Chapter 75 Shengshu: If Qianxuan becomes my brother-in-law, will you do anything about it?

“Very good! Qianxuan! This way you are safer!”

“Um! Although I am confident that no one will betray you, this is more secure!”

Kushina said with a smile.

After all, no one knows whether the seal in his mind will be cracked.

No one knows whether there will be loopholes in the seal, and then he will reveal it inadvertently.

There are always surprises Okay.

Now, with this domineering talent, any accidents can be eliminated.


After hearing this, Qian Xuan smiled and touched the back of his head and said,”As long as you don’t blame me!””

“What’s so weird about this?”

Uzumaki Mito listened and shook his head in a funny way:”Don’t say you didn’t know beforehand. Even if you knew about it in advance, if you did it deliberately, it should be -;”

“After all, when it comes to your secrets and safety, you can never be too careful -”

“Be careful when sailing for ten thousand years!”

“Don’t think too much!”

Kushina also nodded repeatedly:”That’s right! that is!”

“lets change a topic!”

Uzumaki Mito stopped the topic, then looked at Qianxuan and asked:”You said before that this spiritual magic can improve your mood, right?”

“Can it help me, as a jinchuriki, to eliminate the influence of the Nine-Tails and practice senjutsu?”

Her problem is no longer a matter of state of mind, but the interference of Kyuubi!


Qian Xuan was stunned for a moment after hearing this. He touched his chin and said,”I haven’t thought about it. Maybe I can give it a try.”;”

“You can completely practice this secret technique to make your mental power stronger, and then allocate part of your mental power to temporarily suppress the Nine-Tails completely, so that it cannot cause trouble to you during this period.;”

“Then, you can complete the practice of immortality during this period!”

“Anyway, once you have the state of mind and qualifications, it’s not difficult to get started, what do you think?”

Otherwise, we have to draw out the Kyuubi first.

With the water of life, this is not impossible.

But it can easily cause a lot of troubles and problems.

First of all, Sandai and the others can’t hide it.

Therefore, it is not applicable for the time being.

“Is that so? You might as well give it a try!”

Uzumaki Mito listened and nodded clearly:”I’ll practice first! I’ll try to increase my mental power as much as possible first, and then wait until I feel it’s almost the same, and then I’ll find a chance to try it again!”

“When the time comes, Qianxuan, you have to help me!”

At this time, the Nine-Tails in the sealed space inside Mito Uzumaki heard the two people’s unscrupulous discussion on how to suppress it, and was furious.

But unfortunately, both Mito Uzumaki and the brat named Qiangen outside were very It feels a bit untouchable.

It is true that Qianxuan’s strength may not be able to completely suppress him, but don’t forget that this kid is only 8 years old!

An 8-year-old shadow-level powerhouse can still create so many powerful things. How terrifying will the secret technique be in the future?

So, be a little more cowardly!

At least, it can kill Uzumaki Mito and Qian Xuan. After all, there is a limit to the life span of Uzumaki Mito. Xuan nodded and agreed without thinking:”No problem! Just leave it to me then.”

This is just a small thing.

It makes Uzumaki Mito stronger, and it is very meaningful.”


At this time, Uzumaki Mito noticed the abnormal movement of the Nine-Tails in his body, and immediately realized the problem, and immediately said to Qianxuan:”The Nine-Tails also heard what you just said, and now it knows a lot of your secrets, why not give it to you too? Is it a confidentiality agreement? What do you think?”

Although, it is basically difficult for Kyuubi to escape from her control in this life.

But it is always right to be careful.


Qian Xuan was slightly startled after hearing this, then nodded and said:”That’s fine!” Almost missed it;”

“Let’s get started! Grandma Mito, just don’t stop my spirit from entering the sealed space! Leave the rest to me!”

Speaking of this, Qianxuan suddenly thought of something and immediately asked Uzumaki Mito:”In addition, can I extract a little bit of Nine-Tails’ chakra to study it?”

“I want to see what the difference is between human chakra and tailed beast chakra.”

It’s not for collecting.

Just a little bit of Kyuubi chakra will greatly reduce the reward.

It’s better to wait for the opportunity to collect Kyuubi directly in the future!


Uzumaki Mito was slightly stunned after hearing this, then smiled and nodded:”Okay! Just don’t draw too much, lest the nine tails riot, or you won’t be able to control the chakra of these tailed beasts!”

“Unlike human chakra, the nature of tailed beast chakra is very high and extremely difficult to control.”

Even for her, it’s not that easy to use Kyuubi’s chakra.

Well! This has a lot to do with her poor relationship with Kyuubi.

As the wife of the first generation, she is also the first generation The Kyuubi Jinchuuriki who had sealed the Kyuubi himself had been imprisoned in the Kyuubi Black Room for decades. It would be strange for the two to reconcile.

“hey-hey! Thank you Grandma Mito! Then I’ll start!”

Qianxuan saw that Uzumaki Mito agreed, thanked him happily, and then directly spread his mental power to the sealed space in Uzumaki Mito’s body.

