Chapter 81 Danzo’s ambition: All for the position of Hokage.

Upon seeing this, Qianxuan and others did not continue to pursue, but just watched the Third Kazekage and the others escape.

“Qianxuan! Come quickly and help treat the wounded!”

At this time, the feeling in the distance shouted.

At the same time, Tsunade made the slugs split directly into hundreds of small individuals, and began to search and crawl towards the injured survivors, treat them, and stabilize their injuries first

“OK! coming!”

Qian Xuan heard this and immediately responded loudly, nodding to Shuomao.

Then he rushed out a few hundred meters, formed a seal with his hands, and slapped it on the ground.

“bump!”, also summoned the huge slug, and said to him:”Master Slug! Split into individuals and help search for and save Konoha’s ninjas”

“OK! Lord Qianxuan!”

After hearing this, the slug immediately obeyed the order, split into hundreds of individuals, and acted together with the slug summoned by Tsunade.

Qianxuan quickly rushed to Tsunade’s side, and together with him, with the cooperation of many ninjas, they quickly built A temporary field hospital began to treat the wounded one by one.

Under the command of Danzo, Jiraiya and others, they began to clean up the battlefield.

The wounded have been basically taken care of, and the battlefield has been cleaned up.

Konoha has begun to withdraw its troops and return to the border camp.

Of course, the wounded cannot be healed so quickly, even with medical ninjutsu, but most of them can’t leave.

Yes, some companions were carried away on stretchers or carried on their backs.

This is the hinterland of the Rain Country.

God knows when Hanzo and the Rain Ninja will come back to fight.

Moreover, it cannot be ruled out that the Sand Ninja will be there.


The Qianxuan group attack is indeed very lethal, but if the opponent is just a small elite team, it will be quite troublesome by the time the Konoha army completely withdraws from the Country of Rain and returns to the border camp.

One day later.

After everyone was settled, Qian Xuan and Tsunade received the meeting invitation from Danzo.

At this time, they quickly arrived at the commander’s tent.

There are already more than ten people gathered here, basically all elite Jonin or representatives of various races.


When everyone was gathered, Danzo looked around and said,”This time we suffered heavy losses due to the conspiracy of the Sand Ninja and the Rain Ninja.;”

“For the time being, it is no longer enough to launch a large-scale raid on the Kingdom of Rain!”

“We even need to be prepared for them to counterattack us!”

“At this time, there are only more than 400 people left on our side, and there are only more than 200 people left with real combat effectiveness.;”

“The situation is quite serious!”

“Therefore, I hope that you will not relax in the future and send more personnel to the surrounding areas for inspections.”

Having said this, Danzo looked at the representative of the Hyuga clan and said:”The inspections will be left to you, the Hyuga clan!”

“I will send others to assist you! Is there a problem?”

“no problem!

The member of the Hyuga clan shook his head:”We will take over this matter!””

“very good!

Danzo nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Tsunade and Qianxuan and asked:”Tsunade, how long will it take for all the wounded to recover and allow them to regain their combat effectiveness?””

This time the loss is so big, Danzo has suffered a big fall and lost all face. How can he be willing to accept it?

After that, he will definitely come back with double revenge.

He will not cripple the Rain Country and clean up the sand ruthlessly. He couldn’t be willing to endure the loss and regain his lost face.

In this case, the combat power in his hands was very important.

Of course, he had already received the news from Konoha and knew about the 300 elite reinforcements. They are already on their way and are expected to arrive here the day after tomorrow. However, those people will probably arrive in at least five or six days.

Of course, the appearance of Qian Xuan also caused the Sand Ninja to arrive.

The loss was heavy and it was considered a move back to the city.

But anyone with a discerning eye knew that it was the fault of the little brat Chigen and had nothing to do with Danzo, the commander-in-chief.

There were so many witnesses who were grateful to Chigen and Sakumo.

With Tsunade and others here, it is impossible for Danzo to take any credit.

In fact, the detailed process of the battle and the letter reporting the merits have been sent to Konoha by Ninja.

There will be a definite reply from the village today and tomorrow.

It is estimated that Qianxuan will be promoted this time.

Tsunade heard Danzo’s question and immediately replied:”Because Qianxuan.

” We brought herbal medicine and medical equipment, plus the herbal medicine from the camp.

After the efforts of Qianxuan and I in the past few days, all the wounded have been treated.


“Most of them can fully recover within three to five days. For more serious cases, it can take half a month to fully restore their combat effectiveness!”

Of course, this does not include those who are completely disabled.

Many of those people will not be able to continue to become ninjas in the future.

