Chapter 82 Orochimaru’s thoughts, ugly Jiraiya?

In the tent.

Facing the scoldings of Jiraiya and Sakumo, Qianxuan also touched the back of his head and said apologetically:”Sorry! I got carried away for a while and forgot about this kind of thing! It won’t happen again!”

“never mind!

After hearing this, Shuomao shook his head:”This is the first time I miss you, so I won’t say more. Don’t do this again in the future!””

“This is a frontline camp and it’s very dangerous to do this.”


Qianxuan nodded repeatedly.

At this time, Orochimaru couldn’t help but said:”Qianxuan-kun, when you used the thunder escape on the battlefield yesterday, you seemed to have used the sage mode. Am I right?”


Qianxuan heard this, raised his eyebrows, looked at Orochimaru, and said with a slight curl of the corner of his mouth:”Sure enough, there is also a legacy of immortal arts in Ryūchi Cave. Uncle Snake, you have come into contact with the inheritance of immortal arts there! Perhaps we can exchange experiences in this regard?

Orochimaru heard this and was immediately delighted:”This relationship is good, then when do you think we can agree on a time?” I hope as soon as possible.”

No wonder he is so eager, the main reason is that he wants to know how Qian Xuan learned the magic of immortality!

Because, according to what he knows, with Qian Xuan’s intelligence, he should not be able to learn the magic of immortality!

This thing Aren’t only simple-minded”idiots” like Jiraiya and Shodai able to learn it?

He failed at the level of calmness in the first place. Therefore

, he was curious about how Qian Xuan did it.

Can he also master magic?

Orochimaru doesn’t want to suffer the embarrassment and helplessness of this defeat again. Only in this way can he gain more power and have a chance to fight. If you are not qualified to pursue eternal life, if you cannot even protect yourself, then eternal life can only be a delusion.

“Can! how about tomorrow?”

Qianxuan asked with a smile.

He was about to trade with Orochimaru!

Whether it was Hashirama cells or the Ryuchi Cave Immortal Technique training method in Orochimaru’s hands, he wanted it.

Of course, it would be best to directly provide the Immortal Technique of Ryuchi Cave. Chakra.

He doubted that if he could not obtain something similar to the venom injected by the Snake Immortal, even if he obtained the inheritance of Ryūchi Cave’s magic, the answer would probably be no.

“oh? That’s it!”

Orochimaru’s eyes lit up immediately after hearing this, and he nodded happily. Then with Tsunade’s warning eyes, he said goodbye and left.

As soon as Orochimaru left, Tsunade warned Qianxuan:”Qianxuan! I’m warning you, don’t get too close to Orochimaru in the future, don’t let him lead you astray!”

“This guy is not a normal person, understand?”

Qianxuan is not a rope tree, and Tsunade is worried that Orochimaru will do something random.

Although Orochimaru at this time is not the perverted Orochimaru that he will be later.

But there is already this trend.

We have to guard against it.

“hehe! clear!

Qian Xuan smiled knowingly and said,”Don’t worry!” Orochimaru can’t do anything to me, I already have the ability to protect myself! Will also be careful”

“I just simply want to understand the magic of Ha Long Di Cave!”


Tsunade frowned immediately after hearing this:”Didn’t you already master the magic of Shigulin? Why do you still want to know the magic of Longdi Cave?”

She felt like she couldn’t keep up with Qian Xuan’s thoughts at all.

“Of course it’s a contrast!”

Qianxuan spread his hands and said:”Because, Uncle Jiraiya once told me about the magical properties of Miaomu Mountain. I compared them with those of Shigu Forest.;”

“Then I thought, would the one in Yongdi Cave be different?”

“If we can combine the advantages of the three, can we create a more powerful immortal mode?”

Of course, these are all excuses to deceive people.

He doesn’t have to go to such trouble if he wants to combine the three.


Before Tsunade could reply, Jiraiya, who just walked in again, opened his eyes wide when he heard this, and said in surprise:”You kid really used Sage Mode before!””

“Also, you actually want to combine the advantages of three kinds of magic?”

“How is this possible?”

“Not to mention whether this thing can be done or not, it is even more difficult to acquire the three methods of cultivating immortal arts!”

“You have to understand that the relationship between the Three Holy Lands is not as good as you think.;”

“Even, it can be described as bad;”

“Especially Ryuji Cave and Mt. Myoboku.”

After all, snakes eat toads.

The two can be regarded as natural enemies. It’s strange that they have a good relationship.

After Qianxuan heard this, he spread his hands indifferently and said,”How will you know if you don’t try? Maybe it will be done?”

“Just in time, uncle Jiraiya, you are here, can you give me some of your senjutsu chakra? I studied the difference.”

This is a good opportunity


Jiraiya was stunned for a moment after hearing this, then he touched the back of his head in embarrassment and said,”Ah haha… well… let’s forget it!”

“My magic is not as good as yours!”

Actually, a little senjutsu chakra is not a problem. The key is that Jiraiya is very clear about his situation.

