Chapter 140: 10 years old, [Blood Evolution Potion】

“Ice escape two thorn grass!”

“Ice escape freezing capsule!”


“”Ice Escape freezes ten miles!!!”

Qian Xuan pressed his hand on the ground, and the next moment, with him as the center, the land within a fan-shaped area of ten miles in front of him was completely frozen. The terrifying cold air swept across, lowering the temperature of the surrounding area by a lot.

“Well! After this technique, as long as everyone outputs chakra, it can freeze a hundred miles, or even a thousand miles!”

“However, with my current chakra, I can still freeze a hundred miles, but for a thousand miles, I probably need to turn on the Sage Mode to do it!”

Qian Xuan judged for himself.

After that, he tested his top-level corpse bone vein talent.

After creating a few special bones from his hands, he stopped this behavior.

“Sure enough, this method of directly making bones is the most wasteful and the lowest level!”

“The truly smart approach would be to rely on the bloodline of the corpse to continuously strengthen the bones and allow them to continuously transform.���Increase its strength and activity”

“Even, the bone marrow will also transform, thus transforming your physical qualities and even your ninja qualities.;”

“This is the correct way to open it!”

“Of course, if it can be combined with physical training or even national martial arts and human immortal martial arts training, it will be even more effective!”Qian Xuan can judge that relying on the corpse bone vein, the training speed of his human immortal martial arts in the three major realms of bone tempering, marrow refining, and even blood exchange will become extremely fast and easy.

Even the training efficiency of the other realms has been greatly improved.

“What a pleasant surprise! As expected, any kind of bloodline limit should not be underestimated!”

Qian Xuan thought with joy.

He felt that the Kaguya clan had taken the wrong path.

Physical training was their true correct path!

With the talent of corpse bone veins, it can be said that everyone of them is a top physical training genius like Might Guy.

It’s a pity that the ninja world does not have a truly systematic and complete physical training method, otherwise, the Kaguya clan would never be so weak.


More than a year has passed in a flash.

Chigen is now 10 years old, and the Second Ninja World War has lasted for more than a year.

As early as more than a year ago, after the Third Kazekage recovered from his injuries and confirmed that Chigen was hidden and would not appear on the front line, the Sand Ninja once again declared war on Konoha and started a new war.

Of course, even though Chigen was basically impossible to appear on the front battlefield, they still did not choose to continue to attack Konoha from the direction of the Rain Country.

Instead, they chose to attack the Fire Country’s Kikyo Castle from the River Country.

Not only to be on the safe side, but also to avoid encountering the Rock Ninja.

That side was left to the Rock Ninja and Konoha to fight.

They initially attempted to raid the Fire Country, but were stopped by Sakumo and his men.

Danzo continued to stay on the front line of the Rain Country and continue to preside over the war there.

Tsunade, Mikoto and Minato also left the Rain Country battlefield and came to the Wind Country battlefield together.

Especially Tsunade, without her detoxification ability, Konoha could not stop Chigen’s endless toxin attacks.

On this day, in Chigen’s laboratory,

“Phew! It’s finally done! Bloodline Evolution Potion!”

“With this, Senju and Uzumaki’s progress speed will rise several levels again!”

“Now, future plans will go more smoothly!”

“In addition, the bloodline limits of Magnetic Release, Ice Release, and Corpse Veins have also been analyzed. The day when these bloodline limit potions are successfully manufactured should not be far away! Hehehe!”

Qian Xuan looked at the row of potions on the table in front of him, and then looked at the situation in the body of the experimental subject next to him, with a slight smile on his face.

It’s been more than a year!

I have finally made a breakthrough in bloodline evolution!

Not only did I research a bloodline limit evolution potion suitable for humans based on the beast-controlling bloodline evolution potion.

I also further improved it and divided the bloodline evolution potion into five types: elementary, intermediate, advanced, top, and god-level.

The higher the level, the better the bloodline evolution effect of a bottle!

In addition, the lower the level of the bloodline evolution potion, the lower the upper limit of the bloodline evolution.

In fact, making these is to prepare for the future control of the various ninja clans in the ninja world.

In the final analysis, they are all made up of real bloodline evolution potions. , that is, castrated with the God-level Bloodline Evolution Potion.

Only the God-level Bloodline Horror Potion can continuously evolve the bloodline.

There is almost no upper limit.

This can be seen from the current situation of Qianxuan’s three ninja beasts, namely Bailang.

Of course, there are many of his beasts that are the same.

In the past year or so, in addition to his research, he also made beast bloodline evolution potions for his own ninja beasts and beasts.

Let their bloodlines continue to transform.

Nowadays, Bailang and others’ bloodline level has reached an extremely high level.

Even their strength has reached the peak of the Kage level.

Qianxuan has 3 such ninja beasts, and he has more than ten such beasts.

Among the remaining beasts, there are also many who are at the Jonin level.

