Chapter 51: Two and a half years later, strange power and Yin seal.

That’s right, since Tsunade accepted him as a disciple, with the improvement of strength and perception, it didn’t take long for Qianxuan to discover the ANBU hiding near him and responsible for monitoring him.

He deliberately teased the man a few times at first, but then just ignored him.

Anyway, it won’t affect him.

It’s just that some secret methods need to be hidden from this person’s eyes.

For example, the existence of space rings, the existence of small worlds…etc.

Use these things at home as much as possible.

I have my own sealing barrier at home, which can block detection.


Inside the Hokage’s office.

The third generation listened to the ANBU responsible for secretly monitoring Qianxuan reporting on Qianxuan’s cultivation situation today.

“What did you say? Qian Xuan has officially started practicing the Flying Thunder God technique today? Moreover, it was successful in one go!”

“In the following few hours, he completed multiple periods of continuous teleportation practice and long-distance teleportation practice? Are you sure you’re not dazzled?”

The third generation couldn’t help but interrupt the ANBU halfway through what he was saying and asked.

“Absolutely true!

The Anbu immediately assured:”My subordinates have confirmed it many times and there will be no mistake!””


Confirming that the Anbu was not lying, the third generation suddenly took a breath of air.

He quickly lit his dry tobacco pole,”Bah, bah, bah!” He took two puffs to suppress his shock.

After a while, he waved his hand and said:”You continue!”


The ANBU immediately continued to report.

After he finished speaking, the third generation waved his hand and said:”Okay! Go ahead!”


When the ANBU left, Sandai was silent for a while, then took a long breath of smoke and said with an inexplicable expression:”I thought I already understood your talent! Unexpectedly, you surprised me again!”

“You have easily learned even forbidden techniques such as the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, so what other ninjutsu you cannot learn?”

With the Flying Thunder God’s Technique, Qianxuan’s strength and mobility are completely different.

“It seems that we need to have more contact with him and talk more! I have to find a way to continue instilling the will of fire into him and make him completely become my die-hard loyalist!”

The third generation secretly made up his mind and thought.

Otherwise, he is not at ease.

Of course, Qianxuan’s strength is still far behind him. In addition, Qianxuan is his disciple after all; he does not show any sympathy on weekdays. His resistance.

On the contrary, every time he chats with Qianxuan, Sandai can feel from Qianxuan’s words that Qianxuan loves the village and recognizes and understands the will of fire.

Therefore, Sandai is not afraid. Qian Xuan even regards him as a threat.

At present, he is still thinking about how to brainwash Qian Xuan and use him as his own. As for the origin of Qian Xuan

‘s descendants, it is not a big problem. His family has been integrated into the common people of Konoha since his grandfather. He probably has no idea about Senju, let alone any sense of recognition. It is true that Senju Bakuma, Temu and Mito-sama are all influencing Sengen. But Sandai believes that his brainwashing ability is definitely stronger than these people.

“Perhaps, it can inadvertently lead Qian Xuan to hate the Thousand Hands clan;”

“After all, Qianxuan’s grandfather and parents, from another perspective, can also be said to have died so easily because the senior Senju people chose to integrate their clansmen into the common people of Konoha!”

The more Sandai thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was wrong.

“I am simply a brainwashing genius! Just do it!”

“However, this matter cannot be too deliberate, it is too obvious! You have to guide slowly!”

Three generations thought again.


After Sandai knew about it, Danzo also knew about it immediately.

“The art of flying thunder god? You really look more and more like the teacher!”

“It’s a pity that because of Hiruzen’s existence, I can’t have too much contact and influence on you! I hope you won’t be an obstacle to me in the future!”

Danzo murmured with a complicated expression.

He is very conflicted now.

If this trend continues, he knows very well that Qianxuan will definitely become his enemy in the future.

But now that he is allowed to attack Qianxuan directly, he is a little reluctant to fight.


Danzo could only temporarily suppress the many thoughts in his heart.

In fact, he was very confused and lonely.

He strongly wanted to prove to his teacher that his original choice was wrong.

He should be the one to take over as Hokage , not Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In his opinion, Sarutobi Hiruzen was just a thief who gained the teacher’s trust faster than him.

In terms of ability, courage, and strength, how can he not be better than the third generation? Unfortunately, he can only think about these things now.

As long as he cannot prove himself, he will never be recognized by anyone.


In a blink of an eye, 2 and a half years have passed.

Qianxuan is also 8 years old.

Because of the promotion of the Uzumaki Blood Successor and the Thousand Hands Blood Successor, because he insisted on exercising his body and taking the body-building pill.

At this time, Qianxuan’s height has reached 1.5 meters. If his face were not a little childish, he would not look like an 8-year-old child at all, but more like a 12- or 13-year-old boy.

