Chapter 132: Revised Xuan Character Seal, Resurrection Plan.

More than a month has passed.

On this day, in the underground laboratory of Qian Xuan’s new home,

“Haha! It’s done! With this new Xuan character mark, we can officially launch a rescue plan for the frontline ninjas!”

Qian Xuan looked at the Xuan character mark on the body of the experimental subject in front of him and smiled with joy.

The so-called frontline ninja rescue plan is a plan that Qian Xuan made because he didn’t want to sit back and watch all the Konoha ninjas who admired him very much die in the front line.

The core of the plan is to quietly plant this revised Xuan character mark on these people in advance.

After a certain period of time after their death, Qian Xuan can activate this mark and teleport their bodies to a designated area in the small world he set.

Then, Qian Xuan can resurrect them at any time with the resurrection technique.

Of course, in order to ensure the success of the resurrection and not alarm the Six Paths Sage in the Pure Land of the Underworld.

Qian Xuan added an improved version of the soul confinement technique to the revised Xuan character mark.

To ensure that these ninjas’ souls will not leave after they die in battle.���, but will be imprisoned in their corpses.

Although, in the original work, when Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi performed the Impure World Reincarnation, it seemed that they did not alarm the Six Paths Sage.

But who knows the real situation?

After all, the Pure Land of the Underworld itself is the territory of the Six Paths Sage. With his control over those souls, Qian Xuan does not want to gamble on any possibility. It is his responsibility to nip any unknown danger in the bud.

After all, he is not Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi, he is a time traveler.

Who knows if he will notice his abnormality if he is noticed by the Six Paths Sage?

In short, before his strength breaks through the Six Paths level, he will try his best to avoid being noticed by the Six Paths Sage.

“Try again!”

Immediately, Qian Xuan stabbed the experimental subject to death with a kunai.

After he died, he used his mental power to investigate and confirmed that his soul had not left his body and was still sealed in his body.

Moreover, even the vitality in his body was quietly sealed in the corpse, which was extremely secretive. Those whose attainments in sealing techniques were not higher than Qian Xuan’s would not be able to discover it at all.

Instead, they would only find that the corpse would gradually and normally decay to a certain extent.

Of course, if time is long, it will still be found that the decay speed of the corpse is extremely slow.

In fact, it will stop decaying at a certain degree.

In addition, if the body is burned directly, it will be directly teleported and disappear in the process, entering a partitioned area in the small world set by Qian Xuan.

Of course, a substitute created by earth escape will be left at the original place to replace the burning.

He has absolute control over the small world, so he can naturally divide the space in it artificially, demarcate an area, and create a space barrier, so that the creatures in the area cannot leave this area and enter other areas of the small world.

Even other areas of the small world cannot be discovered.

After confirming that the person is dead, Qian Xuan directly activates the Xuan character mark


The next moment, the corpse disappeared in front of him and appeared in the area he had designated in the small world.

He immediately flashed into the small world again, checked the corpse again, and tried to perform the resurrection spell.

“Huh? Am I not dead?”

After the man came back to life, he who was previously controlled by the illusion also completely woke up, and then he saw Qian Xuan, and his face suddenly changed drastically:”It’s you… you……”

Qian Xuan saw it, but he was not surprised at all

“You’d better die! My experiment is complete, and I don’t need a scum like you anymore!”

As he said that, a beam of lightning shot out from Qianxuan’s hand, directly piercing the man’s forehead.

Then, he used fire escape to burn the corpse to ashes, and then he flashed away from the small world.

Leaving a shadow clone at home, he disappeared from home with a”swish”.

The next moment, he appeared directly near the battlefield camp on the front line between Konoha and the Land of Rain, and he turned on the breath concealment throughout the whole process to reduce his presence to the minimum.

Then, he used Kagura’s mind’s eye and spiritual perception. He easily explored the situation in the Konoha camp several kilometers away.

“Oh? Is Minato alone now? Perfect!”

The next moment, Qian Xuan disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at Minato’s tent.


Minato was still very alert and noticed the fluctuations in space at the first moment.

Otherwise, it would not have been so easy for him to find Qian Xuan who had activated the aura concealment.

“Calm down! It’s me!”

Seeing this, Qian Xuan stepped on the ground, ignoring the seal sorcerer pouring out from under his feet, and built a barrier at the edge of the tent, isolating the sounds and situations inside, then smiled and raised his hand to greet Minato.

“Soft? Qian Xuan?”

Minato also saw Qian Xuan and was stunned for a moment, then asked in surprise:”Why are you here?”

He hadn’t seen Qian Xuan for more than half a month, and he really missed him.

Without Qian Xuan, although his strength was still good, it was far less relaxed than before.

Of course, the effect of his training was also strengthened.

In the past half month, he has grown a lot and matured a lot.

“”Haha! Come to see you! What else can I do?”

Qian Xuan joked with a smile.

But Minato rolled his eyes and said:”Guess whether I believe it or not?”

“Even if you say you came to see Mikoto and me, I’d still believe you.;”

“Just to see me? You’d better forget it!”

He still doesn’t understand Qian Xuan?

This guy, he values women over friendship!

“You brat!”

Qian Xuan heard it, laughed and punched him on the shoulder, and said unhappily:”Is this the image of me in your mind? It makes me so sad!”

