Sudo Kirihiko, who was wearing a black suit, walked in from the door, came to the desk and stood respectfully.


Hearing this voice, Sonosaki Saeko already knew who it was.

Without even looking at him, Sonosaki Saeko asked abruptly.

"Kirihiko Sudou, what's the matter?"

As the head of the sales department, the other party is naturally qualified to report directly to her as the president.

Mizono Sakiko didn't even bother to raise her head, and Sudo Kirihiko felt a little uncomfortable.

He couldn't get into her like this. Eyes?

Taking a deep breath, Sudou Kirihiko said 0......

"President, I heard about some recent things. It seems that you and Mr. Ryubei don't get along well."

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko didn't think there was anything strange.

Almost everyone in the company already knew about this matter. She was already the official person in charge of the company and was no longer the puppet she had been before.

"Is that all you have to say? Do you have anything else to report? If not, go out and don't disturb me."

Sonosaki Yueko's cold voice made Sudou Kirihiko feel sad.

He was obviously here to express his concern, but he still spoke so coldly.

"Miss Saeko, I hope you can stop here. Lord Ryuhei is unfathomable. If you go against him like this, you will definitely...……"

At this point, Sudou Kirihiko knew that what he said next would not sound good, so he took the initiative to stop.

"Will he die? hehe! Sudou Kirihiko, you underestimate me too much. Do you really think that after all I have done, I will still be afraid of my father's power?

No! I'm not afraid of him! At least...I'm not afraid of him now.

I have my own ideas and plans. Your concern means nothing to me. Just do your own thing.

Don't forget, you have always belonged to your father's side. Don't let me catch you, otherwise your Nazca memory will no longer belong to you."

These words made Sudou Kirihiko, who came to persuade him, feel a sudden sadness in his heart.

He clearly came to care about Sonosaki Saeko with good intentions, but he didn't expect that the other party thought he was Sonosaki Ryuhei's bitch. Naturally, he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

There was no way, who told him that all the Nazca memory and Gaia drive were given to him by Sonosaki Ryuhei.

He opened his mouth, and Sudou Kirihiko wanted to explain, but Sonosaki Saeko was not interested in listening at all. he explained

"If nothing happens, just go out and do your own work. If nothing happens, don't come to my place.

Don't reveal any clues, otherwise... you have to be careful."

The words brought him to his lips, and he suppressed them back.

After a while, Sudou Kirihiko uttered one word.


Left the president's office exhausted.

Sudou Kirihiko understood that there was no way for him to gain the trust of Sonosaki Saeko.

Unless he could join Sonosaki Saeko and work for her.

But once he did that, There is no doubt that Sonosaki Ryubei will not let him go.

Compared with Sonosaki Saeko, he is more afraid of Sonosaki Ryubei as the head of the family, even though he has never seen the other party's true form.

It was an unmatched existence, at least... in his eyes.

Just when he was feeling agitated, a salesman from the sales department suddenly found him.

"Supervisor, something very strange happened."

Sudo Kirihiko, who was already in a very bad mood, asked impatiently.

"Tell me, what is going on? What's strange?"

The salesman also noticed that Sudo Kirihiko was in a very bad mood at the moment. He must have gotten into trouble when he suddenly came to see the other party at this time.

But he had already said 1.9 words, and there was no way he would not say it. No. The only way is to report this matter to Kirihiko Sudou honestly.

"It was like this before. I just sold a memory two days ago, but……"

Afterwards, he told Sudou Kirihiko everything that happened in detail.

After hearing this, Sudou Kirihiko immediately frowned.

According to what the salesperson just said, a woman purchased the virus memory.

But after purchasing the memory, there was a car accident and the memory happened to be used.

As a result, the woman herself did not become a dopant, but the obsession in her heart was still using the power of the virus memory.

Such a strange situation has never occurred before.

Sudo Kirihiko naturally believes that this strange situation is of great research significance.

It might be of great help to memory research, so he immediately found relevant information about the person who purchased the memory.

According to what the salesman just described, the virus dopant attached to a car and turned into a ghost car.

And this ghost car is also taking revenge on those who caused the accident.

After learning the detailed situation, Sudo Kirihiko thought it was necessary to observe first.

It would also be good for museums if it really is a target worthy of study.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to express himself well.

Some of the previous things, few of which were very successful, Sudou Kirihiko has always remembered in his heart.

