Chapter 124 [Top Wood Element Affinity] [Water of Life Seedling】

“You don’t have to belittle yourself!”

Qian Xuan listened, shook his head, and comforted him:”Your talent is not bad, work hard to practice meditation and Xingyiquan, I believe that in a few years, your strength will be improved.;”

“In the future, with my help, there may be a chance to reach the same heights as the first generation!”

“Even, even if it is Wood Release, it is not impossible for you to awaken it in the future!”

“”Is it true? Is it really possible for me to awaken Wood Release? Didn’t grandma say that apart from grandpa and you now, no one else has awakened Wood Release?”

“You’d better stop comforting me!”

Sheng Shu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He didn’t want to have too high expectations and be more disappointed in the future.

“Things are not constant!”

Qian Xuan smiled and shook his head and said:”You also know that I am very good at research and creation. Since I have awakened Wood Release, I will naturally study the principles behind it.;”

“In the future, I am confident that I will be able to understand the underlying principles. By then, it will not be impossible to help all the tribesmen awaken Wood Release!”

“You have to have faith in me!”

“Of course, what you need to do most now is to continue to become stronger.”

Normally, this kind of thing is almost impossible to do.

But who made him cheat?

Not to mention the possible rewards from the system in the future!

Just based on his current mental strength and understanding, plus the existing beast-controlling blood evolution potion as a reference, it is not impossible to research the blood evolution potion.

At least, after several months of research, plus the magnetic escape blood sample he obtained, he has a clue about the blood evolution potion.

“Is this…really?”

Rope Tree and even Kushina were stunned and couldn’t help asking.

“This is what I want to ask, are you sure? You know, Tobirama couldn’t do it at the beginning!”

At this time, Uzumaki Mito came out of the house with a huge ninjutsu scroll, and just heard Qian Xuan’s words, and couldn’t help asking.

There was expectation in her eyes.

For some reason, she always felt that Qian Xuan might really be able to do it.

“Of course!”

Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively:”At present, I have some ideas! Give me more time, I will always figure it out!”

Sheng Shu’s eyes lit up when he heard it, and he tightly grasped Qian Xuan’s hand and said:”Qian Xuan! You must do it! Whether I can take off depends on you!”

“You kid! Hurry up and have breakfast, then go practice!”

Uzumaki Mito grabbed Nawaki’s ear and pulled him away before Chihyun could speak. Then, he handed the scroll in his hand to Chihyun and said,”Here! Inside is all of Hashirama’s Wood Release training methods and even his experience!

Take it back and read it carefully, and learn it well!”

“But I want to remind you;”

“For now, we have already stimulated the monkey enough. If possible, you should not let outsiders know that Mi has awakened the Wood Release for the time being!”

“Don’t stimulate it too much, which may cause the monkey to explode prematurely and target us completely. That would be bad!”

“Although we are not afraid, this does not match your plan and cannot maximize your benefits.;”

“Anyway, the strength you have shown so far is already enough, and you don’t need to rely on showing off your Wood Release to intimidate others, right?”

“Of course, you are the clan leader, and it is up to you to decide. I am just giving you a reminder and a suggestion. It is up to you whether you listen to it or not!”

Hearing Uzumaki Mito’s nagging, Qian Xuan did not feel impatient at all.

He took the scroll and nodded seriously:”Grandma, what you said makes sense! I also think that there is no need to expose the fact that I have awakened Wood Release for the time being, lest the third generation and others become desperate.;”

“Take it easy! How long can you delay?;”

“It is estimated that World War II will continue for several years before it ends.;”

“During this period, we don’t know how many ninjas will die.;”

“By then, all of this will be blamed on three generations!”

“Because it was he who called me back in advance that delayed the war.”

“That caused so many casualties.;”

“This is an excellent process for reducing three generations of reputation.”

“Although it is very unfair to those companions who died in battle or will die in the future, I can’t do anything about it!”

Unless he chooses to overturn the table now


Uzumaki Mito listened and nodded:”I feel relieved that you can think so carefully!”

“By the way! Are you still back to your original residence?”

“This won’t do! You are now the patriarch of the Thousand Hands Clan, how can you not live here in the clan land?”

“I heard that they have already arranged the best accommodation for you during the intermission.”

“As the clan leader, you should follow the wishes of your clan members and take the lead!”

“Even other tribesmen have been called back and settled in the tribe, so how can you be an exception?”

She heard about this from the great elder who came to complain to her last night.


After hearing this, Qian Xuan was stunned for a moment, then said with some pride:”Well, I actually forgot about it! I ran back to my previous home out of habit!”

“Don’t worry, I will move to the clan land today. I will arrange a yard for you! Hehe!”

To be honest, he himself has not adapted to it.


Uzumaki Mito also smiled after hearing this:”I knew it was like this, don’t worry, I will help you, you explain it to the great elder!”

“You can move in today!”

“That yard is right next to me, you know that, right?”

“After you move in, it will be convenient for you to come here.:”


Qian Xuan nodded repeatedly.

“Oh, right! From now on, just come to grandma’s place for dinner! No need to light the fire yourself! It will waste your time!”

Uzumaki Mito reminded again.

