Chapter 85: Jiraiya’s polluted innocent heart

“Is that so?

Orochimaru’s eyes lit up after hearing this, and he nodded quickly:”Okay!” Then just wait! Wait until Tsunade succeeds!”

Anyway, it won’t be less than this year.

He must at least confirm the authenticity of this matter before considering the transaction.

After all, the price of the transaction for such an important thing will definitely be very high, and they must be careful


Qianxuan nodded with satisfaction, looked at Orochimaru and said:”In the meantime, you can find a way to get the complete celestial art practice method from Ryūchi Cave, and I can trade something else with you first!”

“Believe me, you will definitely be satisfied!”

I have a lot of good things in my hands!

If I miss a little bit, it will be enough to pay the price of practicing the magic of Longdi Cave.”

“no problem! I’ll find a way to get it as soon as possible!”

Orochimaru licked his tongue, and his heart moved.

In Orochimaru’s view, Qianxuan is so mysterious that he is even willing to trade the longevity magic. This shows that he has something better than the longevity magic in his hands..

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to trade the immortality method.

At least, it would be the same for him.

Therefore, he was even more curious about Qian Xuan’s secret.

But what made him miserable was that he had no chance. Go find Qian Xuan’s secret.

Unless Qian Xuan is willing to tell him; unless one day he breaks Qian Xuan’s damn contract.

He regrets it!


At this time, Jiraiya licked his face, rubbed his hands and looked at Qianxuan and asked:”Qianxuan, you see, I provided you with my senjutsu chakra before, so that you can cultivate the sage mode of Miaomu Mountain, right? Should I be paid what I believe in?”

“Can you teach me how to learn perfect sage mode?”

Unlike Orochimaru, he has mastered the sage mode, although it is not perfect yet.

“In addition, I can give you all the magical techniques I have learned in Miaomu Mountain. Can you help me remove the toad gene contamination from my body?”

Jiraiya added.

He now believes that the longer he practices immortality, the closer he will become to a toad.

He believes that this is also the reason why he has become ugly over the years. Naturally, he has eliminated this negative impact earlier.

“Uh… That’s fine!”

Qian Xuan listened, touched his chin and thought:”However, I have to remind you that I must first help you master the perfect immortal mode, and then eliminate the genetic contamination, so that you will not be unable to master the human immortal mode in the future.;”

“After all, without this kind of pollution, if you master the sage mode, you have to synthesize the sage chakra completely on your own, without any external help.;”

“In this case, if you don’t master the perfect immortal mode, it will definitely not work!”

“In addition, after the genetic contamination is eliminated, you will not be able to continue to use the Myoboku Mountain Sage Mode unless you absorb the toad oil from Mt. Myoboku again.;”

“Moreover, after eliminating the genetic contamination, it is still unclear what Miaomushan’s attitude is towards this.”

“Maybe, they will be very dissatisfied and even take action against you.;”

“Or maybe he is looking for the root of the problem and is causing trouble for me!”

“Therefore, before confirming their ideas, I do not recommend that you do this;”

“Even if you want to do it, it is best to wait until you have enough strength and confidence to face any means of Miaomu Mountain before eliminating it.;”

“Anyway, as long as it is eliminated, the influence of this toad gene on you will also be eliminated.;”

“Even the appearance that was affected in the past should be able to be restored.”

Well! Having said that, the main reason is that Qianxuan doesn’t want to face off against Gamamaru and Myobokuyama whose strength is unknown yet.

Although Myobokuyama may not face him because of this.

But it is always right to be careful.

Wait until the strength After surpassing Miaomu Mountain, wouldn’t it be better to come back?

In addition, Qian Xuan didn’t know whether Gamamaru was still connected to the Six Paths Sage, and if the Six Paths Sage had a bad attitude towards him.

That’s troublesome. I

‘m not sure whether the Six Paths Sage is good or bad in his previous life! It’s most likely that he is not a good person.

The most likely thing is that the ninja world is for his own sake and he will not allow anything beyond his control to appear.

There is no doubt that they will be people beyond the control of the Six Paths Immortals.

Therefore, before growing up, it is necessary not to disturb these existences!

“Is that so?”

Jiraiya was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and thought for a long time with his brows furrowed. Then he raised his head and said solemnly:”What you said makes sense!”

“Indeed, before you are sure about the attitude of the Great Toad Immortal and others on this matter, it is better to be more cautious!”

“Then teach me how to master the perfect immortal mode first!”

“Let’s wait until we are more confident about eliminating genetic contamination later!”

Although, Jiraiya felt in his heart that the Great Toad Immortal and the others would not be detrimental to him.

But seriously consider the previous analysis of Qianxuan and Orochimaru.

Consider that the two Immortals are most likely to have evolved from humans.

Considering that Toad The Sage and the others did not tell him this;

Jiraiya felt that it was better not to be too naive and be careful.

