I prayed secretly in my heart, hoping that the Imperial Sword would be safe.

Titan's strength was not weak at all, and Ge Lian was unable to take advantage of him for a while.

Most importantly, he also had to guard against this guy's invisibility.

Once this guy enters the invisible state, Green can do nothing but be on guard.

Suddenly, Titan once again entered the invisible state, and suddenly lost sight of the target. Gelian could only be on guard in case the opponent suddenly launched an attack......


Suddenly, a purple venomous tail stinger struck.

Ge Lian, who was always on guard, reacted immediately and rolled to the side to avoid it.

The poisonous stinger stuck to the ground and failed to inject the poison into Ge Lian's body..

The Titan's sneak attack was unsuccessful, and he immediately entered the invisible state.

This was Titan's biggest advantage, and of course he had to make good use of it.

At this time, Green quickly drew a card, which he had rarely used. Diamond 8, thorough investigation of the bat


In addition to the tracking ability of the bullets fired, the thorough investigation of bats can also help Glenn improve his perception.

In this state, Ge Lian can more easily detect subtle changes and find the target more easily.

A very subtle sound reached his ears, and Ge Lian instantly determined where the target was.

"over there!"

"Bang bang bang!!"

Pulling the trigger without hesitation, Glenn didn't even have to worry that the bullet he fired would miss.

In a place where no one could be seen at all, the bullet accurately hit the target, bursts of sparks bloomed


The Titan was knocked to the ground by the impact of the bullet. It was really a little unresponsive for a while.

It didn't understand what the situation was now. Why was it in a state of invisibility and the other party could still find it? It quickly pulled out two Card, he must seize this opportunity and kill Titan directly: this guy's stealth ability is really annoying, and he may be hit by his stinger if he is not careful.



The descending whale in block 5, and the flaming firefly in block 6!

The wings behind him spread out and directly carried Gelian to the high altitude. After reaching a certain height, he fell rapidly.

The flaming energy bloomed on his feet, closing crazily. On both feet.



Titan had just stood up from the ground. He had no time to avoid this fatal attack and was directly hit by Ge Lian's special move.

With the terrifying explosive force, Titan was blown away on the spot and fell to the ground hard.


With the sound of an explosion, Titan lay weakly on the ground, and the two belt buckles around his waist were opened at the same time. Seeing this, Green quickly threw out two blank cards, and Titan was sealed by two cards respectively. The two cards returned. When he got it, Green finally saw what these two cards were.

Diamond 10 Stealing Chameleon and Club 8 Poisonous Scorpion! After successfully sealing the Titan, Green immediately flew towards the place where the Emperor Sword fell.

He already had an uneasy feeling in his heart. Even the Imperial Sword might not be able to gain any advantage in this battle.

Returning to Lu Li's side,

Lu Li was floating in the air, looking down at the huge crater and the smoke in the sky..

He was curious about the current condition of the Emperor Sword.

His body slowly descended into the smoke. Lu Li was not worried that he would be suddenly attacked.


A sound of cutting the air suddenly came.

Lu Li reacted immediately and grabbed the incoming reawakening sword with his backhand.

PS: Thank you for your monthly vote of 17874.

Chapter 486 of the unfinished battle! It's not over yet, the memory has been erased. I didn't expect this guy to be so tenacious.

He fell from such a height just now. If Kenzaki Kazuma's body was controlled by his consciousness, he would have been lying down long ago.

But now he is controlled by his fighting instinct. He didn't seem to feel any pain.

He only knew that he could still continue to fight, and his body had not reached the limit of struggle. Lu Li grabbed the Zhongxing Sword with extremely strong strength.

The powerful blow was unable to move forward at all.

The Imperial Sword, which was directly suppressed by force, immediately grasped the Zhongxing Sword with both hands and pulled with all his strength, trying to regain the control of the Zhongxing Sword. Lu Li sneered at the sudden release.

The Imperial Sword, which he had been using with all his strength, suddenly lost its restraint and staggered back.

Before he could bring his body forward to meet the next attack, a huge fist came out. Appeared in front of him.

With a punch on his head, the Emperor Sword couldn't control his body balance and fell to the ground.

The Emperor Sword was about to get up and fight again, but before the Emperor Sword could activate his new weapon, he fell to the ground. After a round of attacks, a hand suddenly grabbed his neck and lifted his body up with an extremely powerful force.

