Chapter 61 Hatake Sakumo: Sengen, don’t give weird names to ninjutsu.

All in all, at this time, the conversion of spiritual power into Qianxuan’s own chakra will not increase the quality of this chakra or the power of Ninjutsu.

It will not cause the amount of chakra to decrease.

Of course, Qianxuan can also directly use spiritual power to perform ninjutsu.

The power is naturally calculated based on the standard of spiritual power.

The power will be greatly enhanced, and it may be much more powerful than the power of ninjutsu using senjutsu chakra.

However, the consumption will also be greater.

When there is not much spiritual power and the target is not strong enough, there is no need to use spiritual power to perform ninjutsu.

In addition, it is not suitable to expose spiritual power at this time. Even if you want to use spiritual power, you should use senjutsu chakra as an excuse.

Therefore, we must take the time to go to Shigu Forest to complete the cultivation of Immortal Mode.


Qianxuan practiced spiritual power for several hours first, and he stopped only when he felt that his muscles and veins had almost reached the limit of their operation today.

Then, enter the small world and start practicing Xingyi Quan.

At the same time, several shadow clones were also divided to practice ninjutsu and study the method of practicing Shiju Forest Immortal Technique.

After several days of practice, his state of martial arts has reached the peak of dark strength, and he is not far away from breaking through to the realm of transformation.

The main reason is that his foundation is strong enough, his aptitude and understanding are strong enough, and he has extremely high control over himself, so his cultivation speed is naturally fast.

Once he uses up all the basic information accumulated in his body, his speed will slow down and he can only rely on pure aptitude and understanding to improve.

Of course, with Qianxuan’s talent and understanding, he won’t be too slow when the time comes.


In a flash, the time came to the next morning.

After Qiangen and Minato had breakfast, they went to the Senju clan to pick up Kushina and rushed downstairs to the Hokage.

At this time, Hatake Sakumo was already waiting here.

“teacher! X3”

Qianxuan and the other three people quickly stepped forward to say hello.

“Um! Coming! Let’s go! Follow me to take the mission!”

Sakumo nodded with a smile, and immediately called the three of them to the mission hall on the second floor.

Then, Sakumo stepped forward to receive the mission.

The third generation was not here today, but the person who issued the mission saw It was Sakumo who came and gave me a task list.

“Just these three!”

Sakumo quickly selected the mission, received it directly, got the mission scroll, then turned back to Qianxuan and the others, handed the mission scroll to them and said:”Well…this is your mission today!”

The three people quickly took it and opened it to take a look.

“soft? Is it just a D-level mission? Isn’t this the lowest level of mission?”

After Kushina finished reading, she looked up at Sakumo with a look of astonishment and asked,”Teacher, did you take the wrong mission? With our strength, is it still necessary to take on such a low-level mission?”

“Isn’t this a waste of time?”

She specifically asked Brother Naoki to learn in advance what the different mission levels in Konoha would be.

Minato listened, and although he didn’t speak, Sakumo still saw some disappointment in his eyes, but there was no Kushina was so resistant.

Chigen was the calmest and calmest among the three.

Seeing the reactions of his three students, Hatake Sakumo immediately said gently:”This is the order of Lord Hokage and everyone. All newly graduated ninjas must go through it. Although you are very powerful, you are not an exception. This is the rule.;”

“At the same time, this is actually a kind of experience and practice;”

“There are many things and many tasks. Only by experiencing them can you truly understand the truth behind them.;”

“Moreover, as a ninja, you must obey the orders of your superiors. Please remember this.”

Hearing this, Kushina’s mouth was already pouting.

Obviously she didn’t listen to Sakumo’s words, let alone be convinced.

Sakumo looked at it and found it a bit funny, and immediately added:” Of course, the teacher and Hokage-sama are not unkind or inflexible people.;”

“We have discussed that as long as you complete all the tasks I have assigned you within one week!”

“After that, I will take you to take on C-level and above missions, how about it?”

Blind force is inappropriate and can easily backfire.

Sakumo chose motivational methods.


Kushina’s eyes suddenly lit up after hearing this, and she asked.

Because, according to Naoki, he had been doing D-level missions for several months.

Minato’s eyes lit up slightly when he heard this. Obviously, he too I hope to be able to do some more advanced tasks, so that both the combat rewards and commissions will be more generous.


Sakumo nodded affirmatively, then waved his hand and said:”Okay! Let’s go to the first mission point first!”

“I am usually quite busy, so I will personally walk you through the tasks today;”

“Starting tomorrow, you will need to come here to pick up and hand in the tasks for the next week. Are there any questions?”

At this time, Sakumo is already the Minister of ANBU, with a high position and a lot of things to do every day.