Of course, this had something to do with the fact that the Great Toad Sage had been unable to predict the future of the ninja world more than three years ago..

From that time on, Jiraiya stopped searching for the Child of Destiny and felt that he had been cheated.


Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively and said:”I have two ways to help you master the perfect immortal mode!””

“One is faster, but the chips you give are far from enough;”

“One kind of time is a little uncertain, it all depends on your own understanding, this kind of time, the chips are enough”

“So, make your choice!”

The first option is of course to teach Jiraiya the meditation method!

But the chips Jiraiya has given so far are definitely not enough.

Qianxuan has not even considered what other chips Jiraiya can give to pay the price.

“Ah this……”

After Jiraiya heard this, he suddenly looked depressed and said:”Isn’t it the same as saying nothing? In the end, I only have one choice.”

Since he can’t afford the chips, it is definitely impossible for Qianxuan to teach him ah!

“Then choose the second option! Can you guarantee that I will learn it?”

Jiraiya asked in a depressed and anxious tone.


Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively:”It’s just that the time is uncertain!””

“That’s good!

Jiraiya breathed a sigh of relief and asked quickly:”Then teach me now!””

The sooner you learn it, the sooner you will become stronger and be able to use Immortal Mode in front of others without any scruples.”


Qian Xuan nodded and immediately said:”Actually, the reason why you can’t master the perfect immortal mode is, in the final analysis, because you are not calm!””

“Normally, in this situation, it is impossible for you to learn the immortal mode!”

“Orochimaru and Tsunade; Sensei, the reason why they can’t learn Sage Mode is not because they are stupid.;”

“On the contrary, it is because they are too smart and have too many thoughts and distractions in their minds! It is extremely difficult to achieve a state of mind that is like still water!”

“But you are different. You are born with a pure heart, which is also the fundamental reason why you can learn the immortal mode.”

When Jiraiya heard this, his eyes lit up and he nodded in agreement:”That’s right! I am indeed a genius!”

As he said that, he raised his eyebrows proudly at Orochimaru who was standing beside him.

Orochimaru couldn’t bear it any longer and directly taunted:”You idiot, didn’t you hear that?”

“Normally, with your so-called innocent heart, you can easily master the perfect immortal mode, but this is not the case now!”

“Not only did it take you years to master Sage Mode, your mastery isn’t perfect yet!”

“This shows that your innocent heart is polluted!”

“Do you want to guess what it was contaminated with?”

Ha! Want to show off in front of him?

Let’s see how I fight back against you.

At this time, Orochimaru also understood through Qianxuan’s words just now that the key to practicing immortality is besides physical qualifications.

It is actually such an illusory thing as the state of mind.

No wonder!

Indeed, compared to Jiraiya, a simple-minded fool, it is completely impossible for him to completely calm down and eliminate all distracting thoughts in his heart!

He just hopes that Qianxuan can really find a way! To help himself achieve this state of mind.

Of course, he still has more confidence in Qian Xuan, because no matter how you look at it, Qian Xuan himself is an extremely smart person, and logically speaking, Qian Xuan should not be able to learn magic.

He is able to master the mystical skills, and this is not an ordinary skill.

This shows that he has really mastered the trick.


Jiraiya was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and the proud look on his face froze. A thought suddenly came to his mind:”It can’t be a matter of lust, right? No way?”

But the more Jiraiya thought about it, the more he felt that it was very possible.

For a moment, cold sweat began to appear on his forehead, and he looked at Qianxuan for confirmation:”Well, Qianxuan, is it really like what Orochimaru said?……”

However, what are you afraid of?

After hearing this, Qian Xuan smiled slightly and said:”That’s right! That’s what Uncle Snake said! You are so perverted!”

“Forcibly polluting your own innocent heart, making it less perfect!”

“Otherwise, it wouldn’t have taken you so long to learn the magic, and you wouldn’t have been able to master only a semi-finished product!”

“Immortal mode, in the final analysis, is a combination of natural energy + spiritual energy + physical energy, plus at most one more refined natural energy as a fusion agent.;”

“The reason why the state of mind is like Shishui is so that the three can naturally fuse together under the guidance of the fusion agent to synthesize the magic chakra!”

“If your mind is not calm, your spiritual energy will naturally be impure.;”

“This will naturally cause the natural energy to be repulsed, making the fusion less perfect and stable.;”

“Furthermore, it will affect your mastery of Sage Mode and even your ability to synthesize Sage Chakra anytime and anywhere after entering Sage Mode.;”

“After you enter the sage mode, you probably need to devote a lot of energy to suppress your sage chakra and prevent it from rioting or even decomposing, right?”

“This is also the reason why you cannot enter sage mode and enter battle while continuing to condense sage chakra while fighting.

