Chapter 133: Mikoto’s Confession.

Facing Minato’s grateful look, Qian Xuan smiled and waved his hand and said:”Let’s not say these polite words between us! I’m very happy that you have a breakthrough.”

“Moreover, if you don’t work hard enough, it would be impossible to improve so quickly!”

“This is also the result of your hard work! Don’t underestimate yourself!”

“How is it? How far can you go now?”

When Minato saw Qianxuan say this, he didn’t continue to talk about it and immediately replied:”It can already teleport stably within a range of 200 meters.;”

“However, it cannot be activated instantly, and requires 1-2 seconds of concentration.;”

“But if you give me half a month, I should be able to achieve true instantaneous movement within this range!”

“Yeah, I have some questions.……”

Next, Minato began to ask Chigen about some problems he encountered in the process of practicing Flying Thunder God.

Since Chigen, a”predecessor” who practiced Flying Thunder God, was here, he would be stupid not to ask!

Chigen also patiently answered Minato’s questions.

For a moment, Minato suddenly became enlightened and had a deeper understanding of the Flying Thunder God technique.

If it were not inappropriate now, he would have wanted to practice and verify it immediately.

I believe that there must be a lot of progress.

After that, Chigen chatted with Minato for a while before saying goodbye and leaving.

He appeared in the tent where Mikoto was, and also directly cast an isolation barrier.

Mikoto was not as perceptive as Minato. She didn’t notice until he cast the barrier.


It was Qian Xuan who took the initiative to remind her. Mikoto also reacted, turned over suddenly, looked at Qian Xuan with caution, and directly entered the battle state.

When she saw that the person coming was Qian Xuan, the vigilance on her face disappeared immediately, leaving only a deep surprise:”Qian Xuan? Am I dazzled? How come you are here? Aren’t you……”


Qian Xuan walked forward with a chuckle, reached out and touched her head, and chuckled at Miqin’s proud expression:”Of course I came to see you and do something by the way!”

“How are you? Have you been doing well recently?”

The moment Qian Xuan’s hand touched her head, Miqin’s face turned red. She raised her head and glanced at Qian Xuan, then lowered her head shyly and said,”I’m fine! The clan elders are taking care of me!”

“In addition, Lady Tsunade, Sakumo-senpai and Minato all take good care of us!”

“What about you? I heard that you were suppressed in the village? And you almost had a falling out with the third generation? Will you be okay?”

Although, she also heard that Qian Xuan became the patriarch of the Senju clan and re-established the clan with his people.

But what Mikoto cares about is not this, but the danger and pressure involved.

The third generation and his people were humiliated and suffered such a big loss, how could they let it go?

The reason why she knew so much was that it was mentioned in the letters that her grandfather and the patriarch had the tribe members pass on from time to time.

However, thinking of the letters from her grandfather and the patriarch, Mikoto suddenly remembered that they wanted her to have a better relationship with Qian Xuan, and it would be best if she could be with Qian Xuan.

Mikoto suddenly felt more uneasy and expectant.

She originally thought that since Chigen had become the head of the Senju clan, the family would not agree to her being with Chigen. Unexpectedly

, the opposite happened. Not only did her grandfather and even the clan leader not object to this, but they supported it even more.

This made Mikoto very happy.

Of course, she also knew the plans and calculations of the clan leader and her grandfather.

But this matter seemed to be a win-win situation, and it could also fulfill her feelings for Chigen, so she naturally had no reason to object.

Anyway, the family didn’t need her to do much, as long as she continued to like Chigen and find a way to be with him.

“Don’t worry!”

Qian Xuan listened, smiled and shook his head and said:”I have taken care of everything! The third generation is not a threat to me!”

“These things are not something I came up with on impulse. It is impossible for the third generation to do something for the time being!”

“If he really gets the chance, I won’t sit idly by!”

“So, you don’t need to worry!”

“Oh, right! This time I came here, I see your strength is not improving fast enough! I’m going to give you something;”

“But in order to ensure our safety, are you willing to sign this contract?”

As he said this, Qian Xuan directly condensed a contract mark and sent it to Miqin.

“Soft? Contract?”

Misaka was slightly stunned, then looked at the mark. Suddenly, the content and effect of the contract in the mark appeared in her mind. She was a little surprised:”Is there such a magical contract?”

“I sign it!”

She said, without hesitation, reaching out her hand to touch the seal of the contract.

The next moment, the seal sank directly into her spiritual sea between her eyebrows.

Without feeling her resistance, the seal sank directly into her soul and took root.

Misaki immediately realized that the contract was established.

“”Hehe! Alright!”

Misaka smiled brightly, put her hands behind her back, and asked playfully:”What’s next? Qian Xuanjun, what are you going to teach me?”

Qian Xuan was slightly surprised and delighted by Misaka’s embarrassment.

What does this mean?

It means that Misaka has absolute trust in him.

Of course, he had known this since Misaka met the collection standards.

But it was clear, but it was the first time he had truly witnessed it.

“Xingyiquan and meditation! Close your eyes and receive it!”

As he said that, Qianxuan raised his hand and pointed at Mikoto’s brow. Suddenly, a stream of light sank into Mikoto’s brow.

The next moment, Mikoto felt a large amount of information pouring into her mind.

She quickly closed her eyes and began to digest it.

After a while, she opened her eyes, looked at Qianxuan with a shocked face and said:”This…isn’t this too precious?”

“Not even the Uchiha have such a secret technique. I even feel that it has never appeared in the entire ninja world?”

“Did you create all of these, Qianxuan?”

“Am I really qualified to have it?”

At the same time, Misaki finally understood why Chigen was so young but so strong.

Why were Kushina and Minato so strong at such an age, and the speed of becoming stronger was far beyond that of ordinary people.

Now it seems that it is all because of the two secret techniques given by Chigen, right?


After hearing Qian Xuan, Wan’er smiled and said affirmatively:”Of course you have the qualification!”

“I have known your intention for a long time! Now that the contract has been signed, if you are not qualified, who is?”

“Just practice with peace of mind!”

“However, you must not reveal this to others! Also be careful to avoid these people when practicing!”

“Although, the contract has been signed, you cannot disclose it to others without my permission.;”

“But in order to avoid unnecessary trouble for you, you should still remember to pay attention to one thing”

“Oh, right! This space ring is for you! There are some elixirs in it to assist in cultivation. I have written down the precautions clearly, just follow them!”

As he said this, Qian Xuan remembered something, took out a space ring and handed it to Miqin, teaching her how to recognize the master.

Soon, Miqin succeeded in recognizing the master and initially mastered the use of the space ring.


Her eyes widened in shock:”Permanent space ninja tool? Or such a convenient space ninja tool? It seems that it has never appeared in the ninja world?”

“Is this also something you created, Qianxuan?”

“Is it really suitable for me? It

’s too precious.

She felt unworthy of it.

“Just take it with ease!”

Qian Xuan smiled and reached out to touch her head:”Not only do you have this, but Kushina, Tsunade, Minato and other people around me also have it!”

“With this, it will be much more convenient for you to store and carry things!”

“Just work hard on your training. I look forward to the day when you can catch up with me.”

Speaking of which, Qian Xuan just remembered this matter and even forgot to give it to Minato.

He planned to go back and give Minato a double later.

Well! Anyway, Minato doesn’t know this, it’s okay!


PS:Please customize!


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