The senjutsu practice is not perfect. When entering the sage mode, he will become ugly and show some characteristics of a toad.

He is a toad sage. He was a handsome guy and Tsunade was by his side. He didn’t want to affect his handsome image in Tsunade’s mind.

He thought that Tsunade wouldn’t tolerate him after hearing this, so he exposed it directly:”I think you think so. Your transformation is too ugly and you don’t dare to show it, right?”

“After practicing magic for so many years, the result is still half-finished. How dare you laugh at my Orochimaru in the past?”

“How about it? Now even my disciples have mastered the magic of immortality, which is still the most perfect magic. What else do you have to show off?”

Jiraiya was speechless for a moment by these words. He was so angry that he finally couldn’t help but retorted:”So what? Don’t you know how to do it yourself?”

“Wait until one day you learn it by yourself, then tell me about it! snort!”

“Don’t treat the semi-finished products as solid food. I even taught you how to do it. Where are you, Orochimaru? After all these years, don’t you still have no clue?”

“What does this mean? It shows that I am better than you in this regard! Hum!”

He felt that Tsunade was just jealous of him.

Everything else was empty.

As for why Qianxuan could learn it?

In fact, Jiraiya himself was confused.

He also felt that this was unreasonable.

Although he didn’t want to admit it, Jiraiya knew very well that people who wanted to cultivate immortal arts were more likely to succeed if they were more upright and simple. People who were too smart would probably not be able to pass the meditation test, but Qian Xuan succeeded. It’s still the most perfect, which is outrageous

“I hope he didn’t master some tricks and it was just an accident, otherwise……”

Jiraiya’s heart tingled when he thought that Tsunade, Orochimaru and others all learned senjutsu because of Sengen

“whispering sound!”

When Tsunade heard Jiraiya’s words, she immediately curled her lips with disdain and said:”Don’t be proud, maybe I will learn it sometime, and by then, you will be good-looking, hum!”

When Jiraiya heard this, he suddenly felt panicked. He always had an ominous premonition.

“Could my guess be true? Is this kid Qianxuan really able to help Tsunade and the others learn immortal arts?”

“no! I must at least gain from Qianxuan his experience in cultivating the perfect immortal mode, and find a way to make my own immortal mode perfect too.;”

“Otherwise, if Tsunade and the others really cultivate into sage mode, I will really be embarrassed!”

Thinking of this, Jiraiya immediately looked at Qianxuan and said eagerly:”Ah haha! Qianxuan, I suddenly thought about it, your previous idea was also quite good.;”

“As your constant companion and Minato’s teacher, I think I should support you.;”

“So, why don’t we find a place where no one is around to have a good exchange of our experiences on magic?”

“When the time comes, I can give you some of my senjutsu chakra, how about that?”

In the end, Jiraiya did not forget to emphasize:”Yeah! Just the two of us.”

He doesn’t want Tsunade or even Minato to see his ugly state when he enters sage mode.

“OK! Shall we go?”

Qianxuan was immediately overjoyed after hearing this, and immediately stood up and walked out of the camp.

Jiraiya quickly followed.

The two of them quickly disappeared into the camp.

Tsunade and others were left behind looking at each other.

“never mind! All gone! Go and rest! I’ve been exhausted lately!”

Tsunade waved her hand and left immediately.

Sakumo followed closely behind, and he was still busy!


On Qiangen and Jiraiya’s side, the two left the camp and ran for several kilometers before stopping in a deserted open space.

Then, Qian Xuan turned around and clapped his hands. Instantly, facial makeup appeared on his face, and he directly entered immortal mode.

Then, he said to Jiraiya:”Come on! Uncle Jiraiya! You also enter the sage mode and show me, and then we will talk again.”


Isn’t this bullying an honest person?

“By the way, is it so hasty and easy for you to enter immortal mode?”

Jiraiya looked at Qianxuan with envy and asked.

He wants this too!

Not only is he handsome and classy, but he is also more practical.

“not bad!

Qian Xuan listened, nodded with a smile and said:”It’s a little slow at first, but once you become proficient, it will become easy!””

Speaking of this, Qian Xuan looked at Jiraiya with a little joking and asked:”Speaking of which, Uncle Jiraiya, you have told me about Sage Mode many times, but I have never seen you use it. , even Minato is the same;”

“You seem to be avoiding and evading this!”

“Could it be that your cultivation of Immortal Mode is not perfect? Are there flaws you don’t want exposed?”

Jiraiya listened, and his heart suddenly tightened. Facing Qianxuan’s playful gaze, his eyes were a little wandering, and he suddenly laughed and said:”Ah haha… how is that possible? I just think that this kind of trump card should not be exposed easily.”

That’s what he said, but in the face of Qianxuan’s attitude of”you continue to fool me, let’s see if I believe it or not”, Jiraiya couldn’t deceive him anymore.