Because there was no obstruction from Uzumaki Mito, part of his spiritual consciousness entered in the next moment. In the middle of this space

, Kyuubi was tied up in mid-air by countless golden chains. Even his mouth was tied to death. Kyuubi could not even move.

“Tsk tsk! How pitiful!”

Seeing Kyuubi like this, Qianxuan almost laughed out loud.

“You bastard!”

The Kyuubi over there saw Chigen laughing at him, and he wanted to tear the brat into pieces.

Unfortunately, it knew better now that he couldn’t move.

At this time, a figure appeared next to Chigen, and it was Uzumaki Mito.

Only Seeing that, she said to Qian Xuan:”I have completely suppressed it, there is no need to worry that it will riot and hurt you!”

“However, can your contract talent directly forcibly sign a contract with it?

After hearing this, Qian Xuan shook his head and said,”No way!” The Kyuubi’s mental power is too strong. I can’t do this yet. Now, it’s either it’s willing to do it! Either knock it unconscious, otherwise you will not be able to successfully sign a confidentiality contract with it.”

This talent is, after all, a spiritual and spiritual talent.

“Is that so?

After hearing this, Uzumaki Mito nodded clearly and said:”In that case, let’s let it sleep for a while first!””

As he spoke, Uzumaki Mito thought, and the golden chains binding Kyuubi suddenly appeared.

The next moment, Kyuubi felt that his consciousness began to blur, and his eyelids were very heavy.

“Qianxuan, you have to act quickly, I can’t suppress its consciousness for long! It will wake up in 1 minute at most;”

“Moreover, this move consumes some vitality and cannot be sustained for too long.”

Uzumaki Mito reminded

“I see! Let’s do it now! It’ll be fine soon!”

Qian Xuan also looked solemn after hearing this, and immediately raised his hand to point at the sleeping Nine-tails’ eyebrows.

Suddenly, a stream of light sank into the Nine-tails’ eyebrows, entered its spiritual sea, and quickly turned into a mysterious rune.

“Roar!!! Get out!!”

At this time, Nine-Tails’ spiritual sea noticed the invasion of foreign objects, and Nine-Tails’ spiritual consciousness directly appeared in it, roaring at the spiritual mark.

Then, he slapped it with a claw.

Unfortunately, Nine-Tails was disappointed and What was horrifying was that the spiritual mark was like nothingness. Its attack penetrated directly and failed to shake the mark at all. Moreover

, the mark instantly appeared in the center of its spiritual sea and took root here.

No matter what kind of attacks,

Jiuwei also felt that there was a shackle on his soul, and he could not reveal any secrets about Qianxuan without Qianxuan’s permission!

“Damn it! how so?”

Kyuubi was full of disbelief and panic.

This is completely unreasonable!

Outside, after Qianxuan finished doing this and confirmed that the contract was successful, he said directly to Uzumaki Mito:”Grandma Mito! it is ready! Stop suppressing!”

This is the magic of the contract talent mark.

As long as you successfully enter the opponent’s spiritual sea and survive the first wave of counterattack, the contract will be officially established, and the other party will be unable to do anything about the contract mark.

It is so magical and domineering When Uzumaki

Mito heard Qianxuan’s words, he immediately put away his forceful suppression.

Kyuubi immediately woke up, glared at Qianxuan and roared:”Kid! How on earth did you do it?”

“This is not what you should know!”

Qianxuan smiled and shook a finger, and appeared on Kyuubi’s back in a flash. He pressed a hand on Kyuubi’s back, and then forcibly pulled out a basketball-sized chakra ball from Kyuubi’s body.

“Damn it! You actually stole my power, go to hell!!!”

Then, Qianxuan left the sealed space with an angry expression and roar, and returned to the outside. His spiritual consciousness returned, and a ball of Nine-tails chakra appeared in Qianxuan’s hand.

“What are you going to do with this Nine-Tails chakra? Just seal it up or not?”

Uzumaki Mito asked.

“Let’s seal it first! Qianxuan said, taking out a small chakra sealing scroll from his arms, actually from the small world.

He opened it and directly sealed the nine-tailed chakra.

Then, he put away the sealing scroll..

Of course, in this process, he has absorbed a ray of Nine-Tails Chakra into the spiritual energy in his body and acquired the characteristics of Nine-Tails Chakra.

As long as he wants to now, he can directly transform the spiritual energy in his body into Nine-Tails Chakra. The nine-tailed chakra is strong.

Moreover, it is the kind of nine-tailed chakra that will not harm oneself.

It can be seen that the spiritual power is powerful and the yin and yang Qi training is powerful.

“Sure enough, the nature of tailed beast chakra is extremely high, and it is much more difficult to absorb and digest than ordinary chakra!”

“Its essence is even stronger than ordinary natural energy, but its absorption is more efficient than natural energy.;”

“As expected of something involving the origin of chakra! Even the derived tailed beast chakra is not that simple!”

Just by absorbing this wisp of nine-tailed chakra, Qianxuan feels that it can equal the results of half an hour of his own training.