When their injuries get better, it is expected that arrangements and logistics will not return to Konoha.

What awaits them will be It will be retirement life

“Is that so? very good! Danzo listened and nodded with satisfaction:”Then continue repairing!””

“Recently, I have been focusing on exploring information about the Land of Rain and the Sand Ninjas!”

“correct! Iwa Ninja will also focus on the investigation this time!”

“We have already suffered a loss once, and we absolutely cannot eat it a second time!”

“Regardless of whether the Iwa Ninja will become more Rain Ninja or not, or the Sand Ninja colludes against us, we must investigate clearly and take precautions.”

“The intelligence has been collected clearly, and when the reinforcements arrive, it’s time for us to fight back!”

“This time, I must avenge my shame and cripple Hanzo to make him understand that Konoha is not something he, a mere Rain Country, can challenge!”

“After we defeat the rain ninja, it’s time to take care of the sand ninja.”

“Since they don’t respect martial ethics, collude with the rain ninja, and declare war on us, then we don’t need to be polite!”

Originally, this time he took the initiative to apply to become the commander-in-chief with the third generation in order to accumulate enough reputation for himself and work hard to compete for the position of Hokage.

Now, everything is in vain. How could he go back without reciprocating?

And , although he was defeated before, Danzo would not give up the idea of improving his reputation and competing for the position of Hokage.

In fact, this idea became even stronger.

“For the sake of victory and the position of Hokage, for the time being, let’s not deal with the kid Qianxuan!”

“Everything will wait until I win and gain enough fame! Danzo thought to himself


Everyone present nodded, with a look of agreement on their faces.

Obviously, everyone was not reconciled to the previous failure, and wanted to take revenge in their hearts.

Especially those from the ninja clan.

This time they have not yet No matter what results were achieved, many tribesmen were deceived and they had to fight back.

At least, they wanted to recover the losses.

They were willing to send tribesmen to participate in the war mainly for profit, not just for profit. For the sake of the village.

In the eyes of people like them, the interests of the family are the first priority, followed by the interests of the village.

Perhaps it was because they saw this that the second generation chose to integrate the family into the common people of Konoha; they wanted to break the rule of Konoha. The concept of family gradually integrated all the families in Konoha into a whole; completely eliminating the barriers between each other and strengthening Konoha together.

Unfortunately, he died too early, and he died accidentally in the battle before he could realize these.

When the position of Hokage fell into the hands of Sarutobi Hiruzen, he did not inherit the ideas of the second generation, and began to work hard for the growth of his family, silently and continuously transferring the interests of the village to the Sarutobi clan. As a result, the Sarutobi clan has continued to grow over the years.

Danzo, Koharu, and Mito Kaden have all followed suit, secretly digging into Konoha’s walls and even its foundations to strengthen their families..

They are all selfish.

This is why Konoha has not grown further in recent years, but has begun to decline.

That’s why Qianxuan wants to control Senju. , and then further changed Konoha.

He was very dissatisfied with the current Konoha.

“very good!”

Danzo didn’t know what Qianxuan was thinking. Seeing that everyone shared the same hatred, he was very satisfied:”Then let’s come here today! The meeting is over!”

Then, everyone left the commander’s tent and went about their own business.

Qianxuan, Tsunade, Minato, and Kushina all gathered in Qianxuan’s tent.

“Say it! When did your kid create that level of thunder escape?”

Tsunade asked, holding her hands and staring at Qianxuan eagerly.

Kushina and Minato on the side also looked directly at Qianxuan.

“We practice with you Qianxuan almost every day, but we don’t even know this. You hide it so deeply! Minato also said quietly:” Also

, when did you master the sage mode?””


Qian Xuan was stunned when he heard this:”Didn’t I tell you this?””

“When did you tell me?

Minato said speechlessly:”I only found out about it when I saw you perform magic today, okay?””

“Ah this……”

After hearing this, Qianxuan spread his hands helplessly:”I must have forgotten that! But I taught you the meditation method! This thing is very helpful in improving your mental power and state of mind. Remember not to reveal it to Jiraiya Uncle.”

His relationship with Jiraiya has not reached that level yet.

Although, with the contract, there is no need to worry about Minato really following Jiraiya, but I still give you a reminder.

“I understand this!

Minato nodded affirmatively:”So, is this helpful for cultivating immortality?” Very good! It seems that I will have to practice this more seriously in the future!”

“Hey Hey hey!”

At this time, Tsunade glared at Qianxuan angrily and said:”You kid haven’t answered my question yet? You want to change the subject, right?”