【Host: Qianxuan】

【talent】:……Slightly… Kagura’s inner eye, talent telepathy, top space ninjutsu talent, top neurological reaction talent

【Blood Successor]: Uzumaki Immortal Human Body (Top Level), Thousand Hands Blood Succession (Elementary Level)

【Chakra attributes]: water, earth, thunder, wind, fire, yin, yang

【Spirit]: 145 (formerly Genin is 10)

【Constitution]: 1524 (a former adult genin is 10)

【Chakra]: 15240 (movie level)

【Ninjutsu】:……Briefly…Grandmaster level alchemy, Chakra sound transmission method, Flying Thunder God technique, Hard vortex water blade, Tianwei…etc.

【Pets]: White Wolf (wind blade, wind control, wind blade storm, wind tornado, wind nightmare wall……)

【thing】:……Briefly… Space ring (100 cubic meters


Qiangen said to Minato and Kushina while eating.:

“Watergate! Kushina! I am going to apply for early graduation assessment in the next few days.”



Minato and Kushina were stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then Kushina asked directly.

However, Minato chuckled and replied:”With your strength, you can graduate early! The school has no help for you a long time ago! I’m still wondering how long you’re going to hang out!”

“Since you have chosen to graduate early, let me apply too!”

More than 2 years, nearly 3 years later.

With Chigen’s”oppression”, Chigen provided a large number of body-building pills… etc., and often received guidance from Chigen, Grandma Mito and others.

Minato His strength level has also been upgraded to the level of an elite chunin, with both chakra and taijutsu.

His combat power is not inferior to that of an ordinary jounin

, just because of his young age. It’s just that the carat capacity and mental strength have not been able to keep up.

With such strength, he would have graduated a long time ago.

“That’s fine!”

Qianxuan smiled and nodded, then looked at Kushina and said:”Kushina, do you want to forget it too? In this way, if we ask Tsunade-san to talk to the third generation, we should be able to be directly assigned to a class.;”

“At that time, we can do the tasks together, how about it?”

“Huh? Can it still be like this?”

After hearing this, Kushina immediately opened her eyes, hugged Qianxuan’s arm affectionately and said happily:”Then I agree! I love you Qianxuan the most! whee!”

As for the reason why Qianxuan chose to graduate early at this time, that is no longer important.

Minato on the side saw the disgusting scene between Qianxuan and Kushina, and suddenly felt that the rice in the bowl was no longer fragrant, and he felt full. Feeling.

He suddenly said helplessly:”Can you restrain yourself? I feel like I’m full just from eating your dog food!”

“Ha ha!


Qianxuan and Kushina heard this and looked at Minato’s depressed expression, and they were immediately happy.

Kushina even teased:”You are not willing to find a girlfriend in the class. , who can blame this?”

“forget it!

Minato listened and shook his head:”Women will only affect the speed of my cultivation. The gap between me and Qianxuan is getting wider and wider. I’d better make time to practice!””

“Women are not something I should consider at my age.”

Of course, he will not admit that, except for Kushina, there is no girl in the class who makes him attracted.

As for Kushina?

He has given up on her from the first day they met.

Friends’ wives should not be bullied!

“Here it is again!”

Kushina couldn’t help but rolled her eyes after hearing this:”I’m tired of hearing this! You obviously didn’t like it! Inuzuka Claw likes you so much, but you don’t pretend to be polite. Can’t you explain the problem?”


When Minato heard the name, a figure of a girl with the image of killing Matt suddenly appeared in his mind. He was suddenly excited and resisted:”Forget it about Inuzuka Claw! I am not suitable for her!” It

‘s not just the appearance. The question is, this woman also has quite a wolfish personality, very tough.

Minato felt like he couldn’t hold it any longer

“Haha… Kushina, please stop scaring Minato! His face turned pale!”

At this time, Qian Xuan couldn’t help but dissuade him.

He knows Inuzuka Claw! Isn’t she the mother of Inuzuka Kiba, one of the twelve young heroes of Konoha in the future?

She is indeed a strong woman, and it’s normal for Minato not to like her.

“whee! All right!”

When Kushina heard this, she glanced at Minato and found that he was really a little scared. She immediately felt happy and did not continue the topic.

After dinner, Qiangen took Kushina for a walk and asked Senju

Kushina held one of Qianxuan’s arms and rested her head gently on Qianxuan’s shoulder while admiring the night view while chatting with Qianxuan when she saw this scene on the way. Everyone smiled like an aunt, but no one bothered them.

The walk that could have taken only a few minutes took half an hour to walk into the courtyard of Uzumaki Mito. The two of them saw Uzumaki Mito and Tsunade, and Naoki was actually there today.

“Tsk tsk! Do you want to be so bored? It makes my teeth sore!”

Tsunade couldn’t help joking when she saw the two people’s intimacy.

