Chapter 110: The cooperation between Danzo and Orochimaru.

Soon, Konoha and Iwa Ninja were constantly fighting in the Land of Rain.

Both sides come and go, causing losses to each other.

“Damn the third generation! If you hadn’t transferred Master Qianxuan back, why would we have fought so hard? So many companions died?”

“How abominable! I kept saying it was for the village, but now it seems that it is just an excuse, just words. I have been deceived before!”

“Who says it’s not?”

“Hello! Can you even lower your voice and discuss this kind of thing directly? Just say it in your mind – that’s fine!”

“That’s right! Don’t cause trouble for yourself or Mr. Qianxuan!”

“snort! I don’t care, if I can go back alive, I will definitely find a way to contact people to impeach the third generation and make him step down.”

“Count me in!”

“Count me in, but please be careful and don’t leak the news!”


As the war progressed, the ninjas at Konoha’s frontline camp became more and more resentful towards the Third Generation and Danzo.

The entire camp was like a powder keg, as if it could be ignited at any moment.

Under such circumstances, even Danzo, the commander-in-chief, kept a much lower profile.

I don’t dare to make any more small moves.

Danzo, who was greatly weakened by his disability and injuries, even considered quitting the front line and returning to Konoha.

He wanted to find a way to restart the Wood Release experiment; and then transplant Hashirama cells and Sharingan eyes to himself to restore his strength.

It would be best if it could further his strength.

Otherwise, even if he regains his previous strength, he still doesn’t have much confidence that he can deal with Qian Xuan.

But to complete these studies, it is not enough to rely on himself and the root ninja.

They don’t have this talent.

Otherwise, he would not have achieved anything over the years.

For this reason, Danzo focused on Orochimaru.

During this time, many people secretly talked to Orochimaru to test him, hoping to get Orochimaru to help him conduct experiments.

Today, he secretly found Orochimaru again and said directly:”Orochimaru! You said you would consider my suggestions carefully a few times before. Have you considered it now?”

“I need a definite answer this time, and I’m impatient to wait! Please don’t deal with me anymore, otherwise… hum!”

Hearing Danzo’s threatening words, Orochimaru licked his tongue, but didn’t pay much attention to it.

Because, recently, his strength has finally exceeded the Kage level.

In addition, he is still a disciple of the third generation, and Danzo’s threat is a big threat to him. It didn’t make much sense.

However, he was indeed interested in the cooperation that Danzo said, because he thought that Danzo had many good things that Qian Xuan would be interested in, even if he didn’t have Danzo’s methods. It would be much more efficient for him to collect these things than by himself!

The reason why he didn’t agree before was just to show Danzo off.

After all, things that are too easy to obtain are often not cherished. If he acted too cooperatively, Danzo would probably not give him a satisfactory price.

Now that Danzo was impatient and had given the most ultimatum, Orochimaru felt that it was about the same and it was time to reap the rewards. Said:”Haha! Is this a threat to you? You should know, this doesn’t work for me!”

Danzo’s face turned cold after hearing this.

But before he could say anything, Orochimaru said again:”However, it’s not possible for me to agree to cooperate.;”

“However, since it is cooperation, you have to give me enough benefits, otherwise, I have no interest in wasting time.;”

“So, you might as well tell me what benefits you can give me! Let’s be practical.”

If the benefits are enough, then of course everything will be fine.

If the benefits are not enough, then there is nothing to talk about.

Danzo was not happy when he heard this on the surface, but he was very happy in his heart.

He was not afraid of Orochimaru’s conditions, he was afraid of Orochimaru. Maru refused directly.

Since Orochimaru wants benefits, just give it to him as long as it can achieve his purpose.

Danzo immediately asked in a deep voice:”What do you want? Let’s talk first, don’t go too far! I don’t have to do it with you either!”

“whispering sound!

After hearing this, Orochimaru curled his lips disdainfully and said,”Stop saying such things. If you have someone who can satisfy you, you won’t come to me!””

