Chapter 137: Wishful thinking.

Qian Xuan immediately spent more than an hour to refine more than 20 bottles of perfect primary gene enhancement potion.

“Done! We can conduct further experiments!”

Thinking of this, Qian Xuan flashed away from the small world.

Then, he expanded his spatial perception, selected one from many spatial coordinates, and teleported directly there.

The next moment, he appeared directly on a big tree near a mountain village more than 70 kilometers west of Konoha.

After a sweep of his spiritual perception, he found only a ruin, without a single living person. He frowned immediately:”Has it been destroyed? What a pity?”

“Let’s go to the next place!”

Qian Xuan said, and dodged again.

After missing two or three places, he finally found a mountain village with people.

He used telepathy to read minds and found three ordinary people of different ages and three Genin. He knocked them out and put them into the small world.

Then, Qian Xuan did not rush back, and also dodged into the small world.

He took out six bottles of primary gene enhancement potion and poured them into the six people one after another.

Then, he enveloped them with mental power and began to observe and record carefully.

More than ten minutes later,

“Haha! They are all effective!”

“Moreover, this thing can indeed strengthen the bloodline of ninjas, improve their qualifications, and increase their chakra.”

Qian Xuan looked at the recorded data in his hand with excitement and smiled:”This thing has the same effect on all those who have not used this gene enhancement drug.;”

“It is more effective for people with bloodline.;”

“But basically it can double everyone’s basic physical fitness, cell strength and activity.;”

“Good stuff!”

“With this, Qianshou and Xuanwo’s strength will accelerate!”

Of course, this basic physical fitness, cell strength and activity refers to the most basic data before starting to practice.

Therefore, this thing also has great benefits for the strong.

Thinking of this, Qianxuan immediately took out a bottle of primary gene enhancement potion and took it.

Suddenly, he felt a stream of warm currents flowing through his body, and began to strengthen his cells and genes.

After more than ten minutes, the strengthening stopped.

Qianxuan moved his body and judged:”The physical fitness has been strengthened by 30%, the cell strength has been strengthened by 10%, and the cell activity has not increased much!”

“This may be related to my extremely strong vitality and high cell activity.”

The effect doesn’t seem to be very good, but what is Qianxuan’s strength?

Even he can have this kind of enhancement. If it were someone else, the increase would be huge.

Thinking of this, Qianxuan first humanely destroyed the six experimental subjects, and then left the small world.

The main reason is that the experimental subjects he chose this time were all extremely evil and had done all kinds of bad things. Naturally, there was no need to keep them.

Humane destruction is their proper destination.

Qianxuan felt that he was very kind by not torturing them.

After leaving the small world, he walked out of his yard directly and turned to the yard of Uzumaki Mito next door.

At this time, Kushina and Nawaki were practicing under the guidance of Qianxuan’s shadow clone.

Uzumaki Mito was also practicing Xingyiquan.

Seeing Qianxuan coming, they were all stunned for a moment, and Kushina asked tentatively:”Main body?”


Qian Xuan smiled and nodded, then stepped forward and said,”I have recently developed a new good thing! I came here to share it with you and improve your strength and potential!”

“Here it is! I call it the primary gene enhancement potion.;”

“It has been verified, no problem at all!”

“It can greatly improve a person’s physical fitness, cell strength and activity, and thereby enhance the potential qualifications and bloodline purity of a ninja. You can all try it and see the effect!”

“The stronger the person’s own qualifications, the less obvious the effect will be.”

As he said this, Qian Xuan took out three potions and sent them to the three people with his mental control.

“Soft? Strengthen physical fitness, cell strength and activity? Even, it can strengthen bloodline and improve qualifications?”

Kushina and others were shocked when they heard it.

“You have quietly created something amazing again! Then I’ll give it a try! Hehehe!”

Kushina was shocked when she heard this, but she took the potion in front of her without hesitation, and then, without thinking, she opened the bottle cap and drank it in one gulp.


The next moment, Kushina closed her eyes and murmured,”It’s warm and comfortable!”

Uzumaki Mito and Nawaki smiled and took the medicine.

After more than ten minutes, the effect of the medicine ended.

The three of them opened their eyes, moved their bodies, and used their mental power to sense the changes in their bodies.

“The body strength has increased by about 90%, but the cell strength and activity have not increased much, and the bloodline improvement is not very obvious!”

Kushina spoke first.

Qianxuan was not surprised at all and said:”This is normal, your foundation is already high enough! The bloodline is also strong enough. This kind of potion is relatively basic, so it is normal that the effect is not obvious!”

“If it is replaced with a person whose bloodline purity and completeness are not high, the effect will be more obvious.”

Kushina’s bloodline purity and completeness are quite high. Earlier, Qianxuan also gave her a top-level Uzumaki Sage body from the system.

