Sonosaki Saeko is now a veritable queen of museums, on an equal footing with the emperor herself.

It is impossible to give up everything you have gained just because of a simple apology.

Not even Sonosaki Ryubei can do this.

"Yeah? Then eat well and have a good rest. I'm going to rest first."

Getting up and walking upstairs, Sonosaki Ryuhei's slightly older back seemed a little lonely.

There were only three people left in the hall. Sonosaki Wakana also noticed Sonosaki Ryuhei's lonely back just now. I felt a little distressed and a little angry.

Thinking of this, Sonosaki Wakana couldn't help but ask.

"Sister, why are you going against your father? Isn’t it nice for our family to live in harmony?"

Facing this question raised by Sonosaki Wakana, Sonosaki Saeko couldn't help but laughed directly.


After the laughter ended, Sonosaki Saeko looked straight at Sonosaki Wakana, making her look unnatural.

"Wakana, the growing environment between us is different, you...can't understand my feelings at all.

People who haven't experienced what I have experienced have no reason to make irresponsible remarks here. Don't stand here and talk without hurting your back!"

The words were cold. She really didn't like the big principles Sonosaki Wakana told her.

Sensing that Sonosaki Wakana was a little excited, Lu Li gently hugged her and comforted her.

"Okay, there's no need to be angry about this, Wakana just hasn't experienced what you have experienced, she doesn't understand."

Then, Lu Li turned his attention to Sonosaki Wakana.

"Wakana, there are things you don’t know about, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t happen.

It was inevitable from the beginning that the relationship between your sister and your father would become antagonistic.

There's no point in trying to persuade your sister. What you should be thinking about now is whether you should stand on your sister's side, on your father's side, or on......It's because both sides are not standing."

Lu Li asked a difficult question and handed it to Sono Saki Wakana.

Even Lu Li said that he could not understand his sister, which made Sono Saki Wakana very unwilling and bit her lip.

Faced with this difficult question raised by Lu Li, Sono Saki Wakana didn't know how to choose for a while.

No matter which one she chose, she would be treated like another relative.

She couldn't make this choice at all.

Sono Saki Wakana said nothing. He walked towards his room.

He was originally in a good mood today, but due to the atmosphere at home, his original good mood was instantly ruined.

Only Lu Li and Sonosaki Seiko were left sitting side by side in the hall.

Gently leaning her body into Lu Li's arms, Sono Saki Saeko's face showed a hint of fatigue.

In front of other people, Sono Saki Saeko would never show such a tired look, only when facing Lu Li. Let her completely let go of all her defenses, and gently hugged her soft waist, Lu Li suggested.

"how? Feeling tired? Since you are tired, why don't you take a short rest and leave the company's affairs to others."

As soon as she heard the break, Sonosaki Saeko shook her head decisively.

"No, I have just gained a foothold at the moment, and I can’t slack off just yet. There is absolutely no way my father can just watch me take away half of his rights from him.

Although there is no movement now, but... this is just the calm before the storm."

She knows very well what kind of character Sonosaki Ryubei is. He will never swallow a loss. The fact that there is no action now does not mean that there will always be no action. Maybe the action has already begun, but he has not shown anything. Just a sign

"Don't worry, I'm on your side and I'll protect you"

"Thank you dear"


Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past two days, Lu Li made adjustments to Awakening Sword.

According to the corresponding data, the same adjustments were made to the awakening gun and awakening staff.

Compared with before, when using Jack.form again, there should be no instability like before.

As for King.form, there is currently no data support and it is unclear whether it can be used stably.

It takes many battles to collect enough data to make corresponding adjustments.

Next, what Lu Li had to do was to collect corresponding data through combat and fill in the missing data.

After the data is almost filled in, you should be able to use King.form.

Although King.form and Kallis' Wildness have similar approaches, they are in different directions, and it is impossible to fully refer to all data.

Of course, during this period of time, Lu Li gained another memory, the key memory.

Its use is to be able to disable abilities and search for target objects.

Including Eternity, Lu Li has created a total of fourteen memories so far, leaving only twelve memories that have not been created.

It’s already halfway through eternity’s completion of the final stage of strengthening.

I believe it won’t be long before everything is completed.

There is no clue about the extreme memory yet, and Lu Li has no way to make it yet, so he can only do it at the end.

After getting W's ultimate memory and obtaining relevant data, Lu Li will continue to make the ultimate memory at that time.


In the past two days, the virus dopant that Sudo Kirihiko had been paying attention to was finally defeated by W.

