Chapter 138: Minato’s Bloodline Awakens and Evolves

“Hehe! Brother Rope Tree, don’t think about reaching the sky in one step! Besides, what’s so good about the front line? Isn’t it nice to stay at home?”

Kushina looked at Rope Tree happily and teased.

Rope Tree curled his lips and said:”You don’t understand! Killing the enemy and making contributions is my dream!”

“I want to contribute more to the village so that fewer people die in the village.”

He didn’t have any lofty reasons, his ideas were actually quite simple.

Kushina was slightly startled after hearing this:”Is that so? Then you keep working hard! Come on!”

She had nothing more to say.

To be honest, with selfish people like the third generation around, even if one is sincere, they will be restricted and suppressed.

Isn’t Qianxuan the best example?

However, she knew that Nawaki was a simple person, so she was too lazy to talk about him.

“Don’t think of taking shortcuts, kid! The improvement this time is already big enough! Hurry up and practice, and master the skyrocketing physical fitness! Don’t let your Xingyiquan level regress, or I will beat you up!��!”

Qian Xuan glared at Sheng Shu angrily and scolded him.

“Hehe! Yes, yes, yes! I got it, I’ll go right away!”

After hearing this, Sheng Shu smiled and ran to Qian Xuan’s shadow clone not far away and continued to practice.

Seeing this, Qian Xuan retracted his gaze and looked at Uzumaki Mito and said:”Grandma! I will refine a batch of this family as soon as possible to ensure that everyone can take a bottle.;”

“However, there may be some shortage of medicinal herbs and minerals, so we need to ask the family to speed up the acquisition of some of them!”

“Here! Here is the list. Ask the caravan to find a way to get it as soon as possible!”

Qian Xuan handed a piece of paper to Uzumaki Mito.

It wrote down the quantity of many materials needed.

This is because Qian Xuan has plundered the treasure houses of the daimyo and many ministers of the entire ninja world. He already has a lot of precious medicines, herbs, and minerals. Otherwise, there will be more.

After all, this involves the needs of nearly a thousand people. It is definitely far from enough to rely solely on the cultivation of the small world in the short term.

Minerals are even more.

The small world cannot provide

“”Okay! Leave it to me! I will arrange it as soon as possible and give you all the herbs!”

Uzumaki Mito quickly took it and glanced at it, and promised.

This is related to the growth of the two families, so naturally we have to pay more attention to it.

After that, Qianxuan ran to the front line and gave Tsunade, Minato and Mikoto a bottle of primary gene enhancement potion.

“My vitality has increased a lot. I have awakened the bloodline of the Thousand Hands and have become a Sage!”

After Minato took the medicine in front of Qian Xuan, he soon discovered the huge changes in his body and said excitedly.


Qian Xuan heard it, and swept his spiritual perception over Minato, and immediately sensed an extremely strong breath of vitality:”It’s true! This vitality has at least doubled!”

“However, your immortal body has just awakened, and you can continue to develop and grow. I believe that your strength and chakra volume will have a rapid growth period in the future.;”

“Congratulations, Minato, there will be no obstacles for you to become a super shadow in the future!”

He judged that Minato’s immortal body potential level would not be too great, at least intermediate

“It can further enhance the potential of Shuimen!”

Thinking of this, Qian Xuan directly took out a bottle of intermediate vortex immortal body potion from the small world and handed it to Shuimen, saying:”Come! Drink this, and you will have an intermediate vortex immortal body!”

“This will probably merge with your Thousand Hands Immortal Body, and maybe it will allow both to go a step further!”

After his own Thousand Hands Immortal Body was upgraded to the top level, it was already under his control and merged with his top level Whirlpool Immortal Body.

This caused his vitality and physical potential to surge further.


Minato was stunned when he heard this:”There is such a thing? Isn’t it too precious? Otherwise, you should put it away!”

“I feel like I owe you enough!”


Qian Xuan rolled his eyes in annoyance after hearing this, and forced the potion in his hand into Shuimen’s hand and said:”Although you and I are not brothers, we are better than many brothers.”

“You never forgot to give me a share of the benefits you had. Now that I have the ability, what’s wrong with giving you more benefits? Aren’t we all family?”

“Hurry up and drink it! If you keep talking, I’ll cut you.”

The brat is still being pretentious.

“Uh…Okay! I’m being hypocritical! I’ll just drink it, stop staring at me!”

After hearing this, Minato gave a wry smile in the face of Qian Xuan’s oppressive eyes, quickly apologized, and then drank the potion in his hand.

The next moment, he felt a stream of warm currents flowing through his body, which greatly transformed his blood.

Moreover, in this process, he could clearly feel that two blood forces in his body began to blend, strengthen each other, and complement each other.