Now there is an excellent opportunity. Take advantage of this opportunity to make a contribution.

Not only can he discover new ways to use memory, solving this incident can also make him hold his head high again.

"You've done a good job. I'll go take a look at this matter. You can just continue to do your job well."

Patting the salesman on the shoulder, the depression in his heart was now gone.

Chapter 87: Which side are you on? Do you want to become stronger?


Lu Li and Sono Saki Wakana returned to Sono Saki's house.

And Sonosaki Ryubei had already returned before.

His purpose of going out today has been achieved, and the next thing to do is to wait for Isaka Shenhong to be fully prepared.

When everything is done, it's time for the showdown.

By then, a storm will be brewing inside the museum.

Not for anything else, just to compete for the top position in the museum.

Since he successfully won over Isaka Fumirou today, Sonosaki Ryuhei is still in a pretty good mood.

But when he saw Lu Li and Sono Saki Wakana coming back from outside, obviously together, his good mood suddenly sank to the bottom.

The happy face immediately turned gloomy, and Sonosaki Ryubei stared at Lu Li with cold eyes.

Facing that cold gaze, Lu Li didn't take it to heart at all and went back to his seat and sat down.

"I said, father-in-law, there’s no need to look at me with such cannibalistic eyes, right? I haven't done anything to feel sorry for you yet."

Temporary" is a very strong word.

That indifferent attitude made Sonosaki Ryuhei even more unhappy.

At home, he should have the absolute right to speak.

It was because of Lu Li that his words Quan seems to be lost bit by bit.

Now, except for the servants in the house, no one else listens to him.

Even Sonosaki Wakana did the same thing before. Saki Wakana, don't disobey your orders, let alone go against yourself.

But now, what's the matter?

You know that your relationship with Lu Li is not harmonious, but you still want to be with him.

This is obvious. Do you want to take the path of confronting him?

Forget about the eldest daughter, the younger daughter is very important, and he will never allow any problems.

With a cold snort, Sonosaki Ryuhei turned his attention to Sonosaki Wakana.

"snort! Wakana, you probably haven't forgotten what I told you before."

The voice was full of majesty.

He would not allow one of his daughters to betray him, and the other daughter to betray him.

If such a thing really happened, then he would be a failure as a father.

Notice his father's face With a look of indifference on her face, Sonosaki Wakana was originally very happy with Lu Li, but her face suddenly turned pale. She carefully returned to her seat. 06 Sonosaki Wakana lowered her head slightly and clenched her hands together nervously.

"Father...Father, I have not forgotten."

How could she forget her father's previous advice.

That is, don't confront her father like her sister did. How could she confront her father? She didn't have such courage.

Her father gave her the best conditions, even in the museum. , and he is very indulgent to her.

If she still resists her father because of this, Sonosaki Wakana really can't do it.

The life between her and Sonosaki Saeko is completely different. One is squeezed hard, while the other is carefree. Concern.

The two parties were in different situations, so naturally they couldn't empathize with each other.

Seeing the little girl turning pale because of his words, Sonosaki Ryubei nodded with satisfaction.

This was the result he wanted for his daughter. Just be obedient, instead of trying to fight against yourself like the boss.

It was not until we were nearing the end of dinner that the maid came back from outside and ordered the cook to make another dinner.

"Seiko, didn’t you always complain that the company was too busy? Why are you so busy now and come back so late?"

Sonosaki Ryuhei looked at Sonosaki Saeko with calm eyes, and there was no trace of anger in his eyes.

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko returned to his seat and looked at Lu Li with a smile.

"That's because things are different now. The me before was just a puppet at best.

No matter what I do, I need your consent, father, but it is different now. I can do whatever I want, and I don’t need to report so much to you anymore.

A large part of the company now belongs to me, so I naturally have to be a little busier."

The words were sharp, and he didn't seem to be worried about a showdown with Sonosaki Ryubei at all.

The words had been made so obvious, and a dark look flashed in Sonosaki Ryubei's eyes.

He suddenly regretted it.

He had worked hard to cultivate it. The daughter who came out was actually forced to oppose him.

Now she has become a serious problem for him. If he was not careful, he might have a falling out.

If he had known this, he should have relaxed and restrained him instead of over-pressing. My daughter.

It's too late to say anything now. The two sides are already on opposite sides.

As the head of the family and the head of the family, he naturally can't bear to apologize. What's more, even if he apologizes.

, now this situation will still not change in any way

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