Chapter 52 [Dragon Snake Chinese Martial Arts Xingyi Quan], apply for early graduation

“yes! grandmother! Don’t say such unfavorable words again!”

Tsunade was also a little depressed and said with a worried look in her eyes.

Who among the few people knows the situation of Uzumaki Mito best, except for Chigen, it is Tsunade.

With her keen sense, she has also sensed the life of her grandmother a long time ago. The fire is getting weaker and weaker

“yes! grandmother! You haven’t seen me become Hokage yet!”

It’s rare for Shengshu to give serious advice.

“That’s right! Grandma Mito, you will be fine!”

Qianxuan also spoke at this time.

His eyes were the most determined.

At the same time, Qianxuan thought to himself:”It’s almost time to give the longevity pill to Grandma Mito! In addition, you can also give some water of life!”

“Let’s learn the Yin Seal tomorrow!”

Qianxuan is going to avoid some people.

At least, this matter is not suitable for Naoki and Kushina to know for the time being.

The two are young and cannot hide things, especially Naoki


Uzumaki Mito listened and smiled kindly:”Okay, okay! Grandma is okay!”

“However, aging, sickness and death are normal. Even if such a day does come, you don’t have to be too sad. Just remember to support each other and take care of each other!”

Speaking of this, Uzumaki Mito looked at Qianxuan and warned:”Especially Qianxuan, I am the most at ease with you! You are the most mature and stable, and I will still have to rely on you to manage the family in the future, do you understand?”

In this aspect, even Tsunade is far inferior to Qianxuan


Qianxuan didn’t say anything more, just nodded in agreement.

Because of this incident, everyone was no longer interested in chatting.

Immediately, Tsunade took Qianxuan and Kushina and began to teach them the strange power fist.

Tsunade returned the

The moment Qianxuan took it, a system notification sounded in his mind.:

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collectible”Strange Power Technique”. Reward: top physical skills talent, internal boxing technique Xingyiquan】


【Xingyiquan】: including Ming Jin, Dark Jin, Hua Jin, Dan Jin, Gang Jin, seeing the gods and not breaking, the six realms, it is a kind of national martial art that tempers oneself, controls oneself, and breaks one’s own limits.

“Huh? In addition to top-level physical skills talent, there is also the Chinese martial art Xingyiquan? Or the Dragon Snake version of Xingyiquan? It’s developed!”

Qianxuan was overjoyed when he saw this reward.

He had already expected the top physical skills talent, but the Dragon Snake version of Xingyiquan really exceeded his expectations.

“If I can practice this national art to the level of Huajin, and cooperate with my strong physique, what level of strength will it reach?”

“What level will it reach if combined with chakra?”

“In addition, if Sister Tsunade learns this Xingyi Fist and cooperates with her strange power fist fighting method, what level of strength can she achieve?”

Qianxuan himself made a rough deduction, and it can at least more than double Tsunade’s strength.

“Um! Find time to teach Xingyiquan to Sister Tsunade in the near future!”

“I remember during this Ninja War, Sister Tsunade encountered many fatal dangers.;”

“Especially when facing Sanshouyu Hanzo, I almost died several times!”

“In the end, because Hanzo had scruples and didn’t want to completely offend Konoha, he let Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya go, and gave them the title of Sannin of Konoha.;”

“In fact, this name can be regarded as a shameful title to a certain extent, right?”

“Because of this, it is even more necessary to continue to strengthen Sister Tsunade. By then, maybe she will be able to have the strength of Hard Steel Hanzo?”

Qianxuan thought to himself.

The Tsunade at this time is not the Tsunade of this period in the original work.

She did not eat the body-building pills for more than two years in vain.

Who has the body-building pills used in these two years? If it helps the most, well… it must be Qian Xuan, followed by Tsunade.

Long-term use of body-building pills has allowed Tsunade’s physical strength to reach an incredible level, allowing her to rely solely on chakra. With pure physical skills, she has at least an elite jounin level of combat power.

With the addition of chakra, she has a proper shadow level combat power, which is not an ordinary shadow level combat power.

Due to the improvement of her physical fitness, her chakra level is as early as 1. She had officially broken through to the shadow level more than a year ago.

This is still not long enough. In another year and a half, Tsunade is even confident that she will reach the shadow level with physical training alone.

Physical training has a lot to do with it.

If there were any, it would be beyond this level.

Now that we have Xingyi Quan, we can suppress these thoughts in our hearts. Xuan then began to learn the Kaiju Technique from Tsunade.

With his physical strength, control over chakra, and understanding, Tsunade only taught him once, and he initially mastered it.

“Weird punch!!”

I saw that Qianxuan mobilized chakra to condense in the tendons of his right hand and compressed it, then punched out, and chakra suddenly burst out from his fist.