Of course, there are some things that The newly captured Beast Tamers in the past few years have been replaced by the Beast Tamers who have made enough achievements before, and continue to be responsible for the surveillance of the Third Generation, Danzo… and others.

There is no other way. The Beast Tamers with improved strength and bloodline are too obvious and easily detected by the Third Generation and others. Naturally, they are no longer suitable for this kind of latent surveillance mission.

Only spiders, birds, ants… and so on, which are ordinary Beast Tamers, are suitable for this kind of mission and will not be suspected at all.

No one would have thought that such ordinary insects and birds would be monitors.

Of course, Qianxuan created blood inheritance evolution potions of primary, intermediate, advanced, and top levels.

It is not simply because he wants to have another way to restrict those ninja clans in the future. , and also because of cost issues.

The medicinal materials and minerals needed for the god-level blood inheritance evolution potion are extremely precious.

The output in the ninja world is not large. Qian Xuan currently relies mainly on his own small world and uses the tree of life to accelerate the cultivation to stabilize the supply.

But with the current output of these medicinal materials in the small world, the number of people who can supply the maximum number of god-level blood inheritance evolution potions is temporarily only more than a thousand.

It is almost the number of people in the Senju and Uzumaki clans.

There won’t be much more.

Therefore, lowering the requirements for medicinal materials and cost requirements has become the key.

Compared with the god-level blood inheritance evolution potion, the level of medicinal materials for primary, intermediate and advanced levels needs to be lowered a lot, and many of them are relatively common medicinal materials.

It can fully meet the needs of mass production.

“Next, we need to adjust and complete the production of the medicine production line!”

Qian Xuan waved his hand to collect the prepared medicine, and then flashed to the small world experimental production base.

This is the production area.

There are already several production lines.

They are primary gene enhancement medicine, primary, middle and high-level four-level body forging medicine production line, primary, middle and high-level four-level essence medicine production line, primary, middle and high-level four-level chakra recovery pill production line, detonation talisman automatic production line, ninjutsu talisman production line, medical talisman production line




Of course, the Ninjutsu Talisman and Medical Talisman produced were just blank talismans.

To complete them, you need to inject chakra of corresponding attributes into them.

This is why Qian Xuan has not yet figured out how to use other energy sources to freely convert the first chakra.

Otherwise, it would be possible to directly produce any kind of Ninjutsu Talisman and Medical Talisman.

In the next few days, Qian Xuan built four new production lines here.

They are all used to produce four levels of blood evolution potions.

“Done! It’s ready for production!”

After the last production line was adjusted, Qian Xuan waved his hand and took out four space ninja tools, which were installed on the four production lines.

He started the production lines.

Suddenly, the production lines began to operate.

Every moment, the corresponding medicinal materials were released from the previous space ninja tools and entered the corresponding area of the production line. Then, under the operation of the production line, the blood evolution potion began to be automatically refined.


When the medicine is produced, it will directly enter the last space ninja tool of the production line and be collected directly.

These are naturally specially designed by Qian Xuan in order to meet the needs of fully automatic production.

The internal space of these space ninja tools is extremely large, and the smallest one has tens of thousands of cubic meters.

Enough to accommodate a large amount of medicinal materials or medicines.

The medicinal materials in a standard 10,000 cubic space ninja tool are enough to keep the production line running for a month.

It can produce at least 100,000 bottles of corresponding medicines.

Well! Mainly elementary ones.

Intermediate and advanced ones, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to refine, the more complicated the process, and the production efficiency will naturally decrease.

But even for the top-level blood inheritance evolution potion, if there are sufficient medicinal materials, more than 10,000 bottles can be produced a month.

Even if the future is unified���world, it should be enough.

Not to mention that Qian Xuan is not ready to release these medicines to the outside world.

If accumulated for a few years, he will have a huge reserve of medicines in his hands in the future.

As for the family, he is temporarily prepared to use the god-level blood evolution medicine to further improve the family’s strength.

However, the difficulty of refining the god-level blood evolution medicine is more demanding. At present, it can only be refined by Qian Xuan himself. The production line is not feasible for the time being.

The progress is not up to the requirements.

Fortunately, Qian Xuan can also complete this task with his shadow clone, which will not delay his practice.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that after more than a year of practice.

Qian Xuan’s strength has also undergone a qualitative change.

The ninja level has reached the middle and late stages of the super shadow, the national martial arts has obtained the middle stage of Gangjin, the Qi training has reached the peak of the foundation, and the spirit has reached the peak of the purple mansion. It is only one step away from condensing the soul.

The human immortal martial arts has also reached the middle stage of the internal organs, and this is because he is still young and his body is still growing. Otherwise, it will only be stronger. In terms of comprehensive strength, even Qian Xuan himself does not know how strong he is.

“Perhaps, I can fight with the Six Paths level?”

Qian Xuan reasoned in his mind.

Because he had never seen anyone at the Six Paths level, and had never really fought with someone at the Super Shadow level, Qian Xuan himself could not make an accurate judgment.


PS:Please customize again!


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