any more powerful ninjutsu!”

“Otherwise, it will be more difficult to suppress.”

The third generation thought to himself.

Of course, the third generation knew that even if he didn’t give it, Uzumaki Mito and the Senju clan would give it to him.

But fortunately, the second generation did not have super forbidden techniques such as the Reincarnation Jutsu.

The main reason is that this technique is too dangerous, and the second generation feels that it is better to keep it in the village, which is why the third generation is lucky.

, letting Qianxuan obtain this extremely dangerous forbidden technique will give him even more headaches.


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