Chapter 76: The Second Ninja War breaks out, and Konoha loses the first battle

“Is that so?”

Naoki and Tsunade heard this and understood.

Then they can only wait for themselves to practice slowly.

“Speaking of which,” at this time, Tsunade remembered what Qianxuan said before about the immortal mode, and couldn’t help but said:”You said before that the immortal arts practiced in the Three Holy Lands will be contaminated and gradually transform into corresponding creatures? is this real?”

This matter is quite serious. She must ask clearly.

“That’s right!

Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively:”This is actually a kind of genetic and energy pollution!” It’s not a conspiracy of the Three Holy Lands or anything! This is just one of the drawbacks of taking shortcuts to master Sage Mode!”

“As long as you don’t use it frequently for a long time, there won’t be any big problems! The impact will be smaller;”

“In addition, I already have the means to solve this problem;”

“Just wait until you reach immortal mode and come to me to solve it. There is no need to worry about this problem!”

He knew that even Tsunade couldn’t accept gradually turning into a slug.

“That’s good!

Tsunade heard this and breathed a sigh of relief. Then, she thought of Jiraiya again, and suddenly said with a strange look on her face:”Speaking of which, no wonder I think Jiraiya has become more and more uglier over the years!” Is this the reason for feelings?

Qian Xuan and others were stunned after hearing this:”Uh…really?””

I feel like I can’t keep up with Tsunade’s brain circuit!

“hey-hey! Sister! I want to tell Brother Jiraiya this!”

Naoki interrupted happily at this time.

He believed that Jiraiya’s face would look ugly by then.

“Um? After

Tsunade heard this, she immediately glared at Naoki and warned:”You can tell me!” But you can’t reveal Qianxuan’s secret!”

Speaking of this, she was stunned for a moment, then waved her hands and said:”Forget it! You can’t leak it anyway, so you can figure it out yourself!”

“Just tell him! Let him pay attention to it, so as not to grow old and ugly in the future and embarrass the three of us.”

At this time, Tsunade and the three of them have not yet obtained the title of Sannin, and the names are not connected together. Otherwise, she will be confused with Mind.

“Yes Yes Yes!”

When Shengshu saw that his elder sister didn’t care, he was immediately proud of Jinfu.


On this day, in the large conference room of the Hokage Building.

Today, most of Konoha is preparing jounin, and representatives from all ninja clans are here.


When everyone arrived, Sandai sat at the top, looked around and said:”In the past month or so, Hanzo from the Country of Rain has become more and more aggressive, and they are constantly harassing our border with the Country of Fire.;”

“The daimyo has sent documents again and again, hoping that we can send troops to the Kingdom of Rain as soon as possible;”

“In the past half month, we have almost discussed everything that should be discussed!”

“Now, it’s time to talk about going to war!”

“This time the troops are dispatched, the first batch will require 3,000 ninja troops. If the war does not go smoothly or unexpected changes occur, further reinforcements cannot be ruled out.;”

“This time, the village is recruiting 2,000 ninjas. I hope to recruit another 1,000 ninjas from all races. What do you think?”

It is definitely not possible to rely solely on the ninjas compiled by the village.

Not only is it a matter of quality, the third generation is also reluctant to lose these people.

Moreover, this is also an opportunity to weaken each ninja clan. How could he let it go?

On weekdays There is no good excuse to recruit people from various clans. Now is the right time. At present, the Konoha ninja world has been developing peacefully for more than ten years. Must not consume a batch? Otherwise, how can the Sarutobi clan rise? How can they obtain more resources?


After hearing this, the representatives of various ethnic groups below looked at each other hesitantly, and most of them were obviously not very willing.

At this time, Uchiha Qianshan was the first to speak:”Our Uchiha clan can send out 100 people this time.”

Uchiha’s warlike nature is recognized.

Moreover, they need military exploits to enhance their prestige in the village and gain benefits at the same time.

There are also wars that can be used to stimulate the tribesmen participating in the war to open and improve the Sharingan.

As we all know, the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan can easily open or even grow rapidly in times of crisis, in desperate situations on the battlefield, and when relatives are killed in battle.

If the talent and timing are right, it is not ruled out that a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan can be opened on a battlefield.

War is the catalyst for Uchiha’s strength.

Uchiha Chizan knows this, and the Third Generation and the others also know it very well!

Therefore, he instinctively wanted to refuse the Uchiha clan’s request for a battlefield.

But he knew it wasn’t right.

Moreover, now we really need someone to take the lead, so Sandai could only show a smile and said:”Thank you very much, Qianshan Clan Chief, for your support!”

“What about other ethnic groups?”

As he said this, Sandai looked around.