“I didn’t expect that the tailed beast’s chakra has such an effect.;”

“Perhaps, I can find a way to move the tailed beasts in captivity in the future, and absorb a certain amount of tailed beast chakra every day to speed up training?”



Qianxuan felt that something was going on.

However, we have to think about it in the long run.

At least, Kyuubi is currently unavailable.

As for other tailed beasts, it is not so easy to obtain them for a while.

“Perhaps, we can take advantage of the war to defeat the Jinchuriki who participated in the war, extract a large amount of tailed beast chakra, and even a certain tailed beast origin to create a small tailed beast captive? Qian

Xuan thought again.

He thought his plan was great and he could give it a try.

“Huh? Qianxuan, are you here too? What are you doing?”

At this time, Tsunade walked into the yard with the rope tree. When she saw what Qianxuan was sealing, she immediately asked curiously

“nothing! Just a little bit of Nine-Tails chakra! I’m going to use it for research! Qian

Xuan quickly responded


Tsunade was stunned when she heard this:”Kyuubi Chakra?” What are you doing researching this for?”

“This thing is very dangerous and not so easy to study!”

Speaking of this, she couldn’t help but look at Uzumaki Mito and asked:”Grandma, how could you agree to such a thing?”

“it’s not a big deal!”

Uzumaki Mito smiled and shook his head and said:”I believe Qianxuan can grasp the balance! You don’t have to worry about this!”

“Is that so?

Tsunade listened and nodded with some understanding:”Okay!” You said so! I have nothing to say!

Then, he looked at Qian Xuan and said,”You kid, just take it easy!””

“clear! Qianxuan smiled and nodded. Then, he told Tsunade and Naoki about cultivating himself into sage mode and creating the meditation method.

Then, he said:”You guys are here just in time. I’m going to The meditation method is also taught to you!”


“In this way, it will not only greatly improve your strength, but also help you lay the foundation for practicing immortality. Is there any problem?”

After hearing this, Tsunade and Naoki shook their heads.

Tsunade said with a look of amazement:”You are really awesome! Not only did he learn the immortal mode in such a short period of time, but he also studied so many things in depth!”

“You even came up with the meditation method. I don’t even know what to say to you!”

“Anyway, thanks!”

Thousands of words finally turned into a thank you.

“Thank you! Qianxuan!”

Shengshu also thanked Qianxuan.

Because of Qianxuan, his strength has improved rapidly in recent months.

Now, Qianxuan has come up with something good again. He has not forgotten him, but he was very moved.

“If it weren’t for the inappropriate age, I would have wanted to bring Qian Xuan and my sister together!”

“Wouldn’t it be more perfect if such an outstanding Qianxuan could become my brother-in-law?”

“In this way, we are a truly close family, and we don’t have to feel that we owe Qianxuan so much!”

Shengshu thought with regret.


Tsunade suddenly felt a chill running down her spine. She looked around suspiciously, but found nothing. She suddenly felt depressed and confused:”What happened just now? I always feel like someone is plotting against me and thinking about bad things. It’s strange!”

“Could it be that the old man is up to something else?”

Thinking of this, Tsunade decided to investigate carefully later and be more careful with weapons.

“You’re welcome! Let me teach you the meditation method first!”

Qianxuan actually gained insight into Shengshu’s inner thoughts at this time through his soul and emotions, and the strange look on his face disappeared in a flash.

“This rope tree is really……”

Qian Xuan felt a little dumbfounded in his heart.

But thinking about it seriously, he found the idea quite exciting.

Although Tsunade is his teacher, he has always had special thoughts about Tsunade!

There was no way, Qianxuan had feelings for Tsunade in his previous life.

Not to mention contact with reality.

Regardless of looks or figure, Tsunade is top notch.

Um! His temper is just a little bit worse.

He can’t accept it

“Unfortunately, I am still too young now, and the age gap between the two seems too big, so I can only think about it in my heart for the time being!”

“Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Tsunade has never been able to become a collectible?”

Qianxuan thought with some suspicion.

He had many thoughts in his mind, but on the surface, Qianxuan still raised his hands to point at Nashu and Tsunade respectively, and passed the meditation method to them.

The two immediately closed their eyes to digest.

Okay. After a while, they opened their eyes with expressions of amazement:”It’s so magical, such a powerful secret technique.”

“Also, Qianxuan, how did you do it just now? You can actually send information directly to my brain out of thin air just by pointing at me? Isn’t this amazing?”

Naoki asked again in amazement.

Tsunade also looked at Qianxuan with curiosity.

Qianxuan immediately replied:”It’s just a kind of use after the mental power is strong enough to a certain extent!”

“You will be able to do it when you have perfected this meditation method.”

This is really nothing.

There was no such thing in the ninja world before. It only shows that the ninja world lacks the secret skills of spiritual cultivation and control.

Although Yin Escape also involves spiritual power, it is not pure. It also involves the use of chakra. Application.

The research and application of mental power alone is actually very shallow in the ninja world.


PS:Please order by yourself!

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