Naoki even gave Qianxuan a thumbs up: Cow!

“Sister Tsunade……”

After hearing this, Kushina shyly let go of Qianxuan, and then ran quickly to play with Tsunade.

Then, he said to Uzumaki Mito:”Grandma! I, Chigen and Minato have decided to go to school tomorrow to apply for early graduation!”


Uzumaki Mito was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then looked at Qianxuan with eyes seeking confirmation and asked:”Is it true?”


Qianxuan nodded affirmatively.

Uzumaki Mito nodded noncommittally and said:”Tell me what you think! You are a very thoughtful child, and making such a decision at this time is definitely not an impulsive decision.”

In this era, the normal graduation time is usually around 10 years old.

Well! It’s not the 12-year-old of Naruto’s generation.

Qianxuan immediately said:”At first, I feel that my strength has almost improved! It’s time to improve your actual combat capabilities and ability to deal with various tasks!”

“I also have the ability to protect myself and Kushina!”

“Secondly, you should know that in the past year or so, the conflicts among the major ninja villages have intensified, especially the conflicts with the Rain Country, Iwagakure and Sunagakure Villages have become more frequent!”

“I have a hunch that a new ninja war is about to begin!”

“By then, we senior students will inevitably be ordered by the village to graduate early and enter the battlefield!”

“If you are so passive, it is better to take the initiative to graduate early now. Before the ninja war has fully started, do some less difficult tasks first and accumulate experience in combat and tasks. What do you think?”

He’s not a passive person.

At least, not when it comes to his own safety.”

“I see!

Uzumaki Mito nodded clearly:”You have really thought it through!””

“OK! I agree to this! I’ll have Tsunade say hello to Monkey, assign the three of you to a class, and then……”

As she said that, she looked at Tsunade and asked:”Tsunade, you will lead the team yourself and become their teacher. What do you think?”

“ah? After hearing this

, Tsunade shook her head and said,”I’m afraid it won’t work!” Due to the intensification of conflicts recently, there are many wounded people every day, and I am almost overwhelmed!”

“Let’s find someone else!”

“Besides, I don’t have much left to teach them! It’s better to choose another teacher so that they can learn more!”

“Don’t worry, I will talk to the old man and find a good teacher for them!”


Uzumaki Mito had no objection.

“In addition,”

Tsunade saw this, and then looked at Qian Xuandao:”I have only the strange power fist in my hand that I haven’t taught you! I will teach you directly later and give you a training scroll for Wei Liquan. With your ability, you should be able to master it easily, right?”

At this time, Kushina also raised her hand and said:”Sister Tsunade! I want to learn too!”

“hehe! become! Then we’ll teach you too!”

Tsunade listened, smiled, and did not refuse.

Not to mention, Kushina is really suitable for the Kaili Fist.

She has a strong enough physique, enough chakra, and strong control over chakra.

“Then thank you, Tsunade-san!”

Qianxuan immediately expressed his gratitude.

Then, he licked his face again, a little embarrassed, looked at Tsunade first, then looked at Uzumaki Mito and asked:”Well, actually, I still want to have sex with Tsunade-san. Grandma Mito, would you like to learn the Yin seal?”


As soon as these words came out, both Tsunade and Uzumaki Mito were a little surprised.

Tsunade looked up and down Qian Xuandao:”You are not lacking in chakra, right? Why do you want to learn this ninjutsu?”

As for this appearance?

Qianxuan is only 8 years old, what kind of appearance do you want to maintain?”

“That’s fine!”

At this time, Uzumaki Mito smiled and said directly:”I have taught so many ninjutsu and sealing techniques, and this one is not missing!”

“After learning the Yin Seal, you can also have an extra trump card, and you will have an extra point of protection in critical moments!”

“Next, take some time to come to my place and learn from me!”

“You, Tsunade-sama, haven’t fully succeeded in cultivation yet, so don’t bother her!”

“I will give you a practice method later. You can take it home and read it today, and then take time to come and study it tomorrow.”

She doesn’t have much time. She estimates that in another year and a half at most, she may not be able to hold on any longer.

I think I can teach Qian Xuan and the others a little more.

“yes! Thank you Grandma Mito! hey-hey!”

Qianxuan immediately bowed gratefully and thanked her.

Isn’t this the case with your own grandmother?

Seeing Kushina’s moved expression, Uzumaki Mito said to her again:”As for Kushina! You currently do not meet the requirements for practicing this technique.;”

“When you reach the elite jounin level, think about this matter again!”

“At that time, even if I am no longer around, you can still learn this technique from Chigen or Tsunade”


When Kushina heard this, her nose suddenly felt sore, she ran over and hugged her and said worriedly:”How could you not be here? You will definitely live a long life!”

“I also have brother Qianxuan and brother Shengshu who are still young and can’t live without you!”


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