Considering that he wanted to ask Qianxuan for his experience in perfect sage mode in the future, He could only admit helplessly:”Okay! I’m talking nonsense, my fairy mode is indeed not perfect!”

“Not only does it take 5 minutes to prepare, but even after entering the sage mode, you cannot refine the sage chakra at any time, you can only rely on condensation in advance.;”

“After finishing the condensation, use a little less Chakra for Senjutsu.;”

“When it is used up, it will exit the sage mode. If you want to enter it later, you can only re-condensate enough sage chakra.”

“Or, I can rely on the help of two immortals to do this for a long time.;”

“Of course, these are not the key. The real key is that after I enter the fairy mode, due to imperfections, some toad-like characteristics will appear, which greatly affects my handsome image.;”

“Therefore, I basically never perform magic in front of others.;”


Speaking of this, Jiraiya paused, then looked at Qianxuan with burning eyes and asked:”I have said everything that needs to be said, can you help me and help me cultivate the perfect sage mode?”

He wants to make progress so much!

“It’s not impossible!”

Qianxuan saw this and nodded funny:”You enter the immortal mode first and let me see it. After that, just give me a little bit of your immortal chakra for me to study, and I will give you some pointers based on your situation. of;”

“Even if it doesn’t completely change your situation, it can still help you a little bit. How about that?”

It’s nonsense to not be able to completely change nature.

The reason why Jiraiya can’t cultivate into the perfect sage mode has been analyzed earlier.

It should be because Jiraiya’s heart is not pure.

As long as he practices meditation, this problem can be solved But Jiraiya is obviously not qualified to let Qian Xuan teach him the meditation method, but this will probably be difficult. Very respectful and supportive.

At least, that is the case at this stage.

In the future, he may have gradually lost respect and support for Sandai because of his various behaviors. Moreover, it will take a long time.

With Sengen in this world, Jiraiya is destined to not be able to wait until that time. It is also destined that the third generation will not be able to reach that point and have to abdicate in favor of others.

“become! Then it’s settled! hey-hey!”

Jiraiya was overjoyed after hearing this and was about to start immediately, but he thought of something and paused again. He said to Qianxuan with some embarrassment:”Well, when I enter the sage mode later, it will affect my image a bit. Don’t laugh at me, and don’t tell anyone else!”

Whether you are strong or not is a temporary matter, but whether you are handsome or not is a lifelong matter.

The order of priority cannot be reversed.


Qianxuan couldn’t help but roll his eyes after hearing this, and nodded in agreement.

At the same time, he was speechless at Jiraiya’s narcissism:”You’re the only one who’s handsome? I really didn’t see it”

“Then I’ll start!”

Jiraiya was very satisfied with Qianxuan’s attitude. He immediately sat down cross-legged, clasped his hands, closed his eyes and began to practice the celestial art.

Qianxuan, on the other hand, used spiritual perception to constantly check the changes in Jiraiya’s body.

Soon, Have a clear understanding of why Jiraiya Sage Mode is not perfect

“Sure enough, it was because the distracting thoughts in the mind could not be completely eliminated when condensing Senju Chakra. Specifically, the spiritual energy was not pure enough, which affected the condensation of Senju Chakra, resulting in the condensed Senju Chakra being imperfect.;”

“You need to use your mental power to calmly suppress it at all times in order to maintain it. In this way, it is understandable that you cannot condense the celestial chakra at all times after entering the sage mode.”

“Moreover, this imperfection greatly affected Jiraiya’s efficiency and final upper limit in refining Senjutsu Chakra.”

Qianxuan shook his head slightly and thought to himself.

The imperfection of Senjutsu Chakra caused the toad genetic characteristics in it not to be perfectly suppressed and partially revealed.

Even after Jiraiya transformed, there will be some cases of toad transformation. The reason.

Five minutes later,

Jiraiya finally successfully entered the sage mode, and some eye shadow appeared on his face. At the same time, his whole body also appeared slightly transformed, which looked really ugly.

“Tsk tsk!

Qian Xuan immediately said venomously:”No wonder you don’t want to use this trick in front of others!” This has indeed affected your few good looks!”

“You guy!”

Jiraiya couldn’t hold himself any longer after hearing this, and said angrily:”Are you just beating around the bush and saying that I’m ugly?”

“This uncle is very handsome!”

As he said this, this guy also bowed to POSS.

Qian Xuan felt nauseated when he saw it, and he quickly waved his hand and said:”Okay! alright! Stop showing off! I can barely take it anymore!”

“Let’s get down to business!”

“Give me some of your magic chakra first, and then I’ll analyze your problem.”

Well! Just analysis, complete solution?

Look again! Look again!

“All right!”

Jiraiya accepted that he had no objection, and immediately condensed a ball of senjutsu chakra the size of a bowl and asked:”Is this enough? This is already one-tenth of what I have condensed.”

“enough! Thanks!”

Qianxuan saw it, his eyes lit up, and he first released his immortal mode; then, he immediately took the ball of chakra and absorbed it directly


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