Seeing this, the others knew that they could no longer remain silent and began to speak out one after another.:

“Our pig, deer, and butterfly clans are willing to contribute 100 people together;”

“My Hyuga clan is willing to provide 100 people;”

“The Aburame clan is willing to provide 30 people;”

“Kato clan……”


Soon, after a circle, there were already 1,000 people.

The Sarutobi clan where Sandai belongs and the Shimura clan where Danzo belongs are naturally born.

After all, other representatives of the ninja clan are not fools.

As the Hokage and a high-level official in Konoha, how is it possible that the family behind you is not outstanding?

But the third generation and others also have plans for this.

At that time, their clansmen who go to the front line will basically be placed in relatively safe positions and will not carry out overly dangerous tasks.

In this way, not only did the troops be sent out, the tribesmen gained experience, but the casualties of the tribesmen could be avoided as much as possible.

Just perfect.

Not only them, but also the Thousand Hands clan also had people this time.

But there were only five of them, and they were all jonin.

When the old man spoke during the intermission, the Third Generation and Danzo even looked at him in surprise.

They obviously didn’t expect that the old man in the middle of the show would be willing to let people from the Thousand Hands clan fight.

The two of them looked at each other quietly, feeling a little regretful in their hearts.

“In this way, it will be difficult to use this reason to attack the reputation of the Thousand Hands Clan in the future!”


“It seems that the Thousand Hands Clan is not stupid either!”

“However, since these five people have been sent out, let’s stay on the battlefield and don’t come back!”

The Third Generation and Danzo thought in their minds.

The Senju clan currently only has 12 Jonin in total, oh! If you include Sengen, there are 13 people.

If we can take this opportunity to kill 5 people, this will It has already lost less than half of its top combat power.

It can greatly weaken the Thousand Hands Clan.

What a good thing!

“very good!”

These thoughts flashed through the minds of Danzo and the Third Generation. The Third Generation saw that everyone had expressed their opinions and the number of people was gathered. He was very happy. He waved his hand and said:”This war against the Land of Rain will be fought with unity. Hidden as the commander-in-chief, Sakumo.

Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru are the deputy commanders, so be it! The meeting is over!”

That day, the whole of Konoha began to take action.

Three days later, the three thousand ninja army officially set off.

Before setting off, Sakumo also found Sengen and the others and said to them:”Next, I will be the ninja army and preside over the army. This time the war against the Kingdom of Rain;”

“Therefore, I’m afraid I won’t have time to take you to continue the mission!”

“Over the past few months, your strength and abilities have become enough! So, I explained it to Hokage-sama!”

“I recommend you, Qianxuan, to be the captain of Sakumo’s team, and you will continue to receive the missions yourself. What do you think?”

This matter is very helpless, but it can only be like this.

Fortunately, the strength of Qianxuan and the others really reassures him.

Among them, Qianxuan already has shadow-level strength.

This is very surprising to him, but for him, Chigen kept it secret for the time being and did not tell the third generation.

Minato also had the strength of a jounin at this time, and Kushina had a similar strength.

This kind of team was rare in ANBU. It’s a super elite force.

“I feel very good!”

Kushina was the first to speak.

Without the guidance of Teacher Sakumo, wouldn’t they be more free?

“I think it’s okay too!”

Minato also nodded.

Their strength, combat experience, and mission experience have all improved. Whether or not Sakumo-sensei is here doesn’t matter much.

“very good! After hearing this

, Shuomao smiled slightly and finally looked at Qianxuan.

Qianxuan nodded and said,”That’s it!” I wish the teacher a good start in advance”

“Ha ha! Then I’ll lend you some good words!”

After hearing this, Shuomao laughed loudly, and then explained some things to Qianxuan and the others, and left quickly.

He is really busy now.

It is not easy to take some time to communicate with Qianxuan and the others in person. After

Shuomao walked away, Qianxuan and the other three looked at each other, and Qianxuan said,”What are you going to do next? Do you want to start taking the mission directly? Or continue to practice for a while?”

“I can do it all! Listen to you!”

Kushina expressed her position directly.

As long as Qianxuan is here, it doesn’t matter what happens!

Minato pondered for a moment and said:”At present, I have just obtained the meditation method. In addition, the time to practice Xingyiquan is not very long. If possible, Let’s continue practicing for a while, right? What do you think?”

Affected by Qian Xuan, he did not want to become a killing machine doing tasks, but regarded the tasks as a way of experience.

Since it is an experience, of course he has to wait until he has improved everything that can be improved quickly. Go practice!

Once you are done practicing, practice again and improve.

This is the best way to practice.

“become! Then practice for a period of time and delay as much time as possible, unless the third generation takes the initiative to issue tasks. Before that, we are not in a hurry to take on the tasks!”

Qian Xuan immediately nodded and decided.