Immediately, with his fist as the center, the ground with a radius of seven to eight meters directly shattered and sunk deeply.

“Hey Hey hey! Do you want to be so exaggerated? Did you learn it just once?”

“I have been learning for more than a year, and I have only just mastered it now!”

The rope tree on the side was startled, and exclaimed with a roar.

“Well! This is actually quite simple! As long as your muscles and physique are up to standard and your chakra control is sufficient, it won’t be difficult to understand how it works!”

Qianxuan patted the dust on his hands with a calm expression and said pretending.

Shengshu looked at him faintly and wanted to punch him in the face:”If we don’t pretend, we are still good buddies!”


Qian Xuan smiled happily.

“Well done! You are worthy of being my disciple! No shame for the teacher!”

Tsunade folded her hands, raised her eyebrows slightly, and praised Qianxuan.

In fact, she was not amazed in her heart.

However, she had long passed the stage of surprise.

In fact, in the past three years, Qianxuan Xuan has given her too many surprises.

Kushina is calmer than Tsunade:”Brother Nashu, you are too unstable! There’s nothing surprising about this, it’s just Qianxuan’s basic operation! Calm down!” rope tree:”……”

Is this a problem with my lack of stability?

“alright! Sister Tsunade, keep teaching me, I haven’t learned it yet!”

Kushina was too lazy to bother with the rope tree, so she pestered Tsunade and said coquettishly.


Tsunade shook her head funny.

Then, Kushina looked at Qianxuan again and said:”That’s right! Qianxuan! You learned it so quickly. You must have a trick. Can you teach me too?”


Qianxuan smiled knowingly, and immediately taught Kushina the strange power technique with Tsunade.

More than an hour passed, and seeing that it was getting late, Qianxuan left with Kushina’s reluctant expression. After arriving at the Thousand Hands Clan, he spent a while returning to his home.

He did not rush to sleep, but opened the bedroom. After several upgrades, it was already a top-level sealing barrier. Then, he created a shadow clone and lay on the couch. On the top, the main body flashes into the small world.

At this time, the hour is much larger than before, reaching 3.2 kilometers. It not only has various functional buildings and functional areas, but also opened up. Many medicinal fields are used to grow various precious medicinal materials.

“system! Receive award!”

Qian Xuan appeared directly in the largest martial arts arena in the small world and said silently in his heart.

The next moment, a warm current flowed through Qian Xuan’s body and began to transform his body.

At the same time, a wave of waves about the twelve forms and meanings The information about Xingyiquan continued to pour into his mind, and Qianxuan quickly closed his eyes and digested it with all his strength.

After more than an hour, the warmth in his body began to disappear, and Qianxuan had also initially digested the information about Xingyiquan. After a certain amount of understanding, he immediately started practicing the three postures of Zhuang Gong. And

, with Qian Xuan’s continuous adjustments, he became proficient in Zhuang Gong in ten minutes and entered the stage of minor success.

At this time, the effect of practice has become very obvious.

A stream of warmth began to flow between Qianxuan’s legs, feet, waist and abdomen.

At the same time, he felt that the strength and stability of his lower body were constantly improving. Of course, there was a gain.

There is dedication; similarly, his physical strength is also being consumed rapidly.

In another hour, Qianxuan successfully practiced the three-body pile technique to a perfect level.

Of course, this does not mean that he will not need to practice pile technique in the future. , it’s just that his understanding of Zhuang Gong is in place.

From now on, he will still practice Zhuang Kung Fu to strengthen the strength and stability of his lower body.

This is a long-term process.

However, Qian Xuan is not ready to continue practicing today.���After finishing the exercise, he stood up and began to practice the five-shaped boxing.

“Bang bang bang!!”

“Swish, brush, brush!!”

An hour later, Qianxuan successfully practiced the Five-Shaped Fist to a small degree, and he stopped temporarily. He began to practice the Twelve-Shaped Yiquan.

Dragon-shaped, tiger-shaped, bear-shaped, snake-shaped, snake-shaped, and monkey-shaped , horse shape, chicken shape, swallow shape, harrier shape, harrier shape, eagle shape, practice one by one.

“Bang bang bang!!”

After practicing all the twelve forms, Qianxuan felt that his whole body was smooth, and he was twisted into one. Between punches and kicks, the air exploded, bringing out a terrifying fist wind.

At the same time, Qianxuan felt that he His energy and blood surged greatly, and a certain bottleneck in his body seemed to be broken.

He felt much more relaxed and comfortable all over.

“Mingjin is done!”

Qian Xuan listened happily.

Then, he felt that the muscles all over his body began to ache, and his stomach growled with hunger, as if he could eat a cow.

Qian Xuan immediately thought about it and took it A bottle of body-building pills was poured out and swallowed.

The body-building pills in the stomach began to be digested quickly, turning into streams of warmth and flowing through the body. However, it would take one on a daily basis.

