Chapter 123: Awakening Wood Release and Refining a Space Ring

“Also, now that I have reunited the Senju clan and established a new clan, will Yamato appear again in the future?”

“Is he really a descendant of the Senju experimental subject?”

Qian Xuan couldn’t help but guess.

Logically speaking, if a non-Senju descendant is implanted with Hashirama’s cells, the possibility of rejection reaction will be many times greater.

Therefore, the Yamato in the original work is most likely a descendant of the Senju who was abducted by Danzo from the civilians of Konoha.

However, this can only be a guess and cannot be made accurate.

Qian Xuan estimated that it is highly unlikely that Yamato was born.

Because he will not live as long as Danzo.

But without Yamato, there would be no Yamato!

It has no effect at all.

“System! Receive all rewards!”

The next moment, Qian Xuan felt a stream of warmth flowing through his body, transforming every cell in his body.

He could clearly feel that his vitality was surging during this process.

In addition, countless information and insights came to his mind, and he quickly concentrated on understanding them.

After more than an hour, the transformation was completed, and the information was initially digested by Qian Xuan, and he opened his eyes.

“This resurrection technique is indeed extremely mysterious! It seems that I will have to spend more time to comprehend it in the future. However, the transformation and spirit state of mind is equivalent to a natural ability. I don’t need to comprehend it, I can already master it thoroughly!”

“It saved me a lot of trouble.;”

“However, when my strength reaches a higher level, I may be able to fully understand the mystery.;”

“By then, maybe I can have a deeper and clearer understanding of the soul and the spirit body, which will be beneficial to my future cultivation.”

“Finally, it’s Wood Release!”

As he spoke, Qian Xuan raised his hand, and a branch slowly grew out of his hand, followed by leaves and branches.

“”It seems that I have to go to Grandma Mito and tell her about the awakening of Wood Release, and get all the Wood Release Ninjutsu of the first generation from her!”

Qian Xuan murmured.

In fact, he can also develop and create Wood Release Ninjutsu by himself. Anyway, he has the bloodline limit, so this is not difficult for him.

However, it is unnecessary to waste time when there are ready-made ones.

At most, he will feel that the Wood Release Ninjutsu of the first generation is not useful and not enough, and then he will study new and stronger ones.

However, the Wood Release Ninjutsu developed by the first generation is still very comprehensive, which should be enough for him to use for a long time.

“Come to think of it, now I have collected Hashirama’s Sage Body and Sharingan. So once my Sharingan is upgraded to the Eternal Eye, can I directly open the Rinnegan?”

“Or do we still need Indra and Ashura’s chakras?”

Qian Xuan himself was not sure about this.

He immediately took out a portion of Hashirama’s original cells and probed his mental power into them to investigate. After a long time, Qian Xuan frowned and said,”Sure enough, no Ashura’s chakra was found! Is it because the cells themselves don’t have it?”

“Or is it because after the death of the first generation, the Asura Chakra in his body was reincarnated again?”

Qian Xuan couldn’t judge at this time.

“You can only wait until you open the Eternal Eye and then try to open the Samsara Eye to determine whether you need the chakras of both!”

“If you need it, you have to find a way to get it!”

As for Indra’s chakra, Uchiha Madara must have it.

But if you want to extract it from this old guy, I’m afraid there is no chance.

As for waiting for the next reincarnation?

Whether it is Mikoto or Kushina, they will be his women in the future.

So, can Naruto and Sasuke still be born?

“It should be possible! At most, it’s just a matter of changing the mother! The world’s situation will not change because of this reason!”

“In other words, the Six Paths Sage will never stop there and will definitely continue to send Indra and Ashura’s chakras to reincarnate.”

Qian Xuan judged.

As for the purpose of the Six Paths?

He had many guesses.

But it was nothing more than treating the Ninja World as his own nursery and private plot, absorbing chakra and soul power to strengthen himself, and prepare for the possible arrival of the Otsutsuki.

Of course, don’t think that the Six Paths Sage is so noble because of this.

Everything is just for profit, for himself.

If he really just wanted the good of the Ninja World and for peace.

He would not have constantly let his two sons’ chakra reincarnate, causing the Ninja World to be in constant war for more than a thousand years.

This guy’s behavior is more like raising a Gu.

He did this clearly to obtain more powerful souls.

This can be seen from the fact that he could easily summon the souls of the dead shadows and strong men of all generations during the Fourth War in the original work.

Of course, it is too early to think about these things now. Qian Xuan thinks that he should improve his strength first.

Next, he studied the Impure World Reincarnation Technique and the Spiritualization Technique.

With his current understanding and attainments in Ninjutsu and Sealing Techniques, he easily mastered these two forbidden techniques.

“However, this technique of Impure World Reincarnation is still very crude! There are many flaws and loopholes, and it needs to be improved.;”

“The same is true for the art of spiritualization!”

“It is no wonder that this technique is listed as a forbidden technique. The requirements for practicing it are too harsh, and the process of practicing it is too dangerous!”

“For ordinary people, it is probably a life-or-death struggle, right?”

Qian Xuan couldn’t help but smack his lips.

In fact, the practice of the Spiritualization Technique is too simple and crude.

The person who developed this technique obviously did not fully perfect it.

“Kato Dan was able to learn this technique? He is so damn lucky!”

“If it were someone else, he might have died!”

“It seems that this guy’s spiritual talent and understanding are actually quite good!”

“No wonder he has the ambition to become a Hokage! This guy really has the talent!”

“Unfortunately, you are destined not to have such an opportunity in this world!”

