Chapter 60 [Yin Yang Qi Training Art] [Qi Training Pill Recipe]】

“Of course I want it!

Qian Xuan nodded quickly, and then said:”However, starting from tomorrow, I will start performing tasks!” It is temporarily impossible to stay in Shigu Forest for a long time to learn magic.;”

“Today I’ll go and find out a little bit about it, and get the magic cultivation method, do you think it’s okay?”

No matter what, let’s get the magic cultivation method first and collect it first.”

“no problem!

Slug nodded:”Now that you have made a decision, I will go back first, and then I will reverse channel you over. Remember not to resist!””

“Um! Then I’ll trouble you, Mr. Slug!”

Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively.


The next moment, the slug turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared in front of everyone.

Qian Xuan nodded to Kushina and the other two and said:”Then I’ll go to the Shiggou Forest first! see you later!”

“Um! Remember to be careful! Immortal magic is not easy to learn, so don’t do it randomly!”

The three of them nodded in unison, and Uzumaki Mito even warned.

“I see!”

Qian Xuan smiled knowingly. At this time, he felt the pull of the power of space, and someone was trying to channel him.

He judged that with his own strength and space talent, if he resisted, he could resist this kind of call. But there was no need for this this time.

Qianxuan immediately relaxed his resistance.

The next moment, his whole body turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared into the small courtyard of Uzumaki Mito.

After a while, Qianxuan just turned around. His eyes suddenly blurred, and he appeared in a relatively dark and humid place, and stood there firmly.

He looked around at this unfamiliar environment.

“What a big plant!”

Qianxuan couldn’t help but sigh as he looked around at the plants with leaves that were at least several meters or even more than ten meters long, covering the sky and the sun.

This style is completely different from that of the ninja world.

“Lord Qianxuan! Please come with me! I’ll take you to see my true self!”

The little slug greeted Qianxuan at this time, and then led the way.

After a while, he led Qianxuan to a huge cave group and walked into Jinfu.

When he entered the goal, he saw a super huge cave with a height of at least A super giant slug over 50 meters long and over two to three hundred meters in length

“This is really…so big!”

Although he was prepared in his heart, Qian Xuan couldn’t help but exclaimed when he actually saw it with his own eyes.

“Are you Xiao Qianxuan? Do you want to learn magic?”

At this time, the slug’s voice came.

It was a little different from the little slug’s voice. This one was more calm.


Qian Xuan quickly replied:”Please allow me, Immortal Slug!””

“This is natural!

Immortal Slug immediately replied:”Since I have promised you, I will naturally not go back on it!””

“However, little slug should have told you how difficult it is to practice immortality, right? Are you sure you still want to practice?”

There still needs to be some persuasion.

Although, with her watching, there won’t be much danger unless Qian Xuan commits suicide.


Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively, and then said:”However, I may not have much time in the next period of time!” So, I came here today mainly to get familiar with this place and meet you, the Slug Immortal.;”

“By the way, I wonder if it’s okay to get the cultivation methods of celestial beings first to understand them?”

If possible, Qianxuan still wants to practice the immortal arts that are most suitable for human beings, rather than the immortal arts of the Three Holy Lands.

Because the immortal arts of the Three Holy Lands feel more like demon cultivation techniques to him. After completing the cultivation, he will have Characteristics of the corresponding creature

“no problem! I’ll give it to you right now!

Immortal Slug was obviously easy to talk to. Immediately, with a thought in his mind, he asked Slug to fetch a scroll and handed it to Qian Xuandao:”But please remember not to spread the word.”;”

“In addition, don’t try it outside Shigu Forest before you have completed the cultivation.;”

“Otherwise, even if you are in danger, I can’t save you!”

“Let me warn you again, the process of practicing immortality is extremely dangerous. Did you see those stone statues on the way here?”

“Those are the results of people who failed to practice immortality!”

“Natural energy is very dangerous. If it is inhaled in excess and cannot be controlled, it will directly lead to petrification. Do you understand?”

Perhaps because he was worried that Qian Xuan would not take him seriously, Immortal Slug’s tone gradually became serious and solemn.


Qian Xuan listened and felt the care of Immortal Slug, and nodded solemnly:”I’ll note it down!” I wouldn’t try it out there! Please rest assured, Immortal Slug, I cherish my life very much.

Immortal Slug smiled after hearing this:”Haha!” That’s good! Since you are temporarily unavailable, I won’t keep you any longer!”

“When you are free, come to me to practice immortality!”

“OK! Thank you very much!”

Immediately, Qian Xuan thanked him and was sent back again by Immortal Slug using the technique of reverse channeling.

“Huh? Back so soon?”

When Tsunade and the other three saw Qianxuan coming back, Tsunade couldn’t help but say something in surprise.

Only a few minutes had passed.

Then, she saw the scroll in Qianxuan’s hand, raised her eyebrows and said:”It seems that you have obtained the immortal magic cultivation method of Shigu Forest! congratulations! Hope you really can succeed!”

“However, practicing this is very dangerous. If you want to practice, remember to go to Shigu Forest and practice under the care and help of Immortal Slug. Do you understand?”

