"Kenzaki..No! This power cannot be used! ah!.....

Suddenly getting up from the ground, Aikawa Hajime put his hands firmly on the table beside him.

His heart was raging at this time, and the internal power seemed to break free from his restraints, trying to escape from control.

He unconsciously looked at the mirror beside him, and saw that the self in the mirror suddenly changed back to Jokr's appearance.

Hajime Aikawa was immediately startled by this sudden change.

He gritted his teeth and persisted, trying his best to suppress the ambition in his heart.

It's not easy to return to normal human life. If you change back again, you will really miss the mark.

No matter what, he felt that he couldn't change back to his previous appearance!

Falling on the bed, Aikawa Hajime tried his best to suppress the wild explosion in his heart.

Now it's also thanks to Kazuma Kenzaki who got his card back before, otherwise he might have fallen into a state of wild explosion.

Hearing the noise coming from inside the room, Kurihara Amane quickly knocked on the door and shouted

"Brother Shi? What happened inside? Can I help you?"

It's a pity that her question did not receive any response.

At this moment, Aikawa Hajime was busy suppressing the ambition in his heart and had no time to answer Kurihara Amane's question.

After calling several times in succession, he did not receive any response. Kurihara Amane could only worry secretly, but she had no way to open the door.

In desperation, Kurihara Amane could only go to her mother Kurihara Haruka to get the key and prepare to open the locked door.

Aikawa Hajime noticed the situation outside. Not wanting the mother and daughter to see that they couldn't control their wildness, they hurried out of the coffee shop without even having time to say hello.

"Brother Shi! Brother Shi, what happened to you just now? Brother Shi...."

Kurihara Amane could only keep calling from behind, but still didn't get any response.

"cannot! They can't let them see my true appearance, otherwise... otherwise I will be frightened and choose them."

Desperately suppressing the wildness in his heart, Aikawa Hajime drove his motorcycle and quickly rushed to where he felt the Imperial Sword was.

The instinct of struggle and the similarity in power made Aikawa Hajime miserable.

The Imperial Sword rushed forward first. He went up, preparing to suppress Lu Li with powerful force, and then take other actions.

Facing the menacing Imperial Sword, Lu Li acted very calmly. He did not hold any weapon with his bare hands, and the dark gold gauntlet on the back of his hand looked quite impressive. It's ferocious, and there are some sharp thorns on it.


The reawakening sword and the gauntlet collided together, and a dazzling firelight suddenly splashed out.

The splashing firelight illuminated the two...

Emperor���As soon as he came up, he used all his strength, but he couldn't suppress Lu Li.

This battle, he already knew in his heart, would definitely not be easy.

To defeat the opponent, one must not only have strong enough combat power.

In the first wave of collision, neither of the two seemed to be able to defeat the other. There wasn't even a trace left on Lu Li's dark golden gauntlet.

Although Lu Li didn't have any other weapons, the pair of iron fists and the sharp claws in his hands were currently the best weapons.

After the first wave of collision, the battle that broke out next became even more intense.

While the two were fighting, Ge Lian was eyeing the Titan that Lu Li had thrown to the ground.

This guy hasn't lost his fighting ability yet, and Ge Lian doesn't dare to be careless sometimes.

The opponent has been hiding in the dark, but he didn't notice the invisibility ability. It's not too buggy.

Taking advantage of the opponent's invisibility, Ge Lian wanted to deal with the Titan directly.

It was enough that he couldn't deal with Lu Li. Could it be that he couldn't deal with a mere Titan?

Thinking of this, Green immediately launched a fierce attack on Titan.

Taking out a battle ax from nowhere, Titan showed no intention of backing down.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, maybe he can deal with Gren first, and then deal with the other Kamen Riders.

Solving them one by one makes it a little easier for Titan to complete.

Both sides aimed to eradicate each other, and fierce fighting broke out at the same time.

The battlefield is divided into two places.

The battle between Lu Li and the Imperial Sword was obviously more terrifying.

Every collision has a terrifying energy dispersion. When this diffused energy touches the ground, a large amount of gravel will be splashed out from the hard ground.

After several collisions, the Emperor's Sword did not gain the slightest advantage.

It was thought that if he successfully used King.Form, he should have a chance to suppress Lu Li.

But judging from the current battle, the Imperial Sword does not have any advantage during the battle.

As for Lu Li, the fight was actually quite comfortable.

Regardless of whether it was the undead creature of the Great Pocket Worm before, or the Cerberus behind it, there was still a certain gap in combat effectiveness compared to the Imperial Sword.

And because he learned that Lu Li had just killed Kamijo Mutsuki, Imperial Sword's heart was filled with anger.

This also led to a further increase in his combat effectiveness and a more complete integration with the thirteen undead creatures.