“However, if you know what’s good for you, I can train you to be my worker!”

Qian Xuan murmured with a chuckle.

If he remembered correctly, Kato Dan should have joined the Root at this time, right?

As for him and Tsunade?

It’s impossible.

“Don’t think about these anymore. Next, let’s refine a batch of space rings! The research is almost done, it’s time to put it into practice!”

Thinking of this, Qian Xuan came to the refining room of the small world and took out the Void Stone and Chakra Metal. Then, Qian Xuan entered the Sage Mode, raised the Sage Fire Escape, controlled the flames and began his own refining journey.

The first time he refined the space ring, Qian Xuan seemed to be more cautious.

It took more than half an hour to calcine and refine the materials, and then shape them with the spiritual power of the golden tripod.

Then, he began to insert various space restrictions into it.

In this way, another half an hour passed,


When the last forbidden rune was immersed in it, the entire space ring burst into a faint glow, and all the rune restrictions appeared at the same time, but soon disappeared, and fell into calm.

Qian Xuan’s mind moved, and he took the newly refined space ring into his hand, and used his mental power to temporarily recognize it as the master.

Suddenly, a huge space with a length, width and height of 10 meters appeared in his perception.

Then, he tried to put things in and take them out. After making sure that the space ring was very stable, he smiled:”Hehe! Sure enough, my talent for refining equipment is still very good! It was completely successful in one go! The refining is also very good!”


Immediately, Qian Xuan continued to refine the space ring.

With the experience of the first time, the speed of his refining the second time was more than twice as fast.

In less than half an hour, a new space ring was completed. After temporarily recognizing the master and sensing it, he found that the length, width and height of this time were 15 meters, which was larger than the previous one.

“Sure enough, by adjusting the restrictions in this way, the space expansion effect will be better and more stable! Keep up the good work!”


In a flash, a whole night passed.

Except for the two hours he spent practicing instead of resting,

Qian Xuan spent the rest of the time refining space rings.

After an afternoon and a night, he had 13 more space rings in his hands.

The smallest space was more than 1,000 cubic meters, and the largest was 8,000 cubic meters.

Qian Xuan felt that he could refine a larger space ring, but he felt that it was not necessary for the time being, so he did not refine a larger space ring.

“These should be enough for now!”

Looking at the results of his night, Qian Xuan was very satisfied.

He immediately left the small world, washed up, had breakfast, and then rushed to Uzumaki Mito’s yard.

“I’m not used to Minato’s absence! I don’t know when he will come back from the front line!”

On the way, Qian Xuan couldn’t help but shook his head slightly.

Soon, he came to Uzumaki Mito’s yard, knocked on the door, opened the door and walked in.

“Huh? Chigen, you’re here? Have you had breakfast? Would you like to eat something?”

Kushina, Uzumi Mito and Nawaki were having breakfast at this time. When they saw Chigen coming, they couldn’t help but greet him.

“No need! I’ve already eaten!”

Qian Xuan smiled and shook his head, then waved his hand, opened the barrier in the yard, looked at Uzumaki Mito and said:”Grandma Mito, I came here today to obtain the training methods of the family’s Wood Release Ninjutsu. These are not available in the family’s secret vault, but you should have them here, right?”

As the head of the Senju clan, he knew very well what was in the family’s secret vault.


Uzumaki Mito was stunned:”Wood Release Ninjutsu? That’s true, but why are you asking this? Apart from Hashirama, no one has mastered it yet. Could it be that……”

At this point, Uzumaki Mito looked at Chigen with a look of shock and expectation.

Nawaki and Kushina beside him had the same expression.

Obviously, they all realized something.

“That’s right! Just last night, my Thousand Hands Sage Body was fully awakened, and at the same time, I also awakened Wood Release!”

As he spoke, Qian Xuan raised one hand, and a small branch emerged from his palm.

“”Hua La!”

Seeing this scene, Uzumaki Mito and the others could not remain calm. They pushed the table away and gathered around excitedly.

Seeing the branch in Qianxuan’s hand emitting rich vitality and Yang Dun, the three of them widened their eyes.:

“This… this is definitely Wood Release!”

“However, this shouldn’t be the case! In the beginning, besides Hashirama, it’s not like no one else in the family had tried, but no one was able to awaken Wood Release!”

“Even after Hashirama died, Tobirama conducted a Wood Release transplantation experiment in order to regain the Wood Release, but ultimately failed!”

“At that time, Tobirama believed that Wood Release was not the bloodline of Senju, but simply the bloodline of Hashirama, or the bloodline was eliminated.”

“You kid, you actually awakened? Unbelievable!”

Uzumaki Mito touched the small branch with disbelief on his face and murmured

“Wait a minute, I’ll get the Wood Release Ninjutsu!”

As he said that, Uzumaki Mito flashed into the house.

Kushina and Nawaki looked at Qian Xuan with admiration.

“Qian Xuan, you are so amazing! You have even awakened the Wood Release! In this way, won’t your strength be greatly improved? That’s great!”

Kushina happily hugged Qian Xuan’s hand and said.

Qian Xuan became stronger, and she was happy.


Rope Tree beside him also nodded repeatedly and gave Qian Xuan a thumbs up:”As expected of you! You can even awaken Wood Release! I feel that compared to you, you are more like your grandfather’s grandson, and I am more like a picked up child.”

Speaking of this, Rope Tree couldn’t help showing a depressed look.

In fact, his talent and strength are far behind Qian Xuan.


PS:Please customize!


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