In the beginning, if it weren’t for the third generation’s request, Sakumo would not have become Qianxuan’s teacher.

Of course, since yesterday’s graduation assessment, Shuomao no longer had any regrets.

Instead, he was sober and honored to be the teacher of Qian Xuan.

These three were very rare talents, especially Qian Xuan, who gave him a great surprise. When they are trained, they will definitely become the pillars of Konoha.

In the meantime, my task is to teach them well and protect them as much as possible to prevent them from going astray or dying prematurely.

“Where the leaves are flying, the fire will continue to grow. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and let the new leaves sprout.;”

“I will definitely burn myself to protect you young shoots until the day you grow into new Konoha.”

Sakumo secretly swore in his heart.

This is his way of ninja and his understanding of the will of fire.

“no problem!”

Qianxuan and the other two people heard this and immediately stood up and responded.

“very good! Then let’s go!”

Immediately, Hatake Sakumo took the three of them out of the Hokage Tower and began Qianxuan’s first ninja mission in their lives.

Not long after, they came to a farmland in the south of the village.

“This is it! spread! Let’s start weeding!”

Sakumo immediately said to the three of them


Qian Xuan immediately took the lead and walked directly to the edge of the field. He slightly stomped his left foot on the ground.

“The art of earth escape!!”


The next moment, the soil in the middle acre of field began to roll rapidly.

Within a few seconds, all the grass in this acre of field had disappeared, and even the soil had been turned over.


After doing this, Qian Xuan ducked back to the shore. He glanced towards the center of the village with some feeling, and then immediately withdrew his gaze.

He just felt the sense of peeping.

“This feeling seems to be the third generation!”

Qianxuan thought to himself.

Seeing Qianxuan’s operation, Hatake Sakumo’s eyes twitched, and he praised somewhat against his will:”Ah haha… Qianxuan, you are very good! This level of earth escape and chakra control may not be possible for ordinary jounin!”

“Is it too much to use this kind of ninjutsu to weed and plow the ground?”

How did he weed weeds when he first became a ninja and did this task?

Oh! Use your feet to control chakra and pull weeds step by step.

By the way, you can also exercise your chakra control.

But looking at Qianxuan’s situation, it is obviously not necessary What an exercise!

“At this age, with this amount of chakra and control of chakra, it is enviable!”

Sakumo thought with disappointment in his heart.

His Hatake clan has always lacked blue, and he envied Qianxuan, a big chakra dog owner, the most.

Thinking of this, he suddenly glanced at Kushina next to him, and thought:” oh! There is such a big chakra dog owner here, I’m envious!”

At the same time, in the Hokage’s office.

The third generation also used the telescope technique to see Qianxuan’s weeding process and the glance back at Qianxuan through the crystal ball on the table. The third generation suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly:”What a strong chakra. His control and understanding of Earth Escape are also very deep. Can he easily achieve this level of transformation?”

“Also, did the child seem to notice my peek?”

“It seems that the perception ability is also very strong!”

“This is really true, there are almost no shortcomings!”

“I hope Sakumo can teach you well.”

Thinking like this, the third generation saw in the picture again, Minato and Kushina also started to act.


The picture shows Qianxuan and his friends.

Facing Sakumo’s question, Qianxuan shrugged and said:”It’s okay! It’s just a simple and flexible use of the earth flow wall. It doesn’t consume much, and it’s less chakra.”;”

“And, as long as it gets the job done, that’s it, right?”

If you finish today’s three tasks early, he can go back to practice.

Don’t waste too much time on such tasks.

The war is coming, and working hard to become stronger is what we need to do now.

“That’s true!”

Sakumo said he had nothing to say, and then looked at Minato and Kushina and said:”Okay! It’s time for you to take action too!”


“Leave it to us!”

Minato and Kushina immediately understood and dodged into the fields.

“A great breakthrough in Wind Escape!!!”

“The art of fire escape!!”

I saw that Minato directly separated into a shadow clone, and then one used Wind Release, the other used Fire Release, and then the two ninjutsu came together midway to create a chemical reaction.

“The combination of ninjutsu is so exciting!!”

The next moment, a fire storm swept through, and the acre of his field was directly covered by the sea of fire.

In an instant, all the weeds in it were burned.

Hatake Sakumo:”……” three generations:”……”

“Seal Technique King Kong Blockade!”

“Hang me!!”

Immediately afterwards, Kushina also directly used King Kong Blockade.

Dozens of golden chains sprang out from her body, and then, these chains penetrated directly into the field in front of her, extending and stirring rapidly.

After a while, in this acre of field The soil was lifted all over.

The weeds were either crushed or buried directly in the soil, and the field became cleaner.:”……”

Third Generation:”6!”