It is equivalent to directly maxing out the bloodline purity and completeness. It would be strange if a mere primary gene enhancement potion could have a significant improvement on her bloodline!

Even Uzumaki Mito is no exception.

Sure enough, the next moment, Uzumaki Mito also nodded and said:”I am similar to Kushina. My body strength has increased by 70%, cell strength by 20%, cell activity by 10%, and bloodline has increased slightly.”

“Soft? Haven’t your bloodlines improved much?”

At this time, Sheng Shu couldn’t help but said in surprise and excitement:”Why do I feel that my bloodline has improved a lot? I seem to have initially awakened the immortal body you mentioned, Qian Xuan, and my vitality and chakra have improved a lot!”

“” Huh?”

Qian Xuan and the others were all shocked when they heard this. Qian Xuan and Uzumaki Mito suddenly appeared beside Sheng Shu, put one hand on his shoulder, and probed their spiritual power into Sheng Shu’s body to check.

“It’s true!”

Soon, the two of them confirmed that what Sheng Shu said was true.

“This potion is so effective?”

Uzumaki Mito looked at Sengen in shock:”If every Senju and Uzumaki clan member takes one bottle, wouldn’t those whose bloodline purity and completeness are not very high be able to get a huge improvement?”

“Ah this……”

Qian Xuan heard this and shook his head, saying,”I’m afraid not! This thing is just a primary gene enhancement potion, not a bloodline evolution potion.;”

“It is more about strengthening the cell genes, and the bloodline enhancement is just incidental.;”

“The change of Rope Tree can only be attributed to good luck, as his bloodline purity and completeness were just a little bit off.;”

“It happened that under the impetus of this potion, awakening and evolution were completed.”

“If you really want to steadily evolve the bloodline of your clan members, you have to wait until I develop the bloodline evolution potion.”

Obviously, Qian Xuan was not overwhelmed by the changes in the rope tree, and he was still very calm.

“Is that so?”

Uzumaki Mito and Nawaki were both stunned when they heard this.

Then Uzumaki Mito nodded in understanding and calmed down:”However, even if it is just like this, it is a huge improvement for the tribe members!”

“I discovered that this thing has a more obvious improvement effect on people with weaker basic strength!”


Qianxuan nodded affirmatively.

Uzumaki Mito then asked:”What is the cost of this thing? Is it difficult to refine? Can it be mass-produced?”

This is critical.

If it is too expensive, it can only be supplied in small quantities.

Of course, because Qianxuan has secretly controlled the daimyo and important ministers of all countries in the entire ninja world;

Senju and Uzumaki are no longer short of money and resources, even if it is expensive, as long as it is not particularly difficult to make and does not delay Qianxuan’s time too much, they can consider equipping all the clan members with a bottle.

Qianxuan smiled and replied:”Don’t worry, the cost of this thing is not very high, only more than 100,000 taels a bottle. If it is mass-produced, the cost can be further reduced.;”

“The refining difficulty is not difficult for me, but it would be a bit difficult for others!”

“However, this thing is not as demanding as refining pills. Maybe I can find a way to develop a fully automatic refining machine.;”

“In this way, I won’t have to make this medicine myself.

This is probably one of the important differences between medicine and pills.

“Oh? Is that so?”

Uzumaki Mito’s eyes lit up immediately after hearing this:”If that’s the case, how about you take some more time to refine a batch recently and distribute a bottle to each Senju and Uzumaki clan member first?”


Qian Xuan naturally had no objection.

This was also his plan.

The most important thing was to improve the strength and potential of the tribe members as soon as possible.

“Um, Qianxuan, can I have a few more bottles?”

“I feel like if I drink a few more bottles, I might be able to raise my strength directly to the level of a jonin!”

“By then, I can go to the front line to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds! Hehehe!”

Sheng Shu raised his hand and looked at Qian Xuan eagerly.

“You wishful thinking!”

After hearing this, Qian Xuan rolled his eyes in annoyance and said:”This stuff is only effective for everyone after taking the first batch. No matter how much you take afterwards, it will no longer have any effect!”

“Unless I develop a higher-level gene enhancement drug one day, it will be possible to further enhance the enhancement!”

What good things are you thinking?

You actually want to rely on continuous consumption to quickly complete the enhancement?

It’s simply a dream.


After hearing this, Rope Tree was stunned for a moment, then his face fell and said:”It’s actually like this! What a pity!”

Uzumaki Mito was also slightly stunned, then he understood and said:”This is more reasonable! If you can really continue to take it to improve, it is really too against the sky!”

“But just one bottle is effective, and that’s enough!”

As a person, you can’t be too greedy.

Compared to those who can’t even drink one bottle, they are undoubtedly much luckier.


PS:Please customize!


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