As a result, W destroys the virus memory.

A very good experimental question was destroyed like this, and Sudou Kirihiko was naturally in a bad mood.

Originally, such a special dopant was considered by Kirihiko Sudo to be of great research value, and he might be able to obtain some unexpected experimental results.

Unfortunately, contrary to expectations, he still failed to stop W.

In the end, he only collected some data. With this data, he found Sono Saki Saeko.

Company, in the president's office

"President, this is the data collected. Regarding this virus adulterant, it is a very special individual.

I think it has very good research value. It can become a dopant body without the need for a physical body. This situation is too unique."

Sudo Kirihiko happily handed the data he collected to Sonosaki Saeko.

Even if these data are not all, they are still of great value, at least in his opinion.

To be able to study these data carefully, Maybe he can create a more powerful weapon.

In this way, all the embarrassing things he has done can be wiped out, and his achievements since becoming a cadre can be restored.

People have been talking about this matter behind his back.

Whenever he hears these remarks, Sudo Kirihiko will be very upset.

But these people's comments are true. He has indeed done a lot of embarrassing things, and he has not done much after becoming a cadre. Takashi glanced at the data in his hand, but there was no expression on his face.

The next moment, he threw the data away and looked at Sudou Kirihiko's sharp eyes. , causing Sudou Kirihiko to lower his head unconsciously, unable to look directly at

"President, there something wrong in what I said?"

I feel a little uneasy in my heart, and I want to use this incident to fight.

"Kirihiko Sudo, I regret to tell you that this incident cannot restore your reputation."

The cold voice of 610 made Sudou Kirihiko's uneasy mood instantly fall to the bottom.


His eyes were filled with doubts. Could it be that what he had worked so hard to collect in exchange for this data was just a sentence of"impossibility"?

"Don't you know how to read it? A dopant formed from mental energy is obviously less capable than a dopant transformed from a physical body.

To put it bluntly, it's just a fake. Don't make a fuss over this."

The doped body transformed from spiritual energy may have certain special characteristics.

But compared with the doped body transformed from the body, the gap is not generally large.

Not to mention the combat power, it is also a very weak existence..

This kind of data research can only be said to be a waste of time, meaningless, and even a waste of resources.

"How can it be?! I saw with my own eyes the moment when the virus dopant used the virus to kill people!"

At this moment, Sudou Kirihiko still wanted to fight for it.

He obviously had a chance to turn around, but he was told that this was just a wishful thinking, and he was unwilling to do so.

With a sneer on his face, Sonosaki Saeko's eyes were disdainful. Looking at Kirihiko Sudo

"snort! Killing people one by one is probably her limit.

Do you know what a virus is? The real virus is the Gaia memory that can wipe out a city in one fell swoop, but that kind of research has been stopped.

So what you said���, meaningless and without any research value."

Under the repeated blows, Sudo Kirihiko no longer had the confidence he had before.

Just as Sonosaki Saeko said, the real power of the virus dopant is to destroy a city at once and infect everyone with terror. The virus.

Instead of killing people one after another like the current one, it is simply a waste of time.

In addition, the virus dopant itself is not very powerful, and the virus dopant may not be as good as the mass-produced makeup. How strong is the dopant?

"Okay, get your data and go out, and don't bring up this topic in front of me again."

After saying that, Sonosaki Saeko continued his work.

Sudo Kirihiko picked up the materials on the ground with his eyes blankly, and walked out of the office feeling very uncomfortable.

He thought that through this incident, he could wash away his past. Unexpectedly, it was just a joke.

At this time, Lu Li walked in from the outside and saw Sudou Kirihiko who was in a state of despair. I don't know if it was because of being hit again and again. The evolution of the Nazca memory in his hand suddenly slowed down.

Lu Li felt that he had to help him.

Standing in front of Sudou Kirihiko, Lu Li suddenly asked.

"Kirihiko Sudou, do you want to become stronger? Do you want to defeat W and wash away the grievances you once had?"

Sudo Kirihiko, who was still lost and feeling uncomfortable, raised his head in confusion after hearing the voice.

When he saw Lu Li, he unconsciously took a step back due to the fear in his heart.

PS: Thank you————A monthly pass of 17596..! grateful————丨Lianxue丨Feiyunxi’s monthly pass!.Chapter

88 Sandbags delivered to the door, Garren, LV2

But when he thought of what Lu Li had just said to him, a flash of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Could it be...that he could help himself?

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