Chapter 109: The powerless third generation, the bachelor Hanzo.

Speaking of this, Ebizo paused for a moment, then looked at the Third Kazekage and said:”This is the real reason why you are being plotted against.;”

“I’m afraid, as soon as you get close to his perception range, he has already understood everything and laid out the battlefield for counterattack!”

Here, what scares Ebizo is not just Qianxuan’s terrifying range of perception.

It is also his strong character and coping ability.

This is an all-rounder.


Hearing this, both the Third Kazekage and other high-level sand ninjas present couldn’t help but take a breath of air.:

“This is really the case! Damn it we all ignored such important information!”

“Does this kid even have such terrifying abilities in perception? Then who else can plot it?”

“I think we should not provoke him in the future! Unless we are completely sure of dealing with him”

“Aren’t you talking nonsense? If we want to attack the Kingdom of Fire, we will face him anyway, right?”

“no no! Didn’t you hear that? That kid was summoned by his Hokage to hide, and he might never come to the front line again. The Hokage is really a good person!”

“Not to mention, the Hokage is just like a spy sent by us, doing everything to drag Konoha back!”

“Isn’t this better?”

“Too! Ha ha!”


As they talked, a group of senior sand ninja executives couldn’t help but laugh.

Obviously, they felt the happiness brought to them by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After hearing this, the Third Kazekage and Ebizo looked at each other, feeling equally amused and happy.

Really, Hiruzen Sarutobi is such a good person!

With him around, they can feel more relaxed


Onoki’s side.

As he flew towards the Iwa Ninja frontline camp, he reviewed the ambush in his mind.

He was keen and quickly discovered the problem:”It seems that in addition to strength, that kid also has extremely strong perception ability!”


“I’m afraid, every move we make these days is within his range of perception, right?”

“I guess this kid didn’t even know how to laugh at our clown behavior in his heart.;”

“It’s simply abominable!”

“After losing this opportunity, coupled with his perception ability, there will never be such a good opportunity for an ambush in the future!”

“pity! pity!”

With this thought, Onoki spent half a day and rushed all night to finally return to the Iwa Ninja frontline camp.


Qianxuan was very fast here, and it was over in one night.

This night, Qianxuan and the others did not teleport back directly.

This was what Kushina insisted on.

She said she wanted to experience the feeling of camping outside alone with Qianxuan.

What else could Qian Xuan say?

Of course I agreed.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Qianxuan and the others continued to rush towards Konoha unhurriedly.

Along the way, it is no exaggeration to say that it was a sightseeing tour.

When I encounter a town along the way, I will definitely go in and have a good stroll, have fun, and look for some delicious food.

Therefore, in Konoha, the third generation waited for several days, but there was no news of Qianxuan’s return.

However, I received the breaking news from ANBU that Qiangen had killed more than 200 elite bounty hunters in one battle a few days ago, severely damaged the third Kazekage, and defeated Onoki the third Tsuchikage.


After reading the information, the third generation couldn’t help but gasped:”It seems that I still underestimated him, everyone underestimated him!””

“Facing so many enemies, not only was he not successfully ambushed,;”

“Instead, you used this opportunity to arrange a counter-ambush, and eliminated so many elite bounty hunters in one fell swoop. You also severely damaged the Kazekage and defeated the Tsuchikage. How many trump cards do you still have hidden?”

For a time, Sandai became even more afraid of Qianxuan.

But at this time, even if he wanted to deal with Qianxuan and kill him in advance, it was already too late.

Qianxuan’s strength has grown.

He can’t move easily.

It’s like This time, I could only find an excuse to recall him in advance, and could not do anything else.

Even judging from Qian Xuan’s current wisdom, he must have been fully aware of his thoughts and attitude when he came back. , maybe the third generation will have to face Qianxuan’s questioning and dissatisfaction.

At that time, he will have to give in and give Qianxuan a satisfactory explanation.

Otherwise, with Qianxuan’s strength, potential, and the power behind him, Sandai was afraid that he would be unable to step down.

This was no longer something he could control at will.