“Of course, I am not a greedy person!”

“I don’t want much.;”

“As long as you bring the ninjutsu in the sealed book to me for study;”

“In addition, get me some more treasure mines, precious medicines, magic weapons, famous swords, and even the corpses of blood successor ninjas, and I will agree to cooperate with you.”

Hearing Orochimaru’s words, Danzo was well prepared, and couldn’t help but twitch the corners of his eyes, and said angrily:”You’re dreaming!”

“Do you know what you are talking about? Don’t you think you are too greedy?”

“For the forbidden arts in the Book of Sealings, I will give you at most two places. You can choose your own and tell me.;”

“As for other things, I will try to collect some for you!”

“But the quantity cannot be guaranteed;”

“That’s it.”

Are you kidding?

Do you think he is running a charity? Is there anyone as open-minded as you?

“Is that so?”

Orochimaru obviously knew that his request was too much, but naturally he had to ask for a higher price first.

You can counteroffer!

Hearing Danzo’s counteroffer, he immediately pretended to hesitate for a while, and said helplessly :”Fine! As for the forbidden arts, I want the art of reincarnation and the art of spiritual transformation.;”

“As for the others, there should be no less than 10 types of treasures and minerals, each of which should not be less than 10 kilograms.;”

“There should also be no less than 10 kinds of precious medicines, and no less than 5 strains of each type.;”

“I also want at least 5 magical swords. This is my lowest condition. How about it?”

“Wouldn’t Mr. Danzo, who has a big family and a big business, not even agree to this condition?”

“If so, there’s nothing to talk about!”

After saying that, Orochimaru didn’t care about the group’s thoughts, and began to think about it in his mind.

If you get these things, plus some of Hashirama’s cells and the Sharingan, what can you get from Qianxuan? How many good things?

Bloodline evolution potion, chakra, mental power recovery potion… he wants them all. If they are not enough, he will have to find some other ways to get them.

He couldn’t collect it for the time being.

Danzo heard Orochimaru’s conditions and saw Orochimaru’s determined expression. Although he felt heartbroken, he still nodded and agreed with difficulty:”Okay! I can give you all these, when can you start testing?”

“hehe! After hearing this

, Orochimaru suddenly smiled, and his attitude suddenly changed to that of a drunk man, and said:”I can do it at any time, but you also know that now I am on the front line and have to fight every day, so I don’t have much time to do it.” experimental;”

“However, you can first get some experimental equipment and help me build a temporary laboratory under the camp.;”

“I will first conduct some relatively simple basic research;”

“After the war calms down, I will have more time to conduct research in secret, what do you think?”

“Of course, if you can withstand the pressure and not send me any combat missions, so that I can stay in the camp and do research, I have no problem with it.”

He himself has no interest in this kind of endless and meaningless war.

He feels that it is a waste of the few lives he has.

But there is no way, who makes him a ninja of Konoha and is subject to Konoha What’s more

, although he is currently disappointed with the third generation, he still has to pay back the kindness he received from him. Danzo frowned immediately after hearing this. I will send the instruments in batches and help you build a temporary laboratory.


“As for the mission, I will try to reduce the time you spend on missions as much as possible;”

“But it is unlikely to be possible in this short time;”

“You also know that the attacks on the Iwa Ninja side are fierce, and you, the newly promoted Kage level combat power, are indispensable here.;”

“If you don’t play for a long time, I’m afraid you will be gossiped about;”

“If Hiruzen knew about our cooperation, this matter would probably go awry.”

Danzo also felt that this war was a bit annoying at this time.

Obviously he had always been a fanatical war fan.

In addition, Danzo still had something to say.

That is, I don’t know who the Sand Ninja is. The situation.

They are still stationed in Kawakuni and have no intention of retreating. They are probably waiting for the Third Kazekage to recover.

By then, they may start a war against Konoha again. The line is at war



The trouble will only get worse.

By then, he and Orochimaru would have no time to do research.

