He felt that his choice was right.

When he heard this answer, Lu Li was not surprised at all. It could even be said that he had guessed that the other party would answer this way.

This guy just got into it.

He was determined to save Kamijo Mutsuki, but when he couldn't save Kamijo Mutsuki, he seemed not ready to give up.

Lenger, who had just hit the bridge pier and fell down hard, barely stood up.

But before he could make any move, he was restrained by a powerful force and dragged towards Lu Li.

"hateful! let me go!

Constantly struggling and roaring, Lenger hoped to break free in this way, but unfortunately it was to no avail.

Pulled by a strong force, Leng Ge was finally pulled to Lu Li.

Looking down at him from a high position, Lu Li looked like a cold emperor with cold eyes.

I don't know if it was because of fear or something else, but Lenger's roaring voice finally became quiet.

Now Lian Ge is in Lu Li's hands, and if the Wolf Spider Undead wants to save him, he must defeat Lu Li.

Yes, that was Lu Li's original plan.

Since the Wolf Spider Undead is unwilling to fight, force him to fight and let him use his full strength.

Under pressure, the fighting power of the undead wolf spider creature may be stronger, but it's not certain!

In order to be able to fight the last type of King, Lu Li really worked hard.

Liang Geer probably didn't expect that he would become Lu Li's hostage.

It was so embarrassing that he was thrown into grandma’s house!

Not only did he fail to seal the type King, he was even caught by Lu Li.

He keeps saying that he is the strongest knight, but he doesn't seem to show it at all.

On the contrary, he always looked very embarrassed in front of Lu Li.

Seeing that Lu Li had already controlled Lenger, the Wolf Spider Undead sighed slightly in his heart.

"Mr. Lu, let Mutue go, I will agree to whatever you want."

At this moment, he knew that he had no choice.

If Lu Li really wanted to take action against Liang Ge, he would have been dead long ago.

The reason why he has not taken action is probably for himself and for..give yourself a shot!

"good! As expected of you, I think you should have guessed what I want you to do.

It's very simple, I don't need you to do anything for me, I just want you to use all your strength to fight with me, that's all.

During the Extreme Battle, I had contact with other types of Kig, and even had fierce battles, but I had never met you.

Then take this opportunity and let me see your power.

With Lenger as a hostage, Lu Li didn't believe that the undead Wolf Spider creature could still sit still. Since it couldn't sit still, the next battle would inevitably start as Lu Li predicted.

"asshole! Let me go quickly, I'm not your hostage! open!

Lian Geer was bound by telekinesis and could not break free at all, and could not even use the power of the card.

He could do nothing now but roar incompetently.

The will of the spider undead feels very oppressive.

I thought that since I had become the strongest knight, I could easily seal the undead, but now it seems that this is a joke.

The strongest knight is only relative, it does not mean that he is the strongest.

Lu Li would not get used to Lenger who was always roaring and chattering in his ears.


I waved my hand casually, and an invisible force instantly hit Lenger's face, knocking him unconscious on the spot with strong force.

Since I was already unconscious, I could not continue to maintain the transformed state, and the purple light The curtain automatically popped up and passed directly through Lenger's body, canceling the transformation.

Looking at the unconscious Mutsuki Kamijo, Lu Li calmly threw it out with a wave of his hand, and landed accurately on the city light not far away. in front of

"Cheng Guang, keep an eye on this guy, don't let him get away.

Without him, Category King would not fight me with all his strength."

Hearing this, Chengguang, who had his arms around his chest, lowered his head and glanced at Kamijo Mutsuki, who was lying unconscious on the ground, and rolled his eyes helplessly.

What is this?

It's just that you don't bring yourself with you in a fight, but you actually let yourself be treated as such. Nanny!

That’s too much!

But the person who asked her to do this was Lu Li. She didn’t say anything even if she had a small opinion.

"Got it, I'll take a fancy to this guy."

For Mutsuki Kamijo, a little brat who can't even control his own power, Shiromitsu can't help but look down on him from the bottom of his heart. He can't even control his own power, and his spirit is even controlled by Ace. He's a complete loser. Chai.

Seeing that Lu Li actually threw Kamijo Mutsuki to Chengguang, the Wolf Spider Undead's heart suddenly sank.

Originally, he just wanted to pretend to agree to Lu Li and then find a way to rescue Kamijo Mutsuki, but he didn't expect Lu Li to see through it at a glance. This means that this battle seems to be inevitable.

If possible, he really hopes to avoid any battle, but now it is unavoidable.

"Shima Noboru, can the battle between us begin now?"