“Let’s see what he wants then! Compensation can be given to a certain extent!”

The third generation sighed in his heart, feeling aggrieved and helpless.

Only Qianxuan could force him to this point.

“If Mito-sama had earlier…maybe, he wouldn’t have to be so aggrieved and embarrassed, but it’s a pity……”

“Didn’t you already say that you can’t hold on any longer?”

“Why is it still like this after several years?”

Sandai felt that he had been deceived.

But a few days ago, he went to see Uzumaki Mito, and he felt very clearly that time is indeed running out. The fire of life is like a candle and may be extinguished at any time.

“correct! Where are Chigen and Kushina now?”

“According to the journey, should they be back to the village soon?”

The third generation shook his head, shaking away the random thoughts in his mind, and then asked the ANBU who came to deliver information.


After hearing this, the ANBU hesitated for a moment and reported truthfully:”I’m afraid it will take some time.;”

“After Qiangen and Kushina solved the ambush, they began to travel around the mountains and rivers, taking their time.;”

“Moreover, every time I encounter a town, I will definitely go in for a tour, taste delicious food, experience beautiful scenery, hot springs, etc. I seem to be in no hurry to visit the village.;”

“At their rate, I estimate it will take ten days and a half to return to the village!”

He estimated that Qianxuan had completely figured out that the third generation wanted to hide his thoughts.

That’s why he did it deliberately.

Anyway, Qianxuan wouldn’t be able to participate in the war in the future! So what’s wrong with playing in advance?

This is all the third generation. What a sin!:”……”

“What the hell… It’s a war now, and Qian Xuan is still carrying a reward of 400 million, so they are still in the mood to play? Why are they embarrassed?”

The third generation’s nose was twisted with anger.

This is simply unreasonable.

He, the Hokage, has never enjoyed it so much. Why do Qianxuan and the others?

When the ANBU heard this, he suddenly complained speechlessly in his heart:”You can do it just to suppress me. He recalled him from the frontline battlefield in advance and hid him in the snow. He will no longer be able to contribute to the village. What is there to be embarrassed about?”

“Shouldn’t it be you, the Hokage, who should be embarrassed?”

Yes, Anbu is a force directly under the third generation.

But Anbu is also a human being!

He is also a member of Konoha!

He also has relatives, friends and family.

Now for his own selfish purposes, in order to suppress Qianxuan, the third generation deliberately recalled his super Didn’t he think about how many more of Qian Xuan’s companions would die if he hid his combat power? But his feelings, these people deserve to die, they are not considered human beings, right?

However, for the time being, he could only think about these in his mind. , even if he doesn’t dare to show it on his face, otherwise, he and even his family will be in danger, but the seeds of disagreement and dissatisfaction have been planted, and one day, they will take root and sprout. It’s time for bad luck, and this day is not too far away.

“It seems that Qianxuan is expressing dissatisfaction to me in this way!”

Three generations thought to themselves


After a long time, Sandai sighed, waved his hand and said:”Okay! I see! Keep sending people to keep an eye on Qianxuan! If he comes back, let him come to my place as soon as possible. Go ahead!”


The ANBU ninja immediately dodged and left.


Four days later, the Iwa ninja officially declared war on Konoha.

In the Kingdom of Rain, he fought with Konoha.

During this period, Onoki also went to Hanzo, trying to persuade Hanzo to form an alliance with the Iwa Ninja and deal with Konoha together.

But Hanzo refused.

Ohnoki suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and immediately narrowed his eyes and threatened Hanzo:”Aren’t you afraid that I, Iwa Ninja, will deal with you Yu Ninja first?”

“Or do you think your rain ninja has the strength to compete with my rock ninja? I advise you not to be ignorant!”

You don’t really think that just because you got the name of a demigod, you think that you are invincible, and you don’t even take him seriously, right?

After hearing this, Hanzo suddenly narrowed his eyes, and his whole body was filled with evil aura. Completely erupting, the terrifying momentum made Onoki’s expression slightly stagnant.

Hanzo looked at Onoki and said coldly:”Tsuchikage, are you threatening me?”