Hearing Tsunade’s solemn instructions, Qianxuan also smiled warmly and said:”I know! Slug Sage also reminded me, thank you Sister Tsunade for your concern!”

“If it’s nothing, I’ll go back first! hey-hey! Qian

Xuan said and looked at the three of them.

At this time, the system prompt sounded in his mind. When he saw the reward, he couldn’t sit still.:

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the treasure collection”Moist Bone Forest Immortal Mode Cultivation Method”. Reward: Yin and Yang Qi Training Technique, Qi Training Pill Recipe】


【Yin Yang Qi Lian Jue]: Cultivation of immortal skills, practiced by absorbing and refining natural energy, spiritual energy, heaven and earth vitality… and other energy for practice, transforming into one’s own spiritual power, gradually improving one’s own life level and breaking the limit.

Follow the path to eternal life.

(In the process of absorbing various energies, the cultivated spiritual power will know the characteristics and advantages of absorbing them, and can convert them into each other at will.)

【Qi Training Pill]: Taking it can quickly restore the lost spiritual power, or accelerate the speed of Qi training by 50% within 5 hours.

“Sure enough, I have obtained the real Qi Dao cultivation technique! Now, the path to immortality is alive! Ha ha!”

Qian Xuan was ecstatic at this moment.

If he were not still with Uzumaki Mito, he would not be able to suppress the joy in his heart.

“Um! I can’t wait to see it, go ahead!”

Uzumaki Mito and the others shook their heads in amusement and waved their hands.

“Um! Bye-Bye!”

With that said, Qian Xuan left quickly.

After a while, he returned to his home. He went directly to the bedroom, opened the sealing barrier, then sat cross-legged on the couch, and said silently in his heart:”System! Receive award!”

The next moment, a stream of information about the contents of Yin Yang Qi Training Art and Qi Training Pills continued to pour into Qian Xuan’s mind, and he digested it with all his strength.

After more than ten minutes, Qian Xuan opened his eyes. , there seemed to be a flash of light in his eyes, and he said excitedly:”Sure enough, with this yin and yang qi training technique, I no longer need to practice the immortal mode of Shigu Forest!”

“I can completely use spiritual power to replace and transform senjutsu chakra to perform various ninjutsu;”

“Well! Not right either! Since the characteristic of this yin and yang qi training technique is that it can absorb the characteristics and advantages of various energies and convert them into corresponding energies at will, then I still need to practice and synthesize the celestial chakra of Shigulin Forest first, and then absorb it and integrate it into me. in spiritual power;”

“In this way, in the future I will be able to transform into Senjutsu Chakra that has the advantages of Moist Bone Forest Senjutsu Chakra!”

Thinking of this, Qianxuan’s eyes widened, and he thought:”Even, I can practice the immortal arts training methods in Miaomu Mountain and Longdi Cave, condense the corresponding immortal arts chakra, and use spiritual power to to absorb;”

“After all, the magic of different holy places seems to have different characteristics and advantages.”

Qian Xuan doesn’t want to choose one alone, but chooses both.

“Hmm… This will be difficult. Ryūchi Cave is okay. You can trade with Orochimaru.;”

“As long as I can bring out something Orochimaru is interested in, he will definitely be willing to trade it.;”

“But in the case of Myobokuzan, this trick won’t work against Jiraiya!”

“In addition, I have already contracted with Shigu Forest, and Miaomu Mountain and Longdi Cave probably won’t teach me their magic!”

What’s more important is that Qianxuan doesn’t know whether the magic stick Gamamaru can predict his future.


At this time, the system gave information that Kamamaru could not predict his future; even after awakening the memory of his past life from Sengen and activating the system, Kamamaru could not even see the future of the ninja world at all.

“Is that so? Very good!”

Qianxuan was overjoyed when he got this information.

No one likes their future to be predicted by others.

Of course, this information still cannot solve the problem of obtaining the magic of Miaomu Mountain.

“However, I don’t necessarily need Mt. Myoboku’s senjutsu. I just need to get a little bit of Mt. Myoboku sage mode’s senjutsu chakra from Jiraiya, right?”

Qianxuan thought to himself.

When the time comes to absorb the chakra of this magic technique with spiritual power, won’t he still be able to obtain the characteristics and advantages of Miaomu Mountain’s magic technique?

“Um! Just do it!”

Qianxuan immediately made up his mind.

When he completes his goal and uses the immortal mode, he will be able to have the advantages of the three immortal arts.

It is perfect.

He even thought that not only the various immortal arts would chakra him He should absorb various tailed beast chakras, and even the future ten-tailed chakra, so that his spiritual power can acquire its characteristics and advantages.

In this way, the essence of his spiritual power will continue to grow.

“Perhaps, not only the tailed beast chakra, but also the dragon vein can absorb its characteristic advantages?”

“Is it possible for the monster to absorb the characteristics and advantages of its power?”

“Can the God of Death even absorb the characteristics and advantages of power?”

Thinking of this, Qian Xuan’s smile gradually changed… ahem! It gradually became richer.