Now, while the sand ninjas haven’t started fighting yet, let’s do some research!

However, as a result, Danzo had to change his plan and temporarily stay in the frontline camp as the commander-in-chief of the war.���We can’t go back on Konoha’s repairs now.

Otherwise, how could he help Orochimaru save time for research?

Moreover, studying the wood escape fusion experiment will inevitably require a large number of experimental subjects.

On the battlefield, it is more convenient to capture experimental subjects.

Those hostile ninjas, even civilians, and root ninjas can easily get it.

On the contrary, if he returns to Konoha, this matter will be even more difficult to handle.

In charge, Danzo knew that the best experimental body for wood escape fusion was actually the Senju clan.

But the current direction of the Thousand Hands Clan has changed.

Uzumaki Mito and the Senju clan would probably never agree to let their clan members participate in such a dangerous experiment again.

Even those descendants of the Senju who have integrated into the village are the same.

According to the recent intelligence from ANBU and the third generation.

The Thousand Hands Clan has been making secret moves recently.

Although it is unclear what they are planning, the Senju have strengthened, and the emphasis and connection with the descendants of the Senju who have integrated into the common people is obvious.

Then it would be even harder to attack them.

Especially when Mito Uzumaki is still there and that brat Sengen suddenly rises again.


Since I didn’t take care of the other party’s meal, it’s better to keep a low profile first.

“snort! When I successfully fuse and master the power of Wood Release and Sharingan, that’s when I will deal with you, the brat, and the Senju clan.”

“In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and tricks are in vain!”

Duanzo snorted coldly in his heart.


Orochimaru listened and nodded in agreement.

He doesn’t want his teacher to know that he has cooperated with Danzo yet.

After all, his teacher has never wanted them to get too close to Danzo.

Said It was because he was afraid that they would go astray and be led astray by Danzo.

But the real situation was a matter of judgment.

Anyway, Orochimaru himself did not completely believe it.

“I’m afraid, the teacher is more worried that in the process of contacting Danzo, I will learn about his dark side and the dirty things he asked Danzo to do, right?”

Orochimaru thought with a smile in his heart.

His teacher is still a bit naive.

He is a very contradictory person.

He always likes to do things that deceive himself and others.

“That’s good! This matter is settled! I will get the instruments and experimental materials as soon as possible!”

Danzo nodded with satisfaction and said impatiently.

“Don’t forget my conditions and fulfill them as soon as possible, otherwise, I cannot guarantee results.

Orochimaru reminded him”kindly”. It

‘s impossible to prostitute him for nothing without giving him any benefits.

After hearing this, Danzo’s face darkened and he said coldly:”I know!” No need to keep reminding me! you can go now!”

“hehe! good!”

Orochimaru didn’t mind Danzo’s bad-faced behavior at all, and left immediately with a smile.


Qianxuan’s side.

He took Kushina to visit the Land of Fire for nearly a month before he returned to Konoha leisurely and stepped into the long-lost gate of Konoha.

“brush! As soon as he and Kushina entered the village, an ANBU appeared in front of them and said:”Qiangen, Kushina!” Hokage-sama invites you!”


Qian Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing this, nodded and said,”I understand!” Lead the way!”

It’s time to meet the Third Generation.

Some things need to be said carefully.

Immediately, Qiangen and Kushina followed the ANBU to the Hokage Tower, walked into the Hokage’s office, and saw the Third Generation.

The Third Generation was smoking a cigarette at this time. Seeing Qianxuan and Kushina coming in, he showed a complicated smile and said:”Are you back? fine! Sit down first! Let’s have a good chat!”

As he said that, he asked Qianxuan and Kushina to sit down on the sofa nearby, and then waved to the ANBU who was leading the way, indicating that he should leave first.

After the ANBU closed the door and left, the third generation sat down with Qianxuan and the others. The person on the other side thought about it for a while and asked:”Have you had a good time this way?”


PS:Please order a few!

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