“Could it be that because you thought I was defeated at the hands of Konoha, you think I, the Rain ninja, am easy to bully?”

“Yes, because of that brat from Konoha, my rain ninja’s strength has been greatly reduced.;”

“But that’s just an ordinary ninja!”

“I, Yu Nin, still have hundreds of elites, who are worthy of a battle!”

“If you dare to threaten me again, I won’t mind fighting your Iwa nin to the death!”

“Moreover, if you really make me anxious, the worst I can do is not abandon the Rain Ninja Village, and I will just lurk here, watching and killing the people you Rock Ninja fall into. Who can’t stand it first when I see it?”

Anyway, Ohnoki, don’t let him be afraid.


Onoki’s expression suddenly froze when he heard Hanzo’s almost face-breaking words and his scoundrel statement.

If Hanzo really does this, he will really have a headache.

“Hanzo, where is your dignity as a strong man? Are you capable of killing the weak?”

Ohnoki spat in anger.


After Hanzo heard this, he smiled coldly and said,”You are allowed to threaten me, but I can’t threaten you anymore?””

“Besides, in terms of overall strength, my rain ninja is indeed not as good as your Iwa ninja, and I can’t deny this!”

“If the village can no longer survive, then why do I need the face of a strong person? Hasn’t that face been trampled to the ground by you a long time ago?”

“In short, there is no need to talk about forming an alliance to deal with Konoha!”

“I, the rain ninja, lost more than 3,000 ninjas in the battle with Konoha, and there are not many ninjas left!”

“I won’t participate in the fights between big countries like you!”

“Fight as you wish!”

“But don’t try to pull me into the water, Yu Ren;”

“Similarly, you can fight in the Kingdom of Rain, but you are not allowed to massacre civilians and you are not allowed to invade my Rain Ninja Village.;”

“Otherwise, I don’t mind being an assassin and causing trouble for you, huh!”

Hanzo can be said to have broken the pot.

Anyway, this is his attitude now.

Seeing Hanzo’s attitude of being a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water, all of Ohnoki’s calculations have completely failed, leaving only a look of speechlessness and helplessness. Said:”Are you so afraid of Konoha? Or are you so afraid of that brat Qianxuan?”

“But he had already been recalled to Konoha by Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Judging from his posture, Konoha probably doesn’t plan to let him come to the front lines to join the battle. What’s there to be afraid of?”

If it weren’t for this, Ohnoki would also need to carefully consider whether to start a war with the mask at this time.

Even if he wants to start a war, he cannot choose the Kingdom of Rain.

In fact, the two thunder escapers of Qianxuan are in the Kingdom of Rain. It’s very useful in places where it’s always rainy.

“hehe! After hearing this

, Hanzo shook his head and said,”How do you know that brat won’t show up when Konoha is at a disadvantage?””

“He has many relatives and friends in Qianxuan’s;”

“Can you ensure that Qianxuan won’t show up if they are in danger?”

“A strong man like him can no longer be restrained easily!”

“If Sarutobi Hiruzen was smarter, he should find ways to win over and appease him instead of suppressing and targeting him”

“This is undoubtedly the stupidest thing to do”

“At the very least, we should kill him in advance”

“Keeping this kind of person around, suppressing them without killing them, is the worst thing to do.”

“Here, I have emphasized many times that I, Rain Ninja, have suffered too much loss and can no longer withstand the torment. You should just play by yourselves!”

With the current situation of the rain ninja, no matter who wins, they won’t get much benefit, so why bother?

“Why! It seems that you have really made up your mind that you don’t want to join the war!”

When Ohnoki heard this, he also understood that it was useless to say anything else. He couldn’t help but sigh:”In this case, I won’t force it anymore! I just hope that you will not join forces with Konoha secretly, otherwise, I, the Iwa Ninja, will definitely not mind destroying your Rain Ninja, ha! gone!”

After saying such harsh words, Onoki took a few people around him and left quickly. Hanzo narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard these harsh words, but in the end he held it back and said nothing more. He had already used his words. Totally unnecessary


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