“”Okay! Then I’ll trouble you, grandma!”

Qian Xuan smiled and touched the back of his head, and agreed directly.

“Great! Chihiro!”

At this time, Kushina happily held Chihiro’s hand and said:”Can we live together in the future?”

As she said that, she also looked at Uzumaki Mito

“No way!”

Uzumaki Mito immediately glared at the girl in anger:”How old are you? How can you live together now? I absolutely do not agree to this.;”

“You should just live with me, your grandma!”

“Besides, we live next door to each other, so what’s the difference?”

Kushina pouted her lips when she heard this, but seeing Uzumaki Mito’s unquestionable expression, she could only bow her head.

Then, Qianxuan chatted with a few people for a while before saying goodbye and leaving and returning home.

He opened the barrier and flashed into the small world.

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collection”Wood Release: Tree World Birth”, Reward: Top Wood Element Affinity, Vitality +100】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collection”Wood Release: Flower Tree World Birth”, reward: 1 liter of water of life, vitality +50】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collection”Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique”, reward: 1 liter of water of life, vitality +50】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collection”Wood Release: Woodman Technique Ranking Technique”, Reward: 1 liter of Water of Life, Vitality +50】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collection”Wood Release: Minamibukuro no Jutsu”, reward: 1 liter of water of life, vitality +50】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collection”Wood Release: Minamibukuro no Jutsu”, reward: 1 liter of water of life, vitality +50】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collection”Wood Release: Minamibukuro no Jutsu”, reward: 1 liter of water of life, vitality +50】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the treasure collection”Senfa Wood Release·True Thousand Hands·Top Buddha”, reward: Tree of Life Sapling × 1, Vitality +100】


“Soft? Top-level wood element affinity? There is such a thing? There is no such thing as wood element in the ninja world, right?”

“What effect will this have?”

Qian Xuan was very surprised and also very much looking forward to it.

“Could it make it easier for me to perform Wood Release?”

Qian Xuan couldn’t help but guess.

Then, he looked at the row of rewards below and couldn’t help but smack his lips:”Wow, they are all water of life, a full 6 liters, I’m rich!”

“The most important thing is, what Zhen Qianqian gave was actually the seedling of the Tree of Life?”

“Doesn’t this mean that I can have an endless supply of the water of life from now on?”

“Even, can elves be born?”

With this thought in mind, Qian Xuan directly chose to receive the reward.

The next moment, waves of vigorous vitality continued to flow into his body.

Every cell of his body exuded a comfortable breath.

His vitality began to surge again. At the same time, his Hashirama Sage Body and Uzumaki Sage Body also began to go further and become stronger under the action of this powerful vitality.

In addition, Qian Xuan also felt that the wood escape in his blood became more active and easier to control.

He had a feeling that in the future, it would not only become extremely simple for him to perform wood escape, but also the consumption would probably be greatly reduced.

After the transformation was completed,

Qian Xuan couldn’t wait to take those wood escape ninjutsu, and carefully checked and studied them.

Not long after, he memorized all the wood escape ninjutsu.

Then he flashed to a newly grown open space at the edge of the small world.

He clapped his hands directly,

“”Wood Release: Tree World Birth!”

The next moment, waves of chakra flowed into the ground from under his feet.

In an instant, countless tree roots broke out of the ground within a radius of one kilometer in front of him.

In an instant, a dense and tall forest was formed.

This forest exudes vitality, making people feel like being bathed in spring breeze. Being in it, the whole body can be relaxed.

But at the same time, it gives people a sense of fatal danger.

“As expected, with top-level affinity for the wood element, it is more than ten times easier for me to perform Wood Release.”

“There is no need to seal, it is just like instinct.;”

“Moreover, considering the power of ninjutsu, this consumption is extremely low!”

“With my current spiritual power and energy recovery speed, I can even continue to perform Tree World Birth for a whole day.;”

“Finally, the power of this ninjutsu exceeded expectations and was completely different from what was recorded in the scroll!”

“The power has been increased by at least several times, and the wood produced is also tougher and full of vitality!”

“”Tsk tsk! I’m rich now!”

Qian Xuan stepped forward and patted the forest created by his Wood Release, analyzed it with his mental power, and murmured happily.

He even felt that if he and the first generation of the same level used Wood Release at the same time, his Wood Release must be stronger.

“Wood Release: The Flower Tree World is born!”

“Wood Release: Ranking Technique!”

“Wood Style: Wood Dragon Technique!”

“Wood Release: True Thousand Hands!”


“Haha! As expected, even the True Thousand Hands can be easily performed without entering the Sage Mode!”

“However, the body is half the size, and the number of hands is also reduced by thousands, only about 3,000.;”

“But it’s already pretty good! You know, the scroll says that even the first generation couldn’t perform this ninjutsu without entering the Sage Mode!”

Qian Xuan tried all the Wood Release Ninjutsu and found that he could use every Wood Release Ninjutsu easily. There was no need to practice it continuously, as he had completely turned it into instinct.

Especially the last True Thousand Hands.

The scroll says that one must enter the Sage Mode to perform it.

But Qian Xuan felt that he could perform it without entering, so he tried it, and the result surprised him.


PS:Please customize!


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