Qianxuan shook his head quickly:”There is nothing to hide in this. It is just an unexpected result of my research and creation of Thunder Release and Wind Release Ninjutsu in the past month or so!””

“Well…these two techniques are actually the main gains from my research this time!”

As he spoke, Qianxuan stretched out his two hands, quickly rolled out a basic Rasengan with one hand, and activated the Chidori with the other hand…

The sound of chirping thunder suddenly resounded throughout the camp.

“These…both are Muji Ninjutsu? You said this was your new creation?”

“Also, how did you manage to perform different ninjutsu with both hands at the same time? Is this still something that humans can do?”

Tsunade and the others looked at Qianxuan’s hands dumbfounded and couldn’t help complaining.

They felt that they could no longer keep up with Qianxuan’s rhythm.

“hehe! Okay! This is actually just the basic version, there are also upgraded versions!”

Qianxuan smiled slightly. He quite liked the feeling of being a saint in front of others.

Then, he injected the properties of wind chakra into the Rasengan in his left hand, and at the same time, he injected the properties of thunder into the Chidori in his right hand. Change. Suddenly, Tsunade

, who exuded a terrifying aura, took shape.




At this time, this terrifying chakra fluctuation directly alarmed the ninjas in the entire camp.

Everyone looked towards Qianxuan’s camp.

Many people came here very quickly.

Sensing this, Qianxuan quickly put away these two ninjutsu.

This hand shocked Tsunade and others again.

Tsunade took a deep breath, looked at Qian Xuandong with a complicated expression and said:”Are these two techniques reaching S level?”

“Moreover, judging from the ease with which you perform it, it’s obvious that it took more than a day or two to create it. You boy, you are so awesome!”

“It’s hidden deep enough!”

“I now believe that Lei Dun was created by accident!”

This is a pervert


At this time, Sakumo, Jiraiya and Orochimaru ran over and walked into the camp; several people looked at the situation inside. Sakumo finally locked his eyes on Qianxuan and asked first:”The investigation just now. What happens to carat fluctuations? Qianxuan, isn’t it your boy who caused something?”

He also has a certain understanding of himself as a student.


After hearing this, Qian Xuan rubbed the back of his head and smiled:”Absolutely!” Just show two techniques to Tsunade-san and the others! it’s not a big deal! Why are you all here?”

Sakumo was speechless after hearing this. Jiraiya even rolled his eyes and said,”It’s not a big deal. The chakra fluctuations just now are at least S-level, or two at the same time. Do you know? What are you doing?”

“This is inside the camp. If you do this, everyone will think it is an enemy attack, okay?”

Speaking of this, Jiraiya looked at Tsunade again and said angrily:”Qianxuan brat doesn’t understand, Tsunade, don’t you understand either? Don’t you even know how to stop him?”

“Um? After hearing this

, Tsunade raised her eyebrows and glared at Jiraiya:”You dare to reprimand me?”

Jiraiya suddenly shrank his head and retorted with a bluffing frown:”Why don’t you let others tell you if you are wrong?””

Then, he quickly stepped out, waved his hands to the people who were gathering here and said,”Let’s all disperse! It was just an accident and it has been solved!”

When everyone heard what Jiraiya said, they dispersed one after another.

Danzo, on the other hand, glanced at Qianxuan’s tent from a distance and thought to himself:”Accident? hehe! It seems like that kid Qianxuan has come up with some powerful ninjutsu again, right?”

“This kid is really scary!”

“The previous Thunder Cloud Storm and Senjutsu were, but now there are other powerful Ninjutsu. How many powerful Ninjutsu did Master Mito teach him?”

At this moment, Danzo was jealous!

Well! He didn’t believe that these ninjutsu were created by Qianxuan himself. This was simply impossible.

An eight or nine-year-old kid with a devilish talent could learn such a high-level ninjutsu.

It ‘s a blessing.

Danzo doesn’t believe it.

Creating powerful ninjutsu requires knowledge and time.

However, Qian Xuan can’t do it.

Being able to learn so many powerful ninjutsu and become so powerful in just a few years was enough for a monster.

For a while, Danzo couldn’t suppress the murderous intention towards Qian Xuan, but in the end he still couldn’t hold it back.

A little impatience will mess up a big plan!

Next, if he wants to win a big victory, he will need Qian Xuan’s help, and he can’t ruin his plan because of his impulse.

“When I get the merit and reputation I want, that will be the beginning of your misfortune! Hum!”

Danzo thought so, and simply turned around and left.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Let this brat continue to be arrogant for a while.


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