Grabbing the Zhongxing Sword with one hand, Lu Li hit the Imperial Sword on the chest with a fierce elbow.


The more powerful force caused the Imperial Sword to move backwards quickly, and the Awakening Sword in his hand could no longer be held, and was snatched away by Lu Li.


His foot slammed on the ground, and the terrifying force directly cracked the hard ground, splashing flying rocks.

Feeling the pain coming from his chest, the Emperor Sword took a deep breath.

Playing with the Awakening Sword in his hand, Lu Li walked towards the Imperial Sword step by step.

"Come again!!"

Imperial Sword clenched his fist tightly and rushed towards Lu Li again.

Even if he lost his weapon, it would not make him unable to fight.

Facing the menacing punch, Lu Li casually grabbed the Imperial Sword's fist and used the other one. The hand holding the reawakening sword was not slow at all, and he slashed it down quickly

"Pila! Pila!!"

Two consecutive heavy blows, directly hitting the chest of the Imperial Sword.

Sparks burst out from the chest. The Imperial Sword would have retreated or even fallen due to inertia.

But Lu Li did not give him a chance to push away, holding on When he held his fist, he didn't loosen it at all. He grabbed the Imperial Sword forcefully.


With the roar of the Imperial Sword, the other free hand suddenly clenched and hit Lu Li's head.

Turning slightly to one side, Lu Li easily dodged the attack of the Imperial Sword, and took advantage of the Imperial Sword's inertia to hit the front. In the gap, Lu Li raised his leg and hit

Emperor Sword's abdomen with a swift knee.


Only a scream was heard, and the emperor's sword was pushed out like a cannonball.

"The power is enough, but your speed is a little slower."

The Imperial Sword is indeed very good, with strong attack and defense power, but its speed is relatively weak.

It fell to the ground in a very embarrassed manner.

The Imperial Sword is worthy of having a strong defensive power, even if it is beaten In this case, he would not be forced to cancel the transformation.

He threw the reawakening sword over and after spinning it in the air for many times, he inserted it directly not far from the imperial sword and stood up. Emperor Jian's eyes were fixed on Lu Li. He did not give up.

He had to win this battle no matter what!

The dull pain in his abdomen did not frighten him, but instead aroused his heart.

But at this moment, the Imperial Sword suddenly stopped moving, as if it was frozen in place.


Lu Li was quite surprised when he saw the motionless Imperial Sword. He didn't quite understand what happened to the other party.

But then, the Imperial Sword stood up again, and it seemed that there was no pain on his body.

"Is this out of control?"

Of course Lu Li knew what was going on.

Although the Imperial Sword has very powerful power, the Imperial Sword said that it was not just the Kig that was fused, but thirteen undead creatures.

If human consciousness is not strong enough, Under such circumstances , there is no way to control this power.

When it is unable to control this power, the subconscious mind or fighting instinct in the body will usually help the Imperial Sword fight.

"No consciousness anymore? It doesn't matter, the result is the same anyway."

Clicking his fingers lightly, Lu Li was not worried that the Imperial Sword at this time would threaten him.

The Imperial Sword, which fights by instinct or subconscious, cannot improve its combat effectiveness due to emotional fluctuations. It is quite stable.

An Imperial Sword Drawing out the Zhongxing Sword beside him, he strode toward Lu Li in a fashionable manner.

His whole body was exuding a cold aura, and the feeling of being a human being was completely gone.


The terrifying sword slash was even more powerful than the sword swing just now. Lu Li was observing the changes in the Imperial Sword at this time.

Although he was fighting on his own, his reaction speed was not slow at all, and his combat effectiveness increased. a little.....Please give me flowers 0.

It’s just a little bit, and it can’t threaten Lu Li.

Easily dodging the blows of the Emperor's Sword, Lu Li took advantage of the Emperor's Sword to swing again and suddenly got closer.


Then there was a cannon punch, which directly hit the Emperor Sword's chest, sending the Emperor Sword flying away.

Before the Emperor Sword could hit the ground, Lu Li suddenly appeared behind him, turned around and kicked him directly with a roundhouse kick. On the back.

Under the influence of this powerful force, the Emperor Sword flew directly into the air and rushed upwards.

The whole process was very fast, giving the Emperor Sword no time to react.

At some point, Lu Li appeared in front of the Emperor Sword. Above. You must know that this is in the sky. Even if you fall from it, it will be very uncomfortable.

The Imperial Sword instinctively wanted to reduce the damage it suffered as much as possible.

From a distance, you could see a golden stream of light falling from the sky, and in just the blink of an eye, you heard a loud noise.


The violent noise distracted Ge Lian, who was fighting the Titans.

When he saw the intact Lu Li in the sky, he knew that there must be something wrong with the Emperor Sword.

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