His legs kept shaking, and his body kept struggling to get rid of him. Restraint: He didn't even care that his neck was being strangled, and he immediately raised the Zhongxing Sword and struck it down, seemingly planning to kill Lu Li first.

However, he didn't know what kind of terrifying guy he was facing.

With a little force on his wrist, he directly forced the Zhongxing Sword in his hand to fall.


The heavy weight of the Chongxing Sword fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

Seeing the still struggling Emperor Sword, Lu Li shook his head slightly.

Although this guy's fighting ability was okay after he lost consciousness, he couldn't even fight at all. No more explosions at all

""Zero 20" If he was under the control of Kazuma Kenzaki, once this guy's emotions exploded, his combat power would skyrocket, and Lu Li would fight even more happily.

This time, it can only be said that he was not happy.

With a fierce movement of his arm, Lu Li directly grabbed the Imperial Sword and smashed it to the ground.


There was only a loud bang, and the Imperial Sword, which was still struggling, suddenly became quiet at this time.

Relying on fighting instinct to fight also requires a certain degree of fuzzy consciousness.

But the current Imperial Sword has obviously Completely unconscious.

Sure enough, the Imperial Sword passively released its transformation in the next second. Kenzaki

Kazuma was lying on the ground, looking scarred and completely unconscious, but his life was not in any danger.

Qi Yizhen, the moment Lu Li stood up, he also released the transformation.

The Emperor Sword in its current state was not what Lu Li wanted.

This guy was actually controlled by the fighting instinct when he was fighting. He thought he could enjoy himself. Look. It was still a little late.

Seeing that the smoke and dust around him had not dispersed, Lu Li waved his hand and a gust of wind suddenly blew in.

The smoke and dust in the sky were quickly dissipated.

When he saw Kenzaki Kazuma lying on the ground and Lu Li standing, his heart tightened unconsciously.

Especially Kenzaki Kazuma's body was covered in scars, and he knew the condition was not good at first glance. When Ge Lian arrived, Lu Li did not attack him again.

"Tachibana, I'm looking forward to your Kig.Form. By the way, tell Kazuma Kenzaki for me. If you want to defeat me, you must first resist the influence of the fighting instinct.

The next time he fights me, if he loses consciousness again, don't blame me for being rude.

After saying that, Lu Li disappeared instantly.

Seeing Lu Li disappear without a trace, Ge Lian's nervous mood immediately relaxed.

He knew very well in his heart that even if he wanted to fight Lu Li, there was no way he could deal with Lu Li with his own strength.

Even the Imperial Sword of Kig.Form was unable to deal with Lu Li. He rushed forward on his own initiative, which was no different from delivering food.

Because of what Lu Li said just now, Ge Liandao wasn't too worried about Kenzaki Kazuma's life safety.

This guy seems not satisfied with this battle, and even hopes that he can use Kig.Form. his purpose....what exactly is it?

Just to fight?

Regarding this issue, he has never thought about it until now.

Puzzled, Ge Lian immediately canceled his transformation and ran into the deep pit that was previously created by the Emperor's Sword.

Although it seems that the current condition of the Imperial Sword is not very good, you can feel the steady breathing of the other party and know that it has not been greatly affected.

Silently breathing a sigh of relief, Green immediately helped Kenzaki Kazuma up, preparing to take him back to the previous place.

He had not forgotten Nozomi Yamanaka who had passed out in a coma, and wanted to see how she was doing.

Here, Lu Li suddenly appeared next to Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki.

Seeing Lu Li suddenly appearing, the two of them are now used to it and are not surprised.

"Lu Li, you are so awesome! So strong!"

In the battle just now, Miyuki Yoshinaga felt her blood boiling with excitement.

Of course, just looking excited does not mean that she wants to fight.

Shiromitsu also nodded in agreement.

Her previous goal may have been the category King , and after she had surpassed or even defeated Category King, she had a new goal.

To keep up with Lu Li and become stronger.

She had also thought about whether it was possible for her to grow beyond Lu Li in the future..

This idea has been completely rejected by her.

It is true that she is getting stronger little by little, but Lu Li is also getting stronger.

She only realizes this idea when she thinks that she might be close to him. How ridiculous.

Lu Li never used his full strength from beginning to end. Lu Li was even able to destroy the sealing stone slab as the ruler. This was already considered to be a power comparable to that of a god.

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