It just so happened that he also wanted to use the immortal mode to increase his Qi training and improve his Qi training as soon as possible.

In addition, his breathing method has not yet been cultivated to the true extreme. At least, he can penetrate the world.

In addition, the Dugu Nine Swordsmanship and Wanmei Swordsmanship have not yet been fully developed, and it will take time.

At the same time, Qianxuan is also preparing to use the Rasengan series of ninjutsu and the Chidori series of ninjutsu. Developed in advance to increase your attack methods and tactics.

These ninjutsu are very powerful ninjutsu, and are very suitable for use with the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

“Uh-huh! so be it!”

Kushina and Minato both nodded after hearing this.

Immediately, several people continued to run to practice.

Qianxuan continued to separate a shadow clone to teach and give guidance to Kushina and Minato.

In essence, he practiced Yin Yang and Qi training..

In addition, he also separated several shadow clones and sent them into the small world to study Rasengan, Chidori, practice breathing techniques and sword skills.

Of course, he did not forget to use his mental power to nourish his Zanpakuto every day, in order to be able to use it as soon as possible. The solution was completed.

For a time, the schedule was very full.

While the three of them were practicing peacefully, the war between Konoha and the Kingdom of Rain officially started.

In the early stages of the war, Konoha invaded the Kingdom of Rain with overwhelming force. The ninjas in Deyu Ninja Village were retreating steadily.

But little did they know that this was Hanzo

‘s plan to lure the enemy deeper into the country. The Konoha ninjas fought back.

As a result, his strategy was undoubtedly successful.

Five days after Konoha invaded the Kingdom of Rain, he had entered the hinterland of the Kingdom of Rain.

As a result, Konoha suffered from the Kingdom of Rain and the enemy. A joint ambush by the Sand Ninja.

Both Hanzo and Sunagakure’s Chiyo used powerful new poisons to target Konoha’s ninjas, which resulted in the loss of nearly 2,000 ninjas. Konoha Sengen’s troops had to withdraw temporarily. But at this time, whether it was Hanzo or the Sand Ninja, how could they let the remaining Konoha ninja troops escape intact? What they wanted was to destroy them all. Time, the two pursued Konoha’s frontline troops.


At this time, half a month had passed since the Konoha army set off from Konoha Village.

When the third generation received the news of defeat from the front line, his expression suddenly changed:”Damn it! How could this happen? What on earth did Danzo do?”

“Also, when did Sunagakure collude with Rain Country?”

“Damn it!”

The third generation was furious and wanted to kill the third Kazekage.

Couldn’t he see Hanzo’s ambition?

Didn’t he not know that Hanzo’s previous behavior was almost equivalent to declaring war on the Land of Fire, the Land of Sand, and the Land of Earth? ?

At this time, he is still secretly colluding with the Kingdom of Rain to help the evil. It is simply unreasonable.

“Hiruzen! Now is not the time to think about these things, nor is it the time to scold Danzo. Let’s hold a high-level meeting first to agree on reinforcements!”

“The situation on the front line is critical and we cannot afford to delay!”

“Otherwise, I’m worried that Danzo and the others will be annihilated!”

“This is absolutely not allowed!”

This time they took pictures of many clansmen who went to participate in the battle!

Many elites from each ninja clan also went there; and Tsunade and others are still disciples of the third generation, and they are the backbone of the new generation of Konoha, so there is no room for loss..

Otherwise, the next generation of Konoha will be in ruins.

“good! Send me an order immediately to convene a high-level meeting.”

The third generation also knew that this was not the time to complain or blame anyone. He immediately took a deep breath and issued the order.

Soon, the order was conveyed.

At the same time, the news of heavy losses on the front line was also conveyed.

For a time, the entire Konoha exploded The pot is broken

“Damn it! What happened to Danzo? Will there be a war? If not, just get away!”

“Damn it, it’s a sand ninja, it’s so insidious, secretly colluding with the Kingdom of Rain to deal with us, it’s simply unforgivable!”


With such angry emotions, within an hour, representatives of various clans in Konoha and many jounin gathered at the Hokage Tower.

After everyone arrived, Sandai explained the details of the front line and then proposed sending troops for reinforcements.

Naturally, all races did not refuse!

There is no room for failure in this battle.

Otherwise, not only will all the fellow tribesmen on the front line die, but it will also greatly damage Konoha’s prestige in the ninja world, which may in turn lead to major ninja villages launching a war against Konoha.

A single move affects the whole body!

Therefore, less than half a day after the meeting, Konoha once again organized 300 elite vanguard troops, carrying a small amount of supplies, and hurriedly set off towards the front line.

As for more troops?

It will take a few days to be completely ready!

Mainly it takes time to prepare logistically


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