(As the strength of the body increased, the consumption increased, and the time was shortened by half from the beginning.) The body-building pills were digested in just a few minutes.

Qian Xuan immediately swallowed seven or eight body-building pills. After more than twenty minutes, the four body-building pills were consumed again, and Qianxuan no longer felt hungry.

Most of the pain and fatigue in his body was gone.

He moved his body and mobilized his energy and blood.

, Qi and blood increased by 50% again.

Obviously, after the previous breakthrough, the Qi and blood growth was not complete due to lack of nutrition.

Of course, because the bottleneck was broken, in the next period of time, as long as Qian Xuan insists on practicing. Yi Quan, Qi and blood strength will continue to increase rapidly until the welfare period of breaking the bottleneck passes.

“Emotions, this is the correct way to use the body-building pill! In the past, I suffered from the fact that there was no real exercise method. Not only was the absorption speed slow, but the efficiency was also low.;”

“Now, with this Xingyiquan, the value and efficacy of the body-building pill have been truly fully developed!”

“It seems that I will have to refine some more body-building pills next!”

He is planning to teach Xingyiquan to Minato, Kushina, Tsunade and Naoki.

If Uzumaki Mito is willing to learn, he is also prepared to teach it.

By the way, there are also Uncle Temu and Mr. Bakuma.

It’s almost the same now. These are the only ones who have been proven by Qianxuan for many years and have learned that the war is coming. It is necessary to improve their strength as quickly as possible.


Early the next morning, after breakfast

“Went to Minato!”

Qianxuan greeted Minato and went out together, leaping from the roof continuously, and in a short time, he appeared at the door of the Senju clan.

From a distance, he saw Kushina waiting here.

The two of them The person jumped down and appeared in front of Kushina

“gone! Kushina!”

Qianxuan smiled and stepped forward, holding Kushina’s hand and saying hello. The three of them set off again and spent about ten minutes arriving at the school.

Instead of going to the classroom, they went straight to the homeroom teacher’s office, knocked on the door, and left. Got in

“Um? It’s Qianxuan and you three! What, is something wrong?”

Kurokawa Ichiro was slightly surprised when he saw the three people walking in, and then couldn’t help but ask

“teacher! The three of us are here today to apply for early graduation assessment!”

Qianxuan said directly.

Minato and Kushina on both sides also nodded.

“oh! That’s it, I agree! Come on, fill out the form! I’ll go find Hokage-sama later!”

Kurokawa Ichiro was stunned for a moment after hearing this. Then he calmly took out three forms from the drawer, handed them to the three of them, and said in a calm tone.

Qian Xuan:”???”



They were a little surprised by the teacher’s calmness.

But he forgot about it the next moment.

He quickly filled out the form, handed it back to the teacher, and asked:”Teacher! When will the results be available?”

Kurokawa Ichiro took the form and said calmly:”Don’t worry, I’m not sure either. I’ll give it to you later. Go find Hokage-sama! If it’s quick, it’ll be tomorrow. If it’s slow, it’s not impossible that it will take a week or even longer!”

“It is even possible to be directly rejected by Hokage-sama.”

“Of course, based on my understanding of your situation, it is unlikely that you will be rejected. Just go back and wait!”

“correct! Before that, you still have to come to school every day!”

“Even a shadow clone will do!

Qianxuan and the other two looked at each other after hearing this, and thought to themselves:”Sure enough, the teacher already knew that they were using shadow clones to go to school!””

“no problem! teacher!”

The three people nodded immediately. Since the teacher said it so blatantly, what else is there to say?

They formed seals directly in front of the teacher, each created a shadow clone, and said to the shadow clone in unison:” I leave schooling to you! Just today! Hold on! gone!”

After that, the three of them waved goodbye to the teacher and left.

The shadow clones of the three of them spread their hands helplessly and left the office and walked towards the classroom.

Kurokawa Ichiro:”……”

“What’s going on! Why……”

After a long time, a sigh came from Kurokawa Ichiro’s office.

Of course it is a good thing for students to be talented, but it is not a good thing for students to be too independent.

“never mind! Let’s go find Mr. Hokage first!”

Thinking like this, Kurokawa Ichiro immediately left the school and took some time to come to the Hokage Tower. After the notification, he successfully met the third generation.

He also stated his intention.

“This is the application form from the three of them, please take a look at it, Hokage-sama.”

After that, Kurokawa Ichiro submitted the application form


The third generation took the application, looked through it, took a puff of dry cigarette, nodded, looked at Kurokawa Ichiro and said:”I understand! I passed their application! I will arrange the assessment as soon as possible.;”

“As for the time, let’s set it at…three days later!”

“If nothing happens, just go back first!”

“yes! Lord Hokage!”

Ichiro Kurokawa immediately agreed, turned around and left.


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