In the end, they completely merged into one.

And his vitality surged several times again.

At the same time,

“Is this… Kagura’s Heart Eye?”

Minato realized that there was more information in his mind, and he seemed to have an extra bloodline talent. He used it directly, and immediately felt that all the chakra fluctuations within a radius of more than ten kilometers fell into his perception.

Because Chigen and Kushina had told him about Kagura’s Heart Eye in the past, he understood what it was at once. He immediately put away the Kagura Heart Eye excitedly and looked at Chigen:”Chigen… this……”

“Haha! You are lucky enough!”

Qian Xuan saw it and smiled:”Even in the Uzumaki clan, not everyone can awaken the Kagura Heart Eye.;”

“Even Kushina was able to awaken successfully after purifying and evolving her bloodline with my help.;”

“I didn’t expect you to awaken in one go! It seems that your bloodline fusion was successful, and the level is not low!”


Minato’s surging vitality was almost uncontrollable at this time, and it was like a beacon in Qianxuan’s perception.

“Indeed! I feel this too!”

Minato nodded, feeling happy and touched.

“This potion must be very precious, right?”

Minato couldn’t help asking.


Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively:”Even I have not been able to fully study it so far, and I have only mastered part of it.;”

“It is also very difficult to extract and refine. I have only two or three bottles in my hands so far!”

He naturally had a shadow clone who was studying the Vortex Immortal Human Potion in the past.

The harvest was not small, and it was also of great help to his research on the Bloodline Evolution Potion.

But he still has a long way to go before he can replicate and refine it himself.

This thing is more difficult to study than the Bloodline Evolution Potion.

One is just to purify and evolve the bloodline, and the other is to give a person a bloodline out of thin air.

The concepts are different.

“”Thank you!”

After hearing this, Minato had thousands of words in his heart, which eventually turned into these two words. He secretly vowed in his heart that he must work hard to grow and help Qian Xuan more in the future.

Qian Xuan’s dream is his dream.

“That’s right! You can’t hide your vitality now. In the eyes of many people, you are probably a beacon.;”

“This is not good for you!”

“It will be easier for the enemy to discover you, and it will also be easier for your own people to attract the attention of people with ulterior motives!”

“So, I will put a seal on you to help you temporarily conceal your vitality!”

“When you have completely mastered this surging vitality and learned how to disguise and hide, you can unlock this seal yourself!”

With that, Qian Xuan didn’t wait for Minato to agree, and directly patted his abdomen.

The next moment, countless seal runes poured into Minato’s body, forming a special seal on his lower abdomen, which quickly disappeared.

Minato’s vitality was also covered up by more than half, and only lasted for the time before his two transformations.

“Done! Here, I’ll give you the method to remove the seal as well!”

Qianxuan said, and pointed at Minato’s brow again, and a message was passed to him.

After Minato digested the message, he checked his own situation and couldn’t help but gave Qianxuan a thumbs up:”You are awesome! This sealing technique is already superb, and I may not be able to reach this level in my lifetime.”

Qianxuan’s learning ability is really amazing!

It’s enviable.

“”Hehe! Not bad! Not bad!”

Qianxuan also smiled cheerfully and was about to continue speaking.

Suddenly, he sensed that in the small world, Xiaohei disappeared for a while and reappeared.

There was still a scroll in his mouth.

He opened the scroll directly with his mind and took a look, and was immediately delighted:”Oh? The efficiency of the angle is still very good! Did you succeed again? Not bad!”

That’s right, this letter was sent by Kakuzu again.

In the letter, he said that he had obtained some bodies of Mizunotsuki, Kaguya and even the dead of the Kizuna clan.

As for the living ones?

They have not been captured for the time being.

For some reason, the security inside Kirigakure is still very strict at this time, and there is no good opportunity to succeed.

On the contrary, the cemetery is much more relaxed.

Kakuzu urged him to go over in the letter. Qianxuan immediately regained his mind, looked at Minato and said:”Since you have finished your work here, I will take my leave first!”

“I have things to do here. Please continue to work hard on the front line.”


Minato listened and nodded:”Be careful!”

“You too! Let

‘s go!”After saying that, Qian Xuan disappeared in Shuimen’s tent.

The next moment, Qian Xuan appeared on an island hundreds or thousands of kilometers away.

As soon as he came over, he started to use his spiritual perception and Kagura’s mind’s eye.

“Huh? It’s not the big island where Kirigakure is, but just a small island?”

Qian Xuan said, turning to look at Kakuzu in front of him and said:”It seems that you have fought with Kirigakure! There are still many traces of the battle! Did you not suffer any loss?”


PS:Please customize!


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