Lu Li couldn't wait.

Lu Li was very curious as to how high the combat power of the Wolf Spider Undead creature could be among the four Kig categories.

Taking a deep breath, the Wolf Spider Undead Creature, which had been trying to avoid fighting, was forced to enter. Fighting posture.

Lu Li took out an awakening card. On this awakening card, there were three purple dinosaur core coins.

When he saw that Lu Li actually took out an awakening card that he had never seen before, The original suspicion of the Wolf Spider Undead was confirmed.

Previously, the Wolf Spider Undead had noticed that Lu Li was not only an anomaly, but also probably possessed powers that other undead creatures did not have.

This is the best proof.

A golden awakening device appeared on his waist, and Lu Li casually crossed the card in his hand.


"Change! Pu.To.Tyra!"

When the card passed through the Awakening Device, three purple core coins appeared out of thin air, blooming with a coquettish purple light surrounding Lu Li's body.

Finally, they merged into one and were printed directly on his chest.

The next second, a purple core coin appeared. The knight appeared in front of the undead Wolf Spider, exuding a bit of coldness, giving people a very cold feeling. The Undead Wolf Spider didn't dare to be careless at all.

You can tell by the aura it exudes that this battle is not going to be easy.

"bring it on."

Lu Li curled his fingers lightly, as if he was provoking the undead Wolf Spider.

Seeing this, the Undead Wolf Spider couldn't help but look at Mutsuki Kamijo.

After noticing the eyes of the Undead Wolf Spider, Cheng Guang stepped on his feet. On Kamijo Mutsuki's back

"Just concentrate on fighting and I won't do anything to him. You should know what I mean."


With a slight sigh, the undead Wolf Spider suddenly turned around and rushed towards Lu Li.

Since he had no choice, he had no choice but to fight!

The hook weapon in his right hand had extraordinary terrifying cutting power, and the attack was coming instantly.


The sharp claws collided with the armor on Lu Li's arm, making a crisp sound and sparks flying.

He punched out with a punch and went straight to the chest of the undead Wolf Spider.

Of course, the Undead Wolf Spider would not sit still and wait for death, and quickly raised the weapon With his left hand, he used his elbow to block Lu Li's heavy blow, and punched the undead Wolf Spider on the elbow. The powerful force directly forced him back several meters.

The confrontation between the two just lasted only for a moment, and it was at this moment. , the strength between the two people has already differentiated.

Looking at Lu Li warily, the Wolf Spider Undead has obviously understood that he definitely has no way to suppress Lu Li in terms of strength, so he can only start from the beginning. Start with other things.

He suddenly raised his left hand and immediately sprayed out a powerful spider silk...Asking for flowers....

Lu Li didn't even try to dodge, he simply blocked it with the spider silk wrapped around his arms and the armor on his body.

It became so clear that it was certainly impossible for the Wolf Spider Undead to miss this perfect opportunity to attack.

It came quickly and launched a more powerful attack.

However, the Wolf Spider Undead still underestimated Lu Li.

Although what he fired had very strong binding force, for Lu Li, such binding force had no effect at all.


The claws cut the air crazily and headed straight for Lu Li's head.

It looked like the Wolf Spider Undead wanted to resolve the battle as soon as possible.

The keen senses told the Wolf Spider Undead that if this war was not ended as soon as possible, I'm afraid... He will definitely lose.

He doesn't care whether he wins or loses this battle, but he must protect Uejo Mutsuki.

"Well done!"

Lu Li smiled coldly, and the gust of wind spikers on his shoulders stabbed out instantly.

He was about to suddenly attack the undead Wolf Spider creature, but he obviously didn't expect that Lu Li had such a weapon on his shoulders.

But at this time, it was too late to dodge. Since you can't hide, just block the hook that's about to attack.


The spikes of the Gust Stinger hit the hook claw, and a terrifying force directly blasted the undead Wolf Spider out instantly.

Fortunately, the Undead Wolf Spider reacted in time enough, otherwise it would have been his body that was stabbed.

Even though the type Kig has extraordinary defense, it will not be much better if it is stabbed by this powerful force and spikes. After a backflip and falling to the ground, the undead Wolf Spider staggered back a few steps....


Even though he had already known that Lu Li was a very difficult opponent, when the fight actually started, he realized that his chances of winning were very slim.

Suddenly, the Wolf Spider Undead's eyes suddenly froze because he noticed two obvious marks on his hook claws.

To be able to leave such deep marks on the hook is enough to show that the opponent's attack is very terrifying.

On Lu Li's side, the Gust Stinger automatically took it back after the attack was completed.

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