Jiraiya nodded numbly:”Yes!” Because of this, if I use Sage Mode for no more than 5 minutes at a time, the Sage Chakra will be exhausted.;”



“I can only achieve this sage mode for a long time with the help of two immortals who help me continuously condense the senjutsu chakra.;”

“I thought it was just that I couldn’t master the magic of immortality, but in the end, it was actually because of this?”

Jiraiya didn’t know what to say for a moment! How can lustful emotions be so harmful?

At this time, Orochimaru couldn’t help but interjected:”Qianxuan-kun! According to what you said, shouldn’t it be impossible for people with restless hearts to cultivate into the immortal mode?”

“Why did Jiraiya learn how to do it even though he was clearly not calm?”

Even if it’s just a semi-finished product, it’s still considered Immortal Mode!

It’s very helpful to combat effectiveness.

Moreover, as long as you get started, there is always a way to practice to perfection in the future. It’s really despairing and uncomfortable if you can’t get started.

“I’m curious about this too!”

Jiraiya listened and asked incomprehensively.

Qianxuan chuckled and said:”After all, Jiraiya still has an innocent heart and has far fewer distracting thoughts than normal people.;”

“If you go through special training and force yourself to enter a state of stillness in a short period of time with full concentration, you can still do it!”

“This is also the reason why he can enter the sage mode in a short time, but cannot cultivate into the perfect sage mode;”

Speaking of this, Qianxuan looked at Jiraiya and asked:”You should practice meditation for a long time at Miaomu Mountain. , let yourself master the technique of completely calming down in a short period of time, right?”

When Jiraiya heard Qianxuan’s words, he immediately remembered his experience of sitting on a sharp stone pillar with a wooden board as a cushion for several years in Miaomu Mountain.

He couldn’t help but nodded and said,”Not bad.……”

Then, he explained his meditation training method in detail:”This is really extremely difficult. Whenever I have any distracting thoughts in my mind, I can’t sit still and will fall down.”;”


“In that kind of dangerous state, you can’t succeed unless you eliminate all distracting thoughts.;”

“It also took me many years to gradually master the techniques!”

“But as you said, I can only enter the sage mode by concentrating my senjutsu chakra wholeheartedly, maintaining it for 5 minutes without moving my whole body, and extracting enough senjutsu chakra.;”

“If you exit this state, you won’t be able to completely calm down and concentrate the celestial chakra!”

“Of course, it will be worse than this at the beginning, and the condensation time will be longer.;”

“The five minutes I have now are already the result of years of hard work and practice!”

“But this time has been compressed to the limit by me, and I haven’t made any further breakthroughs for a long time!”

“On the contrary, in terms of not being able to move, I feel that I still have room for improvement.;”

“At present, I can already walk around and condense the magic chakra!”

“But the hands must be clasped together and cannot be separated before the condensation is completed.;”

“Otherwise, it will fail.”

This restriction is too great.

This is why he has always mastered the perfect immortal mode.

“That’s it!

Qian Xuan nodded clearly:”Only in this state can you calm down completely.”;”

“This is also thanks to your innate innocent heart, even if it has been contaminated;”

“But at least it can allow you to enter a state of mind that is like stopping water in this state.”

“If you don’t have this natural talent for mood, and with your lustful personality, it’s basically impossible for you to learn the magic of immortality in your life, haha!”

Jiraiya listened, and at the same time, he felt a little lucky.

God still loves him!

At least he gave him this mental talent.

It’s just that he failed himself.

How sad!

But if you let Jiraiya choose again, Will he still choose to be like this?

The imperfection of the immortal mode is only a temporary thing, but beauty is the love of his life. How can he abandon it?

What fun will there be in life if he really abandons it?

“So that’s it!”

Orochimaru also completely understood what was going on, and immediately showed a sarcastic smile to Jiraiya:”Tsk, tsk! You are completely wasting your talent! Sure enough, you are a fool!”

“Want you to take care of it?

Jiraiya heard this and rolled his eyes angrily:”Whether it’s a waste or not is all my own business. It’s better than you not having this talent.” After saying that

, he looked at Qian Xuan and asked:”So, how should I solve this problem?”

Qian Xuan touched his chin and pondered:”One word, grind!””


Jiraiya listened and asked with a face:”What do you mean?” Do you want me to continue to practice slowly like in the past? Doesn’t that mean the same thing?”

“no no!

Qian Xuan shook his head and said:”That’s not the case!” I want you to try to practice the immortal mode when you are peeping in the future.;”

“Let your heart adapt to this kind of thing, and eventually form an instinct, so that even if you face beauty, as long as you want to enter the immortal mode, you can still have no disturbance in your heart!”

“In this way, even if your heart is not so pure, it is still possible to master the perfect sage mode.”

In the final analysis, it is to form a habit and regard lustful thoughts as a normal state.

Well! It can also be called the sage state


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