From this point of view, this Yin Yang Qi training technique is really omnipotent.

Qian Xuan said that he liked it very much.

“In addition, Uncle Tiemu will also need help collecting medicinal materials for this Qi Training Pill! So that it can be refined as soon as possible”


With this thought in mind, Qianxuan immediately hung a Do Not Disturb sign on the bedroom door, sat down cross-legged again, and spent more than ten minutes to deeply comprehend the content of the Yin-Yang Qi Training Technique..

After he felt that he had a profound understanding, he started to practice for the first time.

“Um? These are natural energies, right? Take a look!”

“Is this it?”

After a short while, Qianxuan successfully sensed the natural energy; then, he successfully completed the introduction of Qi into the body, absorbed and refined the first ray of natural energy, transformed it into his own spiritual power, and stored it in his tendons. In addition, it is actually distinct from the chakra in his veins. Without his active promotion, his spiritual power did not directly absorb his chakra.

“That’s not bad!”

Qianxuan is very satisfied with this.

“However, since you have higher spiritual power, after absorbing chakra, you can convert it into chakra at any time, so there is no need to deliberately keep chakra!”

Immediately, Qianxuan directly operated the technique, controlled his spiritual power and began to rapidly absorb the chakra in his own veins.

In less than half an hour, all the chakra in Qianxuan’s body was absorbed.

Qianxuan He even found that when his chakra was absorbed to the last bit, the chakra actually started to riot, and he tried to resist, but in the end his arms couldn’t hold his thighs, and he was directly crushed and absorbed by the spiritual power.

“In this situation… Sure enough, is there actually a conspiracy or backhand behind Chakra?”

“It should be the Sage of Six Paths… No no! It should be the work of Kaguya Otsutsuki”

“In other words, this is not a conspiracy, it’s just that Kaguya used chakra to create the Six Paths, and the Six Paths distributed chakra to humans, so it was doomed.;”

“The true ownership of chakra is in the hands of Princess Kaguya from beginning to end;”

“Kaguya is the source of chakra in the ninja world, so why did the last chakra in my body resist being absorbed and assimilated?”

Qian Xuan felt that he had vaguely understood the truth.

“Perhaps, this is why in the original work, Future Kaguya said that the ninja world is her nursery, and she can absorb the chakra in everyone in the ninja world for her own use through the infinite moon reading.”

Because the source of chakra in the ninja world is Kaguya!

She has the highest priority ownership.

Of course, ownership does not mean control.

That’s why the Six Paths brothers were able to resist and fight against him.

Therefore, in the future, Naru Only people can fight against Princess Kaguya

“However, this can be regarded as a small hidden danger!”

“Now, I don’t have this hidden danger anymore! hehe!”

The corners of Qian Xuan’s mouth curled up slightly, and he was in a good mood.

“All the chakra was converted into spiritual power and shrunk by at least several times!”

“However, it is enough to open up the lower Dantian!”

Thinking like this, Qianxuan immediately used his skills, and according to the method of yin and yang Qi training, he directly broke the barrier, injected the lower dantian into the position, and opened up the lower dantian.

Then, as the spiritual power continued to surge After entering the lower dantian, the lower dantian began to expand rapidly.

It was not until the last ray of spiritual energy in the tendons merged into the lower dantian that Qianxuan stopped and opened his eyes.

“Practicing the fifth level of qi? Just barely!”

“It seems that in the future, more time will be spent on cultivating and improving spiritual power, so as to improve the cultivation level to Qi training perfection as soon as possible, and then it is time to build the foundation.”

That’s not to say that the shadow-level combat power is only equivalent to the fifth level of Qi training.

This thing is not calculated that way.

It’s just because the essence of spiritual power is higher, and there is only so much left in terms of chakra.

“It is possible to continue to extract chakra and convert it into spiritual power, but this is in exchange for overdrafting the cell potential, which is obviously not worthwhile and unnecessary.;”

“In fact, I’d better not extract chakra in the future! Directly absorb and refine natural energy to improve your cultivation!”

“Anyway, my spiritual power has now absorbed my own chakra, acquired the characteristics of chakra, and can be transformed into chakra at will!”

“Don’t worry about running out of chakra;”

“When the spiritual energy is exhausted, the transformation can be restored by absorbing and refining natural energy and taking Qi training pills. There is no need to extract energy from cells.”

Qian Xuan thought with determination.

In addition, even though his chakra was absorbed and converted into spiritual power, the amount seemed to be reduced.

But if spiritual power is used to convert it into chakra, the quality, quantity and essence of this chakra Naturally, it is still the same as before.

That is, the conversion ratio of spiritual power to chakra has not changed.

If it is said that 1 part of spiritual power is converted into 1 part of spiritual power, then it is naturally converted into 1 part of spiritual power. The amount of chakra has not changed.

Of course, this is because Qianxuan’s spiritual power has not absorbed other tailed beast chakra, otherwise, he can also transform these higher quality chakra.

Then the conversion ratio between spiritual power and these chakras will be different.


PS:New book is on the shelves, please order first! Asking for customized talent!

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