“It’s just for weeding, there really is no need for such a big battle!”

The three of them complained in their hearts…

This is probably the most extravagant way of weeding in the ninja world.

“Done! teacher! Let’s move on to the next mission!”

Kushina ducked back to the shore, clapped her hands, put her hands on her hips, and proudly said to Hatake Sakumo.

Her expression seemed to say:”How is it? Teacher, is my masterpiece good?”

Minato looked at Hatake Sakumo with the same expectation.

“good! Let’s go! The next moment, the river cleaning task!”


“The art of water escape that turns rivers and seas upside down!”

Hatake Sakumo:”Don’t think I can’t see that this is a variation of the Water Escape Technique of the Great Waterfall.”

“Fire escape garbage burning technique!”

Hatake Sakumo:”Minato, don’t give the Go Fireball Technique a strange name! Uchiha will cause trouble for you if he finds out!”

“Also, Kushina, can Kong Blockade be used to pick up trash? Do you hear this technique crying?”


“Look at my King Kong blockade! ah! Ran! This cat is so flexible and cunning! Minato, the target is heading towards you!”

“receive! Look at me!”

“Qianxuan! The target is 72 meters ahead and to your right, and is fleeing to the southeast!”


“The art of flying thunder god!”


“Fat cat, I have caught you!”

Hatake Sakumo:”It’s just catching a cat, Qianxuan, you really can’t use the Flying Thunder God Technique. The Second Hokage will cry.”

“Done! teacher! We can go and turn in the mission!”

Qianxuan carried the fat cat, Kushina and Minato to Hatake Sakumo, and said with a smile

“ah! good! Let’s go!”

Hatake Sakumo nodded with a numb look on his face, and left directly, rushing towards the Hokage Tower.

He said that he was really tired today, so let’s destroy him.

Qianxuan and the others quickly used the teleportation technique to keep up. In a short time , , the four of them returned to the Hokage Tower mission office, handed over the mission, and received the few commissions. Then, Hatake Sakumo said to the three of them:”Okay! You are also familiar with the process of the task! Come here today!”

“You just come here to pick up the mission tomorrow morning! Hokage-sama and I have already made arrangements, so you don’t have to choose the mission!”

“However, starting from tomorrow, you will have to complete 10 tasks every day;”

“I hope you can still complete it with quality and quantity!”

“So be it! Disband!”

After saying that, Hatake Sakumo left directly.

Only Qianxuan and the other three were left looking at each other, and then they all smiled.

Qianxuan immediately greeted the two of them and left the Hokage Tower:”Let’s go! Let’s go have lunch first!”


Minato followed quickly.

Kushina even hugged Qianxuan’s arm and said coquettishly as she walked:”Qianxuan! I want to eat ramen! There is a new Kaichiraku Ramen in the village. It tastes very good. Let’s go there!”

“oh? Ichiraku Ramen? Can!”

Qianxuan raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the name, and immediately agreed.

At the same time, he thought to himself:”I didn’t expect that Ichiraku Ramen would already be open at this time!”

“However, Otsutsuki Ichiraku must still be very young at this time, right?”

“Also, was his daughter Calamus born?”

With this thought, the three of them came to the Ichiraku Ramen Shop.

At this time, the owner of the store was indeed Ichiraku, and he also brought a young and beautiful wife.

“boss! Come to the top ten bowls of barbecued pork ramen!”

As soon as she came in, Kushina waved her hand and said

“okay! But, guests, can you finish your meal?”

After hearing this, Yile immediately burst into laughter, but when he saw that there were only three boys and girls, he suddenly asked worriedly.

“rest assured! I can destroy these all by myself! Their other points!”

Kushina directly waved her hands proudly.

As a member of the Uzumaki clan, who doesn’t have a big appetite?

Chigen and Minato on the side both looked calm.

Obviously they have a clear understanding of Kushina’s appetite. Got it


Ichiraku was stunned after hearing this, but looking at Kushina’s confident look, he couldn’t say anything more and just agreed:”Okay! That’s it for you!

Then, he looked at Qianxuan and Minato and asked,”So, where are you two guests?”

Qian Xuan:”Bring me ten bowls of ramen too!” I want tonkotsu!”

Yile’s eyes twitched slightly.:”……okay!!”

What’s going on today? Are all the kids here big eaters?

Then, he looked at Minato.

Minato showed a gentle smile and said,”I just want five bowls of beef ramen!””

“no problem!”

Yile agreed with a smile, and at the same time, he thought to himself:”Finally, there is a normal… bastard! Five bowls is a lot for a boy who looks 10 years old, okay?”

However, the bastard doesn’t want to make money if he has money. Since the customer wants it, he will do it.


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