Seeing Qian Xuan pretending to be heartbroken, Minato was disappointed and waved his hands repeatedly, saying:”That’s enough! That’s enough! Put away your magical powers! Isn’t it okay for me to admit defeat?”

“”Tell me! What are you doing here this time? Don’t give me the cold shoulder!”

Minato said this with a serious expression.

He knew Chigen too well. This guy must have come here for something important.

Otherwise, he should have used the beast control to inform him or Mikoto in advance.

Since he didn’t, it must be a spur-of-the-moment decision. Is there something else going on ?

“Haha! I really can’t hide it from you!”

Seeing this, Qian Xuan also smiled and stopped joking. Instead, he told Minato his purpose this time and showed him the revised Xuan character mark.


Minato looked at the revised Xuan character mark, absorbed the information in it, and suddenly widened his eyes. He couldn’t help but took a breath and said:”You have developed such a thing?”

“Also, what is the resurrection technique? When did you master this forbidden technique?”

He felt that Qian Xuan in front of him was a little strange.

How long has it been? Qian Xuan has come up with this heaven-defying forbidden technique?

Even the dead can be resurrected?

“Are you doing some forbidden experiment that goes beyond the bottom line?”

Minato asked with a serious look at Qian Xuan.

If so, he must pull Qian Xuan back from the evil path.

“Don’t worry!”

Qian Xuan saw it and immediately understood his worries. He waved his hand and said,”It’s not what you think!”

“This resurrection technique is one of my innate magical powers, and it is not the result of some shady experiment I conducted!”

“Moreover, this technique is different from the forbidden technique of the village, Impure World Reincarnation. It is a true resurrection technique without any flaws.;”

“It only consumes some chakra, so don’t think too much!”

Although he has already comprehended and learned the Impure World Reincarnation, and has even completely perfected it.

Now that he has this technique, he will naturally not abandon it.

Having a sword in hand and not using it are two different concepts.

This technique may be mastered by the enemy in the future, so he must naturally master it first, so that he can counterattack at the critical moment.

“Is that so?”

When Minato heard Qian Xuan’s words, he believed it instantly.

He didn’t have any doubts.

This was the tacit understanding and trust they had had for many years.


He breathed a sigh of relief, glared at Qian Xuan and said:”Next time when you tell me this kind of explosive news, please give me a little more buffer time, otherwise, I will be scared to death by you sooner or later!”

“However, this is the real resurrection technique! How much talent do you have left to tell me, you guy?”

He looked at Qian Xuan as if he was looking at a monster.

Every time he thought he knew Qian Xuan better, Qian Xuan would always bring him new shocks and mysteries.

He was numb.

“Haha! There’s still a little bit left! I’ll tell you when the time comes!”

Qian Xuan chuckled and made a gesture of the universe with his fingertips.

Minato rolled his eyes:”Do you think I don’t know this joke of yours? And you’re making gestures, I think it’s billions of dots, right?”

“Forget it, I’m too lazy to ask!”

“So, what are you going to do next?”

“There are so many ninjas in the camp. It’s not easy for you to avoid everyone and do this!” It is almost impossible to plant this new Xuan mark on everyone without alerting anyone.

Qian Xuan waved his hand and said:”You don’t have to worry about this matter. I will discuss it with Sister Tsunade and achieve my goal through her!”

“How have you been recently? You seem to have matured a lot? It seems that life on the front line is not easy.”

Facing Qian Xuan’s teasing eyes, Minato said speechlessly:”Of course! Without you, the pressure is great!”

“But because of this, I feel like I’m growing faster and learning more!”

“Although, I encountered many dangers and difficulties! But this is what I should experience in my growth, isn’t it?”

“I can only say that you protected me so well before!”

“That would be detrimental to my growth!”

“It’s fine now! Anyway, with your amulet, I won’t be in real danger, right?”

This is also the confidence of Minato to survive.

Of course, he is also a proud man, and he will not be reckless just because he has the life-saving trump card left by Qianxuan.

On the contrary, every time he is on a mission, he will subconsciously let himself ignore this life-saving trump card and put his mind right to do the mission.

“That’s true! You have really grown a lot!”

Qian Xuan listened, looked at Shuimen deeply, then turned to look at Shuimen and said:”However, just now I turned on the breath concealment and you were able to detect it in the first time. It seems that your perception of space fluctuations has improved a lot!”

“What? Have you started practicing the Flying Thunder God Technique? How’s the progress?”

With his current attainments in the Flying Thunder God Technique, if Minato was not very sensitive to spatial fluctuations, he would not have been able to detect it.

Qian Xuan even estimated that Minato might have already mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique.

However, the next moment, Minato said with a smile on his face:”Hehe! I knew I couldn’t hide it from you! Every time! I have been practicing the Flying Thunder God Technique for several months, and I have really mastered it in the past half month!”

“Originally, it wasn’t that fast, but my meditation method has achieved a small breakthrough, which has greatly increased my mental strength and spatial perception.;”

“Even my comprehension has improved a lot, which has greatly improved my sealing skills and learning speed, which has led to the current results.;”

“All this is thanks to you! Qian Xuan!”


PS:Please customize!


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